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tempest nerf


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gj removing swiftness from overloads by default and putting it on a bad trait that only dps tempests take while introducing another dps trait for tempest. how do you expect to support anything when you're slow and dont have good access to swiftness (have to blast shitty lightning fields, have high cd #4 air skills in a few weapons, have to take eye of the storm, air trait line, or non-supportive runes such as rune of traveler)?


lmao @ dps tempest concept and calling speedy conduit lackluster. balance team taking a step backwards with eles again.

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> @"steki.1478" said:

> You have it in arcane as well as weapon skills. Having swiftness on a minor trait is pretty stupid when you compare it to minor traits of other classes and their elite specs.


> Concentration isn't amazing either, but it has far better use than personal swiftness on a support spec.


sure concentration helps but it's not like you're outputting high value, short duration boons such as stab, resistance, quickness and alacrity where difference in 1 extra second is impactful in a fight. Losing perma swiftness is actually not stupid, especially in combat where the difference in speed between no swiftness and having it is quite significant when your role as a support is to get in position as fast as possible for allies that need help. Arcane and weapon's swiftness don't cut it when they are all stacked in Air, forcing you to attune to it if you want swiftness, whereas currently, you have the flexibility to give yourself swiftness in any attunement if you just use your overload, namely the unimportant ones such as fire or air.

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> @"LazySummer.2568" said:

> > @"steki.1478" said:

> > You have it in arcane as well as weapon skills. Having swiftness on a minor trait is pretty stupid when you compare it to minor traits of other classes and their elite specs.

> >

> > Concentration isn't amazing either, but it has far better use than personal swiftness on a support spec.


> sure concentration helps but it's not like you're outputting high value, short duration boons such as stab, resistance, quickness and alacrity where difference in 1 extra second is impactful in a fight. Losing perma swiftness is actually not stupid, especially in combat where the difference in speed between no swiftness and having it is quite significant when your role as a support is to get in position as fast as possible for allies that need help. Arcane and weapon's swiftness don't cut it when they are all stacked in Air, forcing you to attune to it if you want swiftness, whereas currently, you have the flexibility to give yourself swiftness in any attunement if you just use your overload, namely the unimportant ones such as fire or air.


But if you dont have swiftness neither would your allies. I dont really see your issue. Whats the problem of attuning to air to give necessary utility? It's not like you have to camp water to be useful and you also have a pretty big aoe burst heal (and cleanse or 2 depending on traits) when you attune to water anyway.

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![](https://i.imgur.com/MpS09xx.jpg "")


I really don't think I've ever needed to overload attunements to gain swiftness on support ele. If I need even more swiftness for the group I can place a static 900 range ahead of tag and triple blast it for over a minute of swiftness lol




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> @"InsaneQR.7412" said:

> It's amazing what people call a nerf nowadays.

> The minor trait was pure trash.

> You have more than enough swiftness without it. And surprise. The trait they slapped it on, is no longer a DPS trait. It's just pure utility when the update drops.



Pvp threads are the same. People got so used to complaining. Don't get me wrong, balance was horrid before. But Anet is adjusting plenty of builds.


It was a joke before, thinking that the devs would tune all 8 other classes in line with Ele's sense of trade-off. But it looks like that's exactly what they're doing

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> @"steki.1478" said:

> You have it in arcane as well as weapon skills. Having swiftness on a minor trait is pretty stupid when you compare it to minor traits of other classes and their elite specs.


> Concentration isn't amazing either, but it has far better use than personal swiftness on a support spec.


What are you even talking about?

The swiftness on minor was important because it would allow you to chase targets while overloading if not people will just walk away from it! And you're suggesting people to run arcane for swiftness while you ignore that 1) you need to be attuned to air and 2) it takes 5s to tuning for a single element...and 3)claiming that swiftness from arcane can be combined with overload animation....I don't even know....

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> @"InsaneQR.7412" said:

> It's amazing what people call a nerf nowadays.

> The minor trait was pure trash.

> You have more than enough swiftness without it. And surprise. The trait they slapped it on, is no longer a DPS trait. It's just pure utility when the update drops.



The swiftness get applied **while overloading**..till the end of the overload, increased movement speed while overloading and that has been apparently removed from base tempest in return for some useless concentration with a class that only offers basic boons like might-regen and protection.


