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Forum Signatures [merged]


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  • ArenaNet Staff

Thanks for making me aware that there may be a discrepancy between forums as far as signatures. I had no idea! We're going to align the DE, ES, and FR forums to match the English, since that seems the best of the options we have at hand. Granted that will appear to be "taking away" something from some forum members, and I regret that very much. On the other hand, all of us who are involved with the forums fully discussed and agreed on the elements, including signatures availability, so I think it's best to not continue with a "have" and "have not" situation. This is all subject to testing, because while I do believe you're reporting accurately, I wonder if there's an off chance that the signatures are "client side" and not visible to others. In the end, we want to make sure that we have things properly aligned for *all* members in *all* languages.


Thanks again.

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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> Thanks for making me aware that there may be a discrepancy between forums as far as signatures. I had no idea! We're going to align the DE, ES, and FR forums to match the English, since that seems the best of the options we have at hand. Granted that will appear to be "taking away" something from some forum members, and I regret that very much. On the other hand, all of us who are involved with the forums fully discussed and agreed on the elements, including signatures availability, so I think it's best to not continue with a "have" and "have not" situation. This is all subject to testing, because while I do believe you're reporting accurately, I wonder if there's an off chance that the signatures are "client side" and not visible to others. In the end, we want to make sure that we have things properly aligned for *all* members in *all* languages.


> Thanks again.


Why not just enable signatures for everyone and call it a day? :cry:

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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> I wonder if there's an off chance that the signatures are "client side" and not visible to others.


We don't even have an option to make one. It gives an error that says, "You don't have permission to use a signature." So I don't think it is a client side thing where people just can't see them since we can't make them to start with.



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  • ArenaNet Staff

The Rank and Badge system was developed to -- to borrow a phrase from our game developers -- surprise and delight. I don't think there's anything so critical about this particular element of the forums that we need to outline the this's and that's of it. I am sure that when someone achieves that rank, they'll let everyone know. :)

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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> The Rank and Badge system was developed to -- to borrow a phrase from our game developers -- surprise and delight. I don't think there's anything so critical about this particular element of the forums that we need to outline the this's and that's of it. I am sure that when someone achieves that rank, they'll let everyone know. :)


That's a bit cryptic since all we are asking for is when a person will be able to have signature? So I'm guessing this isn't enough rank, posts and badges to enable using a signature?




I'm sure that there are many others that have more than that. If so it seems the requirement for a signature must be rather high. ;) Or could you toss a bone and state if there is also a time requirement similar to member level that required 72 hours of participation?





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> @JustTrogdor.7892 said:

> > @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> > The Rank and Badge system was developed to -- to borrow a phrase from our game developers -- surprise and delight. I don't think there's anything so critical about this particular element of the forums that we need to outline the this's and that's of it. I am sure that when someone achieves that rank, they'll let everyone know. :)


> That's a bit cryptic since all we are asking for is when a person will be able to have signature? So I'm guessing this isn't enough rank, posts and badges to enable using a signature?


> https://imgur.com/Q6133wC


> If not it seems the requirement for a signature must be rather high. ;) Or could you toss a bone and state if there is also a time restraint similar to member level that required 72 hours of participation?






I've got over 300+ Thumbs up and almost 50 Helpfuls. I've not reached Veteran Rank and I didn't expect because weeks ago I saw another poster with much higher points in both Thumbs Up and Helpfuls and they were still Member Rank. :/


I, too, would like a to know what the specific number is or the goal to reach.

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I guess you'll add a new daily "post something useful on our new forum dagnabit"


insert generic line "------------------------------------------"

insert generic signature "my name usually goes here"

insert generic line "------------------------------------------"



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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> Nope, nor those with Gold badges, it seems. Of course, there may be a time-restriction, as well.

> Whatever, I guess we will find out...eventually. And be delighted. =P


I don't really see myself being delighted when basic forum functions are enabled by some apparently secret formula only known to Anet. Like I said I'm not a big signature person anyway so maybe that is why. :P



The Burninator


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Maybe whoever unlocks the ability to get a signature first can put the requirements (or what they suspect are the requirements) into their signature?


