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New player. Is it worth it?

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> @"vesica tempestas.1563" said:

> Ofc it's worth it, even the complainers conveniently forget they have got hundreds if not thousands of hours out of the game, and pvp and wvw is fine, better than most other aaa mmorpg and you will quickly get to the gear cap thats been set for years.


better than world of warcraft yes i agree

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No, it's not worth it now. The game has become very mundane.

It is now about going around Mindlessly collecting needles items, which serve no real purpose. There's no lore about why, there's no game play to go along with.

It''s quite like doing a dot to dot picture when you were 5 and the only purpose was to see the picture at the end, now imagine a whole book of just that, and sprinkled in here and there is a tad bit of story which is very separate of why your dotting in the first place. It's done to keep you in an area, and for artificial longevity until the next sprinkle comes out. I for one don't find it fun chasing the apple on a stick...Others in here will argue the opposite, and that's fine some people like doing the same thing over and over and over again. Cheers!

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You're going to see a lot of people griping and whining about gem store items. *Every single item* on the gem store is optional. There is *nothing* that is pay-to-win or essential in any way to fully enjoy the game. Everything on the gem store is either cosmetic only, or minor and non-essential convenience items (that you can get by playing the game anyway). Also, you can buy anything you want on the gem store using gold converted to gems. Yes, it will take a while to work toward that amount of gold, but that *is* a viable option.


Also, people who say "PVP/WVW is dead" tend to forget that OP is asking *from a new player's perspective*. From that perspective, those game modes certainly aren't dead. They're brand new and full of things to do. This applies to a lot of the so-called "stale" game - look at it from a new player's perspective. From a veteran who's been here since the game launched, of course you're inevitably going to run out of new things to do sooner or later, but how many hundreds of hours did it take you to get there? It also depends highly on just how quickly you tear through the game. If you rush to max level and immediately start working on ascended gear and doing Fractals and raids and that's *all you do*, then *duh* you're going to get bored and frustrated. If you take your time and enjoy the game fully - don't rush anywhere, just learn what you're doing and explore to your heart's content, there's no hurry - then it's going to take a long, long time to get bored.


The future of this game? I'd say it's fairly bright. :) The population of this game is quite active - you'll rarely find yourself on a dead map (and when you do, you can easily switch to another, more populated map instance) - and people are, on the whole, quite friendly. If you have a question, don't hesitate to ask, either here on the forums or in-game.


Welcome to Tyria!

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The answer to your question is, yes, it's worth immersing yourself in this game. I've played this game for six or seven years now and I always have so much to do in game. I like the storyline and the lore of the game.


As far as how far the game is going to go, they have given us the beginning of a new story saga. We've had lots of fantastic upgrades to the game over the years such as gliding and mounts. When I started playing, I had to run everywhere and I couldn't glide from high places safely to the ground like I can now with glider. They added a whole new profession (revenant) since I started playing.


But, where can they go from here? I believe the keep the game alive with story sagas and goals and objectives to meet in this game which I work diligently on every day. There is so much to do in raids, pvp, wvw and pve to do. You could spend years on this game if you have a mind to.

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if you like static achievements with an empty world filled with nothingness, GW2 is the place for you.

if you love a world without even a single bit of immersion, GW2 is the place for you.

if you really like grinding stuff within massive spam of effects and fake "no trinity" claims, GW2 is the place for you.


so yep, it's absolutely.....NOT worth it if you want a proper well designed game that doesn't burn you out within weeks.

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> @"sorudo.9054" said:

> if you like static achievements with an empty world filled with nothingness, GW2 is the place for you.

> if you love a world without even a single bit of immersion, GW2 is the place for you.

> if you really like grinding stuff within massive spam of effects and fake "no trinity" claims, GW2 is the place for you.


> so yep, it's absolutely.....NOT worth it if you want a proper well designed game that doesn't burn you out within weeks.


I wasn't burnt out in weeks and I've been playing since head start.


I don't feel the world is emtpy or filled for nothingness.


I feel the world is very immersive.


There isn't much grind in the game and what grind there is is not mandatory.


There isn't a trinity in this game. Some content just requires you to be able to do a series of things and doesn't care how you split it up between the players.


So I would say it is worth it to play.

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> @"Seera.5916" said:

> > @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > if you like static achievements with an empty world filled with nothingness, GW2 is the place for you.

> > if you love a world without even a single bit of immersion, GW2 is the place for you.

> > if you really like grinding stuff within massive spam of effects and fake "no trinity" claims, GW2 is the place for you.

> >

> > so yep, it's absolutely.....NOT worth it if you want a proper well designed game that doesn't burn you out within weeks.


> I wasn't burnt out in weeks and I've been playing since head start.


> I don't feel the world is emtpy or filled for nothingness.


> I feel the world is very immersive.


> There isn't much grind in the game and what grind there is is not mandatory.


> There isn't a trinity in this game. Some content just requires you to be able to do a series of things and doesn't care how you split it up between the players.


> So I would say it is worth it to play.


then you're easily satisfied.

