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Lab farm


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A group I was in the other night started out just doing mobs, as the group members increased the commander asked if we wanted to do a few doors which we all agreed to do, then awhile later our group had grown to the point where we had the numbers to effectively take on all the legendary bosses including Steve mowing right through them in just a few minuets each.... it was a nice run that was able to scale up to just roll through the content, the point is that the group changed as we had the numbers to do the content without wiping.

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> @"Ghetx.1752" said:

> Any serious gold farmer would realize you lose about 7 stacks a day just by killing lege mobs.Do a math,20 days of -7 stacks a day = 140 stacks = 1400 gold.


Any serious gold farmer has a job and converts $$ -> gems -> gold. You can make say 40g/hour with the lab farm. You can make around 200g/hour with a minimum wage job, depending on where you live. By not working and buying gems you are losing 160g per hour.

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One thing to remember is that Lab squads are constantly morphing due to drop in / drop out. Re-doing legendary bosses allows for new additions to the squad who may need them for their achievements, whether daily or otherwise. It's not always about "you" it's sometimes about the group. Likewise, it's not always about the rabid desire to min/max your bag income. If a commander chooses to do all bosses, some bosses, or no bosses there's a fairly good chance they made that decision for a reason. The OP should be asking a few of the "all bosses" commanders if they're really interested in answers.

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