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What are people doing in PoF?

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me doing? getting angry with this xpack. getting killed everywere, mounts are useless i get dismounted everywere. if i am in big group i am always the one who get hit by traps who are not visable. this game is just trolling the customers it has just only make them angry. this zones you cant explore at your own. and zone that has to be discovered you dont know the way. get attacked everywere every mob. its just a rage xpack. the desolation utter trash. i am a solo player but since release i only have played in crystal deserd and today i thought i go to other zones for exploring and mastery points but what a big fail again. the one who make this zones are immortal like every game the game masters have buffs so they cant die. but for fair players its impossible without getting angry. i thought nice new xpack i buy deluxe edition to have some fun for a long time but only good is crystal deserd. storys are not normal too much trash talk. story for half hour 5 minute mission and 25 minutes stuped talk that i dont understand i dont know the lore or storys i want it skipable. its a big frustration the story. i want it for mastery points nothing more.

sure if you like your made story and you think its fantastic yes be happy but dont share it to ppl that dont care storys. everyone may have fun in a game and ppl who dont like it cant skip it. i am only at the third part of the story and i want for a fix for dialogs skipable. ppl get much disconnects in storys and have to do them all over again but if you cut the talk out of it you can get it done in few minutes and so less risk for disconnect and do all over again.


srry to be bad but this is my opinion and nothing more


after this post i got revved by another player i thank him so i go to the hero points where i died. i got attacked i kill the mob then another mob i attack it and i nearly died. and the mobs also nearly died. WHAT HAPPEN a kitten veteran spawn near me and he killed me om*g what a game. you only want our money we can forget our nice game pleasure. this is just make ppl angry and if they like me post our frustration here we get an infraction. its nothing more then irl if you make ppl angry they swear. please make it a better game and dont program it like this. even if a map full of mobs looks cool on screenshot, it dont must be a hell for the players. we keep your company alive and we get this back.

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I have yet to fully map Domain of Vabbi, kinda needed a break after finishing Desolation (initial TD levels of frustration to find your way around first run). I've been working on the elite spec unlocks , got engi and guardian done, and halfway through with necro and ele now. Tagging bounties when I catch groups for them, as I only seem to get a pitiful 2 elegy mosaics per legendary and I really want a bow.

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> @titje.2745 said:

> after this post i got revved by another player i thank him so i go to the hero points where i died. i got attacked i kill the mob then another mob i attack it and i nearly died. and the mobs also nearly died. WHAT HAPPEN a kitten veteran spawn near me and he killed me om*g what a game. you only want our money we can forget our nice game pleasure. this is just make ppl angry and if they like me post our frustration here we get an infraction. its nothing more then irl if you make ppl angry they swear. please make it a better game and dont program it like this. even if a map full of mobs looks cool on screenshot, it dont must be a hell for the players. we keep your company alive and we get this back.


Luckily I've been exploring on my Warrior so I haven't had quite as much trouble as you, but I totally agree about the HPs. There are some that it is just not worth trying to do without a lot of ppl around because of the wandering mobs that join the fight. There is one HP in Elon Riverlands where I always seem to attract AT LEAST one, sometimes 2 hydras in the middle of the fight. What a pain for just a HP!


As for the OP, I'm with many of those posting here: taking my time through the story because the first few days were buggy and laggy. I have plenty left to do.

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> @"Tony Nova.1832" said:

> To be honest, the biggest lure for me was to unlock the raptor and gather enough hero points so i can play the new elite specs. I find the PoF maps, although gorgeous and very interesting to look at, to be full of trash mobs with huge agro ranges that kind of ruin exploring the area for me. I have been spending more and more time in Tyria knocking out world completion there.


I second that. Just no fun. Yea, I get that heaps can do it, but heaps are having issues as well.

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Finishing the last few bounties I haven't managed to kill at least once, finding still more holes to fall into and discover things, working on the collections, helping guildmates with things they're stuck on, doing events I haven't already done a hundred times, talking to NPCs...

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next fail discovered. poi chantry of shadows mastery point, take a gun and kill something. i go there and the door closed behind me so i everytime have to take waypoint. the mesmer portal thing there only works to get outside. the mastery npc said if you lose the gun you can get a new one for free. but door close so i have to teleport from wp again. and after few minutes of tries all mobs despawn and i cant get further. i dont know whats to point of this but i feel i cant enjoy the game like i did in heart of thorns. in pof i get angry with every mastery i try. chef is also a fail. missing ingrediant throws and off targetting. and he walks away when i throw.

pls put something in gem story like waypoint pack but then pof mastery pack for 5 euro because its not worth more. paid 80 euro for pof so i want this for free.

heart of thorns was so much better. just a jp and loot the mastery and not so bad made missions without explanation.


i serious have to put on music to calm me down when playing guild wars 2 path of anger. its not normal...

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I found PoF maps really light on exploration. I did map completion on one and the rewards are same as LS3 maps (waste of time). When I farm solo, I usually go to a dense area and kill mobs. I have done bounty train a couple of times. Not fun. Bounties are lame if you have more than 10-12 people. They are not designed for large groups like DS or SW.


I think PoF maps are the worst so far. Some sparks of fun here and there, but mostly flat and empty, like a desert...


