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What incentive would you like to play wvw more?


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> @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > @"Loosmaster.8263" said:

> > Balance which will probably never happen so there is no incentive.


> Balance in a large scale game without ‘structure’ is impossible.


> Making it so more professions/type of toons are involved in group play is possible. We’ve seen it before, and most recently until some of the recent balance changes.


> Population balance is where we have more probability to come close. And even then....



The most fun for me was Pre HoT. Since then it's been a rapid decline of my participation in the mode.

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> @"Sovereign.1093" said:

> > @"DemonSeed.3528" said:

> > Not sure, at this point I don't think many need the incentive anymore - they should learn by now it's not going to go well asking for incentives.


> how does having no incentive help? i mean isnt that the reason why wvw is bleeding out?


I only started to dabble last year, but it seems the "incentive" was always the satisfying combat, not the rewards. Combat is constrained by balance, and once every 3 months we stand outside thirstily and hope the gods rain on us instead of piss on us. WvW has several types of reward structures (and some exclusive) but that alone still isn't keeping the population.


Winning should mean something, but that can't happen while the outcome is predetermined by server stacking. That may never improve.

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> @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> the only incentive that really matters to me is the one that allows smaller groups to take on much bigger ones. everything else is just noise.


=) there is a way but. you will likely experience what i did today.


1. sniped more than 10x

2. moad atleast 4 times today.

3. rangers no 1 target.


but is fun.

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> @"Etterwyn.5263" said:

> > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

> > > @"DemonSeed.3528" said:

> > > Not sure, at this point I don't think many need the incentive anymore - they should learn by now it's not going to go well asking for incentives.

> >

> > how does having no incentive help? i mean isnt that the reason why wvw is bleeding out?


> I only started to dabble last year, but it seems the "incentive" was always the satisfying combat, not the rewards. Combat is constrained by balance, and once every 3 months we stand outside thirstily and hope the gods rain on us instead of kitten on us. WvW has several types of reward structures (and some exclusive) but that alone still isn't keeping the population.


> Winning should mean something, but that can't happen while the outcome is predetermined by server stacking. That may never improve.


i agree.


question therefore is how do we make winning a thing again. =)

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> @"Bigpapasmurf.5623" said:

> 1 - In home daycare. If ANet came to my home to watch my child so I could play WvW more, THATS what I need.


hehe. =) i feel you. > @"Dayra.7405" said:

> Full EotM map with Pips, WvW is to dead


mmm... what do you mean full eotm map? i get the pips. i want that too.> @"alain.1659" said:

> 1- Class balance

> 2-Less lag

> 3- Class balance

> 4- Better rewards

> 5- Class balance

> 6- Better combat system (not like this karma train with paper towers)

> 7- Class balance


> ps: class balance

what class balance?

yes, i hope less lag too.

what sort of rewards for you would be better?

what sort of combat would be better?


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> @"Sovereign.1093" said:

> > @"Bigpapasmurf.5623" said:

> > 1 - In home daycare. If ANet came to my home to watch my child so I could play WvW more, THATS what I need.


> hehe. =) i feel you. > @"Dayra.7405" said:

> > Full EotM map with Pips, WvW is to dead


> mmm... what do you mean full eotm map? i get the pips. i want that too.> @"alain.1659" said:

> > 1- Class balance

> > 2-Less lag

> > 3- Class balance

> > 4- Better rewards

> > 5- Class balance

> > 6- Better combat system (not like this karma train with paper towers)

> > 7- Class balance

> >

> > ps: class balance

> what class balance?

> yes, i hope less lag too.

> what sort of rewards for you would be better?

> what sort of combat would be better?



There are meta classes that dominate specific areas of wvw. Those should be adjusted so that a zerg would not be only fb+sc combo. Also some one shot and insta gimmick builds give people hell. There are builds/classes that have been completely ignored. PoF professions are considerably stronger in many occassions (not all).


Reward tracks should be reworked to include everything wvw needs, this include cooking materials for ascended cooking, several mats for legendary crafting etc. Drops and ratios should be close (maybe not same) to their pve counterpart.


It is mostly numbers and aoe spamming. Defending gives so little yet capturing has a great benefit. Dismount traps and stuff should have been an option already.


These are my personal opinions ofcourse. I wrote the previous one jokingly, thinking those problems were too common to talk about. Yet maybe I shouldve been more helpful. My bad really.

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> @"LetoII.3782" said:

> 1. Cookie (oatmeal raisin)

> 2. Hug

> 3. Short clip of Mike O'Brien singing Celine Dion's greatest hits to watch during reset


Cookies are good. Hugs even better. But this mode's finished. Would rather see what's left of the people working at Anet, post-layoffs, sing this to him;



Then find employment at a company that actually cares about turning out a quality product and supporting the elements that made it popular when people still cared enough to play it.

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one thing about defending that makes pugs not want to bother is that, WALLS dont protect you.

You cant cast anything below you unless you stand on the edge; so you get pulled or be open for attacks, same goes with manning a defensive seige, you get pulled easily.

In most cases you will see people telling others "get off the walls".. It will then end up to the same shit: numbers..

- sad tale of wvw

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I said this in another thread.

The incentive:


Need to be objective based gameplay. I need to see a mechanic of gameplay that can be "WON".

Right now it's just mindless fights if that. Most of the time it's just structure trading. Need objective based gameplay that has a defined winner or loser.


I had idea on handling this with my WvW Meta Event Idea concept. This method of addressing this problem will make it so that these objective based WvW gameplay is temporary and in timer sessions, so that it can go back to the mindless current form of WvW when the event is not active, for those that like that current form of WvW. Both groups can be happy.