My current theory is that you have to reach veteran rank and that requires a combination of number of posts/points (which I think come from badges and helpful/thumbs up) and time. The member rank was definitely time-restricted, no one could get it for the first 3 days no matter how much they posted.

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> @Danikat.8537 said:

> My current theory is that you have to reach veteran rank and that requires a combination of number of posts/points (which I think come from badges and helpful/thumbs up) and time. The member rank was definitely time-restricted, no one could get it for the first 3 days no matter how much they posted.


If this person after almost a month of forum activity isn't able to post a signature the requirement must be similar to getting a legendary. :)




What I find most odd is at first Gaile said she didn't know it was an issue between forums and then wondered if it was a client side error that didn't show signatures. Then it became some secret magic formula that is meant to delight forum members when they earn it. Yuk.. Just tell us please and thanks.



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> @JustTrogdor.7892 said:

> > @Danikat.8537 said:

> > My current theory is that you have to reach veteran rank and that requires a combination of number of posts/points (which I think come from badges and helpful/thumbs up) and time. The member rank was definitely time-restricted, no one could get it for the first 3 days no matter how much they posted.


> If this person after almost a month of forum activity isn't able to post a signature the requirement must be similar to getting a legendary. :)


> https://imgur.com/bq4BACi


Unless one of the requirements is to be on the forum for a month.


It's quite common for forums that use ranks to add a time restriction because it discourages spamming the forum to reach it. Or at least means people who want to do that can spread their spam out, making it less annoying.

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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> Thanks for making me aware that there may be a discrepancy between forums as far as signatures. I had no idea! We're going to align the DE, ES, and FR forums to match the English, since that seems the best of the options we have at hand. Granted that will appear to be "taking away" something from some forum members, and I regret that very much. On the other hand, all of us who are involved with the forums fully discussed and agreed on the elements, including signatures availability, so I think it's best to not continue with a "have" and "have not" situation. This is all subject to testing, because while I do believe you're reporting accurately, I wonder if there's an off chance that the signatures are "client side" and not visible to others. In the end, we want to make sure that we have things properly aligned for *all* members in *all* languages.


> Thanks again.


If signatures are client-side, and not server-side so everyone can see them - then that renders signatures useless and makes it pointless to add them.


Signatures are a prime feature for any forum and GW2's forum until late was no exclusion from that - I, myself, use my signature to signify my guild status and my content page.

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> @Danikat.8537 said:


> Unless one of the requirements is to be on the forum for a month.



Yes I already brought that up earlier in this thread. I can't see where stating the amount of time to "earn/be delighted" to have a forum sig should be such a secret. But apparently it went from an unknown issue between the various language forums that may also be a "client side" issue to some super secret formula to earn a sig meant to delight the forum member when they earn it. o_O

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Personally i don't understand why they're locked behind some arbitrary wall to begin with.

Like is it really that much more work for the moderation team to deal with a potentially inappropriate signature that you'd rather create some far off policy to allow them only under x,y,&z condition and then not make those conditions known as opposed to just disabling the option entirely if you feel the privilege would just be abused ?

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> @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> It’s always possible to make your own signature. Of course there’s the hassle of copy paste with each post, but it’s an option, although an annoying one.


> (See code to center text by hitting the quote button)

> _________


`Be careful what you ask for`



`ANet might give it to you`


Disadvantage of copy-paste sig: Someone quotes you, they quote your sig with them, so it makes the post look confusing as if the other poster has a sig. @_@ (Happened to me today)

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> @AegisRunestone.8672 said:

> > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> > It’s always possible to make your own signature. Of course there’s the hassle of copy paste with each post, but it’s an option, although an annoying one.

> >

> > (See code to center text by hitting the quote button)

> > _________

> >

`Be careful what you ask for`

> >

> >

`ANet might give it to you`


> Disadvantage of copy-paste sig: Someone quotes you, they quote your sig with them, so it makes the post look confusing as if the other poster has a sig. @_@ (Happened to me today)


I didn’t think of that. Another annoyance of not having a proper signature in this “new and improved” forum.


Oh well.

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