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I don't get everything done at once. I already did the story, got the griffon, but now I still have mastery points and elites to work on. For each new character who reaches 80, I go back to these maps, including HoT. I'm not going to stop going to them just because I'm done with one character. They add extra variety for me in how I feel like playing that day.

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I am still playing the game as a whole. I am enjoying every aspect. My other half and I just finished LS2 and HoT on one char each, we are working on LS3 together. We have done the first part of PoF just to get access to the new areas but we will not rush anything. We both have SOS (shiny object syndrome) which means that while we are doing one thing something else pops up and we get distracted and go do an event or whatever (even if we had already done about 50 times, lol) until we remember what we were there for in the first place.

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There just isnt anything new and interesting to do than riding a mount around empty maps just to do boring, zero reward achievs which can be done in just a few days. What does a vteran player do in PoF? Checked all achievs and collections on wiki and there isnt anything interesting to go for? Items rewarded by achieves are just shitty useless lore items, beside the story's THREE NON STAT SELECTABLE Amulets wtf...... what the hell? Did i mention a 100 useless ugly minis as achiev rewards, omg... Basic collections are useless ugly back skins cmon... that cape backitem clipping with every newly added armor set, BUT at least there are ascended versions... new PoF "Rare" collections are a joke as well rewarding the useless 2012 exotic armor items. The only useful and fun thing to go for in the expack is the griffon mount. Specialization collections are the same stat lacking shit we had in HoT.... Bounty trains are boring, too easy and ofc...a waste of time. Could of have added some better loot to them at least the legendary ones lol (Ascended boxes, ascended mats, COMBAT tonics, RARE skins - each legendary having a unique one etc, wahtever.... just think of something that at least LOOKS like a reward...). Or that Festive Confetti infusion dropping on a 0,00000001% chance from a extremely easy 1111 spam boss... very fun. The 2 easy meta events in Deso or Vabbi are too easy and by being too easy they have 0 rewards aswell. Playing through PoF felt like playing through low lvl core maps+mounts. Bounty hunter armor skins are the only well designed skins in PoF, could craft them... but... what do i do with my character then? continue farming SW, HoT metas till 2020? i bought PoF to play it and earn rewards while playing in those new good looking maps.

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Well.... I got my Griffon on Saturday (took pretty much all day). Yesterday I did casino blitz a couple time times. Got my butt handed to me by a number of bounties. And finished getting the mastery points in Crystal Oasis and Desert Highlands. I think I have 1 or 2 to go in Elon Riverlands. Then I still need to do Vabbi and the Desolation. Obviously doing some mapping along that way cause...hey, need that xp for my mastery bars.


Once I'm done with those, I'll take a look at other achievements that don't have associated mastery points. And I'd like to look into what I need to do to get the new armor skins. And I still have to unlock 5 of the elite specs, which means Hero Point hunting. Still have plenty to do.


Toss in there my bouts of wvw and spvp.... yup, plenty to do.

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I'm slowly working on achievements and the griffon, but the 1 point achievement rewards are not exactly encouraging. I see no reason not to give more fulsome rewards like 3,5 and 10 more consistently than just 1. I can understand it for tiering purposes, but when a gold medal for an adventure is worth a single point, that does not feel right.



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Today I loged in, saw a desolation bounty + crusible of eternity in dailies, and loged out. Don't even know if I will bother with loging in tomorrow. Maybe when I'll feel an urge to play some world bossed/HoT metas/fractals/raids with friends. But not the PoF. That thing is just plain boring. Nothing to see here, citizen, move along.

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This kind of thread is always going to be highly subjective. What people say will depend on how much their personal interests overlap with what the expac provides. Since you asked, this is what I'm doing or would like to do in the expac. It's not all there is to do, it's just my to-do list:


- Collecting all the mounts and training them up

- Exploring and mapping the highly scenic new maps (sailing down a sulpherous river on a skimmer? Hell yeah!)

- Doing all the races (they're actually good and fun to repeat)

- Doing all the supply runs (these are suprisingly fun too)

- Completing all the achievements (yes, some rewards aren't as good as they can be, but many of the achievements are fun to do, regardless of reward)

- Completing the collections

- Story (this time there are actually some likeable characters and moving moments)

- Training up the elite specs for all nine classes

- Casino coins blitz

- Getting into Augury rock

- Getting all the bounties at least once

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> @"Zoltar MacRoth.7146" said:

> This kind of thread is always going to be highly subjective. What people say will depend on how much their personal interests overlap with what the expac provides. Since you asked, this is what I'm doing or would like to do in the expac. It's not all there is to do, it's just my to-do list:


> - Collecting all the mounts and training them up

> - Exploring and mapping the highly scenic new maps (sailing down a sulpherous river on a skimmer? Hell yeah!)

> - Doing all the races (they're actually good and fun to repeat)

> - Doing all the supply runs (these are suprisingly fun too)

> - Completing all the achievements (yes, some rewards aren't as good as they can be, but many of the achievements are fun to do, regardless of reward)

> - Completing the collections

> - Story (this time there are actually some likeable characters and moving moments)

> - Training up the elite specs for all nine classes

> - Casino coins blitz

> - Getting into Augury rock

> - Getting all the bounties at least once


While this is a great list and I agree with it; none of it has any long-game repeatability. All off these can be done in a week or two (if fast player) or a month or two if taking your time. What comes after?

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