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WvW reward system sucks!


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As an avid ranked spvp'er you can imagine what a trainwreck wvw rewards system is to me.


* near 10,000 levels to get, yet experience is given in extremely small chunks

* defending your keep is **punished**! You get no good exp for successful defense, they get none for failed attack!

* decay system is too punishing if you lost a fight (acts like you didn't do anything). Sometimes you gotta run miles for new opportunity!

* poor rewards for winning a wvw skirmish! I barely noticed anything!


Here are but few commonsense solutions i suggest:


* equally large xp payouts for defending an objective as there are for taking it.

* refreshing decay if you participated in a fight to the death with enemy player, regardless if you got killed or not.

* larger exp gains for doing stuff!

* 5 pips skirmish reward track each tick should be **baseline**. Winning a skirmish should reward exp for winners to get higher levels faster and with them more pips!




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> @ZeftheWicked.3076 said:

> As an avid ranked spvp'er you can imagine what a trainwreck wvw rewards system is to me.


> * near 10,000 levels to get, yet experience is given in extremely small chunks

> * defending your keep is **punished**! You get no good exp for successful defense, they get none for failed attack!

> * decay system is too punishing if you lost a fight (acts like you didn't do anything). Sometimes you gotta run miles for new opportunity!

> * poor rewards for winning a wvw skirmish! I barely noticed anything!


> Here are but few commonsense solutions i suggest:


> * equally large xp payouts for defending an objective as there are for taking it.

> * refreshing decay if you participated in a fight to the death with enemy player, regardless if you got killed or not.

> * larger exp gains for doing stuff!

> * 5 pips skirmish reward track each tick should be **baseline**. Winning a skirmish should reward exp for winners to get higher levels faster and with them more pips!





While I am always up for better rewards, especially that I think what we get in WVW is still just a small fraction of what we get in PvE for same time spent and far less effort, I don't think yours are good ideas on how to go about it. I strongly disagree with you about giving out rewards for losing, AFKing, etc. If you come up with a system that seperates the active players and their effort from those who are inactive, then please post it, but I can not support anything that just leads to AFKing and botting. FYI, if you're scouting or on defense, jsut ask your commander for squad participation, problem solved.


1st off, since you are an avid SPVP'er, you should be fully and completely familiar with the bot problems in that game mode. Now, also as an SPVPer, you are concentrating on that end of things. Remember that in WVW, the decay timer has been shortened to help get rid of the AFKers clogging up qued maps etc. Many WvW players have multiple accounts and multiple PCs. If you give rewards for dying, whats there to prevent them from farming themselves ? Just use the simplest bots to run somewhere and die, repeatedly.


WvW is not SPVP, it is primarily a massive battle game mode, everything else, roaming, scouting, escortign yaks, etc. etc. all goes to ultimately support that function. I myself often play in weird and off hours and some days end up doing nothing but roaming, havoc, the small stuff, and even I realize that the rewards should not be the same because the amount of effort and organization that goes into a fully organized high end meta group is magnitudes larger then slapping together a havoc squad or a roaming build. I do not want to see this effort go unrewarded.



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Though the rewards in WvW are massively improved over what it was prior to the change, a player is still 'punished' for being a defender, since just watching over an objective simply doesn't trigger any participation/reward track advancement. There was a fix, of sorts, where you can join the squad, and have shared participation for those who are scouting and defending, which is a sound option, providing the commander will do so.


A defending event gives a good percentage of participation, but I agree, it should be more.

The other solutions have the possibility of being abused, or just plain 'I want more rewards for doing the same thing, or for free' (5 pips baseline? Just for showing up?) The maps would be even more queued with the number of players just hanging out getting pips for nothing, I fear. I'm assuming here that you're speaking of the skirmish reward track, and not the WvW reward track (which is like the PvP reward track)


I've been pretty happy with the reward tracks available. I tend to like to stay busy taking camps, defending, havoc, so participation hasn't often been an issue. However, there were a few matches where we were outnumbered, and our group just couldn't get things done before getting mobbed, so participation was zip after an hour or so. I don't know what the solution is. TBH, I've not been a big fan of the pip system since it started, and players began worrying about their pips more than the match. (at least it feels that way to me at times)





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Some of these are not terrible the idea of participating in a skirmish that was "Won" granting bonus Pips and WvW Exp sounds like a great idea also a trophy that could be donated to your guild or sold for say 5g would help with the lack of gold gain a bit too. 3g for second place and 1g participation? then again "skirmish" is fairly long thats 2 hours for 5g? yah it could probably be more but the idea of skirmish rewards being weighted sounds like a good idea to me. even if you dont have to still be there when it finishes. if you say achieved and maintained t6 participation for 30 minutes during the skirmish you get the full reward. this alone would get more people to atleast pop in and out several times a day.


