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Upcoming Balance Notes - 10/1/2019

Irenio CalmonHuang.2048

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> @"hugo.4705" said:

> > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > @"hugo.4705" said:

> > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > > > @"hugo.4705" said:

> > > > > Holographic Shockwave: Reduced range from 600 to 300.

> > > > > I insist. 450, or you use 600 range for PvE only!

> > > > > Turrets still need help.

> > > > > Holosmith is a high damage for high risk, you are turning it into low damage. I regret PoF releasr holo, you are destroying tje spec. Really poor balance. Through, for Scrapper, the balance is net.

> > > > >

> > > > > Guess my bow dragonhunter can continue to cry in corner...

> > > >

> > > > High risk? What u serious?

> > >

> > > It was how they introduced it, if it's false, that's ok, let it become a low risk for low damage spec, this isn't better.

> >

> > Wont be low dps that's for sure


> Exact, but continuing acharning themselves on engie will not solve anything. Since the start, engie took several nerfs, only scrapper is boosted. Now they have to think about buffing other classes instead of nerfing one. Many classes are doing great, scrapper, necro, p/p deadeye, warrior... but some specs are just crappy. I get that the risk is not obvious (frankly it's just overheat, but what to add, burnings when increasing heat?)


Haha c'mon did u think the patch was really gonna change anything? The metal's played out the same for yrs for reason.

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> @"Meridian.9103" said:

> The Swipe CD reduction pretty much sums it up: Thief changes are as uninspired and lackluster as always. If you have no understanding of what to do with that class, at least give us old d/p daredevil back.


This devs u do realize some of ur thief players want to play with pistols and daggers to right? Not just s/d, sb and staff

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I can't believe you are going with the sand savant changes, scourge is already way too powerful in WvW and this is direct buff in pretty much all situations. Sigh I guess it means we need to get back to running 2-3 scourges per party. All this with core necro and reaper still being almost useless in any larger fights.

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There don't seem to be adjustments to these changes from the preview/proposed upcoming wvw centric balance thread so it doesn't seem like player feedback is affecting anything. It's unanimous detection pulse should return to f5 instead of being tied to purge gyro. I'm willing to see how further forcing scourge to rely on support (which it already relies on completely) changes fights in wvw and pvp but the detection pulse change stands out to me as balance team just being stubborn.

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Really love the ranger melee changes although its sad to see the auto chain on gs go (i will miss the double procing evade) however the counter attack change looks juicy man thats really gunna help our 1v1 match ups! and sword dagger may be really competive again!


However, guys ranger main hand dagger when its been two years!!!!! Make it somewhat useable in pvp condi ranger in general is performing pretty poorly



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> ### Engineer


> When the scrapper's profession ability was changed to an F5 skill, the tool belt skill from Sneak Gyro, Detection Pulse, was replaced. That skill was sorely missed as it provided useful and skilled counterplay if well timed. As the profession mechanic needed to remain on the F5 key, we looked elsewhere and saw that Purge Gyro, an inherently defensive and utility-centric ability, had a tool belt skill that did not fit its intent. Scrapper is also getting a bit of a tune-up with its hammer skills and a reduction to the vitality loss of the Impact Savant trait, which was leaving them a bit squishier than we intended for a bruiser style of play.


> - Equalizing Blow: Increased damage by 9%.

> - Electro Whirl: Increased damage by 9%.

> - Rocket Charge: Increased damage by 10%.

> - Shock Shield: Reduced recharge from 20 seconds to 18 seconds.

> - Thunderclap: Increased damage by 6%. Reduced recharge from 24 seconds to 20 seconds.

> - Corona Burst: Reduced might gained in WvW to the same amount as granted in PvP. Reduced the damage of this skill by 20% in PvP and WvW.

> - Holographic Shockwave: Reduced range from 600 to 300.

> - Function Gyro: Increased damage by 100%. Increased land radius to 240 and underwater radius to 360. Added clarification to skill description to clarify that function gyros are destroyed when their skill is interrupted. Reduced recharge from 30 seconds to 25 seconds.

> - Shaped Charge: This trait now increases damage by 0.5% per stack of vulnerability instead of by a flat amount.

> - Solar Focusing Lens: This trait now also grants 2 stacks of Afterburner when deactivating photon forge. Increased stacks granted from overheating from 5 to 6.

