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The liberation of PERISH


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PERISH was taken away from us a few days ago. He's a valluable player, as well a content creator, for the international community at the EU servers. Without PERISH , evenings are dull and we don't have anyone left to blame when we lose SMC.

I've only known PERISH for a few months (I played most of my wvw time on na) but I can assure you he's a good bloke.

Can you please bring him back anet??

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I miss Perish. I followed his journey and progress. He used to be a mesmer with tickle damage and evolved into a commentating frog holding a balloon. He commentated the gvg's on the edge of the mist arena on his stream. He used to get mad at people dying and not taking the game seriously, but in the end, he didn't take the game seriously himself anymore, cause he's a frog holding a balloon which pulled him up into heaven. RIP Perish

![](https://i.imgur.com/RHij0BL.png "")


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Imagine getting permabanned for copypasting an email u got. Imagine Anet banning people for that and not for the immense racism you can sometimes see in wvw. Imagine Anet not removing kamskills comments in other threads while they dont like something. I am leader of the last competetive guild perish has been a part of and if i ever decide to reform, which is not going to happen, cause why would Anet give content to wvw/gvg, but if, i will miss a mesmer.


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