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Should arena net start working on a Cantha Expansion for GW2?

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I get the impression that there's a cultural/political minefield they'd have to navigate there. Too often, they'd be halfway done with something, then orders from on high would be to scrap that and do it differently.


IF they did Cantha today, I think they'd have to basically level the whole area and have it either in ruins, or rebuilt into something most people don't recognise. Both would make GW1 players unhappy. Instead, I'd like them to consider having some refugees from Cantha show up somewhere, maybe on an island of their own. Give us one taste of Cantha, one aspect of it from one group that survived, then say that the rest is gone or at least unreachable. Then let it go.

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The whole thing is getting pathetic. If we had gone to cantha first and not the desert, would people moan about others being ' Nostalgic?' I mean they are sure as hell being 'Nostalgic' about the free Built templates GW had. People moan they don't want GW2 to be GW's clone and yet here we are.

Guess what, events of the past week make me believe that the haters have really and truly won, so these polls are unnecessary. No need to hate on us that want Cantha anymore.

You won. Now get back to moaning about mesmers.

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Do I think they should work on any expansion? Yes

Do I think they could get it done in time with any relevance left? Unfortunately not. That ship sailed after the aug 30th update. The people that were still holding on mostly eroded away and even if they started yesterday...it would be far too long for any meaningful boost to the game. They dropped the ball.

Just my opinion.

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They need to be planning for the future, which is such an obvious thing to say I would normally leave that bit out. But it's that consideration that determines whether it's worth working on Cantha.


There are two ways forward for the company: try to gain more players for GW2, or work on something else that has a better chance of gaining a future audience. (A bit of both is certainly an option.)


More players for GW2 isn't an impossibility, if they can keep releasing quality content that keeps players coming back. It also needs to be good enough that more people return for each release than left after the last one though, which I don't think has been happening. If they can reverse that trend over the Icebrood Saga, it's fair to say a Cantha expansion would provide a significant boost of interest which will put them in good standing for the future.


If they're planning to develop something else after GW2, it makes sense to get as much out of the current game as possible while there's still significant interest. In that case, Cantha would also be a good short-term boost. So either way, I feel like it'd be worth their while, whether the goal is a resurgence or a finale to the GW2 story.

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I'd rather have them go somewhere new.

Also --> [Cantha Threads](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/search?adv=1&search=&title=cantha&author=&cat=all&tags=&discussion_d=1&comment_c=1&discussion_question=1&comment_answer=1&discussion_poll=1&within=1+day&date= "Cantha Threads") No need to add a new one every week, just use the forum's search option.


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They should but they won't..

They know the game is in decline. No I'm not saying it's dying, but most of the players whom bought the original game and first Xpax are not playing anymore, at least not on any regular basis.

Yes, I know a few of you are gonna Whiteknight the hell out of this and say I'm still here and I love blah blah blah.

But, If were being honest. it most certainly is in decline which is why the game has gone free to play, to create a false population.

While doing this they will spew out sprinkles of new content and monetize the hell out of it, as the game Fades into that good night!

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> @"Liston.9708" said:

> As much as I’d like an expansion, I don’t think there is the player base to support it. The gam is 7 years old..


What does a game's age have to do with its quality of content? If the expansion is great it will be played. People will hear or read good things about it and pour in to try it out.

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No its time for creative new things. I think the LS works well for the balance of good old and new. A new full expansion should now focus on new lands, new stories (preferable not dragons), new things we never seen discovered before, the world of Tyria is much bigger. Not a endless recycling of everything gw 1 related. It would again be a human focused story, which we had more than enough of with LS 3 and Pof.

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They really need to have something big (i.e. an expac) after Icebrood Saga to get players back in the game for more than 2 or 3 days every 2-3 months, and that's what most PVE players are hyped for right now since they didn't do an expac after LWS4. Not doing that would be a massive letdown and would probably lose them many players that are holding out hope for an expac in the future. Doesn't necessarily have to be Cantha, but if it was, it would really help bring a lot of players back into the game.

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They should NOT work on a Cantha xpac YET.

They should work on the current Living Story entry, wrap that up with Jormag being replaced by a magically altered Braham (similar to how Aurene replaced Kralkatorrik). MEANWHILE the Icebrood Saga should also foreshadow (or just drop a single cinematic like Siren's Landing) to where the xpac DIRECTLY AFTER the Icebrood story leads.

ONLY THEN should Arenanet think about a way to add Bubbles and Cantha into the story for the FINALE of the game.

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> @"NYG.2568" said:

> They should but they won't..

> They know the game is in decline. No I'm not saying it's dying, but most of the players whom bought the original game and first Xpax are not playing anymore, at least not on any regular basis.

> Yes, I know a few of you are gonna Whiteknight the hell out of this and say I'm still here and I love blah blah blah.

> But, If were being honest. it most certainly is in decline which is why the game has gone free to play, to create a false population.

> While doing this they will spew out sprinkles of new content and monetize the hell out of it, as the game Fades into that good night!


I am not so sure about a decline but it is stagnant. Which is why I was so happy they announced they would expand some maps. Hopefully that will include old maps too. How often do you see level 80s in non-city core maps unless it is to get their dailies? Some games can keep going for years (Sims and WOW for example) but when people look at GW2 they see something that started out with some good ideas and then went back on them. Even if we never got an expansion again I would LOVE to see them revisit the core maps and reaffirm their original principles. Give us a REAL roadmap going forward, not just some marketing speak that causes people to start looking at what game to jump to next.

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"Liston.9708" said:

> > As much as I’d like an expansion, I don’t think there is the player base to support it. The gam is 7 years old..


> What does a game's age have to do with its quality of content? If the expansion is great it will be played. People will hear or read good things about it and pour in to try it out.


> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"Liston.9708" said:

> > As much as I’d like an expansion, I don’t think there is the player base to support it. The gam is 7 years old..


> What does a game's age have to do with its quality of content? If the expansion is great it will be played. People will hear or read good things about it and pour in to try it out.


The game engine is ancient . Not going to pull in new players on a 7 year old game. I personally would still be playing, but expacs cost money. How will it be paid for with current player base?

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