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Metal Legion event slays

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I also don't care for metal (well, caveat, *heavy* metal back in the 80's was such a caterwauling mess for my classical music ears that I avoided any music with "metal" in its name forever after, but have seen some things like Diggy Diggy Hole that suggest I may have been too gunshy). And I've never been into tight packed crowds. But oh man this was so fun! I don't know if it will keep on getting the massive crowd of players that gives it such an over the top feel so I suggest people flock to it asap for the full effect.


Hype over 400%!!!!!

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I just mentioned in guild chat that I haven't completed an event in this game that had me cracked up laughing like the concert meta. What a blast! To put so many micro events into such a short time-frame is really an accomplishment by the devs. I seriously never thought I would find myself in a mosh pit in GW2! :smile:

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My tastes lean back towards 70's to early 90's rock and heavy Metal but I don't have a taste for a lot of the modern heavy screaming growling stuff.. to me a lot of that is just senseless noise.


I loved the concert event, it was just hilarious, chaotic fun to a silly but great metal backtrack haha

I can't wait for some of my metal head friends to get back on gw2 and experience the content, they're gonna love it.

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> @"JackassTheX.6351" said:

> As a metalhead and a musician and a regular concertgoer, all I can say is that this event captures the frantic and jolly chaos of metal concerts more or less down to a tee.


> The music is silly, but the good, Venom kind of silly. I'm hoping it's released in some form or other soon :+1:


Not a big Metal fan.

But when they started the song about Almorra, all the events going on... every absolutely loving it, and Braham druken messages on the comm.

The game hasnt entertained me like that since Path of Fire.


It was a bunch of fun. Seriously well done on all levels.

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> @"JackassTheX.6351" said:

> As a metalhead and a musician and a regular concertgoer, all I can say is that this event captures the frantic and jolly chaos of metal concerts more or less down to a tee.


> The music is silly, but the good, Venom kind of silly. I'm hoping it's released in some form or other soon :+1:


It is also a hilarious fact that we get a metal band so far north.


Yes, I am part Finn, why would that come up? :)

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