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Are Raids Gone for Good? Will Strikes Replace Raids?

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> @"Anhellbro.7210" said:

> > @"Zacchary.6183" said:

> > If they could get rid of the toxicity in Raids, more people would play raids. Same thing with PvP.


> you play badly> you do not learn> other dislike this > others are toxic and you are prince?


More like the excessive reqs imposed by l33t groups


Most raiders be like "you need to be at least 1m tall to use this ride, so please provide proof that your 2m tall"

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> @"Konrad Curze.5130" said:

> > @"Anhellbro.7210" said:

> > > @"Zacchary.6183" said:

> > > If they could get rid of the toxicity in Raids, more people would play raids. Same thing with PvP.

> >

> > you play badly> you do not learn> other dislike this > others are toxic and you are prince?


> More like the excessive reqs imposed by l33t groups


> Most raiders be like "you need to be at least 1m tall to use this ride, so please provide proof that your 2m tall"


I see nothing wrong with people deciding how they spend their play time? If people want to ride the ride with others who are 2m tall only who is anyone to say they aren't allow to do just that even if you only need to be 1m to ride it?


This is one of the things strike helps to alleviate since its said to have some kind of grouping system. But I can see specific groups being formed for them and then the above still applies.

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I dont think they will replace raids, since the idea, acknowledged by the presentation was that Strike Mission will fill the gap between T4 fractals and Raids. In my opinion they'll most likely leech some of the experience from the Raid team to get started, but they wont monopolize it.

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> @"Neo Mortem.3627" said:

> They never mentioned Raids, only that Strikes are lead-ins to Raids. It should be important to note that I don't raid anymore and that when I did, I didn't raid much. But this seems to be a concern for raiders, especially to those that want more than one or two raids a year. So... Are raids gone for good?


That’s a good question. Nothing led me to this, but I figured ‘strikes’ would be away for people to start to be introduced to Raids. Kind of as a tutorial.


Again, nothing directed me there, just a general sense.


(Probably just pushing my hopes into a feeling.. ?)

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True, but instead of leaving it vague, they should have elaborated or reassured the community that they would still be developing raid content. Likewise, fractals were also ignored. During the announcement, there was a misleading notion that the prologue would be free, but failed to mention if the other episodes would be free like they've been. Of course, this information was elaborated and explained in the blog post, but once again failed to mention raids or reassure the community. If any dev could reassure the community now that raids will still be happening during the Saga, that would be great for a lot of people. So the missing information feels... needed. There was also nothing pertaining to if Strikes will unlock raid content, open the door to a new raid, offer raid masteries. It's this sort of information ANet can't really be vague on but have done so for some weird reason. Surprise? Who knows...


I'm interested in the idea of Strikes, but I'm also hoping they won't be similar Raids in terms of people having to wear a certain build or bring a certain class. That's what they're trying to avoid right? The toxicity in Raids will continue to exist, and maybe even grow when Build Templates releases if PUGs are required to share their build, but that's an entirely different topic that I don't want to touch. That being said, I think ANet is right that the level of difficulty and complexity steers people from raids first before the toxicity mentioned previously.


I'm getting off track though. If any dev that sees this can just... I don't know... Reassure us, or rather the community, that Raids are still going to be created in the future, that would be great. I don't even care if no date or window is mentioned when the next raid is happening; I just want to know if new raids will be made.

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> @"Neo Mortem.3627" said:

> So... Are raids gone for good?


I sure hope so. There are game modes that have to go so that others can get more resources dedicated to them. They dumped Dungeons a long time ago (which was a shame at the time), now it's time to dump Fractals and Raids, IMO. Let those people work on PvE/story, WvW and QoL updates instead. That way we will get more frequent updates in those departments.


Also, let's be honest: some great story ideas used for raids could have been implemented elsewhere, because that game mode merely consists of challenging fights, story is wasted there. I would have loved to learn about Saul D'Alessio's fate in PvE story mode, or enter the realm of the djinn to explore and quest, etc.

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It's hard to say, as we know little about Strike Missions. The most likely scenario is that Strike Mission development will be taken out of the resources for open world PvE development, and raids will (gallop/walk/limp) along at whatever pace ANet sets. After all, Strikes look to be for players who are not currently raiding. That's the open PvE audience, for the most part.

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It's notable that they didn't mention raids or fractals in their plans, it's possible that strikes will be it for the foreseeable future. It's also notable that back in April they said:


> We are taking the opportunity now to reorganize ourselves into four fully staffed content teams with additional teams dedicated to supporting the core game like Skills and Balance, Rewards, WvW, and sPvP.


No mention of a raid or fractal team. In that post they talked about putting the final polish on the raid wing that was in development but there was no mention of raids or fractals in their future plans either back then or in the recent announcement.


It's possible that they just consider raids and fractals to be an obvious part of their LS plans and didn't think it necessary to mention them but it's doubtful. I doubt they will tell you one way or the other though.


