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Should Mesmer's overall damage be shifted to Player?


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> @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> > @"Zawn.9647" said:

> > > @"Xstein.2187" said:

> > > This has been discussed multiple times already. In fact, it was this discussion that was likely responsible for the phantasm overhaul earlier.

> > >

> > > There is virtually no difference between you clicking a button that summons a phantasm that does one attack vs you doing the attack yourself.

> > > Since in both cases you are controlling when the attack occurs and not AI, there should theoretically be little difference from the opponents point of view.

> > > The only thing that is changing is the animation in which the attack occurs.

> > > At the end of the day, the only difference is the graphical design of the attack.

> > >

> > > Even with mirage, the player is still always deciding when the attacks occur.

> > > The net effect is just a fancier animation for the attack that comes from multiple directions.

> > > It might 'appear' to come from the illusions, but it's really just coming from you and your decisions.

> > >

> > > Although an attack coming from multiple directions can be annoying, AI can no longer be used as an excuse for difficulties balancing the class because there is no AI anymore.

> >

> > except there is a huge difference. i wouldn’t have to care about 3 other “players” attacking me instead of just one, i wouldn’t have to play Where’s Waldo everything the mirage decides to blink/clone spam or go into stealth or decide to break targeting with that ambush skill :)


> if you are too lazy to look for mesmer then its YOU problem. and you should be punished for it.


my problem and everyone else that doesn’t play this game every single day :)

mesmer is the only class that requires me that kind of attention. why is that?


i’m ok for being punished for not dodging skills or letting thief’s disengage with ports/stealth - i’m not ok by being punished by a class that do a screen pollution =) talk whatever you want - its a bad design, cool on paper, horribly implemented

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> @"Lincolnbeard.1735" said:

> > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> > > @"VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig.3618" said:

> > > no

> > >

> > > but make it that damage to the clones/illusions is reflected back on the mesmer.

> >

> > right after holo burning to death when using holomode and warrior getting heart attack after gaining too much adrenaline


> That's actually a good exercise, in the same vein we can do it for other professions:

> - when necros lose or spend life force they lose the same amount of hp.

> - ele staying in one attunement for too long makes them take damage, example: getting electrocuted when staying in air attunment.

> - when ranger pet reaches 80% hp, they'll get fury, might and will attack the ranger instead.

> - scrappers' gyros have a chance to get a virus and attack the scrapper.

> - thief has a chance to steal a bomb and blast himself off.

> - when revenants stays in one legend for more than x seconds, they will lose control over said legend and kill themselves.

> - don't know about guardian :/


Guardians could have friendly fire turned on for the next three attacks after using a virtue/F skill - can be interpreted as excessive zeal leading to admonishment of allies.


Edit - regarding the poll, there are good/bad aspects of each.

I don't believe ALL the damage should be shifted to player, however I do believe the balance should be more skewed than it is now - maybe something like 80%/20% when it comes to things like ambushes.


But to be crystal clear - this doesn't mean simply nerfing clone ambushes further (which is what could happen given balance track record...) - this means BUFFING player ambush by offloading nerfs to clone ambush onto it.


Clones should still damage in the way old auto attacks were (not today's power crept autos dealing silly damage) - eg you don't need to worry about dodging all the attacks, but they will slowly chip away at health if you stand there and do nothing.

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I simply don't trust the devs to get this right if it were ever implemented. It's like the Leave campaign when the UK had the referendum 3 years ago; claims and promises were made but there was no plan or thought to what would happen should it come to pass. It's all very well saying stuff like 'Just shift the clone effects (from attacks, traits etc) to the mes and it will all be fine.'. NO, it will not be fine. Is the suggestion to take, say mirror images and make it generate 2 clones which do nothing apart from give you a 2-charge shatter and visual clutter? How about the sharper images trait? If clones are just summons which run around doing absolutely nothing where are the bleed-on-crit procs coming from- player autoattacks? They are too infrequent compared to having even 1 clone up.


This whole idea is too much of a ballache to contemplate, let alone plan to implement.

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