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Anet is sitting on a gold mine with mounts!


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> @rapthorne.7345 said:

> > @PopeUrban.2578 said:

> > Why the heck is everyone in such a rush to fork over half the cost of the expansion they just paid for the get rewards that should be part of the expansion?

> >

> > Count the amount of skins in the forty dollar expansion you just paid for. As in count the number of weapon and armor skins.

> >

> > It is not an impressive, or even adequate number, nor was HoT.

> >

> > Why is everyone in such a rush to fork over their money to a team that puts more rewards in the cash shop than the game?


> Because a lot people have the money to spend, and are willing to contribute to the ongoing development of the game they love? $40 is not very much at all to me.


> I also want my mounts to stand out, especially the Raptor where the dye is very washed out.


You contributed to development by buying the expansion. If all the content in the expansion was worth forty dollars, can you honestly justify a single skin for a single mount costing ten bucks? It isn't worth ten bucks. In fact almost everything in the gem store is blatantly overpriced, not to mention the literal gambling in the form of black lion chests.


That alone isn't the problem. The problem is that the majority, not even half, but the majority of rewards in the game are gem store rewards, by a huge margin, for all content post release. Most cash shops use the cash shop as a shortcut with a minimal amount of cash shop exclusives so that the game istelf is still rewarding. In the case of GW2, the game is intentionally anemic in terms of rewards, specifically to push you to buy rewards (or to have someone else buy them for you in the form of gold?gem trades) to the detriment of long term playability. Literal free to play games like warframe or path of exile have a less stingy reward versus cash shop model, yet somehow still manage to push regular content updates at a swift pace, maintain a gratifying gameplay/reward balance, and keep their doors open. These are games where you can literally play the entire game, including every bit of released content, for free. Here we're talking about GW2, which sells a substantial box price as well as microtransactions for updates past their release cycle.


You want to know why so much of the original team has left? Why Colin, Ree, and the others no longer work for Anet? Because the game and franchise they once worked on to be revolutionary and to act as a counter-option to the abuses of the games industry on its customers has become the very thing it fought against. They're not going to tell you that because they don't want to cause trouble for friends and coworkers still at the company.


That's the point I'm trying to make here. This has nothing to do with the cost of development and everything to do with publisher profiteering to fund other ventures and increase shareholder dividends, as an industry wide trend.


The fact that people like you actively clamor to be overcharged is why they continue to overcharge you. The lie that they need you to "support development" by buying these things is a fallacy. You're being taken advantage of, as a consumer, and literally asking to be taken advantage of event more. I love GW2. I still think its a great game and I still think the team designs great content. What I'm tired of is seeing art asset after art asset obviously intended as a content related reward repackaged as a gem store skin while the content itself rewards nothing compelling at all.


When they could, you know, put that stuff in the actual box price of the expansion you paid a box price for and charge sixty bucks for it because it would actually be worth sixty bucks. Whoever is in charge of monetizing GW2 is doing a by the numbers financial exploitation of a captive fan base.

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> @Mea.5491 said:

> I agree. They would also make tons of money with gem store auras instead of putting them on infusions. :P


They would also make a tone of riots if that happened. Usually the moment they add something in gemstore that becomes extinct from the rest of the game. feelsbad

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