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Cancel Greatsword skill change


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Some of these things are OK, like I can live with losing the throw for the full block + kick evade if I have to, but Power Stab not evading? WHAT


GS was such a well designed weapon that they seemingly randomly decided to change. The loss of Power Stab will be devastating and the loss of Crippling Throw - IMO a very very key skill on the Greatsword - will completely change the way ranger greatsword plays and NOT in a good way.


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Replacing Crippling Throw on Counterattack with Counterattack Kick is a good change. As for Power Stab, I don't see what's so "fun" about it. Sure the evasion is nice and all, but it requires no skill. That auto attack chain is more luck based than anything else because it all comes down to you getting lucky enough to start that auto attack chain right as a hard-hitting attack is about to hit you. Replacing it with endurance is much better because it makes you dodge instead of having the weapon dodge for you.


The damage is not being reduced, cooldowns are not being increased, they're just replacing the pointless cripple on Counterattack and replacing the evade with endurance. Relying on an auto attack chain to avoid attacks is a bad habit, so please don't be lazy and just press a button to dodge.

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> @"Hoodie.1045" said:

> Replacing Crippling Throw on Counterattack with Counterattack Kick is a good change. As for Power Stab, I don't see what's so "fun" about it. Sure the evasion is nice and all, but it requires no skill. That auto attack chain is more luck based than anything else because it all comes down to you getting lucky enough to start that auto attack chain right as a hard-hitting attack is about to hit you. Replacing it with endurance is much better because it makes you dodge instead of having the weapon dodge for you.


> The damage is not being reduced, cooldowns are not being increased, they're just replacing the pointless cripple on Counterattack and replacing the evade with endurance. Relying on an auto attack chain to avoid attacks is a bad habit, so please don't be lazy and just press a button to dodge.


If you can't contribute without insulting everybody then its better not to contribute at all, especially if you don't even know who to use the weapon.

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> @"Hoodie.1045" said:

> Replacing Crippling Throw on Counterattack with Counterattack Kick is a good change. As for Power Stab, I don't see what's so "fun" about it. Sure the evasion is nice and all, but it requires no skill. That auto attack chain is more luck based than anything else because it all comes down to you getting lucky enough to start that auto attack chain right as a hard-hitting attack is about to hit you. Replacing it with endurance is much better because it makes you dodge instead of having the weapon dodge for you.


> The damage is not being reduced, cooldowns are not being increased, they're just replacing the pointless cripple on Counterattack and replacing the evade with endurance. Relying on an auto attack chain to avoid attacks is a bad habit, so please don't be lazy and just press a button to dodge.


What is the point of more button hitting which reduces the fluidity of gameplay?

If I wanted to play on 80's arcade machines I would go to some retro gaming cafe and do so.

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> @"Hoodie.1045" said:

> Replacing Crippling Throw on Counterattack with Counterattack Kick is a good change. As for Power Stab, I don't see what's so "fun" about it. Sure the evasion is nice and all, but it requires no skill. That auto attack chain is more luck based than anything else because it all comes down to you getting lucky enough to start that auto attack chain right as a hard-hitting attack is about to hit you. Replacing it with endurance is much better because it makes you dodge instead of having the weapon dodge for you.


> The damage is not being reduced, cooldowns are not being increased, they're just replacing the pointless cripple on Counterattack and replacing the evade with endurance. Relying on an auto attack chain to avoid attacks is a bad habit, so please don't be lazy and just press a button to dodge.


How about you "plz don't be ignorant" before splatting your opinions all over the place. Mastering the stow tricks you can do with that auto evade is not lazy at all. Besides, it is an autoattack. Most of them are inherently lazy. Gaining endurance from autoing is just as lazy as anything else. Just a bit less annoying for someone that doesn't play ranger, I reckon.


If this change goes through, they should at least decrease the cast time of the third swing.

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Edit : If you are only talking about change to skill 4 my vote is no. The new block will be much better even if we lose the throw. If this includes the auto it is a yes.


If they are afraid of the new block being too much, just reduce the duration. The new block will be great for a short defense burst. Overall this is a big nerf for close combat.


15 endurance only on hit is not enough and will not work everytime (like if you have >80 endurance). It does not cover what ranger lacks to stay in close combat. (passiv regen [edit : outside of boonbeast going full specific talents for that], great dispel or condi immunity, ability to pressure the ennemy). If they really want to do that they need to add other effects but I do not know what. (because you still need to do 3 auto chains)


I like the current greatsword. It has a very obvious animation on its 2, does not deal too much damage outside of that, has decent defense and great tools even if they can be hit and miss (3 not positioning correctly but great disengage/mobility,5 missing on moving target but great stun/setup, and crippling throw being super slow but nice tool to chase X) ). Quite balanced.


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This removes the clunkyness of the weapon. It's great in 1v1 but hold you back in group play. The point of those changes is to allow you to be mobile and keep defensive options at the same time. You just got used to the way it worked but that doesn't mean it was perfect, especially when weapons mechanics are one of the reasons rangers aren't accepted in WvW squads.

