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About Drakkar's concept art...


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Idk if this is supposes to go to the lore section, it will reference Drakkar from gw1 but not the champion's lore necessarily, just the concept art.


With that out of the way, how come its so diff from the original Drakkar and why does it look like a ground based Monster rather than an aquatic one?


The original clearly has the look of a lake monster with limbs better fitting the sea than solid ground. Even further than that it seems like a completely diff beast on its own, concept art wise i like what i see but i just cant see Drakkar in this. (it could be maybe used as inspiration for a diff champion down the line instead?)


I also feel like a dragon encounter with players on a small-ish (big enough for zergs) ice island in the middle of the sea with Drakkar emerging from the icy cold waters to attack us then going back down in the depths to ambush us from a diff place would make for a pretty unique fight.


Or something comppetely diff, maybe anet introducing uw mechanics to it as well, like players going uw to place mines to force Drakkar to come to the surface or smth. Or players manning and firing cannons on top of charr, norm and kodan ships to wound the monster, really u could do w/e.


Would like to hear more ppl's opinions on this, esp how gw1 players and fans feel with the new design.


Also, before i forget, you posted a new design of that wooden, fleshy, bone-y creature on your blogpost, this seems more detailed and nice, but, i feel like the face of the one u showed at the event was scarrier and ominous, esp the lack of eyes made it look terrifying. I feel like the face of the blog post design as cool as is it makes it less scary than the live event one (esp the glowing eyes and that the face itself looks like that of a charr rather than a deer).



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One thing I found interesting, was this comparison:






I mean... could it be, that the thing at the bottom of Drakkar lake was always Jormag itself, not its champion?


(By the way, I **LOVE** the concept art for the boneskinner!)

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> @"Fundor.2098" said:

> One thing I found interesting, was this comparison:


> https://wiki.guildwars.com/images/a/ae/Drakkar.jpg

> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/5/57/The_Icebrood_Saga_trailer_reveal.jpg

> https://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/gwwikia/images/b/bf/Drakkar_body.jpg


> I mean... could it be, that the thing at the bottom of Drakkar lake was always Jormag itself, not its champion?


> (By the way, I **LOVE** the concept art for the boneskinner!)


Honestly it wouldn't surprise me if the person in charge of Jormag's design had a bunch of references (icebrood and other Jormag related things) and thought that was meant to be him. I don't know how many people from GW1 are still around at ANet.

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I don't remember ever seeing previous concept art for Drakkar, just what's in GW1, where the limbs are basically just spikes. But my understanding is it's not necessarily an aquatic creature, it just happens to have ended up at the bottom of a lake, just like how Kralkatorrik ended up buried in rubble and mistaken for a mountain for a long time even though he's nothing to do with earth.


I'm surprised by that concept art because the shape of the head is totally different and the limbs appear to be in different places, but I think it's hard to say what the GW1 version's limbs would be for because they're basically just spikes coming out of the body, they don't look like they'd be much use for any form of propulsion. (I assume they didn't spend much time on the model, knowing it wasn't intended to ever be clearly visible.)

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Drakkar always creeped the heck out of me whenever I'd walk over that frozen lake and see it underneath, brrr...

The very fact that it had that creepy-looking head and the 'scythe-like' limbs made it beyond scary imo.

I really hope they stick to the original idea in making him look as creepy as he was in GW1.

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