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A little too late anet.. as usual


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It's funny, you give us build templates finally after years of waiting


But the meta is so stale most players are running single builds, or have created several characters of same class just to avoid switching builds...


Also you gave us finally the dismount skill (should have come as soon as warclaw release)


Yet more people are leaving the game, why?

Because some got so used to the "avoid any fight i don't have advantage at" mentality, they can't play anymore because they now hate to get forced into fights AT AN OPEN WORLD PVP ZONE // facepalm

The real problem that needed a fix is population unbalance, the only worlds that are having fun with this unmount skill are the ones who have more players on their side, just ganking solo players or small groups out of spawn, or chasing roamers all over the map in 10 man groups. Im the only one feeling they released this too late?


Maybe if you tried listening to players before instead of giving us silent treatment or censuring almost every player who has a complain for more than 2 years straight. This could have been avoided.


Players cried at you, as soon as you released pof, for no mounts in wvw, either that or bigger maps, you did none, and realeased that mount in the worst way possible, 10k hp, inmune to cc, and 3 dodges, i'll never understand what were you thinking, maps are the same size, and also pretty old by now, and warclaw killed roaming, plus ruined almost every fight in wvw, either big scale or small scale.


Players been filling this forums with tons and tons of feedback and ideas towards class balance, yet what you did? keep buffing pof specs (specially fb and scourges) so players use those classes (regardless how boring they are to play as or against) just to push pof sales, and destroyed every other spec that was somehow popular (druid, chrono) so now either you go with the "meta" or you go for pve.. boring for most of pvpers, or you just uninstall and look for another game.. creating even more population unbalance, even blackgate the most filled wvw server has several guilds quitting the game


I personally think this game should remove pvp and wvw completely, but if they insist in working on wvw a few changes are needed


1. This game was always about build variation, not metas, why we have 5 specs outshining everyone else? why your idea of balance changed from, making everything viable, to focus on this 6 to 8 specs every 6 months? bring back hot specs and core classes too, make it so every player can be usefull on any class and build they like.


2. maps in wvw are boring and small, either nerf warclaw mobility and speed, or remove it, adding new maps seems so impossible giving how you are managing the game


3. either start hyping alliances and giving possible release dates, or release them asap, poeple need that right now, every day you lose more and more people, that could bring even quitters back


4. since when this game became another wow clone? why the hell do we have dedicated supports? and why this support classes are so overperforming, this game was never about trinity healer/tank/dps and that made this game great, we didn't have to focus healer, and then dps until we reach the tank, making every fight feel the same, also it was fun when we didn't need a support around to play normally, now that's gone and not only that, this is the only game i know where you have to focus dps before healers, because supports not only buff allies, but themselves, and also have pretty bunky builds... wtf!!!! Either choose a style, you can't do both it's annoying.


5. Pof specs are boring to play, as or against it doesn't matter, most players left because between pof and hot, you dumbed down the game a lot, making it more spammy, less focus on timing, mechanics and combos and more about infinite rotations that give a bit of everything, making some classes unkillable, and ridiculous, that and the power creep you added to clearly push sales, making the game somewhat p2w, i would love to see them completely reworked, because every one of them either make the game very boring or breaks the game because of mechanic flaws.


I don't really know what drives me to write this post, i'm currently just playing pvp to make daily, so i can repay my debt to a guild mate, i get so bored even in pvp that if i don't win first match i look for the easiest daily i can do just to finish quickly and disconnect, i lost all hope in this company, i think they are focusing only in pve, but they keep pvp and wvw running just to milk some more money out of players, giving us fake hope with weird statements like "our focus right now is alliances" yet no release date, no new info nothing.


Also i belive pof was made by a different group of devs and thats why it's so different and out of place, and those original devs won't come back, so that discourages me even more.


As i said before they should just let the ship sink and focus on pve, at least there they are making big money and players aren't so pissed, i can't recommend this game to anyone looking for pvp and it's sad because it had some of the best combat in mmos today.

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> @"ArchonWing.9480" said:

> > @"LetoII.3782" said:

> > There's some nutcases claiming they have _dozens_ of builds.. per class.. For pve..

> >

> > And I'm thinking: don't they know everyone around them doesn't even bother slotting traits?


> We can slot traits?