So we lose the potential ability to chase targets while overloading..for 120 concentration= 10-12% boon duration on protection/might/regen...and this is not a nerf for some.....wow so fucking wow, I am sure that extra half/second of protection/might/regen gonna make tempest so amazing -----________-------

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> @"Arheundel.6451" said:

> > @"steki.1478" said:

> > You have it in arcane as well as weapon skills. Having swiftness on a minor trait is pretty stupid when you compare it to minor traits of other classes and their elite specs.

> >

> > Concentration isn't amazing either, but it has far better use than personal swiftness on a support spec.


> What are you even talking about?

> The swiftness on minor was important because it would allow you to chase targets while overloading if not people will just walk away from it! And you're suggesting people to run arcane for swiftness while you ignore that 1) you need to be attuned to air and 2) it takes 5s to tuning for a single element...and 3)claiming that swiftness from arcane can be combined with overload animation....I don't even know....


How are people running away from them when you're supporting them snd giving them boons? Not every build has access to swiftness and they depend on supports providing them boons.


1) What's problem with attuning to air? It gives you CC and you can still support with utilities.


2) and 3) don't even make sense.

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> @"steki.1478" said:

> > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

> > > @"steki.1478" said:

> > > You have it in arcane as well as weapon skills. Having swiftness on a minor trait is pretty stupid when you compare it to minor traits of other classes and their elite specs.

> > >

> > > Concentration isn't amazing either, but it has far better use than personal swiftness on a support spec.

> >

> > What are you even talking about?

> > The swiftness on minor was important because it would allow you to chase targets while overloading if not people will just walk away from it! And you're suggesting people to run arcane for swiftness while you ignore that 1) you need to be attuned to air and 2) it takes 5s to tuning for a single element...and 3)claiming that swiftness from arcane can be combined with overload animation....I don't even know....


> How are people running away from them when you're supporting them snd giving them boons? Not every build has access to swiftness and they depend on supports providing them boons.


> 1) What's problem with attuning to air? It gives you CC and you can still support with utilities.


> 2) and 3) don't even make sense.


You dont get that build in you must trait for it. The problem is not so much the swiftness is that its only 1 stack of stab and that it the swiftness boon is stronger then the 1 stack of stab. Its the lost of the 10% dmg effect a real reward for doing a full overload now its just an aura and the overload effect it self.

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> @"steki.1478" said:

> > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

> > > @"steki.1478" said:

> > > You have it in arcane as well as weapon skills. Having swiftness on a minor trait is pretty stupid when you compare it to minor traits of other classes and their elite specs.

> > >

> > > Concentration isn't amazing either, but it has far better use than personal swiftness on a support spec.

> >

> > What are you even talking about?

> > The swiftness on minor was important because it would allow you to chase targets while overloading if not people will just walk away from it! And you're suggesting people to run arcane for swiftness while you ignore that 1) you need to be attuned to air and 2) it takes 5s to tuning for a single element...and 3)claiming that swiftness from arcane can be combined with overload animation....I don't even know....


> How are people running away from them when you're supporting them snd giving them boons? Not every build has access to swiftness and they depend on supports providing them boons.


> 1) What's problem with attuning to air? It gives you CC and you can still support with utilities.


> 2) and 3) don't even make sense.


2-3) To gain swiftness you must first attune to air while using arcana line, then swap out to other attunement and wait another 5s to use overload and by that time I would have yes and not barely 1s of swiftness left.


Not only you force me to take arcana line limiting my build options but also add pointless and useless limitations to the general gameplay, the swiftness while overloading was useful both to catch an enemy offguard and to more safely get away from being chased and....**you could play Tempest without using arcana and expecting to spam air overload for swiftness**


I lose all that and for what?...an extra second of protection, dunno if you noticed but protection has been semi useless since PoF launch where other classes can go around with 5-6k crit AA **and that's the main reason why you see only sword weavers in pvp** , you either have hard mitigation like blocks, traits like stone heart.....plus toughness..or you will camp the respawn point.


People don't use arcana on tempest not because they're too stupid to change build but because this is not more 2015, you tank nothing with protection alone....unless you want people to run fire/arcana/tempest "support" ...only when they can group up with a specialized guild raid group in wvw with experienced FB.....

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The most depressing thing about the patch isn't any of this, it's that there's still changes to make damage tempest a thing. Just double down on the support please.

Heal support.

Damage support.



I know some of you will say "but I like playing Tempest and want to do damage in raids" and my response is Would you use a a screwdriver to hammer nails?