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>@Rangerdeity.5847 said:

> Some of these are not terrible the idea of participating in a skirmish that was "Won" granting bonus Pips and WvW Exp sounds like a great idea also a trophy that could be donated to your guild or sold for say 5g would help with the lack of gold gain a bit too. 3g for second place and 1g participation? then again "skirmish" is fairly long thats 2 hours for 5g? yah it could probably be more but the idea of skirmish rewards being weighted sounds like a good idea to me. even if you dont have to still be there when it finishes. if you say achieved and maintained t6 participation for 30 minutes during the skirmish you get the full reward. this alone would get more people to atleast pop in and out several times a day.


I completely disagree with this. Why bother to stay in wvw if I can just pop in for a few minutes and get the same rewards as someone who was there the whole time? Nope. The ktrain mentality has gotten worse and we definitely don't need to reward people _more_ for not participating.


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More rewards for wvw would be nice, but:


*Wxp for defending:*

When you successfully defend something you get wxp for the kills, while the enemy gets nothing. So I don’t really see a reason to change it.

You would also just give more bonus rewards for “afk” people who waste supplies to repair a wall (especially on EBG). They already get 10 min on the decay timer.


*Decay timer:*

When dying would count, you could easily “farm” pips: Just run to the enemy spawn every 10 min and wait to be killed.


I’m also quite sure that you’ll get people following the zerg who don’t care for winning, because you’ll get your pips nevertheless.


*More wxp in general:*

I’m not opposed to that, but I think it would be difficult to tell the Diamond Legends, that you now can get this title for example in a year. Imagine the shit storm from all the high ranked veterans.


*Winning skirmishes more wxp/pips:*

No, just no. You shouldn’t be punished because anet linked your server to a losing one, or reward you because they linked your server to the current number one.


You would also reward servers that have lots of people in the afternoon: They can easily upgrade everything during the day and the enemy is left with t0 structures. The enemy has in prime time the possibility to try to capture fully sieged and upgraded keeps or to defend t0 keeps. They can also have fun and just fight, but even if they win every fight, they won’t be rewarded for it.


People should accept that “winning” in wvw is decided by population and also depends on the time zones where the servers are active. I’ve often seen servers with a K/D of 1.3 losing the match, while one with 0.5 wins it.


**Or you could say: Don’t reward people for bandwagoning!**


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> @Rhiannon.1726 said:

> More rewards for wvw would be nice, but:


> *Wxp for defending:*

> When you successfully defend something you get wxp for the kills, while the enemy gets nothing. So I don’t really see a reason to change it.

> You would also just give more bonus rewards for “afk” people who waste supplies to repair a wall (especially on EBG). They already get 10 min on the decay timer.


Not really. Y-day we defended keep for about 1h from constant rush ins. The problem was both sides were quite good at positioning. So while there were blobs of players, very few casualties ensued due to good distancing and timely retreats. I would get more exp going to kill a dolyak or guard then i did in that 1h...


> *Decay timer:*

> When dying would count, you could easily “farm” pips: Just run to the enemy spawn every 10 min and wait to be killed.


Considering the enemy spawn is a solid few minutes of running just to get there, i would call it a rather poor method. Also the one who died can get shorter decay grace period then the full 10 mins killer gets.


> I’m also quite sure that you’ll get people following the zerg who don’t care for winning, because you’ll get your pips nevertheless.


Not if i just got killed and decay wasn't prevented. Also you get more pips the higher your level. But getting higher level is *very* slow process. Sure those who wvw'd since day one are good, but what is to encourage a new wvw player to stay and fight for those slow as molasses levels?


Not to mention in pve you got a lot of shortcuts to 80 and in both spvp and pve getting 80 is all it takes, you don't get any higher then that.


> *More wxp in general:*

> I’m not opposed to that, but I think it would be difficult to tell the Diamond Legends, that you now can get this title for example in a year. Imagine the kitten storm from all the high ranked veterans.


Cry me a river for them. I spvp for years and am dragon like everyone else, who can get lvl 80 in much shorter time. But you don't hear me whining about it. Just cause they sucked it up and took the shitty deal (extremely low xp gain), doesn't mean everyone else in the future should be forced to trod through this cesspool too.

Or disconnet ranks from pip gains - they can keep their ranks for prestige and gaining them can be as slow as it was. But no huge brick walls for non veterans who want to climb without getting their pension before they get to a reasonable rank.


> *Winning skirmishes more wxp/pips:*

> No, just no. You shouldn’t be punished because anet linked your server to a losing one, or reward you because they linked your server to the current number one.


Ok, then just what should I get for being on the winning team?


> You would also reward servers that have lots of people in the afternoon: They can easily upgrade everything during the day and the enemy is left with t0 structures. The enemy has in prime time the possibility to try to capture fully sieged and upgraded keeps or to defend t0 keeps. They can also have fun and just fight, but even if they win every fight, they won’t be rewarded for it.


> People should accept that “winning” in wvw is decided by population and also depends on the time zones where the servers are active. I’ve often seen servers with a K/D of 1.3 losing the match, while one with 0.5 wins it.


> **Or you could say: Don’t reward people for bandwagoning!**


I'm gonna say - don't punish ppl joining wvw by abysmal grind walls that start rewarding you years after!