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> @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > @"Seera.5916" said:

> > > @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > > if you like static achievements with an empty world filled with nothingness, GW2 is the place for you.

> > > if you love a world without even a single bit of immersion, GW2 is the place for you.

> > > if you really like grinding stuff within massive spam of effects and fake "no trinity" claims, GW2 is the place for you.

> > >

> > > so yep, it's absolutely.....NOT worth it if you want a proper well designed game that doesn't burn you out within weeks.

> >

> > I wasn't burnt out in weeks and I've been playing since head start.

> >

> > I don't feel the world is emtpy or filled for nothingness.

> >

> > I feel the world is very immersive.

> >

> > There isn't much grind in the game and what grind there is is not mandatory.

> >

> > There isn't a trinity in this game. Some content just requires you to be able to do a series of things and doesn't care how you split it up between the players.

> >

> > So I would say it is worth it to play.


> then you're easily satisfied.


Who cares if someone is easily satisfied or not?


Doesn't change the fact that it is worth it for a new player to play the game and see what their own opinion is on the game. Because games are very much a your mileage may vary on how much you enjoy a game and for how long.

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> @"Seera.5916" said:

> > @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > > @"Seera.5916" said:

> > > > @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > > > if you like static achievements with an empty world filled with nothingness, GW2 is the place for you.

> > > > if you love a world without even a single bit of immersion, GW2 is the place for you.

> > > > if you really like grinding stuff within massive spam of effects and fake "no trinity" claims, GW2 is the place for you.

> > > >

> > > > so yep, it's absolutely.....NOT worth it if you want a proper well designed game that doesn't burn you out within weeks.

> > >

> > > I wasn't burnt out in weeks and I've been playing since head start.

> > >

> > > I don't feel the world is emtpy or filled for nothingness.

> > >

> > > I feel the world is very immersive.

> > >

> > > There isn't much grind in the game and what grind there is is not mandatory.

> > >

> > > There isn't a trinity in this game. Some content just requires you to be able to do a series of things and doesn't care how you split it up between the players.

> > >

> > > So I would say it is worth it to play.

> >

> > then you're easily satisfied.


> Who cares if someone is easily satisfied or not?


> Doesn't change the fact that it is worth it for a new player to play the game and see what their own opinion is on the game. Because games are very much a your mileage may vary on how much you enjoy a game and for how long.


and he asked if it's worth it, this is my stand point so there is no point arguing about it.

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You have bought the game and the expansions. Therefore the only thing left you must buy to experience the whole thing is Living Story. Which you can't begin to play until you are 80 anyway. So dive on in, you own your account for as long as the servers stay up. At least get what you consider your money's worth of play time out of the leveling experience and learning the game mechanics and lore and exploring all the nooks and crannies. (Highly recommended that if you have an 80 boost, you don't use it until you've got some low end stuff under your belt, there is a very common complaint from people that boost too early that the game is both too complex and too boring somehow all at once). If you are hooked enough by the time you are 80 on at least one if not multiple characters (leveling is much faster here than in WoW, and the game is very alt-friendly), then you can look into how to get access to the LS maps and story.


There is some doom-and-gloom going on from pessimists who think that recent developments presage the game's death Any Day Now. It is true that plugs can be suddenly pulled on games (see: CoH). However that doesn't actually seem very likely given all the Saga work they've hinted at -- there should be at least a year left (and I lean to a lot more years of new content coming). Regardless, my feeling is that one shouldn't worry about the "investment." Pay for what's fun now, enjoy it, remember enjoying it. Maybe hold off on shoving a ton of money at the game if you ever do spend anything on it, until you have your own gut feeling of how much longer things will last and what you really need to enhance your fun. I mean, do you avoid eating at a restaurant because it might be closing next month? Do you regret spending money on a book by an author who is now dead so you won't get more books from them? Should you not have watched the Avengers movies because the mega-arc came to an end? The "investment" is in current enjoyment that becomes memories of good times.


You've got solid months of game ahead of you just in what you've already bought, far more than a single-player game provides for the same price, so yes, it's worth playing now that you have it. You can decide for yourself if it's worth *continuing* to play after you have gotten through the initial "oh shiny!' rush.

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Hello, OP! As someone who has been in this for 7 years, I can only give my honest opinion. The general community is pretty solid as a whole. I'm mostly talking about pve. However, if you're into pvp, stay away. pvp is a lost cause. It's been neglected and mismanaged in development for years and most of that community left a long time ago. What's left of that community is nothing but pure bitterness, I didn't want to be a part of that so I left to other games for my pvp needs. Honestly, pve is where it's at now: raids, fractals, etc. The old content alone is also worth it as a new player. You also have the two expansions.


However, I will caution you as well as any new players to not get too invested. gw2 is legitimately struggling, even in pve, due to mismanagement, politics and internal company changes. The game is unstable and its future is in doubt.

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I recomment doing everything in chronological order.


Core tyria

Ls1 recap


Heart of thornes


Path of fire


Icebrood saga


In this way you really go through it as it is designed. And thats the best way to go with all the plottwist surprises and such. So after youve done the main story buy the living seasons.