(Yes I got it right this time to that 1 guy who might remember :joy: )

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> @"Jski.6180" said:

> > @"steki.1478" said:

> > > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

> > > > @"steki.1478" said:

> > > > You have it in arcane as well as weapon skills. Having swiftness on a minor trait is pretty stupid when you compare it to minor traits of other classes and their elite specs.

> > > >

> > > > Concentration isn't amazing either, but it has far better use than personal swiftness on a support spec.

> > >

> > > What are you even talking about?

> > > The swiftness on minor was important because it would allow you to chase targets while overloading if not people will just walk away from it! And you're suggesting people to run arcane for swiftness while you ignore that 1) you need to be attuned to air and 2) it takes 5s to tuning for a single element...and 3)claiming that swiftness from arcane can be combined with overload animation....I don't even know....

> >

> > How are people running away from them when you're supporting them snd giving them boons? Not every build has access to swiftness and they depend on supports providing them boons.

> >

> > 1) What's problem with attuning to air? It gives you CC and you can still support with utilities.

> >

> > 2) and 3) don't even make sense.


> You dont get that build in you must trait for it. The problem is not so much the swiftness is that its only 1 stack of stab and that it the swiftness boon is stronger then the 1 stack of stab. Its the lost of the 10% dmg effect a real reward for doing a full overload now its just an aura and the overload effect it self.


Did you forget the permanent 7% dmg buff on new GM trait?

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> @"Arheundel.6451" said:

> > @"steki.1478" said:

> > > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

> > > > @"steki.1478" said:

> > > > You have it in arcane as well as weapon skills. Having swiftness on a minor trait is pretty stupid when you compare it to minor traits of other classes and their elite specs.

> > > >

> > > > Concentration isn't amazing either, but it has far better use than personal swiftness on a support spec.

> > >

> > > What are you even talking about?

> > > The swiftness on minor was important because it would allow you to chase targets while overloading if not people will just walk away from it! And you're suggesting people to run arcane for swiftness while you ignore that 1) you need to be attuned to air and 2) it takes 5s to tuning for a single element...and 3)claiming that swiftness from arcane can be combined with overload animation....I don't even know....

> >

> > How are people running away from them when you're supporting them snd giving them boons? Not every build has access to swiftness and they depend on supports providing them boons.

> >

> > 1) What's problem with attuning to air? It gives you CC and you can still support with utilities.

> >

> > 2) and 3) don't even make sense.


> 2-3) To gain swiftness you must first attune to air while using arcana line, then swap out to other attunement and wait another 5s to use overload and by that time I would have yes and not barely 1s of swiftness left.


> Not only you force me to take arcana line limiting my build options but also add pointless and useless limitations to the general gameplay, the swiftness while overloading was useful both to catch an enemy offguard and to more safely get away from being chased and....**you could play Tempest without using arcana and expecting to spam air overload for swiftness**


> I lose all that and for what?...an extra second of protection, dunno if you noticed but protection has been semi useless since PoF launch where other classes can go around with 5-6k crit AA **and that's the main reason why you see only sword weavers in pvp** , you either have hard mitigation like blocks, traits like stone heart.....plus toughness..or you will camp the respawn point.


> People don't use arcana on tempest not because they're too stupid to change build but because this is not more 2015, you tank nothing with protection alone....unless you want people to run fire/arcana/tempest "support" ...only when they can group up with a specialized guild raid group in wvw with experienced FB.....


You can also take air spec or glyph heal or prestack swiftness with 10 blasts that you have OOC or you can get aoe swiftness from half of the meta builds or you can take pack runes or take stab+swiftness trait on overload or use eye of the storm to actually catch up to people in combat etc etc. If you really needed to catch up, you'd use lightning flash anyway. Not to mention various mobility and swiftness skills that all support tempests have where mobility is needed.


If you think that 1 extra second of any boon that you apply every 5-10 seconds is less important than a boon that you can get in at least 5 different ways then idk what to tell you except learn to adapt and actually use your class.


How is removal of 1 trait limiting your options when we're talking about the most common boon in game and the most common boon on ele?

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> @"steki.1478" said:

> > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

> > > @"steki.1478" said:

> > > > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

> > > > > @"steki.1478" said:

> > > > > You have it in arcane as well as weapon skills. Having swiftness on a minor trait is pretty stupid when you compare it to minor traits of other classes and their elite specs.