Also I said this before, but adding unique Weapon skins in the WvW rewards would be a great addition. Not as a Set of Weapons like Black Lion Weapons tend to introduce all the weapon skins under a certain cosmetic set design.

For this, each weapon model in the reward is differently designed from each other independently so artist have more creative room to make epic looking skins that make people want to WvW for.


Need a new revival system using FPS timer based revivals with revival places that can be captured and defended. Current Way point model is terrible, which is why Mounts are needed in the first place.

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The thread has taken a more theoretical turn and to that end I would say the most beneficial change wvw could see would be something that causes players to understand that dying and yes, even losing are important parts of the game mode. So many players I see are so afraid of even fights or getting off their gimmick builds for fear of getting killed in a video game and it just doesn't make any sense . . .


I'd love to see something from anet on this like a required tutorial mode that doesn't end until you've lost X number of fights, but as players I think the best thing we can do is adjust our advice to new players. When a new player asks for advice the most common thing I see is 'go to eb, find a tag and follow it', which only teaches them strength in numbers and reliance on others. What I think would be far more beneficial to the game mode is if we told new players to go to their home bl, look for something to do, and expect to die a lot. The quicker players learn that dying isn't a big deal, the better off wvw would be . . .

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> @"Gop.8713" said:

> The thread has taken a more theoretical turn and to that end I would say the most beneficial change wvw could see would be something that causes players to understand that dying and yes, even losing are important parts of the game mode. So many players I see are so afraid of even fights or getting off their gimmick builds for fear of getting killed in a video game and it just doesn't make any sense . . .


> I'd love to see something from anet on this like a required tutorial mode that doesn't end until you've lost X number of fights, but as players I think the best thing we can do is adjust our advice to new players. When a new player asks for advice the most common thing I see is 'go to eb, find a tag and follow it', which only teaches them strength in numbers and reliance on others. What I think would be far more beneficial to the game mode is if we told new players to go to their home bl, look for something to do, and expect to die a lot. The quicker players learn that dying isn't a big deal, the better off wvw would be . . .


what can we do to make it so that players accept losing and winning?

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> @"Sovereign.1093" said:

> > @"Gop.8713" said:

> > The thread has taken a more theoretical turn and to that end I would say the most beneficial change wvw could see would be something that causes players to understand that dying and yes, even losing are important parts of the game mode. So many players I see are so afraid of even fights or getting off their gimmick builds for fear of getting killed in a video game and it just doesn't make any sense . . .

> >

> > I'd love to see something from anet on this like a required tutorial mode that doesn't end until you've lost X number of fights, but as players I think the best thing we can do is adjust our advice to new players. When a new player asks for advice the most common thing I see is 'go to eb, find a tag and follow it', which only teaches them strength in numbers and reliance on others. What I think would be far more beneficial to the game mode is if we told new players to go to their home bl, look for something to do, and expect to die a lot. The quicker players learn that dying isn't a big deal, the better off wvw would be . . .


> what can we do to make it so that players accept losing and winning?


whole 2nd paragraph there . . .


EDIT: And I guess since it's kind of a pve-centric mentality we could stop trying to attract pve-focused players . . ?

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- Give bonus rewards for capturing higher tiered stuff. Give bonus rewards for defending higher tiered stuff. double the XP received from repelling the attackers event, and add a corresponding 3 minute timed event for attackers to reward them in the same way.

- Add raw gold to pip reward track instead of more and more material spam

- add a merchant offering special unique rewards for rank 1k, 2k, 3k, 4k, 5k and 10k, whether it being **actual** good looking weapon/armor skins, unique backpiece, infusions, ascended gear with unique skins, combat tonics, toys, etc.

- also give wvw players option to buy ascended food with large amounts of badges/tickets

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Actually make a ladder for servers? What reason is there for a guild / server to try hard to t1? Nobody cares, there’s no prestige rewards, no seasons, no anything. People in t1 don’t get anything different from people in t5.


The only reason to care about any of this stuff is if you want to fight a particular server or a group. But then again you don’t do this for rewards, but for ANY challenging / interesting content.

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WvW becoming a truly gameplay rather than a excuse for big servers to ktrain lesse populated ones.


New design would be nice With:


Larger maps.


Each map a different biome.


More maps, or a better structures map wich several inner maps to control terrritory.


Factions besides random alliances.


Better designed structures.


No more tower vs keep with bots or afk treb shooting.


If players want structure they have to open fight in front of it.


Better and unique reward for servers and guilds that own specific structures, like each keeps could unlocks something new that servers could build.





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> @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > @"Loosmaster.8263" said:

> > Balance which will probably never happen so there is no incentive.


> Balance in a large scale game without ‘structure’ is impossible.


> Making it so more professions/type of toons are involved in group play is possible. We’ve seen it before, and most recently until some of the recent balance changes.


> Population balance is where we have more probability to come close. And even then....



yes.. u cant truly balance classes... there are way too many variants to take into account.. and i dont believe the ppl complaining about class balance fully grasp this yet... 9 unique classes... god knows how many types of gear stats... 16 or so gear positions... foods... utils.. how many skills? traits? blah blah.... balance....pffft......


forget balance... give me more skills..more traits... more evrything..... give me 2nd proffessions like in gw1... make it so theres 1000s of builds... hundreds per class..... u dont need balance....u need to work out things... find new builds.. experiment.... much more fun to be had.... (id guess a squad could use every proffession with so many builds available.....even rangers..)


and.... revert wvw back to year 3...pre hot... (i dislike evrythin anet has done since hot came basically )


ye... this would make me happier about wvw i think.

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