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Can we get official Anet sponsored PvP again?


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ESL was great for many reason, but mainly it gave the hardcore players something to fight over. It makes the game feel like it's actually alive and growing. When the game first launched, and throughout the life of ESL, esports were still in their grass roots stage and only started to catch on. Now they're at the point where the esports industry makes more then the NBA. I really do think Gw2 has the potential to turn it around, because the gameplay is there, and it does have passionate players that love the game.


I know there's a lot of salty people that complain about PvP and say it's unbalanced. The truth is, if you play any other MMOs, Gw2 is still the best one in terms of PvP by a long shot. The close second would be WoW, which actually has pretty well casted PvP tournaments that prove MMO PvP can bring viewers. In terms of PvP, the rest of the MMOs basically are competition with each other in the special olympics with it really just being an after thought.


We don't need massive prize pools for PvP to be hype again. ArenaNet support really does go a long way in giving hope to the community, and we really only hear from Ben who does a wonderful job, but he's only one person that can do so much.


My suggestion: When 2v2/3v3 ATs are all sorted out, it would be nice if ArenaNet actually casted some games like back in the ESL days. People want something to boast there ego. Even if the prizes are just gems, that would be enough. Also Anet really needs to double down on Twitch. Their attempts feel weak with just some developers who barely play their own game, going around and pressing 1 on doors in WvW. the Twitch has loot drops now, maybe have twitch loot boxes drop loot for watching streams? Also, maybe even a Twitch Prime partnership like Fortnite did, which was crazy successful.


To the other players who don't believe PvP can come back, you should look at Smash Bros Melee as an example. The game had a small scene, and when the sequel came out, the scene was on life support and was very quiet. Then came a documentary for the game, then tournaments became more common, and despite being a 15 year old GameCube game, it still became EVOs most watched game. If a really old GameCube game can come back from death to be one of the most popular export games, I truly believe that Gw2 can come back, especially while esports just continues to grow.


Something extra I wish for, but probably won't happen: It'd be nice if the spectator was improved a bit to show characters more clearly, similar to how WoW casts their PvP tournaments. Also a bit of a big request, but maybe tone down the visual effects so animations are more readable for spectators.


Overwatch esports spectating was a train wreck when it first launched. Yet they stuck with it, and improved the viewer experience, and now it regularly brings in 100k+ viewers and is one of the most popular esports games. There's no reason why Anet needs to give up on esports just because it wasn't popular during the ESL!

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No. This game is not balanced enough to be worthy of being competitive.

Games like overwatch are PvP games exclusively. GW2 is a PvE game with a broken and highly unbalanced PvP. Sure things could change one day if the power creep was dealt with and fair balance was achieved. However it is unlikely to achieve what has not been achieved since release.

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> @"BadMed.3846" said:

> No. This game is not balanced enough to be worthy of being competitive.

> Games like overwatch are PvP games exclusively. GW2 is a PvE game with a broken and highly unbalanced PvP. Sure things could change one day if the power creep was dealt with and fair balance was achieved. However it is unlikely to achieve what has not been achieved since release.


Not a single game out there achieves 100% balance and to think so is ignorance. For many of us, a more competitive mode can only mean more fun.

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> @"BadMed.3846" said:

> No. This game is not balanced enough to be worthy of being competitive.

> Games like overwatch are PvP games exclusively. GW2 is a PvE game with a broken and highly unbalanced PvP. Sure things could change one day if the power creep was dealt with and fair balance was achieved. However it is unlikely to achieve what has not been achieved since release.


Gw2 combat was actually focused with PvP in mind first, it's the other way around. The game did power creep, but balance is actually decent this time around. ESL and pvp was one of the games biggest selling points when the game first launched.


I don't know if you were around for release, but the lack of balance really hurt the ESL, with team comps being 5x Cele d/d Eles on both sides and then just stalemating fights on node.


Despite the power creep, I think the current meta and all the elite specs make the game far more exciting then it was on launch.

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They need to do something like that if they want PvP popular again, considering that the balance is not as out of whack as it used to be, it could be a good start. Tbh, GW2 gameplay is so unique yet fun mechanically that it could have hit bigger heights if it wasn't for just having let the first meta's kill the game.

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> @"Cyric.7234" said:

> > @"BadMed.3846" said:

> > No. This game is not balanced enough to be worthy of being competitive.

> > Games like overwatch are PvP games exclusively. GW2 is a PvE game with a broken and highly unbalanced PvP. Sure things could change one day if the power creep was dealt with and fair balance was achieved. However it is unlikely to achieve what has not been achieved since release.


> Not a single game out there achieves 100% balance and to think so is ignorance. For many of us, a more competitive mode can only mean more fun.


Not a single game out there is as unbalanced as GW2. No-one is asking for 100% balance. Fair balance is required though. The game might have been fairly balanced at release but has been completely unbalanced at least since expansions started coming out.