> > > > >

> > > > > Concentration isn't amazing either, but it has far better use than personal swiftness on a support spec.

> > > >

> > > > What are you even talking about?

> > > > The swiftness on minor was important because it would allow you to chase targets while overloading if not people will just walk away from it! And you're suggesting people to run arcane for swiftness while you ignore that 1) you need to be attuned to air and 2) it takes 5s to tuning for a single element...and 3)claiming that swiftness from arcane can be combined with overload animation....I don't even know....

> > >

> > > How are people running away from them when you're supporting them snd giving them boons? Not every build has access to swiftness and they depend on supports providing them boons.

> > >

> > > 1) What's problem with attuning to air? It gives you CC and you can still support with utilities.

> > >

> > > 2) and 3) don't even make sense.

> >

> > 2-3) To gain swiftness you must first attune to air while using arcana line, then swap out to other attunement and wait another 5s to use overload and by that time I would have yes and not barely 1s of swiftness left.

> >

> > Not only you force me to take arcana line limiting my build options but also add pointless and useless limitations to the general gameplay, the swiftness while overloading was useful both to catch an enemy offguard and to more safely get away from being chased and....**you could play Tempest without using arcana and expecting to spam air overload for swiftness**

> >

> > I lose all that and for what?...an extra second of protection, dunno if you noticed but protection has been semi useless since PoF launch where other classes can go around with 5-6k crit AA **and that's the main reason why you see only sword weavers in pvp** , you either have hard mitigation like blocks, traits like stone heart.....plus toughness..or you will camp the respawn point.

> >

> > People don't use arcana on tempest not because they're too stupid to change build but because this is not more 2015, you tank nothing with protection alone....unless you want people to run fire/arcana/tempest "support" ...only when they can group up with a specialized guild raid group in wvw with experienced FB.....


> You can also take air spec or glyph heal or prestack swiftness with 10 blasts that you have OOC or you can get aoe swiftness from half of the meta builds or you can take pack runes or take stab+swiftness trait on overload or use eye of the storm to actually catch up to people in combat etc etc. If you really needed to catch up, you'd use lightning flash anyway. Not to mention various mobility and swiftness skills that all support tempests have where mobility is needed.


> If you think that 1 extra second of any boon that you apply every 5-10 seconds is less important than a boon that you can get in at least 5 different ways then idk what to tell you except learn to adapt and actually use your class.


> How is removal of 1 trait limiting your options when we're talking about the most common boon in game and the most common boon on ele?


I think what people are pissed about was that the change itself was dumb. 180 concentration? big deal. Swiftness? big deal. None of it even mattered but anet choose the route that just gimps tempest. They could have just easily added the concentration to the swiftness buff, and then keep the damage modifier on Harm conduit, then maybe it could have legitimately made DPS tempest an actual thing instead of a huge meme without gimping every other spec in the process.


It was just a dumb and pointless design decision because whoever designed ele balance this patch had no man packs. Look at warrior tactic rework. Probably the best balance update of all time... whoever made those balance changes def has some balls and isn't afraid to shake things up, because they can ALWAYS nerf things later if it's too strong. DPS Tempest probably won't even get a chance to see play, because the buffs to it were so weaksauce in comparison.

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> @"steki.1478" said:

> > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

> > > @"steki.1478" said:

> > > > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

> > > > > @"steki.1478" said:

> > > > > You have it in arcane as well as weapon skills. Having swiftness on a minor trait is pretty stupid when you compare it to minor traits of other classes and their elite specs.

> > > > >

> > > > > Concentration isn't amazing either, but it has far better use than personal swiftness on a support spec.

> > > >

> > > > What are you even talking about?

> > > > The swiftness on minor was important because it would allow you to chase targets while overloading if not people will just walk away from it! And you're suggesting people to run arcane for swiftness while you ignore that 1) you need to be attuned to air and 2) it takes 5s to tuning for a single element...and 3)claiming that swiftness from arcane can be combined with overload animation....I don't even know....

> > >

> > > How are people running away from them when you're supporting them snd giving them boons? Not every build has access to swiftness and they depend on supports providing them boons.

> > >

> > > 1) What's problem with attuning to air? It gives you CC and you can still support with utilities.

> > >

> > > 2) and 3) don't even make sense.