Only if you're tryhard

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> @"hunkamania.7561" said:

> Most people that wanted templates already have the arcdps one installed. This doesn't really help WvW at all. "It's better late than never" with WvW it is NEVER. We still get nothing.


This. So much this. It's been weeks now since I've bothered going past gold pips. The content is just that lacking, and it's only getting worse.

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> @"hunkamania.7561" said:

> Most people that wanted templates already have the arcdps one installed. This doesn't really help WvW at all. "It's better late than never" with WvW it is NEVER. We still get nothing.


> @"Optimator.3589" said:

> > @"hunkamania.7561" said:

> > Most people that wanted templates already have the arcdps one installed. This doesn't really help WvW at all. "It's better late than never" with WvW it is NEVER. We still get nothing.


> This. So much this. It's been weeks now since I've bothered going past gold pips. The content is just that lacking, and it's only getting worse.


Problem is the ARC templates will no longer be supported and will quickly fail to work.



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> @"hunkamania.7561" said:

> Most people that wanted templates already have the arcdps one installed. This doesn't really help WvW at all. "It's better late than never" with WvW it is NEVER. We still get nothing.


Also lets not forget if you can swap between templates anytime as long as you are ooc, that would bring massive umbalance, and even longer fights, imagin fightin a holo as a condi mes, swapping quickly to power bursting stealthing, getting ooc swaping to condi again, holo swapping from scrapper to cleanse quickly to holo tu sustain and counter attack, it would be a huge mess.

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> @"LetoII.3782" said:

> > @"ArchonWing.9480" said:

> > > @"LetoII.3782" said:

> > > There's some nutcases claiming they have _dozens_ of builds.. per class.. For pve..

> > >

> > > And I'm thinking: don't they know everyone around them doesn't even bother slotting traits?

> >

> > We can slot traits?


> Only if you're tryhard


What, get that elitism out of my Guild Wars 2.

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> @"kraai.7265" said:

> > @"hunkamania.7561" said:

> > Most people that wanted templates already have the arcdps one installed. This doesn't really help WvW at all. "It's better late than never" with WvW it is NEVER. We still get nothing.


> Also lets not forget if you can swap between templates anytime as long as you are ooc, that would bring massive umbalance, and even longer fights, imagin fightin a holo as a condi mes, swapping quickly to power bursting stealthing, getting ooc swaping to condi again, holo swapping from scrapper to cleanse quickly to holo tu sustain and counter attack, it would be a huge mess.



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> @"kraai.7265" said:

> Also lets not forget if you can swap between templates anytime as long as you are ooc, that would bring massive umbalance, and even longer fights, imagin fightin a holo as a condi mes, swapping quickly to power bursting stealthing, getting ooc swaping to condi again, holo swapping from scrapper to cleanse quickly to holo tu sustain and counter attack, it would be a huge mess.


They said there would be limitations on swapping in competitive modes, so hopefully said limitations keep that sort of madness in check.

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> @"ArchonWing.9480" said:

> > @"LetoII.3782" said:

> > > @"ArchonWing.9480" said:

> > > > @"LetoII.3782" said:

> > > > There's some nutcases claiming they have _dozens_ of builds.. per class.. For pve..

> > > >

> > > > And I'm thinking: don't they know everyone around them doesn't even bother slotting traits?

> > >

> > > We can slot traits?

> >

> > Only if you're tryhard


> What, get that elitism out of my Guild Wars 2.


You're elitist for not accepting your character as-is. I bet you even have 6 of the same rune, fascist

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> @"kraai.7265" said:

> > @"hunkamania.7561" said:

> > Most people that wanted templates already have the arcdps one installed. This doesn't really help WvW at all. "It's better late than never" with WvW it is NEVER. We still get nothing.


> Also lets not forget if you can swap between templates anytime as long as you are ooc


But... That's always been a thing <,<

At least I've been swapping utilities and weapons as needed, was that a cheating?


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Wait what? They released dismount atlast?! What are you on about.. this changes everything. Gonna dust off my thief and go roam like old times. Tho i agree it's abit too late cuz lots of peeps already gave up on wvw (pvp too). But i guess better later then never.


Edit: nvm. It's a warclaw skill.... i thought they added a simple dismount on hit (let's say a simple auto-attack with shortbow would dismount ppl instead of HP system)... Aight. Back to other games where ppl actually fight instead of running away.

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