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Mounts unhealthy for core player experience ?

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Honestly, the only thing you miss out on with a mount is the move speed.


It doesn't impact you on the areas where it matters like fractals/raids, PvP/WvW nor does it impact your ability to earn ascended and leg gear.


So really the people crying for mounts are just complaining about the lack of convenience that we've waited for, for 5 years and expect to have the same convenience at no cost.

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I read many posts and I still think that GW2 game experience got ruined for those players who would wish to play the core game and HoT (so they have payed to play aswell) content the way it was originally intended. PoF mounts are loved by many players and I think they are cool, but the attack the mounts have are way OP and easy to use, so those mount attacks all need a lot bigger cooldown, minimum a 60sec cooldown on all mount attacks! Lot's of players use mount attacks in low lvl zones, in low lvl events, and normal players have no chance to hit even 1 mob if mounted players aoe kill all that spawn in 1 hit with mount attack, then mount back up run/teleport/jump on mount to next point mobs spawn and aoe kill those aswell in 1 hit aoe mount attack! This happens really often, way too often. I saw someone said they do almost same dmg with weapon skill, but my experience with before PoF and after PoF says otherwise. Before PoF never did any player killed 5 event mobs in 1 aoe hit, (no weapon skill or any other player skill can do that, even if it could, the skill then would have a big cooldown, also players strength is synced down to lower lvl content) sadly with OP mount attacks that don't even have a big cooldown at all, those players can kill massive amounts of mobs in no time at all! Often normal players can't even get a bronze medal since they can't even land 1 hit! Mount attacks are too OP, those are not synced down good enough they aoe kill in 1 hit everything! This has to change, I can't understand how is it possible that this dosn't bother mounted players since they are unable to hit anything eighter (in lower lvl zones) if another mounted player is faster than them, so this is a problem for everyone! Please Anet put a big coodown on all of the mount attacks or greatly lower all mount attack dmg!

Let lower lvl zones be played as intended by everyone! Please don't ruin the game experience with these OP mount attacks.

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> @Zordimus.5901 said:

> Let lower lvl zones be played as intended by everyone! Please don't ruin the game experience with these OP mount attacks.


As another said they have planned on tweaking the initiation skills (the only attack mounts have). I haven't followed up on it to see what has been said but they dont hit as hard as like i said my warrior does. I could understand in hordes they could be insane damage wise because unlike warrior everyone has PoF plays with mounts.

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I think I have forgot to mention that I will totally buy PoF (I already own HoT) as soon as PoF gets released in a physical form like HoT, (I like to get games in physical form if possible) I still lvl my characters through core game and soon I will get to HoT, I love GW2 so trust me when I say I'm not defending free players when I ask for lower mount dmg. It's simply my everyday experience in core game with my characters encountering mounted players dmg.

If Anet is already working on tweaking the mount attacks so it's ballanced better for all levels, I'm really happy about that then! ^.^


In every other aspect I don't think mounts could have a negative effect on free players or HoT players, I don't mind if PoF mounts make it easy for other players to get up to vistas or move around even faster. I prefer to get up to vistas the normal way, and go to places on foot, mounts and teleports make the virtual world experience smaller, but every player can decide for themselves if they want to use mounts and teleports or not! :)

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> @Zordimus.5901 said:

> I think I have forgot to mention that I will totally buy PoF (I already own HoT) as soon as PoF gets released in a physical form like HoT, (I like to get games in physical form if possible) I still lvl my characters through core game and soon I will get to HoT, I love GW2 so trust me when I say I'm not defending free players when I ask for lower mount dmg. It's simply my everyday experience in core game with my characters encountering mounted players dmg.

> If Anet is already working on tweaking the mount attacks so it's ballanced better for all levels, I'm really happy about that then! ^.^


> In every other aspect I don't think mounts could have a negative effect on free players or HoT players, I don't mind if PoF mounts make it easy for other players to get up to vistas or move around even faster. I prefer to get up to vistas the normal way, and go to places on foot, mounts and teleports make the virtual world experience smaller, but every player can decide for themselves if they want to use mounts and teleports or not! :)


It don't hurt to defend free players, but only when its a legitimate reason. Saying getting to vista being a hurtful advantage of another or even events is assumption no one is hurt for events or champs if people use timer trackers and plan ahead. They could get there before mounters. As for vista so what bob jumped up a cliff while sally had to go about it normal way, who cares? Sally didn't want vista in first place sally wouldn't have bothered anyways. Catch what im trying point out.