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> @Roxanne.6140 said:

> one can't order to love. just be glad there are more people around. I want Zack Efron to love me too but he isn't going to is he


Well, not with that attitude!


I am happy to see more people. What I don't like is when people refuse to get out their zerker gear and pve builds and do not care to understand that WvW is about group play and competition. If they are actually interested in learning, they are more then welcome and I am more then happy to help if I can.

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I'm with Vova.2640, WvW is by far the most expensive game mode next to gearing for Fractals and Raids, Food can be expensive depending on the required materials, not to mention changing metas with every balance patch prompting players to test and move to new builds. The Coin payout is far too low to sustain a player should they solely play WvW. I look at the sPvP league rewards and notice that there's an IMMENSE amount of gold being paid out of the track chests and even more for Automated Tournaments, and I feel like this disparity is far too great for a game mode whose only gold expenses are aesthetics and rune unlocks.

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People have been saying that leveling up to get WvW perks is dumb for years, especially when getting all important perks takes a huge time sink. Yet, it is still a thing and defended by veterans of the game. Because God forbid making other players' life easier.


Not even going to bother with pip discussion. The fact that they nerfed pip earning and made the stick holding the carrot longer, just infuriates me. Glad I stopped supporting this company.

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> @fishoa.9648 said:

> People have been saying that leveling up to get WvW perks is kitten for years, especially when getting all important perks takes a huge time sink. Yet, it is still a thing and defended by veterans of the game. Because God forbid making other players' life easier.


> Not even going to bother with pip discussion. The fact that they nerfed pip earning and made the stick holding the carrot longer, just infuriates me. Glad I stopped supporting this company.


The perks don't do much for players other than allowing them to man siege to greater effectiveness. The Gliding and Supply masteries are probably the most important for low rank players to invest in sooner, but even still. None of them are necessary to do the most important thing in the game mode: fight. Back when Guard Stacks were a thing Guard Killer and Defense against Guards were the two most important tracks that really gave a player an advantage against those who didn't have them. Now that that's no longer the case the perks aren't nearly as potent.

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> @fishoa.9648 said:

> People have been saying that leveling up to get WvW perks is kitten for years, especially when getting all important perks takes a huge time sink. Yet, it is still a thing and defended by veterans of the game. Because God forbid making other players' life easier.


> Not even going to bother with pip discussion. The fact that they nerfed pip earning and made the stick holding the carrot longer, just infuriates me. Glad I stopped supporting this company.


Wvw isn't an insta-reward game mode. Whether that's right or wrong, 5 years in that's just a fact.


I hope new faces join wvw and find it fun, but please don't expect to join a GW2 game mode you've not invested in and get the same perks as a "vet". I purchased HoT when it came out but only bothered to finish it last month. I certainly didn't expect to go into pve and have all HoT masteries right away, or for it to be easy.


Again, wvw is not an instant-gratification game mode and it takes time to get ranks and abilities. Mabe you should consider wvw the biggest time-gated/time-sink aspect of GW2 overall. You'll get there soon enough, try to have fun along the way.

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wvw is really much much more rewarding compared to what it was at the beginning... back then you would lose money playing wvw... (buying upgrades with gold, repairing armor for gold spending money for food and utility, buying sieges and looting close to Nothing and you actually had to pick bags which was TEDIOUS)

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And here i felt wvw and pvp reward systems are too rewarding

Its much much easier to get the pve stuff from wvw and pvp than it is to pve


Having issue reaching and doing a certain hero point without a group??? no problem ...here have some heroic tokens for escorting yaks ...BAMMM

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> @JVJD.4912 said:

> And here i felt wvw and pvp reward systems are too rewarding

> Its much much easier to get the pve stuff from wvw and pvp than it is to pve


> Having issue reaching and doing a certain hero point without a group??? no problem ...here have some heroic tokens for escorting yaks ...BAMMM



It actually is.... but:


i would not mind if some of the reward tracks gets removed like the dungeons ones, and Anet could swap over some defensive rewards system or offensive rewards system track, since its hard to make it happen while playing.

That actually would makle players select the gameplay they were doing and get rewards according to that.

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> @ZeftheWicked.3076 said:

> As an avid ranked spvp'er you can imagine what a trainwreck wvw rewards system is to me.


> * near 10,000 levels to get, yet experience is given in extremely small chunks

> * defending your keep is **punished**! You get no good exp for successful defense, they get none for failed attack!

> * decay system is too punishing if you lost a fight (acts like you didn't do anything). Sometimes you gotta run miles for new opportunity!

> * poor rewards for winning a wvw skirmish! I barely noticed anything!


> Here are but few commonsense solutions i suggest:


> * equally large xp payouts for defending an objective as there are for taking it.

> * refreshing decay if you participated in a fight to the death with enemy player, regardless if you got killed or not.

> * larger exp gains for doing stuff!

> * 5 pips skirmish reward track each tick should be **baseline**. Winning a skirmish should reward exp for winners to get higher levels faster and with them more pips!





Or you could play the game mode, for the game mode, because you enjoy it. Instead of harping on about more useless rewards.

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