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Raids should stay - there will always be players who want really challenging group content which at the moment is raids which asks the most you can get out of your class and I like that idea and it is very rewarding to finish raids


Strike missions is also a great idea implemented by ANET for players who don't or can't get into raiding but want that similar experience


I'd say depending on the success of strike missions, ANET will most likely work off the statistics and work on which ever is successful


Hopefully raids are not dumped completely

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> @"Konrad Curze.5130" said:

> More like the excessive reqs imposed by l33t groups


> Most raiders be like "you need to be at least 1m tall to use this ride, so please provide proof that your 2m tall"


The fault here lies with ArenaNet, not making Li's, LD's and KP, a currency that you *Cannot* link.

there's never been a game, that had difficult content, with things you can show off to prove you know what you're doing, that didn't have people asking for that proof.


Don't blame raiders for the stupid design choices of the person who decided these things should be something you can ping and show off.

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> @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > @"Neo Mortem.3627" said:

> > They never mentioned Raids, only that Strikes are lead-ins to Raids. It should be important to note that I don't raid anymore and that when I did, I didn't raid much. But this seems to be a concern for raiders, especially to those that want more than one or two raids a year. So... Are raids gone for good?


> That’s a good question. Nothing led me to this, but I figured ‘strikes’ would be away for people to start to be introduced to Raids. Kind of as a tutorial.


> Again, nothing directed me there, just a general sense.


> (Probably just pushing my hopes into a feeling.. ?)


No, you're correct, that's basically what they said...Strikes are to get people used to doing bosses like you would find in a Raid, only in the Open World and without all the other parts of a Raid.

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> @"Sigmoid.7082" said:

> > @"Madja.1369" said:

> > I hope so. Maybe strike missions will actually allow you to play your favoured class and specs instead of a small handful of actual viable ones.


> Wouldn't be so sure.


Funny most of the raids I have been in (guild raids yes) have not had only few viable classes. The only necessity was to have sufficient dps if you are dps (no dooing less damage then the healer), sufficient heals, or a tank that knows what they are doing. I have worked with chrono tanks, druid tanks, guardian tanks, warrior tanks, etc. I have worked with ele healers, druid healers, guardian healers, necro "healers ." I have worked with just about every dps under the sun including having condi in non-condi fights. These where all able to finish a boss.

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"Neo Mortem.3627" said:

> > So... Are raids gone for good?


> I sure hope so. There are game modes that have to go so that others can get more resources dedicated to them. They dumped Dungeons a long time ago (which was a shame at the time), now it's time to dump Fractals and Raids, IMO. Let those people work on PvE/story, WvW and QoL updates instead. That way we will get more frequent updates in those departments.


> Also, let's be honest: some great story ideas used for raids could have been implemented elsewhere, because that game mode merely consists of challenging fights, story is wasted there. I would have loved to learn about Saul D'Alessio's fate in PvE story mode, or enter the realm of the djinn to explore and quest, etc.


That is the worst idea i have ever seen on these forums. Dump raids and fracs, what about the people that dont wvw should they dump that too for them? THERE WILL BE NOTHING LEFT OF THIS GAME YOU START PICKING OFF GAME MODES.


Im going to say also that, i dont know how people can play a game day in and day out that has such limited things to do. That and the fact that most of you griping about raids should be removed because you dont do them..you know thats the equivalent of raiders and wvw'ers saying remove lws and hearts we dont like or do them.


I just dont see how anyone can play a game and not the whole. I do a little of everything i would be bored out of my skull if i didnt.

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> @"Tiviana.2650" said:

> That is the worst idea i have ever seen on these forums.


You're welcome. ;)


> Dump raids and fracs, what about the people that dont wvw should they dump that too for them?


There are enough of those already while a game mode like WvW hasn't had anything truly fresh brought to it in years (a mount doesn't make up for a lack of new, cycling maps or new directives or anything else that would breathe fresh air into that mode). And the main part of GW is and has always been story and exploration, which is why the more content in that department the better. So, while the game might lose a small part of its community that would walk away enraged, it would also satisfy others and even bring in some new people I am sure. There is an upside to everything.




There will be nothing left of this game if you stop neglecting game modes. There need to be priorities set. That's just my opinion, of course.


> Im going to say also that, i dont know how people can play a game day in and day out that has such limited things to do.


Those game modes wouldn't go away, they would just not be updated anymore (or for a while). The other modes would profit from it for sure.

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"Tiviana.2650" said:

> > That is the worst idea i have ever seen on these forums.


> You're welcome. ;)


> > Dump raids and fracs, what about the people that dont wvw should they dump that too for them?


> There are enough of those already while a game mode like WvW hasn't had anything truly fresh brought to it in years (a mount doesn't make up for a lack of new, cycling maps or new directives or anything else that would breathe fresh air into that mode). And the main part of GW is and has always been story and exploration, which is why the more content in that department the better. So, while the game might lose a small part of its community that would walk away enraged, it would also satisfy others and even bring in some new people I am sure. There is an upside to everything.




> There will be nothing left of this game if you stop neglecting game modes. There need to be priorities set. That's just my opinion, of course.


> > Im going to say also that, i dont know how people can play a game day in and day out that has such limited things to do.


> Those game modes wouldn't go away, they would just not be updated anymore (or for a while). The other modes would profit from it for sure.


Good lord, you do realize you are going to lose a big part of the players doing this right? How can you be this naive , cherry picking game modes is the dumbest thing a game company can do. You will cut off your nose to spite your face and lose in the end.

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