(i know u didn't say that directly on either points I'm using others primary points so bare with me)

If f2p wanna jump up cliffs they need buy PoF, thats bottom line.


I'm also standing up for anet's marketing model, because they dont make money where you think we all be in 2+ years from now? We wont be in gw2 you can bet on that.


btw PoF is great expansion, even without mounts. When i first started for some reason i didn't like it, now it grew on me I've been getting my hardcore cravings for it, so far I'm resisting. I'm afraid I'd get burnt out, so trying hard to keep it casual lol.

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> I'm also standing up for anet's marketing model, because they dont make money where you think we all be in 2+ years from now? We wont be in gw2 you can bet on that.

... I bet we will, lol. All MMOs for the last 4 years have basicly been "when this comes out, GW2 is dead!" in the forums and they just... evaporated. Especially games aimed at "making money" (ie subscriptions).

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> @Dawdler.8521 said:

> > I'm also standing up for anet's marketing model, because they dont make money where you think we all be in 2+ years from now? We wont be in gw2 you can bet on that.

> ... I bet we will, lol. All MMOs for the last 4 years have basicly been "when this comes out, GW2 is dead!" in the forums and they just... evaporated. Especially games aimed at "making money" (ie subscriptions).


You missed read what i said. Had nothing to do with other games if anet quit bringing in money (from xpacs or even IM) what do you think would happen to the game?

I give it benefit of the doubt, say it might last longer than 2 years based on that. Don't see it going past 3 years based entirely on that scenario.

They would probably treat it like gw1, still here but everything automated with no new content. (imagine that). It would just die from that alone while sure people still play gw1 its just a shell of its former self population wise.

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As a player who bought the base game back when it was released and didn't buy expansions yet I complained about not being able to keep up in Orr for example, but this was only the case if the commander was chasing the champions, other events are fine. I leveled up 2 chars to 80 past weeks and didn't see people on mounts killing mobs.


Now that I bought the expansions and finished the PoF story I must say I'm impressed. I like the mounts, no more getting annoying by mobs when you are going somewhere. And PoF is pretty awesome, it's not just mounts. I think the maps are great, and the story/boss fights, elite specs, etc. I'm one of those players who doesn't like to get lost, get frustrated when I have a hard time finding where to go, PoF maps don't have that problem, even with the heights.


Free players don't have much to complain about, they could however add a basic slower mount, and they probably will they added some free glider right?


Also if they ever release GW3 I think it's better to start off with monthly subscription till it goes free to play.



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>@Silencio.2604 said:

> As a player who bought the base game back when it was released and didn't buy expansions yet I complained about not being able to keep up in Orr for example, but this was only the case if the commander was chasing the champions, other events are fine. I leveled up 2 chars to 80 past weeks and didn't see people on mounts killing mobs.


> Now that I bought the expansions and finished the PoF story I must say I'm impressed. I like the mounts, no more getting annoying by mobs when you are going somewhere. And PoF is pretty awesome, it's not just mounts. I think the maps are great, and the story/boss fights, elite specs, etc. I'm one of those players who doesn't like to get lost, get frustrated when I have a hard time finding where to go, PoF maps don't have that problem, even with the heights.


> Free players don't have much to complain about, they could however add a basic slower mount, and they probably will they added some free glider right?


> Also if they ever release GW3 I think it's better to start off with monthly subscription till it goes free to play.




You may never see a core mount, atleast for awhile. Because that is the primary sell point for PoF you can't do pof content as a whole without it. Most of the maps you have to have say raptor to get to certain parts of the maps. Need bunny to traverse the cliffs to get to other parts, like you legitimately need raptor to get bunny and must have raptor upgraded atleast 3x before you can even get to bunny unlock camp. (think via story can be got to though) Now you can try creative ways to get to the camp but I doubt they intended these creative routes else wouldn't be so tedious and stressful lol. Now I'm not saying they wont bring a core mount, but if they do be like 1-3 years on down the road, like they did with core gw2. Why give something away for free from an expansion if that expac is bringing in money just for that reason. Be a fools folly.

Alot of people bought PoF just for a mount, even peeps in this thread some where round page 4 or 5 confirm that.