> - Chemical Field: This skill has been replaced by Detection Pulse as the tool belt skill for Purge Gyro.

> - Detection Pulse: This skill replaces Purge Gyro's previous tool belt skill, Chemical Field. The radius of this skill has been reduced from 1200 to 900, and its targeting has been improved in large group settings.

> - Purge Gyro: The tool belt skill for Purge Gyro has changed from Chemical Field to Detection Pulse.

> - Sneak Gyro: Increased the cooldown of this skill from 45 to 60 seconds in WvW.

> - Med Kit: This kit can now be used underwater.

> - Med Blaster (Med Kit): Increased healing to match tooltip.

> - Cleansing Field (Med Kit): Fixed a bug that caused this skill to remove more conditions than intended.

> - Elixir U: Fixed a bug that could cause this skill to give endurance.

> - Supply Crate: Fixed a bug in which the Healing Turret created from this skill would not overcharge.

> - Health Insurance: Updated description and tooltips to accurately reflect the functionality of this trait. This trait increases incoming healing by 10% and increases outgoing healing by 20% while using Med Kit.

> - Mechanized Deployment: Fixed a bug that caused this trait to grant less than the listed 15% recharge reduction.

> - Mass Momentum: Increased stability duration from 3 seconds to 5 seconds.

> - Impact Savant: Reduced the vitality loss from this trait from 300 to 180.



I do love the Scrapper changes, so many buffs. It seems like you guys are going the "Bruiser Scrapper" approach with all the damage increases. Sad that you guys couldn't find a way to make Impact Savant's damage to barrier trait go with condition damage, but I guess the increase in hammer damage is at least good. Maybe they'll be okay for Fractals and Raids, but not as good as Holo of course. The nerfs for Holo are pretty decent, they'll still be good as a duelist though. Glad you noticed the more healing side of Engi, it might not be ideal, but any buff you guys can give to Healer engi is very needed. Healer Engi is pretty useless unless there's a ton of condi on the team.

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Great so we are looking at another 4-5 months of mirage and condi thief aswell as holo aa not getting adressed in pvp at all. The scourge changes are probably not going to do any good for WvW either. The target increase should really be only around the scourge and not around shades, so you have the safer range option of hitting a few targets or hitting more targets when going in. The Deathmagic changes are kinda ridiculous. Giving the necro more toughness is not gonna help with anything. Deathmagic will still be one of the worst and most selfish traitlines in the game and it is not gonna find any use as necro has to rely on smart positioning or a support in almost any case anyway (for pvp) and just slapping toughness on every trait is not going to change that.

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With the changes to how scourges shade works, we won't be seeing any Necro in raids anymore. Maybe some support scourges, but even support scourge takes a hit.


1. Changes to death magic will lead to higher dose on testgolem. - however getting toughness in raids is not wanted, and you get out to 600! Super bad and you can't even decide, if you want to take that toughness or not. Only by not slotting in death magic

2. The change to how shade works: for pve dmg scourges it's a straight up nerf, but they don't get any compensation (2 targets more isn't appropriate). Dmg Necro is only meta in form of scourge on exactly one boss. That is soulless horror. But on movement heavy bosses, it will be much harder to even manage shades. But do we get more reward? - no! So this change leads to a Playstyle, where you don't want to use f1 and drop shades, but then you loose a lot of additional stats from "blood as sand"


Overall these changes don't seem like anyone thought much about them.


Or Necro just isn't allowed for pve endgame.

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> @"Me Games Ma.8426" said:

> Lost Time and Delayed Reactions is really infuriating.

> Pre patch Lost Time did damage and slow on Landing a CC without an ICD that means you could place a gravity well on a group of mobs and they all got 3 additional damage hits and 9s of slow.

> The new delayed reactions will turn this into 3s of slow.


> If you happen to take both lost time and delayed reactions you get 3s of slow on each mob and 3s of alacrity.


> You lose: 5x6s of slow and 15 packages of damage. You gain 3s of alacrity. This whole thing is not even commented on as a nerf but just stated as redundancies thst were cleared. It's a clear nerf that I don't understand.


> Also a trait that offers 3s of alacrity everytime I alow a target (with 3s icd) is not a worthy grandmaster trait.

> The ONLY mesmer skill able to trigger this mkre than once is time warp. Each other slow applycant is crippled by the ICD.


