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Champion Svanir Shaman Chief meta event Redesign

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Disclaimer: many people say lower level meta events should be easy for new players. I disagree. Low level metas should still be challenging and the addition of the large meta train players lessons the burden of skill new lower level players have to contribute to the success of the meta events. So it balances it out. More challenging Meta events keep old vets of the game more intrigued with playing the same old events more often.


To the Redesign part here:


°Pre Meta

-Gnoll Kill


-Totem Destroy



-Shaman Elite Guard Minions


-Boss Transform




Redesign :


Gnoll Kill can stay the same.

For the escorts I would like a harder scaling here that spawn vet and elite Icebrood warriors. Just a few to add some weight to the escort but not much.


The Totem should have a guardian of some kind or add this to the meta. Also would be a cool starting introduction to The Shatter's crystal break bar mechanics. Totem enhance the Shaman and need to be broken to damage the boss.


The Shaman elite guard Minions should be way more powerful. Not boss level but still more of a side threat during the fight. Shaman Elite Guards set to three each phase.


The Boss Shaman is now set to three phases, each phase he summons three Elite Shaman Guards each more powerful now and have break bar that need to be broken to prevent them from spawning a portal to summon the more Minions and Totems that protect the boss. So this now a break and burn phase.


The boss is pretty much the same but totems enhance damage and damage reduction by chilling enemies in the area.


Not too hard this way but still a challenge for chance to fail here and there every once in a while on phases that just prolong the fights but doesn't make it unbeatable like Legendary meta events.

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If you're facing the Totem, off to the right during the ritual, 3 Shaman will appear. One of these should be a "Champion Icebrood Shaman". Basically normal state at the begining then at 50% health, transform. His 2 associates should be Elites. And the champ should drop a normal Champion loot box.



The 3 Icebrood Svanir to the left, the Vet should be a "Champion Svanir Guard" also. With his 2 associates being Elites. And the champ should drop a normal Champion loot box. (https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Champion_Svanir_Guard).


I also think Brogun's health should be scaled up a bit depending on the amount of players involved. He's a wimp. Or make it to where it is a necessity to keep him alive during the encounter. If he dies, maybe more Ice Tornadoes or the current ones do more damage.


The Grawl should spawn more numbers depending on the amount of players and their health pool up'ed some. Maybe add a random pack of Icebrood Wolves.


The Champion Svanir Shaman Chief, should have either more skills or do more damage during his 100-50% health pool instead of just standing there moaning when you hit him...

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I mean, World Bosses are kinda popular for their low effort, okayish reward system. Are we sure we want to change that, especially in a level 1-15 map?


Personally, the Champion Svanir Chief has always felt a little unfair. Sometimes I would join the zerg and go from 100-0 without much warning (the place is filled with visual noise) - other times I won't be touched. The narrow ledge, I think, is the problem since it causes everyone to group up.

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> @"Westenev.5289" said:

> I mean, World Bosses are kinda popular for their low effort, okayish reward system. Are we sure we want to change that, especially in a level 1-15 map?


> Personally, the Champion Svanir Chief has always felt a little unfair. Sometimes I would join the zerg and go from 100-0 without much warning (the place is filled with visual noise) - other times I won't be touched. The narrow ledge, I think, is the problem since it causes everyone to group up.


Yeah I am sure. Although it's in a low level area it's always being done by the meta train which is mostly high level players at endgame. Meta train has always been the open world casual version of Raids.


The game has grown and time for these old events to get updates and be made a bit more challenging without making it Raid level difficulty. That's what makes bosses like Teq meta fun in that their tough but still easy enough to pug if following the fight pattern guide

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> @"starhunter.6015" said:

> Escort, could use more spawns so players can get hits in.

> Totem, could use a buff in it's life pool at least.

> Then when the Shaman runs out and his guards follow, they could use a upgrade for sure.

> Not sure if the Shaman himself needs to have guards during his fight due to all of the cyclones he spawns.


Certainly on the escort! Already there are more people showing up at each spawn location that the size of the mob. The phase before it is just slightly better.

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