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Ballooning Targets and Brand Stomped Achievements, room for imrovement.


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Hi there,


just a small suggestion for achievements like these two. It would be highly appreciated if there was a way to tell which ones we have already done. For people who do these achievements in multiple runs it can be hard to remember, especially when the ballons respawn and the stompers don't stay deactivated until the achievement is done.


Thanks for your attention. :)

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> @"lokh.2695" said:

> Hi there,


> just a small suggestion for achievements like these two. It would be highly appreciated if there was a way to tell which ones we have already done. For people who do these achievements in multiple runs it can be hard to remember, especially when the ballons respawn and the stompers don't stay deactivated until the achievement is done.


> Thanks for your attention. :)


I agree, but it's not a huge inconvenience. It's not hard to figure out that the targets you're missing are likely the ones that are hardest to hit, and there are few enough stompers that it's not hard to figure out which you're missing there either. This would fall in the 'rather they spent time on something else' category for me . . .

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I'm not saying it's a game breaking oversight or anything.


For the stompers I could help myself, but only because I have a commander tag and therefor the ability to mark stuff on the map. With the ballooning one I'm sitting at 24/25 at the time of writing, pretty sure I got all the ones far away and all the ones very high/low, wich leaves me with one of the "easier" ones missing and those are hard to track.


The game has to keep track of it anyway on an acount by account basis so why not give us a visual cue, an aura or a symbol on top of it, for the next time.

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> @"magnusthorek.8027" said:

> If Sniper has room for improvement, serving drinks has a ton of rooms to improve.


Serving drinks got a lot easier for me when I realized that if you target a patron, they have a buff on them that tells what drink they've ordered. No more trying to figure out who called for what, just target them and check the buff. Grab that drink, take it to who you have targeted.


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> @"Palador.2170" said:

> > @"magnusthorek.8027" said:

> > If Sniper has room for improvement, serving drinks has a ton of rooms to improve.


> Serving drinks got a lot easier for me when I realized that if you target a patron, they have a buff on them that tells what drink they've ordered. No more trying to figure out who called for what, just target them and check the buff. Grab that drink, take it to who you have targeted.



I didn't know that! Thank you! :)

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The Stompers are not much of a problem. At least they're static. But I'm still stuck at 24/25 for the targets, although I already have the ahcievement for 300 shots. I have absolutely no idea which one could possibly be the one I missed every single time, as I''ve specificly targeted the distant ones lately. So this has just become a randomfest and I'm quite annoyed by it.

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> @"lokh.2695" said:

> Hi there,


> just a small suggestion for achievements like these two. It would be highly appreciated if there was a way to tell which ones we have already done. For people who do these achievements in multiple runs it can be hard to remember, especially when the ballons respawn and the stompers don't stay deactivated until the achievement is done.


> Thanks for your attention. :)


Stompers show up in the collection window. Each of them has an assigned number. These numbers are static. You can check wiki/reddit for stompers' map to figure out which ones are missing. It would be really nice if they did not reset, but at least we have some reference to avoid redoing each of them.


I absolutely agree that target shooting practice could use some design improvements. Even if they added just a list of targets with numbers similar to stopmers or coins it would be a great help.

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> @"magnusthorek.8027" said:

> If Sniper has room for improvement, serving drinks has a ton of rooms to improve. Sniper takes time, yes, but it's easy. MUCH easier than Shooting Gallery from verdant Brink which, I believe, is the base for it.


I think it is subjective. Bartending is a bit annoying, especially because when other people deliver drinks to a patron, this patron resets. It makes sense in terms of bartending, but it makes it harder to get an achievement when several people are doing this event. A nearby chef event is much more player-friendly in this regard.