As for the sub for gw series, i doubt you'll ever see that goes against anets business model, atleast thus far. It makes more money to stay as f2p or even buy to play if they'd stayed buy to play woulda cut alot of this nonsense out in the long term. But drawbacks to that aswell, i think hellsqueen said she started as f2p and if wasn't for that "trial session" she would have probably never bought into gw2 as a whole. Good side and bad side to it all f2p and mounts up to the people find positive sides here even in life its the same.

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> @Suziana.3759 said:

> The free to play player base are not at a disadvantage because there is no area in core Tyria that can't be reached without a mount. Mounts are a mechanic in PoF due to the structure of the new maps, and needing mounts to transverse the landscape and reach these areas. We've been playing GW2 for years without mounts; there is nothing mounts provide that is an advantage over anything in core Tyria. It just gives players better quality of life of not having to walk everywhere. The F2P version is more of a trial to try out the game with an indefinite time limit. I don't think anyone is meant to play GW2 for free without upgrading at some point.


I for one am no F2P I have HoTs. The mounts out run everything with the speed increase this is causing issues. Mad kings labryth now no one is going to walk they will be on mounts so those who can't go rush out and buy Arena nets over priced crap get let in the dust. The spew of this comment.

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> @Despond.2174 said:

> Take this nicely. If you enjoy the game, then support it so they have a future of further developing. You get plenty for free, more than enough than most MMOs, and at some point you have to decide if you want to buy the xpacs, otherwise you can't expect people who decided to support the game to agree with you wanting paid content to be delivered to you. You're playing for free to try, not to have everything and of course those who've upgraded are going to have an advantage, what else do you expect? Also people actually had to BUY what you get now for free. There's plenty given for you to make a decision, everyone else did it, so can you.


OMG do you work for Arena net? Do you think everyone has disposable income? It is nice to waste money on pixles when the money is there but it is also stupid. Also this attacking free to play players is just a joke on some of these comments. The content other than story mode is a joke in this game. After already blowing 100 dollars on this game I see no point in continuing after so long it get boring as hell. Also I love how someone comes to the rescue when someone points things out lately about this game. Get all offended cause someone else other then themselves had a opinion.

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> @SmirkDog.3160 said:

> And I'd like to agree with the main complaint about this, but those people could just.... buy PoF.... if it's too much, just save or something. It's not like being annoyed that someone has a pre-order item that isn't obtainable in the game or anything. It's a problem that those players can solve by buying PoF.


That's the key point. I see complaints like these a lot, but it's expected that if you don't buy the expansion you get left behind. That's how it always is.

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> @TEKnowledgy.1760 said:

> As i told another in here, might happen in a year or 2. I wouldn't expect it so soon, only been half a month since release of mounts and PoF.


It actually has been a full month by now, and ANet should really make a decision soon. Seeing as I can now complete even a JP like the Troll on in LA within a matter of minutes, I believe this to be an urgent issue that cannot wait to get resolved.

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I enjoy the mounts. I've done world completion back when it was required to get every WvW map on top of central Tyria on foot. I don't see anything wrong with them. Hamstringing paying customers so the F2P crowd can get all the things, then I'm gonna have to say no. I think mounts are a perfect incentive for free players to finally pay for the game.

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Turn it on its head .... mounts are not always an advantage as they force people to rely on them.


Look at RL. I do not drive. People that do are always insisting it is impossible to get somewhere. Meanwhile I know how to walk there or take the bus.


Yes the people on mounts in GW2 doing events will get to the other side of the map fast. That also means when a follow-on event happens nearby they will be on the other side of the map.

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Some replies in this thread are incredibly patronising. I'm glad this game offers no optional subscription, the sense of superiority radiating from that group tends to be positively nauseating.


The current labyrinth experience has everything to do with timing, I think. PoF was only just released and now, shortly after, there's an event. One that is, naturally, limited in time. And lo and behold: Not owning mounts makes itself noticeable. Of course it does. Some people have no urge, intention or disposable income to buy an expansion right away, if at all. This is aimed at present fence sitters. And yes, it's supposed to be frustrating.

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I don't know what kind of lab many of you happened to partecipate, but the few i happened to see had no mount commanders and players sticked on him.

Somebody went ahead, but was rare the case when they started a door instead of the commander himself.


The race is the only part which core players could not afford though a spawned raptor for f2p players could have been really nice.

And if you think about it's pretty stupid not to give f2p players a try with mounts.


