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List of needed warrior buffs.

Deus Fatorum.2473

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First off rampage is too hard too hit every time its off cd I recommend it proc passively.


also Hundred blades feels undertuned and not accurately reflects the skill, it should hit a hundred times.


Full Counter can be countered by boon strip so I recommend it grant Invuln and whenever it prevents damage it should down and stomp its attackers to accuratly reflect its skill name.


Bulls charge also bothers me as I see no bulls, when bulls charge lands it should summon 2 bulls that also cast the skill bulls charge.


These do not quite give warrior the buffs it needs so if you have any other buff suggestions lemme know below!


OH KIllshot is also pretty inaccurate upon activation should just kill all enemies in zone and be renamed kill shout


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> @"Sleepwalker.1398" said:

> Earthshaker on hit should automatically enable camera shake on opponent's pc and cause blurred vision like after drinking those eggnogs.


Earthshaker should demolish buildings and life, and cause a humanitarian crisis


Fear me should instill PTSD and depression on your foes.


Rush should make your character do a line of cocaine and go into a seizure

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Might Makes Right is only granting 12 might stacks to yourself and 24 to allies. It is also only healing you for 1.5 k base and 1.4k per ally buffed when properly traited. If might were truly right, these numbers would reflect such. I am not sure where the buffs should go exactly, but am open to suggestions. Maybe we need 3-4 charges instead of just 2?


Also, another problem is this skill works when facing left.

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