> >

> > 2-3) To gain swiftness you must first attune to air while using arcana line, then swap out to other attunement and wait another 5s to use overload and by that time I would have yes and not barely 1s of swiftness left.

> >

> > Not only you force me to take arcana line limiting my build options but also add pointless and useless limitations to the general gameplay, the swiftness while overloading was useful both to catch an enemy offguard and to more safely get away from being chased and....**you could play Tempest without using arcana and expecting to spam air overload for swiftness**

> >

> > I lose all that and for what?...an extra second of protection, dunno if you noticed but protection has been semi useless since PoF launch where other classes can go around with 5-6k crit AA **and that's the main reason why you see only sword weavers in pvp** , you either have hard mitigation like blocks, traits like stone heart.....plus toughness..or you will camp the respawn point.

> >

> > People don't use arcana on tempest not because they're too stupid to change build but because this is not more 2015, you tank nothing with protection alone....unless you want people to run fire/arcana/tempest "support" ...only when they can group up with a specialized guild raid group in wvw with experienced FB.....


> You can also take air spec or glyph heal or prestack swiftness with 10 blasts that you have OOC or you can get aoe swiftness from half of the meta builds or you can take pack runes or take stab+swiftness trait on overload or use eye of the storm to actually catch up to people in combat etc etc. If you really needed to catch up, you'd use lightning flash anyway. Not to mention various mobility and swiftness skills that all support tempests have where mobility is needed.


> If you think that 1 extra second of any boon that you apply every 5-10 seconds is less important than a boon that you can get in at least 5 different ways then idk what to tell you except learn to adapt and actually use your class.


> How is removal of 1 trait limiting your options when we're talking about the most common boon in game and the most common boon on ele?


What "any boon" are you talking about?, you just have protection-regen and might in abundance on ele! Concentration is a totally wasted stat for an entire elite spec on this class!

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> @"Arheundel.6451" said:

> > @"steki.1478" said:

> > > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

> > > > @"steki.1478" said:

> > > > > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

> > > > > > @"steki.1478" said:

> > > > > > You have it in arcane as well as weapon skills. Having swiftness on a minor trait is pretty stupid when you compare it to minor traits of other classes and their elite specs.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Concentration isn't amazing either, but it has far better use than personal swiftness on a support spec.

> > > > >

> > > > > What are you even talking about?

> > > > > The swiftness on minor was important because it would allow you to chase targets while overloading if not people will just walk away from it! And you're suggesting people to run arcane for swiftness while you ignore that 1) you need to be attuned to air and 2) it takes 5s to tuning for a single element...and 3)claiming that swiftness from arcane can be combined with overload animation....I don't even know....

> > > >

> > > > How are people running away from them when you're supporting them snd giving them boons? Not every build has access to swiftness and they depend on supports providing them boons.

> > > >

> > > > 1) What's problem with attuning to air? It gives you CC and you can still support with utilities.

> > > >

> > > > 2) and 3) don't even make sense.

> > >

> > > 2-3) To gain swiftness you must first attune to air while using arcana line, then swap out to other attunement and wait another 5s to use overload and by that time I would have yes and not barely 1s of swiftness left.

> > >

> > > Not only you force me to take arcana line limiting my build options but also add pointless and useless limitations to the general gameplay, the swiftness while overloading was useful both to catch an enemy offguard and to more safely get away from being chased and....**you could play Tempest without using arcana and expecting to spam air overload for swiftness**

> > >

> > > I lose all that and for what?...an extra second of protection, dunno if you noticed but protection has been semi useless since PoF launch where other classes can go around with 5-6k crit AA **and that's the main reason why you see only sword weavers in pvp** , you either have hard mitigation like blocks, traits like stone heart.....plus toughness..or you will camp the respawn point.

> > >

> > > People don't use arcana on tempest not because they're too stupid to change build but because this is not more 2015, you tank nothing with protection alone....unless you want people to run fire/arcana/tempest "support" ...only when they can group up with a specialized guild raid group in wvw with experienced FB.....

> >

> > You can also take air spec or glyph heal or prestack swiftness with 10 blasts that you have OOC or you can get aoe swiftness from half of the meta builds or you can take pack runes or take stab+swiftness trait on overload or use eye of the storm to actually catch up to people in combat etc etc. If you really needed to catch up, you'd use lightning flash anyway. Not to mention various mobility and swiftness skills that all support tempests have where mobility is needed.