I found shooting target practice event to be much worse than the shooting gallery. The latter was uncomfortable due to camera changes, but at least we were standing on solid ground. But this new event is a nightmare for anyone prone to motion sickness: Camera changes, everything moves. The little white dot, which is supposed to indicate your aim, is almost invisible against a light background. (I am playing on Mac, so there are no available add-ons to make things a little bit more visible, and there are no in-game settings I am aware of to change the appearance of this indicator.) Combined with no way to determine which targets you've already shot, it is one of the worst mini-games in GW2, in my opinion.

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Unsure if its helpful, but along the north wall - there is a balloon that does not move, and blends into the wall really well. I didn't see it for the longest time, probably because its not moving, so I thought it was part of the wall.

This was the last balloon I needed. Hopefully it helps someone else too!



(Edit, Added Image link, above)

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Similar to the one pictured above, there's another one all the way to the west, contrasting with Shiverpeaks Pass' wall. I've got this one is by being present at the start of the event (platforms still had blue circles) so I could choose my platform before they start moving. I've picked the one closer to the west and shot the target before the spinning movement.

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The brand stompers aren't too bad to keep track of because even if you don't have a commander tag to use squad markers, you can at least look at the map on the wiki and just cross them off as you do them. The balloons, however..... because they respawn this is much more difficult. The event also goes by very quickly, about a minute or less every time I've done it (even the time I was on a closing map and was the only person shooting), so you don't even have much time to memorize the balloon locations and make a mental note of which you've already hit. I've hit the farthest away balloons, including the one that is "hidden" against the brick wall, but I'm still stuck at 24/25 while I'm almost half done with the x/300 achievement. If the balloons you've already hit had a slight color change, or the ones you haven't hit had an outline to distinguish them, or ANY way to keep track of them other than memorizing their locations while on a constantly moving platform (maybe it's just me but that can be disorienting), I think this event would vastly improve. It would still have difficulty in aiming and landing a hit, while removing the unnecessarily frustrating guess work.


Edit: This last round, I managed to find the last balloon I needed. It was actually one that was fairly close, but _lower_ than the platforms you stand on to shoot and I guess I was so preoccupied with looking up I didn't think to look down. So, this achievement isn't impossible (obviously), but I still believe it could be improved by any of the suggestions in this thread.

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I was also thinking a color change would be good. A balloon you've never hit in any of your times through the event is red, otherwise they are ... blue? black? white? Something that will show up against the terrain and not suck for color blind players. To get extra fancy, reset to always red if your account has the achieve.


On the bartending what I've resorted to is grabbing the Special, since it seems asked for the most, and standing out in the middle of the patrons. When one shouts for the Special, I step to that one and give them what I'm holding. Then go get another Special. The other two viable ones for this method are likely rum and grog. Of course if everyone does this, then suddenly it's a tug of war to tag the Special drinker first and tempers may flare. This event might benefit from the same sort of tweak the ley fights did: when those first debuted, if someone picked up a ley energy from the ground, no one else could. It got revamped so a number of grabs could be shared. Same way the amp power modules work in the Metal Legion concert. So perhaps a patron could happily take several rounds of the same thing in quick succession? But only the first one advances the progress bar, or the event would end too quickly for people to participate and get their served drinks achieve.

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Ballooning Targets cannot be completed by everyone.


If you enable post-processing, you'll see that the balloons that are close enough get the target border from postprocessing.

If you disable action camera, you'll see that when you hover the mouse cursor over them, the icon changes to a gear.

When using Skill 1 while the crosshair is right on top of those balloons that are close enough to get the border and the gear icon, the server will autotrack them and the bullet will go straight at them, this allows hitting them even if there's a bit of high latency.


But if one of the balloons is too far to get tracked this way, hitting them can become impossible.


I increased all the visual settings, set FoV to minimum to 'zoom in', and continuously shot straight at the center of the last balloon. But it's too far for the tracking, so even when t he bullets did pass **straight through the balloon** and didn't go on past it, they didn't hit, because the balloon is too far to register a shot in the first place, even if the bullet hits.


