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Necro builds


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I tend to struggle with necro in matches because I get focused too fast to build life force, and I don't really like the playstyle of having to worm and spectral walk myself to safety and kite. Is there a good reaper build that allows you to do good damage, keep up life force, and not have to teleport all over the place?


I tend to be bad at necro and life force management anyway though. It always amazes me that they keep nerfing scourge relentlessly because aside from maybe one or two people I haven't ever been able to or seen many people able to warrant that kind of attention. And now I see mostly core necros and reapers. I can't ever seem to do any decent damage as core necro and feel like I'm just walking around in shroud.


So, with the latest changes, what are some of your favorite builds for necro?

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Aaaaaaand once again, Wurm and Spectral Walk are meta =) who woulda thought?


As a Necro, you'll generally be focused like crazy as soon as you show your face. Sometimes, especially against good players, ALL you'll be doing is kiting and surviving the whole 10+ minutes of a match. It just comes with the package of playing a Necro. A lot of people don't like that because it's not exactly as relaxing as other playstyles and can be frustrating at times, but that's just the name of the game. I'd say that at least 80-90% of players don't like using Spectral Walk and Wurm because it's not straightforward to use and requires planning. On top of that, Wurm takes a long time to get used to when you are just starting to use it because there are many spots that don't work with it. At the same time, there's spots on each map that almost certainly always work too - it's just a matter of figuring out which ones work and which ones don't.


If you don't enjoy that kind of playstyle, then I would say that your best bet is probably to go with Reaper because I think Reaper can survive a bit better without those 2 utilties because of stability and mobility. I haven't played Reaper in a long time, but what you could try is removing either Wurm or Spectral Walk, and adding in something like Spectral Armour or Spectral Wall. Both of those skills can make you more tanky and can build a nice amount of lifeforce. Also, Runes of Speed seem to work really well on Reaper. I've seen some Reapers -cough- Gamble -cough- that use Runes of Speed and it gives you crazy mobility so you're really hard to catch. So using something like Spectral Walk, Corrupt Boon and Spectral Armour could potentially work?


Alternatively, you could try using Runes of Speed on core Necro as well, as that makes you harder to catch. Again, you could try Spectral Walk, Corrupt Boon and Spectral Armour/Wall and see if that works out. I have no idea, as I have never not used Wurm of Spectral Walk in a build....


You probably already know this, but use any of the spectral skills before going into shroud cuz it makes you tanky - you gain life force even when in shroud. Or use Locust Swarm before going in - does the same thing. Other than that, all you can do is pray.

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I agree with the above. A necros role if u want to get out of gold is to secure them kills more than getting the kills. I normally get no top starts cus I don’t bunker down in any role. But at same time I am kiteing 2 people/ pealing for a team mate and corrupting and saveing my bursts for the teams tagged target. Your brain is none stop at 100 but I feel like that role is needed and important. Although I would agree a rng does it better and so does a holo and rev. But reaper has what they don’t and that’s more useful pealing skills. I feel like that person that holds the map control together and at same time can be the reason we loosing if I can not kite the focus in a way I am still invold in the fight.


One of the best changes they could make to necro is a relook at worm. It should be a instant cast or a tele to a point that leaves a worm u can re tele to. If u want a more in face reaper u want to watch someone like mijo as he focuses for on the team fights.

I hate the role but I probly could make a solid build for u if u /w me in game

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here is how you play reaper, press ESC, then select Logout to character select. then pick a more effective class (here is a hint any other class you pick will be more effective) some real advice IF you do decide to run reaper? be a boon corrupt bot. that is all necro/reaper/scourge is now (and has been for a long time) just stay back, corrupt boons, do nothing else and have your team do everyone for you. tada! you are playing necro in 2019

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> @"Xxnecroxx.4039" said:

> here is how you play reaper, press ESC, then select Logout to character select. then pick a more effective class (here is a hint any other class you pick will be more effective) some real advice IF you do decide to run reaper? be a boon corrupt bot. that is all necro/reaper/scourge is now (and has been for a long time) just stay back, corrupt boons, do nothing else and have your team do everyone for you. tada! you are playing necro in 2019


why do you bother with giving advice if your advice is always log out of necro and play something else?


Your advice seems to be the same when i see it, and clearly some reaper players made it to plat and up, and some people managed to make roamer reaper work in WVW. That's not to say necro doesn't have its problems, because it does, but some people managed to make necro work so something must be working.

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> @"Xxnecroxx.4039" said:

> here is how you play reaper, press ESC, then select Logout to character select. then pick a more effective class (here is a hint any other class you pick will be more effective) some real advice IF you do decide to run reaper? be a boon corrupt bot. that is all necro/reaper/scourge is now (and has been for a long time) just stay back, corrupt boons, do nothing else and have your team do everyone for you. tada! you are playing necro in 2019


You not having success/ being good at the class =/= the class being bad/ unsuccessful. You don't even play the game anymore.

A majority of your posts are not helpful, off topic, and/or just bash anyone trying to ask any question or state anything positive about playing the class.

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You tend to struggle with necro in pvp because it's **an anti necro gamemode**. Look at amulets - all tanky stuff was killed, only think that vaguely resembles a tank amulet is paladin, and that thing receives it's defenses on it's **minor** stats, not major. This is a huge kick in the nuts for necro, since he's the most stat dependant profession of them all when it comes to defense. Every other profession has some block, evade frames, stealth, damage immunity or what not to counter enemy burst without having to invest into defensive stats. Necro's doesn't, and in this mode it has been denied to him.


If that wasn't enough, some really good defensive runes have also been cut out, most likely for being too op on other professions while on necro they would be fair and balanced. Stuff like rune of tormenting, or rune of surging.


The only way i see necro getting proper defenses without giving him some godmode defensive skill like all the rest, is pushing some major upgrades to free defensive stats he can get. Like vitality - which he can get barely 180 of from Soul Reaping - that's uncomparably lower value then toughness, which he can get 600 of from death magic, or healing power which he can stack anywhere from 150 - 630 from spite and blood magic combined.


Speaking of which i think the new death's carapace is a bit too brutal in it's stacking. Less max stacks, more power per stack would be fairer. With old Corrupter's fervor, stacking max stacks wasn't a big issue as long as you weren't chain cc'd for ages. Now death's carapace is hard to cap even when you're completely free to attack and i'm talking condition core necro which should not have issues to stack that shit.

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