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the dodge on gs is quite important for a ranger because this class has no access to the myriads of blocks invul skills needed to stay in melee for a longer duration and it also does not have the necessary teleports to weave in and out of melee range as e.g. thieves do. No aoe attacks to speak of, no boon corrupts, not alot of control skills, no support build that is comparable to the meta. Why would you play a ranger when it is as much of a squish class like thief but lacks the tools to survive and dies as fast as a warrior without stances. The removal of the auto chain dodge is the demise of ranger greatsword.

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Ranger has no staying power in a fight without the GS auto evade. I didn't realize how negatively impactful this change will be until I played today and actively thought about how much I use the evade - and I use it intentionally most of the time. This is going to be a brutal change.


Every single melee class has a way to be in the fight and stay in the fight... or a way to get in and out as they please (to an extent)

Holo: Block wall that they can still damage through, S, stealth, leaps

Rev: Port, roll back, staff 5, staff 3, teleports, heal that converts damage to healing

Mesmer: distortion, blurred frenzy, teleports, leaps, stealth,

Thief: ports, evades, dagger storm, evade at 50% hp

Guardian: blocks, soo many blocks, invuln, ports

Necro: High hp pool w/ shroud, high soft and hard CC, ports

Ele: Evade, evade, evade, perma stab, ports, invulns

Warrior: only full counter, shield block - IMO this is why warrior isn't a team fight build, It can't stay in the fights easier... is just slowly dies to everything else around it because it has no good way to get in and out or to stay in.


Ranger: We will have GS block. That is it. That's our only staying power in a team fight now. Sword doesn't cut it, it evades but doesn't allow a ranger to pressure. We, like warriors, don't have essential invulns that allow us to do damage while negating damage like the 5/7 other classes... These classes: Rev, Thief, Mesmer, Ele, Holo can negate damage WHILE DEALING damage- this is amazing counterpressure ability. Guardian and Necro can't but they have other options. Warrior and Ranger have psuedo-invulns but we are only immune to 1 damage type, we can still be CC'd, and still be controlled via soft CC, and whatever damage we aren't invuln to for a few seconds...


The only thing war has going for it is full counter for staying team fights...

The only thing ranger had going for it was GS auto evades for staying in team fights.


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> @"Eurantien.4632" said:

> Ranger has no staying power in a fight without the GS auto evade. I didn't realize how negatively impactful this change will be until I played today and actively thought about how much I use the evade - and I use it intentionally most of the time. This is going to be a brutal change.


Exactly this.

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They should definitely go ahead with the greatsword change.


For one, almost no rangers really utilize the auto attack for an actual, purposeful evade. I'm sure Eurantien and other hardcore PvPers do to some extent, but for 99% of the population, actually evading something with greatsword AA is a pure RNG experience. Making the AA provide endurance for a purposeful dodge is a much better experience.


The weapon still has an evade on Swoop and the block on Counterattack will be much more controllable as well. Currently, it's easy to outplay a ranger trying to counterattack by using blind/stability/evade/etc. while moving into melee range to cancel their block early. The only real drawback is not being able to purposefully throw the greatsword.

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> @"Dahkeus.8243" said:

> They should definitely go ahead with the greatsword change.


> For one, almost no rangers really utilize the auto attack for an actual, purposeful evade. I'm sure Eurantien and other hardcore PvPers do to some extent, but for 99% of the population, actually evading something with greatsword AA is a pure RNG experience. Making the AA provide endurance for a purposeful dodge is a much better experience.


Out of the 99 % of the population you're talking about playing this game, another 99 % don't give a flying F about what the skill does at all, including giving endurance.


It's a non-argument. And the evade isn't RNG. That's not what RNG means.



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> @"Dahkeus.8243" said:

> They should definitely go ahead with the greatsword change.


> For one, almost no rangers really utilize the auto attack for an actual, purposeful evade. I'm sure Eurantien and other hardcore PvPers do to some extent, but for 99% of the population, actually evading something with greatsword AA is a pure RNG experience. Making the AA provide endurance for a purposeful dodge is a much better experience.



how would you know that 99% of ranger players don't actively use the evade or play like it does not exist? i think you just pulled that out of your kitten lol

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> @"Ferus.3165" said:

> > @"Dahkeus.8243" said:

> > They should definitely go ahead with the greatsword change.

> >

> > For one, almost no rangers really utilize the auto attack for an actual, purposeful evade. I'm sure Eurantien and other hardcore PvPers do to some extent, but for 99% of the population, actually evading something with greatsword AA is a pure RNG experience. Making the AA provide endurance for a purposeful dodge is a much better experience.

> >


> how would you know that 99% of ranger players don't actively use the evade or play like it does not exist? i think you just pulled that out of your kitten lol


Because if you’ve played PvP against most ranger players they don’t save the evade for anything and never do a whiff to get another evade out of it. I wouldn’t be surprised if most rangers (let alone most players) didn’t know there was an evade in the first place.

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