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can we get rid of Righteous Indignation?


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It's like 5min lol, go take a camp or something, if a group / zerg / blob takes something, I'm pretty sure they can hold it for longer then 5min anyways, if they get wiped instantly after taking something, then serves them right for sucking and said force that wiped them can probably hold on for the short 5min while it goes away lol.

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it is not wise. those with blob will always win if that's the system. ri. balances things so all sides got to pace themselves.


also why would players def? it is more.rewarding to take and take back.


unless we got ourselves a competition, its more productive to stack, blob, and farm the enemy


them fb fb scourges scourge rev blobs will always win. in the average ;)

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I'd like to dis/agree. That 5-min buff should imo be longer at night (15mins) and shorter at prime time (2mins).


At night when population is low you cant just make the maps smaller, or close some maps, to concentrate the low number of ppl at some spots for fights and such. But you can use RI to bring them together at objectives that are ready to be flipped. Look at it as a kind of event timer: the event pops up when RI runs out.


During prime time RI could even be removed, to give ppl more freedom of choice, and not risking braindead karma trains. But first, Anet should tackle invisible thief portal abuse.

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> @"XenesisII.1540" said:

> Just think of the RI as a visual respawn timer on a pve champion.



And a time for the fight to be over. It helps to encourage variety. Otherwise, a fight might just go on and on in one spot all night. For instance: a big 3way in smc. Everybody likes the big epic battle, but after an hour or so the lag, the run back, the monotony makes it less fun.

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> @"LetoII.3782" said:

> > @"XenesisII.1540" said:

> > Just think of the RI as a visual respawn timer on a pve champion.


> ^

> And a time for the fight to be over. It helps to encourage variety. Otherwise, a fight might just go on and on in one spot all night. For instance: a big 3way in smc. Everybody likes the big epic battle, but after an hour or so the lag, the run back, the monotony makes it less fun.


lol That’s why there are others structures and borderlands. As for ri, we should just keep it as it is. imo

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> @"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

> > @"LetoII.3782" said:

> > > @"XenesisII.1540" said:

> > > Just think of the RI as a visual respawn timer on a pve champion.

> >

> > ^

> > And a time for the fight to be over. It helps to encourage variety. Otherwise, a fight might just go on and on in one spot all night. For instance: a big 3way in smc. Everybody likes the big epic battle, but after an hour or so the lag, the run back, the monotony makes it less fun.


> lol That’s why there are others structures and borderlands. As for ri, we should just keep it as it is. imo


Before ri you didn't have to leave, the same fight could and did continue all night. I agree, it was a good change.

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> @"Justine.6351" said:

> > @"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

> > I started playing wvw about 6 months after release of gw2 and it had RI then. Are you saying it wasn’t there from the start?


> Yeah it's been in place for a long time, probably 2012.


2012 is when it came out. So if ri wasn’t on in the beginning then they put it on very shortly after. Basically speaking it’s been there since the start.

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> @"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

> > @"Justine.6351" said:

> > > @"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

> > > I started playing wvw about 6 months after release of gw2 and it had RI then. Are you saying it wasn’t there from the start?

> >

> > Yeah it's been in place for a long time, probably 2012.


> 2012 is when it came out. So if ri wasn’t on in the beginning then they put it on very shortly after. Basically speaking it’s been there since the start.


They didn't put RI on immediately. They first put on a half measure that made it harder to kill the champ and camp vets, but not impossible. Literally and entire zerg could do enough damage to take it down. When people complained about that, they went to full unkillable for five minutes.

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