That said, they could have been in many different ways, but f2p players have no right to be selfish.

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I never mount up when commanding in the lab. Sure, some people will mount up now and then but they quickly learn it is pointless because they will outrun the zerg.


When I am not commanding about the only time I will mount up is when doing the race for a daily, although I really wish they had not put the race in there in the first place.

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> @Ashantara.8731 said:

> > @TEKnowledgy.1760 said:

> > As i told another in here, might happen in a year or 2. I wouldn't expect it so soon, only been half a month since release of mounts and PoF.


> It actually has been a full month by now, and ANet should really make a decision soon. Seeing as I can now complete even a JP like the Troll on in LA within a matter of minutes, I believe this to be an urgent issue that cannot wait to get resolved.


Them getting a basic mount won't get them the bunny or the griffon to complete the puzzle with ease. Instead it just gives them a basic speed boost, nothing more.


Furthermore, people with mounts who have mesmers now being able to complete that particular puzzle with ease may surely have it in their hearts to port to some of the chest for people who need it. Alternatively, now people with mounts who are terrible at JP's actually stand a chance with this one now without have to go back to the beginning every single bloody time. I did that JP ONCE ON FOOT and I swore NEVER AGAIN. WIth mounts, I am happy to repeat it and port people to it, free of charge.

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I love my mounts while i don't use the Attack in low areas getting from renown heart to renown heart while leveling classes like Guard that does not have a passive speed buff in the raptor is amazing! Scaleing on the attacks needs work but leave the mounts the way they are as far as usability dont like the fact that people get to events faster than you (a issue slower classes had for ages) https://buy.guildwars2.com/store/gw2/en_US/html/pbPage.pathoffire/themeID.4785548100?cid=104:5::::Global:289:::

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> @Ashantara.8731 said:

> > @TEKnowledgy.1760 said:

> > As i told another in here, might happen in a year or 2. I wouldn't expect it so soon, only been half a month since release of mounts and PoF.


> It actually has been a full month by now, and ANet should really make a decision soon. Seeing as I can now complete even a JP like the Troll on in LA within a matter of minutes, I believe this to be an urgent issue that cannot wait to get resolved.


So some how you think core will get mounts like expac offers they might get a horse (more lore accurate might be a doylak) that moves at 40% move speed that be about it lol. Not trying steal HQ's thunder I'm just reinforcing what she said, as I believe that be about all you'd see. You are right it has ONLY BEEN A MONTH like I said I wouldn't be expecting it anytime soon.


I don't think core even gets mastery points do they? Correct me if im wrong, I have all expacs so not sure what u got and dont got I also bought gw2 before it went f2p so still i wouldn't know exactly what f2p got or dont got just because of that. PoF mounts don't work without mastery points. Why would core be any different?

I know there is MPs in core but can they be accessed without HoT or PoF?

If f2p want a bunny a raptor a skimmer a jackal a griffon, I stand by anet buy the expac.

If you enjoy the game support the development of Guild Wars 2, it is that simple.




I've said bout all I can say in this toxic thread, half of page 6 was deleted because of someone got rump hurt over things I stated.

Just isn't worth it cause I kinda feel bad for the guy, bet he got like 5 warnings or worse hopefully just warnings. I don't think deserved anything more.

He wouldn't be first I've upset in my past and probably wont be last. Just not worth it in my eyes to prove a point.


Anet's game Anet's rules both forum side and game content.


Some one said HoT needs mounts can't find it to quote it now, but you got a mount it's called glider. I wouldn't expect anything more than a glider if i was you.


Personally, i think people need leave Halloween stuff out of this thread, core tyria as whole is different from an event thats here 1 time out of a year plus this thread older than event and I think it de-rails the hell out of this thread 2 dif subjects.


As for jumping puzzles, everyone I've seen had mounts disabled. Hell, i've seen griffon riders die from falling in the JP no mount zone disabling the mounts while in flight. Now if by chance there is no disable most likely intended not to have one, because so far everyone I've came to has had them disabled. I really, don't see a clear advantage over mount in jps. Personally, don't bother me anyways, I have mount I even turn down mesmer portals because I like doing puzzles naturally.. What another does or don't do in a jp has no effect on how I play the game or my fun within. You'd be best not let it not bother you either, the game is alot funner thata way. i even felt this way about jps before I even had a mount, like i say takes alot more then that to effect my enjoyment.

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