I do not know if this happens to everyone, but for those affected by this, they will never be able to complete the achievement on any of the balloons that is too far to get the post-processing border.


For me, that's the highest balloon all the wast to the west. Every time bullets went straight left and right when I kept the crosshair straight on top of it, but even when I tried to compensate for the lack of auto-tracking and the bullets actually seem to hit, the hit did not register.


Edit: Well, I finally got it, but the bullet was nowhere near the target when the hit kicked in. Nowhere near at all. I just resigned myself to keep firing at random since aiming was futile, and a random bullet did it, but not on the target, but somewhere away from it, up and to the left of it, about twice the height of a norn away from it.

So not only the target is too far to get autotracked, the collision may not be properly matching it.

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> @"Maggie.3082" said:

> Unsure if its helpful, but along the north wall - there is a balloon that does not move, and blends into the wall really well. I didn't see it for the longest time, probably because its not moving, so I thought it was part of the wall.

> This was the last balloon I needed. Hopefully it helps someone else too!


> https://imgur.com/B5ecryu

> (Edit, Added Image link, above)


I think that was my last one. I mistook it for a torch or a window and even when I shot at it I didn't really realize it was a target until I hit it :p

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> @"Maggie.3082" said:

> Unsure if its helpful, but along the north wall - there is a balloon that does not move, and blends into the wall really well. I didn't see it for the longest time, probably because its not moving, so I thought it was part of the wall.

> This was the last balloon I needed. Hopefully it helps someone else too!


> https://imgur.com/B5ecryu

> (Edit, Added Image link, above)


Thanks, it was not the one i need it but i was close to it, i hope they add some way to distinguish the one you have alredy hit

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I actually got this yesterday. Turned out my 25th target was a middle height middle range one floating around in the open area east of the keep tower. I have also gotten all the balloons for the number of balloons achievement and the 10 in a row one.


What I've noticed on hitting the balloons (I do have very high settings and post processing on) is that when my target pixel is on the target and it is in range the target gets "brighter" like it gets a white outline or is highlighted. If I tap 1 at that moment, the shot will hit. I've even seen the bullet path curve slightly at the end to home in on the target. I hope that helps. (For 10 in a row I took my sweet time lining up each shot and went for the closest least-moving ones just to be sure).

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For the balloons it helps to focus on balloons by area: center, outer, far distance, up high, etc. And just focus on getting all of them in one area as opposed to getting all of them you can see, once you are sure you cleared out one section you can move on to the next.


It does kind of suck that there isn't a better way to keep track of them. The brand stompers at least have a checklist so you can look up the locations of the ones you are missing.

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> @"Maggie.3082" said:

> Unsure if its helpful, but along the north wall - there is a balloon that does not move, and blends into the wall really well. I didn't see it for the longest time, probably because its not moving, so I thought it was part of the wall.

> This was the last balloon I needed. Hopefully it helps someone else too!


> https://imgur.com/B5ecryu

> (Edit, Added Image link, above)


Was exactly the one, ty :)

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"lokh.2695" said:

> > just a small suggestion for achievements like these two. It would be highly appreciated if there was a way to tell which ones we have already done.


> That would completely take away the challenge. I considered it exciting to figure it out by myself.


Its frustrating as hell. Glad you like, i sure as hell do not. Thankfully i only bother attempting it once a day. I would -love- to know which target i had to shoot for this achievement.


(much like the numbered coins.)

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> @"Maggie.3082" said:

> Unsure if its helpful, but along the north wall - there is a balloon that does not move, and blends into the wall really well. I didn't see it for the longest time, probably because its not moving, so I thought it was part of the wall.

> This was the last balloon I needed. Hopefully it helps someone else too!


> https://imgur.com/B5ecryu

> (Edit, Added Image link, above)


Just want you to know that you helped me big time here! As well as @MithranArkanere.8957 who pointed out the other obscure target, I've gone and put these two up on a new page for the Wiki so that others don't have to scour the forums or google for answers.

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