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The Icebrood Saga - Ice, Water and Fire.


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Is Jormag manipulating Bangar?


That's the main question we all, the lore nerds ask. My take on it is that Jormag is not actually doing that, instead s/he sees it as an advantage - sees it just as Bangar does. Maybe at some point Jormag will just screw him up, but I think at first they will get along with no sign of manipulation - Jormag will want to feel like Aurene does, and Bangar just like the Commander.


The Legions now are divided by Bangar and the rest of imperators, and it actually created a new faction - possibly as people speculated - the imminent creation of... Frost Legion - not necessarly corrupted by Jormag like Icebroods, but something similar to the Sons of Svanir - they will still have their own heart and personalities, but their soul will be corrupted - tempted by eternal need to have more power.



But what is Braham's place in this whole puzzle? What is the Norn's role now, when the Charr seem to have a willingness to tame Jormag - Norn's greatest enemy?


I will base my Icebrood Saga speculation on its detailed trailer, that I believe showed the journey we will be going, but what will lead us there and what will happen there - we will find out sooner or later.


I am not going to focus on what Jormag says to Aurene and the Commander, but I will focus on the pictures alone, for the first one already happened in the Prologue and I believe this Season will have 5 story episodes+the Epilogue that will lead us to the assault on Hoelbrak.



#The Prologue: Bound by Blood


At first we see Grothmar Valley - we can see the mountains on the background and some buildings in the far horizons, we can see burning castle, that I think means not that the Grothmar's castle will burn, but it's a symbolic sign of broken alliance - filled with fires of war.


Also a very symbolic icon of I think Rytlock and Ryland, that reminds me of this picture




It's no longer this warrior with his sword - his greatest pride in hand.


It's now a broken, devastated warrior with his own son - his greatest downfall in hand.


Ice, Water and Fire...


#Episode 1 and 2: Kodan


Then we see a very powerful shot with the heroes of Kodan that possibly faced Drakkar or even Jormag, and many died - it's also very powerful that all different elements appear on those two first shots - there is ice, water and fire on each, as if showing the might of those elements, all made meaningful by Jormag's words, his chilling words.


So we see Kodan on ice, burned as heroes, so they can move on and flow into the burning sunset.


I think from that we will move into Episode 2 in which we fight against Drakkar to avenge the fallen.


#Episode 3: The Jungle


Then we can see a centaur and slaves somewhere completely different, it's among the nature. Those three elements: Nature, Centaur and Human, make me think about Sylvari, Ventari and Ronan.


But it's just a massive contrast between those, when the Pale Tree was planted, it grew upon loyality, peacefulness and calm - that we know turned out to be a "fake" calm - when we learned the truth about Mordremoth - he was Sylvari's creator (but was he really?).


I think Mordremoth as the Jungle Dragon was supposed to be Sylvari', Mordrem' or however we call them, a vigil, but he got corrupted by the need of power, magic - this is where my speculation about Tyria being the Elder Dragon of Dream and Nightmare comes in. (https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/84393/is-tyria-7th-elder-dragon)


The Pale Tree at the same time was built on darkness and light, hatred and friendship, Dream and Nightmare.


I may be looking too deep into this particular moment of the trailer, but it allows me to give more spice into my own theory. :D


Anyway, the nature can be a place of peacefulness, calm, but also it's the place of violence and oppresion - I think that's what this particular scene with the Centaur and Humans means.


#Episode 4: Ocean


Then we move into my favourite scene that ALSO has 3 elements: Fire, Water and Ice (Jormag's voice metaphorically).


As I said I won't dive into what Jormag says - which is basically proving his/her point, that s/he wants a different world, as s/he sees it, but I want to point out that his/her voice doubles, or triples up when we dive into the ocean - as if s/he no longer speaks alone, but it's the mutual voice of two or three dragons that speak together.


And when we dive into this deep ocean, there is still this ominous light above - the setting sun, and the burning ship. Dead Norn and krait falling down into the depths.


Interpret that how you like ;)


To me it's a nice throwback from one of the first trailers for Guild Wars 2, when there was a ship on the ocean, and under it there was Zhaitan. Also showing the same contrast as in the previous scene - tranqulity leads to the storm, maybe even death, as we say it: "calm before the storm" - there is a reason for that, nothing is ever stable, and that's what makes our, and their world so strange and terrifying at the same time.



#Episode 5: Final Trial


This is where we enter the cold, deadly, threatening mountains, where there is no mercy, only strong will survive, that's the final trial that will lead us to Jormag's secret.


The snow as waves, the sun with the snow bliding...


#The Epilogue: Hoelbrak


I like how in the end Rytlock's Sohothin leads us to Jormag. Jormag is not growling at us - no, s/he is raising the head like a child that does something wrong. It's in the contrast to the Heart of Thorns cinematic, when Mordremoth said "Who dares stand against me?" and then Rytlock raises his sword to attack Jormag, straight up attack, in this trailer we can see that Rytlock raises his sword to defend, and Jormag says: "Stand against me, and you stand alone" - two completely different pictures of how Rytlock and maybe Elder Dragons have grown up into this more: "let's treat those Tyrians less like ants".


I think that's how the Icebrood Saga ends.


What's the place for Aurene in all of that?


I still don't have an answer for this question and I want to know in game how the writers will deal with this "Aurene is god-like, she can do what she wants". I don't want the story to be the constant Aurene ex-machina, but isn't it the reason why the writers wrote Aurene like that?




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I don't think an assault on Hoelbrak is likely. There is a vast amount of land still between Jormag and Hoelbrak that its army would have to travel and not get defeated by the combined forces of Tyria (frankly if we can't defeat the army en route, we wont beat it in Hoelbrak).


There is also no reason to make a specific beeline for Hoelbrak. It's a smattering of huts and ice carvings.



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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> I don't think an assault on Hoelbrak is likely. There is a vast amount of land still between Jormag and Hoelbrak that its army would have to travel and not get defeated by the combined forces of Tyria (frankly if we can't defeat the army en route, we wont beat it in Hoelbrak).


To be fair, an Elder Dragon moving does not need to worry about such tiny distances as three zones (Bitterfrost, Frostgorge, and Wayfarer). Just as Kralkatorrik went from Vabbit to western Kourna overnight, Jormag can get to Hoelbrak with ease, and carry / portal their army over. Even if not be the ones to move the army, there's already two major outposts along the route.


> There is also no reason to make a specific beeline for Hoelbrak. It's a smattering of huts and ice carvings.


Except for it being home to the largest population of norn, housing its tooth, and being symbolic representation of norn resilience in the face of Jormag.

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