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Lances are good for WvW and should be buffed


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Lances have a good impact on WvW. It forces people to play together. People that usually walk around alone now get killed by Gankers. Now on my server people started getting together and communicating with each other because they do not want to get killed by Gankers. They start to do more team-play, change their builds for more effective team-play and even join teamspeak / discord for coordination. Lances have increased community bond on server. Lances have a good impact on WvW and will increase it's longevity by increasing community bonds.


Lances should be buffed. They need to be faster, unblockable, impossible to dodge and reveal enemy(also add little red dot on map to signal enemy).

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I disagree. Lances as they are, are kinda okay. I don't like them, I think they favor ganking teams overly, while hurting the defenders a lot, but as with the warclaw, they won't go away anymore.

They should definitely not be faster or even bounce between targets. If I were to propose any change it would be: Make the lance dismount the attacker always.

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> @"nthmetal.9652" said:

> Lances as they are, are kinda okay. I don't like them, I think they favor ganking teams overly, while hurting the defenders a lot


By defenders you mean bypassing the fight to get on the wall. Yet people managed this feat before warclaw made it easy.

People got used to the free passclaw awfully quick.

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Never got hit by a lance, dodged them all, but I still hopped off the mount, chased the ganker down and killed them anyway. The only impact I found it had was in open field, the 1 player who decided to hop on their mount before open field fights began. Hop on the warclaw in your group, knock them off their mount then pulling them into your group.


Lances should come with a punishment though; if someone misses the lance, they should either go into downstate or completely dead.


Has anyone tried to see if they are reflectable?

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> @"DeadlySynz.3471" said:



> Lances should come with a punishment though; if someone misses the lance, they should either go into downstate or completely dead.



Well thats a little extreme for a miss of a skill. Was thinking on maybe if its a miss, adjust the CD by a couple seconds for the next attempt or in general, maybe alter the range so its not 1500 (maybe like 1000)



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Also there is the fact the lance is only available every 30s, whereas a mount can dodge that attempt at will with 3 dodges, and by the time the enemy lance is up, the mounts dodges are already back. It's actually easy to dodge a lance unless you were hit with a lag spike or just have bad timing in general - many people don't turn mouse to see behind them when the lance is fired to dodge it [in fact, people do this in combat on foot often when they panic and flee and thus become easy kills]. I also still think many people aren't aware of the lance skill atm because they still try to dance around you right next to your char trying to do the ole' staredown circling thing.

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> @"Leo.5829" said:

> Lances have a good impact on WvW. It forces people to play together. People that usually walk around alone now get killed by Gankers. Now on my server people started getting together and communicating with each other because they do not want to get killed by Gankers. They start to do more team-play, change their builds for more effective team-play and even join teamspeak / discord for coordination. Lances have increased community bond on server. Lances have a good impact on WvW and will increase it's longevity by increasing community bonds.


> Lances should be buffed. They need to be faster, unblockable, impossible to dodge and reveal enemy(also add little red dot on map to signal enemy).


or we just remove the warclaw and ur back to old situation where "u had to play together and communicate"

tho i dont really care left already this mount was just draining my will slowly to login it never had a place in WvW and never will.


not sure how lance works but if its not insta cast and insta hit its just gonna take few days and every1 will dodge this crap.

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> @"DeadlySynz.3471" said:

> Lances should come with a punishment though; if someone misses the lance, they should either go into downstate or completely dead.


That's a little UP in my opinion. People need a reason to fear missing their attack. So I say... if your lance attack is dodged, blocked, or misses you get banned from WvW for an hour.

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It hasn't actually changed much, in fact mounts still need their dodges and hp and cc looked at. It is very easy to dodge a lance. Don't blow all your dodges at once, look at the animation of the lance being fired (make sure you look at the enemy chasing you of course). Currently you can shrug off condi while mounted - yes, there are methods. The mount itself still poses a problematic symptom unless it is only kept as a speed factor to get from A->B that the many were asking for initially. The lance does not guarantee a dismount.

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> @"DemonSeed.3528" said:

> Also there is the fact the lance is only available every 30s, whereas a mount can dodge that attempt at will with 3 dodges, and by the time the enemy lance is up, the mounts dodges are already back. It's actually easy to dodge a lance unless you were hit with a lag spike or just have bad timing in general - many people don't turn mouse to see behind them when the lance is fired to dodge it [in fact, people do this in combat on foot often when they panic and flee and thus become easy kills]. I also still think many people aren't aware of the lance skill atm because they still try to dance around you right next to your char trying to do the ole' staredown circling thing.


One player against one ganker, that is correct. What we see now however are ganking teams, with three or more chasing a player on a warclaw trying to get away. And 3 lances against 3 dodges, one is enough to dismount you and the attacker, but there are two more. Now the defender has 0 chances of getting away and very low chances of even surviving (because if you had a chance of surviving a fight against gankers, you'd have taken the fight in the first place. The people trying to get away are the very same people, who don't stand a chance and know it).


Even without the lance it was rather easy for a ganking team to dismount someone against their will. But at least it came with a cost to the attackers, giving the defender the ghost of a chance. Now the weight has been shifted to the side of the defender, which is why I think the lance should dismount the attacker regardless of the success of the attack.

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