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> @"BadMed.3846" said:


> Not a single game out there is as unbalanced as GW2.


I take it you haven't played many other games. Look at BDO, FFXIV, Warframe, WoW Classic, ESO, BnS, and Tera.

Gw2 is in a decently balanced state. Not perfect, but you can play ranked on almost any spec, except maybe for a few core specs.

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> @"shippage.1983" said:

> > @"BadMed.3846" said:


> > Not a single game out there is as unbalanced as GW2.


> I take it you haven't played many other games. Look at BDO, FFXIV, Warframe, WoW Classic, ESO, BnS, and Tera.

> Gw2 is in a decently balanced state. Not perfect, but you can play ranked on almost any spec, except maybe for a few core specs.


Those aren't really prime choices/known with a good competitive scene. Especially Warframe. But neither is GW2, other than that blip on ESL.

You can play any spec. Just don't expect to win or get into high gold/plat. Sure...

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Tbh, from a 5v5 AT perspective, the current balance is not so bad, and it has been way worse in the past.


Anet wont invest any penny in PvP anymore. But if they did some tournaments regularly with small prize money, you will get some well-streamable content and attention from people from outside this game. PvP draws much more attention than PvE.

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> @"rwolf.9571" said:

> > @"shippage.1983" said:

> > > @"BadMed.3846" said:

> >

> > > Not a single game out there is as unbalanced as GW2.

> >

> > I take it you haven't played many other games. Look at BDO, FFXIV, Warframe, WoW Classic, ESO, BnS, and Tera.

> > Gw2 is in a decently balanced state. Not perfect, but you can play ranked on almost any spec, except maybe for a few core specs.


> Those aren't really prime choices/known with a good competitive scene. Especially Warframe. But neither is GW2, other than that blip on ESL.

> You can play any spec. Just don't expect to win or get into high gold/plat. Sure...


Pfft. Plenty of people are in plat with off meta specs. Take Fortus and myself for example.

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Sadly, Anet just doesn't care enough tbh. About sPvP in general. They can't even fix shit that's been broken since ages.

What was the last thing they did to sPvP prior to Djinn's Dominion? I don't even know lul. And Djinn's Dominion also is like the best prove that Anet doesn't have a clue what matters in sPvP. You could as well just block of sides and make it a TDM map with its main fighting point on mid. No room for rotations since the map's small af, no real kite on side spots (a lil bit on the left side but well.. compared to Niflhel or Foefire it sucks ass), the side objective is kitten too. I really can't say a single positive feat the map provides as far as gameplay goes. It's nice to look at for sure, they've put quite some effort into designing it from an aesthetic viewpoint but level design-wise for a competitive mode it's awful.


Hope Anet will eventually hire some more ppl who know how to make content for a competitive environment and also give them their opportunities. Because as far as rumors go the PvP balance "team" for example can't do shit if the PvE balance team says otherwise.


But @topic again: Yea I'd appreciate giving ESL another shot tbh. I'm fully aware of GW2 not becoming the next LoL or anything, pro players almost certainly couldn't do it full time, but tbh it wouldn't be necessary.. Most ppl think the pro scene needs huge price pools and prestige but who gave a shit about esports like 10 years ago? Nobody other than some of the players themselves. And nobody complained back then either.

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Don't see any reason do that. This is chill game. To many people hate raid because they a to hard, and you talk about some professional players ..

They is non useless for the gw2 chill spirit.


Totaly most main part come evening at home after hard work and want do some gameplay .. and they absolutely not worried abiut some pro-players. So spend any resource and ony cent for that obsession.


Ofc I not see any problem if someone want spent his personal money and do some tournament .. without any anet support.

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Anyone saying balance is a show-stopper for eSports, frankly, doesn't have the capacity to think coherently.


All the major eSports games, or games with active competitive scenes, have character/build choices that are considered "S" tier and others that are considered totally unusable. It doesn't prevent them from having thriving competitive scenes.


"Balance" doesn't have to mean that literally every choice is 100% equal. It just has to mean that there is at least a selection of viable choices, so that not every game is a mirror. GW2 has that: Herald, FB/CoreG, SpB, SoulB, Holo/Scrapper, Thief/DD/DE, Scourge/Reaper, Mirage, Weaver, are all viable picks. Even Renegade can be played in Plat. Really the only specs that are totally unplayable are core Ele and Engi.


Of course current balance is far from perfect, but its still way better in terms of options than the days of Hambows, CEle's, and bunker Druids and Chronos.

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> @"HeadCrowned.6834" said:

> Tbh, from a 5v5 AT perspective, the current balance is not so bad, and it has been way worse in the past.


> Anet wont invest any penny in PvP anymore. But if they did some tournaments regularly with small prize money, you will get some well-streamable content and attention from people from outside this game. PvP draws much more attention than PvE.


What? The meta hasnt been less complex/lowskill than this ever since bunker mes. Zero thinking is needed behind any rotation

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