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Other races for Sunspear(s)?


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1. No. Sunspears were a human-centric order. They did work alongside non-humans (e.g., Zhed and the Velderunners during Nightfall), but they were not part of the Sunspears.

2. Maybe in post-Joko Elona, one could argue for hekets and Awakened. Beyond that, I'd argue no. Norn, asura, and sylvari have no interest in Elona, so in turn no interest in the Sunspears. Olmakhan would be the only charr who might be, but they're very isolationist and only fought Kralkatorrik because Rox and the Commander convinced them to because of the dangers Joko and Kralk imposed to them directly. There's no clear benefit for them to join the Sunspears.


That said, since Sunspears work with non-humans, having "honorary Sunspears" could work. This was effectively the role that the Prophecies and Factions PCs of GW1 took in the Nightfall campaign - being a foreign, honorary Sunspear Officer.


There's also the possibility of being in the Order of the Crystal Bloom or Zaishen Order instead, as those two groups are multi-racial and have similar practices to Sunspears (Crystal Bloom even including some former Sunspear and Zaishen members).

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> @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> 1. No. Sunspears were a human-centric order. They did work alongside non-humans (e.g., Zhed and the Velderunners during Nightfall), but they were not part of the Sunspears.

> 2. Maybe in post-Joko Elona, one could argue for hekets and Awakened. Beyond that, I'd argue no. Norn, asura, and sylvari have no interest in Elona, so in turn no interest in the Sunspears. Olmakhan would be the only charr who might be, but they're very isolationist and only fought Kralkatorrik because Rox and the Commander convinced them to because of the dangers Joko and Kralk imposed to them directly. There's no clear benefit for them to join the Sunspears.


> That said, since Sunspears work with non-humans, having "honorary Sunspears" could work. This was effectively the role that the Prophecies and Factions PCs of GW1 took in the Nightfall campaign - being a foreign, honorary Sunspear Officer.


> There's also the possibility of being in the Order of the Crystal Bloom or Zaishen Order instead, as those two groups are multi-racial and have similar practices to Sunspears (Crystal Bloom even including some former Sunspear and Zaishen members).


That's actually changed in post-Joko Elona, as per suns refuge. When you do the recruiting quest from start to finish(That is, putting the posters up all along Tyria to bring people into the Sunspears.) you get a few new trainees from around Tyria. Two of them are a Norn and Charr respectively, which the Sunspears accept as apparently they have no racial restriction, if they ever really did have one. Seems like it isn't an Olmakhan Charr either, just one who saw one of the posters while passing through the Tyrian cities and decided to sign up.


If I had to guess why, i'd imagine such an organization would be very appealing for a Gladium Charr like the ones found trying to Ascend in the Elon Riverlands.



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Nightfall's Sunspears were strictly human. Part of this was because GW1 was human-centric, with almost no non-human allies. Or at least humanoid, since the dwarves were allies during Shiverpeaks. Since there was no Guild Wars Beyond for Elona, we don't know how many norn, asura or charr traveled to the southern continent. (I mean, Elonian players met Vekk naturally, since the starting instance of Eye of the North is identical, no matter which portal is taken.) It is possible that norn or asura could have joined the Sunspears in those days, but Palawa Joko chased off nearly all non-humans when he reformed his empire. (Asura are like termites; it's nearly impossible to get rid of them once they start living somewhere.)


I think Konig and Loesh have covered post-Joko Sunspears pretty well. In fact, because of the Crystal Bloom, it's possible any Sunspears that remain will be desperate for new recruits and welcome anyone who wanted to join. The main issue would be why non-humans would join. I suppose a norn could join to form his legend (especially if he's the first norn Sunspear). Sylvari may join out of curiosity, or if it somehow tied to their Wyld Hunt. Asura would be the hardest to argue for, since any Elonan asura would have had a very secure lab and unlikely to join the Order unless it tied to their research or felt their lab threatened.

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Also if you open the job to Sylvari, you have to open it to Choya.


No one wants that.


I have to wonder what sort of larger organization Elona will have after chaos, branding, forcible exposure to other races and the Pact, and centuries of Joko's abuse will have. The natural tendency will be an absolute ruler but they won't have Joko's advantages, so I suspect a lot of chaos.


The Sunspear are well set to eventually end up in a good position so I can see them at least temporarily 'hiring' adventurers of all types to help out to bring stability. Whether they stay open or not as Elona stabilizes is an open question.

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> @"Rognik.2579" said:

> Nightfall's Sunspears were strictly human. Part of this was because GW1 was human-centric, with almost no non-human allies.


What does GW1 being human centric have to do with this?


The human nation of Elona was not a unified one when it came to governance and all 3 provinces were separately ruled though effectively allied unless they were warring one another (like in Nightfall).


The Sunspears were setup as an autonomous order that functioned as the defenders of the whole nation, but ultimately doesn't answer to any of the provinces.


Whether GW1 was human centric or not, it would stand to reason that a specifically human nation's defense force is made up of said humans of the nation.


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> @"Stramatus.5219" said:

> What does GW1 being human centric have to do with this?

If there were other playable races, then it'd be more likely to have non-human allies. The centaurs helped the Sunspears, but they were never part of the order. Plus, the question was if a non-human could join, so discussing the history matters. There were also heket in Elona, although I don't think any of them were ever friendly to humans. So yes, without many non-human residents, it makes it unlikely other races would have joined.

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