> To make delayed reactions at least remotely as good as lost time was pre patch remove the ICD (at least in PvE) so you can stack some slow with F3 and gravity well. The new grandmaster trait is just a meme at this point. We have better access to alacrity by shattering than using this trait.


Following up on this I made a comparison between OLD and NEW traits if both are picked:


Imagine running both traits old and new and we don't interrupt we just CC, alright?


Gravity Well

* OLD: each target: 9s of slow, 3 packages of damage

* NEW: 3s of slow per target; 3s of alacrity


F3 (3 illusions)

* OLD: 15s of slow, 3 packages of damage

* NEW: 9s of slow, 3s of alacrity.


Mantra of Distraction

* OLD: each target: 3s slow, 1 package of damge

* NEW: 3s of slow per target; 3s of alacrity.


NOW: If any of the CCs that I listed above had been an interrupt we would have gotten 3s alacrity AND 3s slow on top (only the old one). Any questions?


Power Chronomancer with Lost Time is NOT a build that is run frequently in PvE or WvW (can't judge for PvP but from what I heared it is Mirage that's the problem)

so WHY is power Chronomancer getting hit every balance patch?

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So nothing changed actually. There are some mambo-jambos, yet in the end every problematic thing stays in the game, all the player cries are brushed aside, and we are forced to use same cheesy builds if we want to stay relevant (maybe 1-2 minor exceptions). Come on guys, where is the stability for tempest? Where is the druid rework? Where is the dragonhunter bow buff? Where is the core engi kits rework? Why rev cannot use some legends under water when they have only few? Why is chrono still not loved and you are still insisting on it? Where is the thief pistol buff?


Ok this is not a terrible patch like the previous ones but still there are so many problems in this game. Just reading the forums for an hour or two can give you a picture of them. At least give info on templates to soothe our pain.

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Honestly, I appreciate everyone being passionate about balance changes, but I don't see why we even waste our breath. They are going to kill off classes on by one till nothing is left but a mere shell of what once was. They do not comment in profession forums and seem not to care at all about how some classes/builds are abused. This upcoming patch is further proof of this, and apparently they have been playing a different version of Chronomancer since now the class is almost useless compared to others and after this patch I don't see the need for one anymore.... GG Anet... GG.

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> @"alain.1659" said:

> So nothing changed actually. There are some mambo-jambos, yet in the end every problematic thing stays in the game, all the player cries are brushed aside, and we are forced to use same cheesy builds if we want to stay relevant (maybe 1-2 minor exceptions). Come on guys, where is the stability for tempest? Where is the druid rework? Where is the dragonhunter bow buff? Where is the core engi kits rework? Why rev cannot use some legends under water when they have only few? Why is chrono still not loved and you are still insisting on it? Where is the thief pistol buff?


> Ok this is not a terrible patch like the previous ones but still there are so many problems in this game. Just reading the forums for an hour or two can give you a picture of them. At least give info on templates to soothe our pain.


This guy got it, he deserves cookies. Dh bow still waiting, and druids too. Core engie kits but also turrets. Rev legend underwater would be nice. Note that rev is the only class with only 4 utilities, 1 heal, 1 elite, not even racial skills, sad.

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Hello ArenaNet Balance Team,


You have again ignored the fact that **Chronomancer Support Wells** are a terrible design in almost every game mode. **While you are tweaking Firebrand you NEED to buff other support orientated classes. You are leaving them too far behind.**


Seize the Moment: This trait now applies quickness in a 240 area-of-effect radius around the mesmer and can hit 5 targets (including the mesmer).

That doesn't help us because, unless I missed it, we still cannot self-shatter on chronomancer. Also, Firebrand can give out quickness every time it gives out Aegis....


You need to rework chronomancer wells, as previously mentioned:


> @"Novaura.1079" said:

> Hello,


> Can you please look into adjusting Chronomancer Support wells?


> You made support wells as that classes niche that no one wants to stand in for mediocre boons that anyone else can give out while mobile but these require you to be stationary.


> Please have them pulse around you as you move similar to the Function Gyros as they are now a "well". This would help diversify some of the support monopoly that firebrand has especially if you give some of them stability / barrier / resistance.


> Literally a terrible choice having a stationary support well with those kinds of boons that no one will stand in any almost any game mode.



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