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When will the axe be fix


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> @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> > @"Antycypator.9874" said:

> > Maybe tell us what is wrong with the mirage's axe.


> melee weapon that relies on projectiles, clunky and slow. buggy. and low damage. thats for pvp, everywhere else all of those apply exept low damage.


I run a DPS Axe build in PvP and damage is good when you use it right. WvW I use it for DPS as well and do not find any issues with it.

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> @"Bigpapasmurf.5623" said:

> > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> > > @"Antycypator.9874" said:

> > > Maybe tell us what is wrong with the mirage's axe.

> >

> > melee weapon that relies on projectiles, clunky and slow. buggy. and low damage. thats for pvp, everywhere else all of those apply exept low damage.


> I run a DPS Axe build in PvP and damage is good when you use it right. WvW I use it for DPS as well and do not find any issues with it.


its damage is alright, but its very low for how much effort you have to put, and into how much danger you have to put yourself.

putting both yourself and clones in melee range of most classes is very risky, while still having projectile block/reflect to cockblock you.

same problem as any other cmirage, cant fight mid becouse firebrand just screws you over, offnode good warrior will just bully you when you try to come close, holo is the same. I feel like axe is just made to screw over other mesmers and thats it, or maybe ocasional ranger.

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> @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> > @"Bigpapasmurf.5623" said:

> > > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> > > > @"Antycypator.9874" said:

> > > > Maybe tell us what is wrong with the mirage's axe.

> > >

> > > melee weapon that relies on projectiles, clunky and slow. buggy. and low damage. thats for pvp, everywhere else all of those apply exept low damage.

> >

> > I run a DPS Axe build in PvP and damage is good when you use it right. WvW I use it for DPS as well and do not find any issues with it.


> its damage is alright, but its very low for how much effort you have to put, and into how much danger you have to put yourself.

> putting both yourself and clones in melee range of most classes is very risky, while still having projectile block/reflect to kitten you.

> same problem as any other cmirage, cant fight mid becouse firebrand just screws you over, offnode good warrior will just bully you when you try to come close, holo is the same. I feel like axe is just made to screw over other mesmers and thats it, or maybe ocasional ranger.


Maybe. I know that the only class I have to be careful (may not anymore since their specific nerf that may help me) is Scourge. I have little to no cleanses so If I am going in for the axe DPS burst, I gotta be sure I can either down them, or have an escape plan. Warriors only threat when they run that transform elite due to the CC and gap closers. Condi thieves are another due to lack of cleanses. FB's I feel out a bit before I go balls to the wall.


With 2 axe clones tho, that Axe 3 > F1 can hurt like a mf

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Axe is strong particularly vs other mesmers. Much better than scepter here in my experience, because of cleave/aoe and on demand evade/detarget.


To get maximum benefit however does require both IH and DE. Player ambush on it's own not good enough without clones to add to it, and DE allows much more fluid maximising of axe3 and shatters.


And of course ideal is hybrid stats with high power/crit as well as reasonably high condi to get the dot sustained damage.

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> @"Curunen.8729" said:

> Axe is strong particularly vs other mesmers. Much better than scepter here in my experience, because of cleave/aoe and on demand evade/detarget.


> To get maximum benefit however does require both IH and DE. Player ambush on it's own not good enough without clones to add to it, and DE allows much more fluid maximising of axe3 and shatters.


> And of course ideal is hybrid stats with high power/crit as well as reasonably high condi to get the dot sustained damage.


Not long ago, they nerf scepter even more.So far, there seems to be no weapons in good condition.

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> @"SeikeNz.3526" said:

> lol what? axe is the strongest weapon right now, the only problem is that u need to be melee and going to die if something hit you


Does mesmer still have a weapon that hasn't been nerf?The axe is bad, but the other weapons are worse.The axe should at least be able to attack the target behind it.

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> @"ZeteCommander.4937" said:

> > @"SeikeNz.3526" said:

> > lol what? axe is the strongest weapon right now, the only problem is that u need to be melee and going to die if something hit you


> Does mesmer still have a weapon that hasn't been nerf?The axe is bad, but the other weapons are worse.The axe should at least be able to attack the target behind it.


Doesn't this go directly against core game values and design?

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> @"NorthernRedStar.3054" said:

> > @"ZeteCommander.4937" said:

> > > @"SeikeNz.3526" said:

> > > lol what? axe is the strongest weapon right now, the only problem is that u need to be melee and going to die if something hit you

> >

> > Does mesmer still have a weapon that hasn't been nerf?The axe is bad, but the other weapons are worse.The axe should at least be able to attack the target behind it.


> Doesn't this go directly against core game values and design?

You seems to be new to the GW2, right? Many skills can be casted while not looking at your target

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