> >

> > If you think that 1 extra second of any boon that you apply every 5-10 seconds is less important than a boon that you can get in at least 5 different ways then idk what to tell you except learn to adapt and actually use your class.

> >

> > How is removal of 1 trait limiting your options when we're talking about the most common boon in game and the most common boon on ele?


> What "any boon" are you talking about?, you just have protection-regen and might in abundance on ele! Concentration is a totally wasted stat for an entire elite spec on this class!


It's still helpful and lets ele share permanent 25 might in pve and protection anywhere. Both far more relevant than swiftness.


As I said somewhere else, sure it's not the best trait, but it's far better than swiftness since you'll still get that swiftness in dps build, but support builds will have easier time sharing relevant boons.

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> @"steki.1478" said:

> > @"Jski.6180" said:

> > > @"steki.1478" said:

> > > > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

> > > > > @"steki.1478" said:

> > > > > You have it in arcane as well as weapon skills. Having swiftness on a minor trait is pretty stupid when you compare it to minor traits of other classes and their elite specs.

> > > > >

> > > > > Concentration isn't amazing either, but it has far better use than personal swiftness on a support spec.

> > > >

> > > > What are you even talking about?

> > > > The swiftness on minor was important because it would allow you to chase targets while overloading if not people will just walk away from it! And you're suggesting people to run arcane for swiftness while you ignore that 1) you need to be attuned to air and 2) it takes 5s to tuning for a single element...and 3)claiming that swiftness from arcane can be combined with overload animation....I don't even know....

> > >

> > > How are people running away from them when you're supporting them snd giving them boons? Not every build has access to swiftness and they depend on supports providing them boons.

> > >

> > > 1) What's problem with attuning to air? It gives you CC and you can still support with utilities.

> > >

> > > 2) and 3) don't even make sense.

> >

> > You dont get that build in you must trait for it. The problem is not so much the swiftness is that its only 1 stack of stab and that it the swiftness boon is stronger then the 1 stack of stab. Its the lost of the 10% dmg effect a real reward for doing a full overload now its just an aura and the overload effect it self.


> Did you forget the permanent 7% dmg buff on new GM trait?


If you run it but you lose out on aura healing and that is massive to the tempests support class as well as its buriser call. At least before you could get some dmg on tempest with out giving up your best healing support you could run on ele over all. 7% dmg is not GM level any way it needs to be 7% for your full group.

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> @"Jski.6180" said:

> > @"steki.1478" said:

> > > @"Jski.6180" said:

> > > > @"steki.1478" said:

> > > > > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

> > > > > > @"steki.1478" said:

> > > > > > You have it in arcane as well as weapon skills. Having swiftness on a minor trait is pretty stupid when you compare it to minor traits of other classes and their elite specs.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Concentration isn't amazing either, but it has far better use than personal swiftness on a support spec.

> > > > >

> > > > > What are you even talking about?

> > > > > The swiftness on minor was important because it would allow you to chase targets while overloading if not people will just walk away from it! And you're suggesting people to run arcane for swiftness while you ignore that 1) you need to be attuned to air and 2) it takes 5s to tuning for a single element...and 3)claiming that swiftness from arcane can be combined with overload animation....I don't even know....

> > > >

> > > > How are people running away from them when you're supporting them snd giving them boons? Not every build has access to swiftness and they depend on supports providing them boons.

> > > >

> > > > 1) What's problem with attuning to air? It gives you CC and you can still support with utilities.

> > > >

> > > > 2) and 3) don't even make sense.

> > >

> > > You dont get that build in you must trait for it. The problem is not so much the swiftness is that its only 1 stack of stab and that it the swiftness boon is stronger then the 1 stack of stab. Its the lost of the 10% dmg effect a real reward for doing a full overload now its just an aura and the overload effect it self.

> >

> > Did you forget the permanent 7% dmg buff on new GM trait?


> If you run it but you lose out on aura healing and that is massive to the tempests support class as well as its buriser call. At least before you could get some dmg on tempest with out giving up your best healing support you could run on ele over all. 7% dmg is not GM level any way it needs to be 7% for your full group.


You won't run in in healing build... Aura heal was irrelevant in dps builds to begin with because you don't have many auras and the healing is personal and nonexistent.


No, before you couldn't get dpa because your main supporting skills do no damage and your main support traits didn't include % damage buff.


I always knew that you didn't know how to make a good build, but you start to make no sense whatsoever.

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