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DE is not a healthy, nor fun playstyle to go agasint.


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i play a very meele class and i guess DE is healthy to the game: forces team play and punish lazy playstyles/lazy teamates.


when we got a DE as foe, and our team is good the guys improve a lot over the battle and tends to overperform due to "be aware theres a DE". if team is lazy, they got a hard slap in the face.

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There's a lot that's just generally unhealthy about Deadeye and the only saving grace is that only like 1 or 2 players are even good at it both EU or NA.


With Be Quick or Be Killed DE is loaded with too much front loaded burst when it should actually be one of if not the least bursty power specs in the game.


Deadeye should be more like playing an Exodia deck in Yu-Gi-Oh. Rather than traditionally bursting you down with high damage it it's entire kit should be orientated around moderate damage while it works to set up an Exodia style guaranteed win condition. The entire point of Deadeye's Mark is to give players a huge window letting them know very clearly both when they are targeted by a Deadeye and when they are in severe immediate danger. Rifle in PvP should feel like playing a different game than "delete the health bar" and focus around setting up it's own win condition that requires actual time.


Stealth on dodge also should never been added to the game. It's fundamentally noxious. Especially since I think the general counter balance to snipers in general is that they should be clearly visible and require a very heavy focus on proper positioning to keep themselves out of sight and safe from harm.


Death's Retreat should also require the Deadeye to completely finish the after cast before they can recast it. Right now if they have quickness they can go from mid to a side node in less than a second.


Over all the Deadeye rework did nothing good for Deadeye in the grander picture of game health, balance, and giving them the proper strengths and weaknesses and the only saving grace is that you can count the people who can play it well on one hand.

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> @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> There's a lot that's just generally unhealthy about Deadeye and the only saving grace is that only like 1 or 2 players are even good at it both EU or NA.


> With Be Quick or Be Killed DE is loaded with too much front loaded burst when it should actually be one of if not the least bursty power specs in the game.





> Deadeye should be more like playing an Exodia deck in Yu-Gi-Oh. Rather than traditionally bursting you down with high damage it it's entire kit should be orientated around moderate damage while it works to set up an Exodia style guaranteed win condition. The entire point of Deadeye's Mark is to give players a huge window letting them know very clearly both when they are targeted by a Deadeye and when they are in severe immediate danger. Rifle in PvP should feel like playing a different game than "delete the health bar" and focus around setting up it's own win condition that requires actual time.


That was DE-s first iteration. You built up malice over time, then proceeded to 2*DJ their face when Malicious Seven procced. Then they reworked DE, and completely destroyed that playstyle. And since then they really made it harder to stack stealth and some damage modifiers aswell, which doubled down on the fact that A-net wants DE to be frontloaded damage and nothing else.


> Stealth on dodge also should never been added to the game. It's fundamentally noxious. Especially since I think the general counter balance to snipers in general is that they should be clearly visible and require a very heavy focus on proper positioning to keep themselves out of sight and safe from harm.


Given how literally every class can be built to do insane frontloaded damage(with the exception of necromancer), taking away DE-s ability to do the same seems just... I mean given it's theme, sniper should have the most dangerous opener, but sure. Also taking away stealth from dodge on top of it... I'm pretty sure people will figure out how to position themselfs in a way that no 1200 range jumps from revenants/core guardians and no 1500+ range bursts from rangers reaches them. I mean, how hard can that be, just don't leave spawn and you're gucci.



> Death's Retreat should also require the Deadeye to completely finish the after cast before they can recast it. Right now if they have quickness they can go from mid to a side node in less than a second.


Nope you can't. LESS than a second are you serious? Not even shortbow and Shadowstep gets you there that fast.


> Over all the Deadeye rework did nothing good for Deadeye in the grander picture of game health, balance, and giving them the proper strengths and weaknesses and the only saving grace is that you can count the people who can play it well on one hand.


DE lost the ability to passively gain malice in stealth, oneshotting ANYTHING once Malicious Seven procs. I would say that is a positive change. Also about strenghts and weaknesses:

- Good ranged burst damage which projectile based damage but absolutely no way to get around blocks and reflects.

- Higher damage than any other thief spec at the cost of mobility.

- Dependent on stealth for both offense and defense, with many classes having really punishing reveals (10-20 vulnerability stacks hello).

If these aren't proper strenghts and weaknesses I don't know what is. I'd go further and say DE is one of the simplest and most clean-cut designs, with crystal clear lines between things it can and cannot do.


Also you have every right to hate the spec for what it is, just don't say it's not a well defined playstyle with clear counters... becasue that's objectively not true.



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