Have fun and goodluck.

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> @"Holy Hallidor.3067" said:

> Answers, whether you should invest your time and/or money into the game or not, were given. If you should continue, I just want to remark something quite important, if you care about chronological order of story: Season 2 and 3 of Living World contains story content which is chronologically located between Personal Story (base game) and Heart of Thorns. Season 4 comes after Heart of Thorns and before Path of Fire.


Which is incorrect. The correct chronological order is:


* Core campaign

* LWS1 (which is no longer available for play, but there is a nice [video summary](

"video summary") on YT, and [this](

* LWS2

* _Heart of Thorns_ expansion

* LWS3

* _Path of Fire_ expansion

* LWS4

* LWS5 (a.k.a. _The Icebrood Saga_)

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> @"sorudo.9054" said:

> if you like static achievements with an empty world filled with nothingness, GW2 is the place for you.

> if you love a world without even a single bit of immersion, GW2 is the place for you.

> if you really like grinding stuff within massive spam of effects and fake "no trinity" claims, GW2 is the place for you.


> so yep, it's absolutely.....NOT worth it if you want a proper well designed game that doesn't burn you out within weeks.


Don't listen to this bitter nonsense. A nasty ungrateful viewpoint from someone that has got 7 years gameplay out of gw2 (yes we can see your gaming history)

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No it isn't. If you use the lvl 80 boost you won't find any gear you can use for a real long time. It also makes a lot of combat trivial to the point you don't even need to use skills. Also every zone has to be explored to get waypoints or you can't make it to the event people are yelling about. This takes a very very long time. There is also jump mechanics in this game for no apparent reason. Also mastery points are hard to come by and that also takes a very very long time to catch up. There 100000s of currencies that you don't have and tons of crafting that becomes pointless when you boost. The quick of it is....New players are far far far away from everyone else because the game is so old. Sure you can boost to 80 then it becomes a boring jump feast for a long time just getting waypoints so you traverse the map. Then you have 2 expansions to go thrru and living world which everyone else has done. Also you can join 5 different guilds which means your loyal to none and it shows in game. The game is just very boring for a new player which is why I didn't last long.

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> @"razor.9615" said:

> No it isn't. [...]


You sound like you speed-rushed through the content. The journey is the reward. When you still have tons of stuff to do, to explore, to achieve, then doing that should be the fun part, not a chore to catch up with veterans. Because once you have caught up, you might discover that you won't find anything left to do that will truly satisfy you.


I think the one big downside of GW2 for veterans is that you have all that great gear and latest builds, and nothing to do with them in PvE once you have played through the story and done all the achievements you wanted to do, because there _is_ nothing to do in the open world, really, and repeated exploration simply for the fun of it is _completely_ unrewarding. Events are totally repetitive, mostly unchallenging and 80% unrewarding (except for some meta events, which also grow boring quickly, though), so PvE veterans are pretty screwed and have to create their own "excitement" by either playing other game modes (which can't compete with, let's say, GW1's), gambling (i.e., buying keys and opening Black Lion Chests) or looking for a new look for their characters (i.e., buying skins and makeover kits, using transmutation charges etc), hence "Fashion Wars".


But it's a long road to get to that point. Or at least it should be. ;)

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I've never played WoW so don't have a frame of reference.

Depends on why you are playing.

I find there is enough to keep me busy for years to come with unfinished achievements. I haven't used my ascended garden past getting it installed.

I play enough to make it worth time/effort to equip characters with ascended items.

I go to WvW and Fractals when I have to, but I'm a PvE player and happy with that.


I like the fact that everyone gains from a kill; so it helps if you see a fight and jump in. You won't lessen what they would get on their own.

People randomly rez players as they scoot by. It's an act of goodwill and you will need it in the future.

It may take time to gather people for an open-world PUG, but trains start all the time and people are helpful if you ask.

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  • 1 month later...

Hey there, just saw this post :)


The game is one of the classics in what I've played, I don't play it much but whenever I see someone new, I love to help out and adventure the world again.


I feel as this game's best years have gone past and have brought so many memories, I don't know much about it now as I used to but I feel you can get some of those memories and treasure them. The game is breathtaking and beautiful. I still remember the floating rock my clan leader and me sat on and built our first guild called Netherfore. Though its a gone guild, we made it to an amazing feat and amazing memories with clan meetings, clan games, clan raids, and much much more, traditions of dying off this huge cliff we built in the guild hall. I played this game about 1 year after release, but I feel all those memories can be acquired even for a new player coming in :).


The trains in silverwastes might be trains in other places, I have no idea haha. The world boss timers, especially tequatl. The 3 headed worm that very very very few times guild could kill, at least back in 2014. The game is still beautiful and the same as it used to be with much more content. I don't know much about it now, but the feeling of your player hitting level 80 for the first time, or picking your first class carefully, or acquiring your first legendary weapon, completing every jumping puzzle (Lol no one really does that, I did because I loved them). There is still so much to do in the world of tyria.


If you ever wanna play with me or need help in game I'd be more than down :)


User: Runs With Vodka.5913

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