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“Bound by Blood” is coming on September 17!

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > I so hope that isn't anything to do with Aurene. I cannot describe how utterly I want rid of that character from the story or at least an entire arc/saga without any indication of her


> What? Now, that the character has finally become interesting? I find the other dragons a lot more annoying, because there seems to be no end to them being the center of pretty much every GW2 plot. I am looking forward to them finally being dealt with so that we can move on to other tales.


> In any case, I am looking forward to seeing her again, just not as a main character. I hope she will help make my aforementioned wish come true rather sooner than later.


She has been the ruin of the story for me since her hatching. A ridiculous amount of focus has been put on her and as a consequence we get problems like ruining what was a really interesting Joko and plague story before it really hit its stride or silly things where this tiny little dragon can knock a massive dragon out of the sky by blasting off a wing the size of a small mountain. Basically the story progresses because a largely irritating character can do pretty much anything and everything at a given time.


Any interesting plot gets sidelined because we have to focus on her. Whether it is with instances taken up training her in s3 cutting short more important stories, the cutting short of the plague story (not an elder dragon tale) or our character and the npcs constantly talking about her, it has become irritating and detrimental to the narrative for me.


Focus should have been on the main Dragons or on developing more interesting villains and stories. Instead we get a focus on a cute baby dragon who has super powers at the centre of every story now, to the point the writers have actually said that GW2 is her story. They have unfortunately written themselves to a point where she can solve or take down anything given she is now even more powerful than when she took down Kralkatorrik.


Great if some players like her, but her involvement has ruined the story for me.

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > Great if you like her, but her involvement has ruined the story for me.


> Never said I liked her. Reread what I wrote. I am waiting for her to bring the annoying elder dragon storyline to an end so we can move on.


I used “you” in a broader sense for anyone liking her rather than you specifically given I’m aware she has fans who won’t agree reading my rant. I will adjust my post to be clearer

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I agree with Randulf, I don't want an Aurene focused season. The end of s4 just proven Aurene is a Terminator able to destroy dragon wings in one shot. No kralky wasn't weak, its wings seemed to be made of basalt and hardened crystals. Frankly Aurene doesn't need our help. I have that annoying character on my back since Tarir... Have more love for my skyscale than it. Through, if it's an episode to end it one time for all it's fine.


I've just enough of aborting story arcs abrubtly for the sake of dragons. LS4 could have been excellent without kralkatorrik or I should say the story between aurene and it.

Several Plot deserved better treatment:

-Joko and the plague

-Rata Novans and Inquest

(Yeah they explored rata novus, we have rata novan researchs and golems in invariant enclave)

-Deep sea dragon/largos/unending ocean exploration instead of dragonfall


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The devs ruined the elder dragons by making them two-dimensional, boring villains. I would very much prefer to have a season of much more depth, and with the prospect of discovering the origin of the elder dragons, that _could_ happen. I still would prefer something else altogether, because a once ruined plot device can rarely be saved later (see Balthazar, who made a much better villain in PoF, I agree, but I still could no longer take him seriously after LWS3).

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> @"Taelac.7036" said:

> Aurene's Lair, maybe? Yes, please.


My thoughts, and what I was hoping for in a post long ago. It did look like she flew North last episode, and what better way to remember and honor the good parts of Kralk than at his old resting spot.


I have wondered how large of a crater he must have left after he crawled out of the dirt.


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> @"WhatLiesBeneath.9018" said:

> I cant believe not one single comment has been about the place in the middle of the upcoming map will be were Kralk was sleeping. I think this is exactly that spot, and since we killed him, the crystals has become not deadly and destructible but beautiful.


It was mentioned on Twitter I noticed, but yes it is a good point

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