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Besides new Maps, what new WvW content do you all want?


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Unique looking wvw legendary armor

legendary accessories, rings, amulets

more stuff to buy with badges

more titles/achievements

battle royal area

a reason to win, maybe a halo or devil horns each week you win

I even kinda like some of your ideas about new siege engines

anything really

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I am more concerned about changes to current maps than introducing new maps.


The desert feels way too big IMO. All of that space in the center can go.

Alpine maps are buggy. I walk down stairs and take damage near the south island ruins. My attacks regularly get obstructed in open fields. I wish they would remove the passive mobs.

You can use the mount to jump into several objectives. (The mount should be removed from WvW IMO)

Veteran scouts still have invisible smoke fields.

Dolyaks are regularly desynced.

The balance is a joke.


Instead of making new content, I would like for existing content to be polished. (And that applies outside of WvW too)

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> @"Acheron.4731" said:

> Unique looking wvw legendary armor

> legendary accessories, rings, amulets

> more stuff to buy with badges

> more titles/achievements

> battle royal area

> a reason to win, maybe a halo or devil horns each week you win

> I even kinda like some of your ideas about new siege engines

> anything really


Battle Royal in a MMO. How does that work without being a shooter?

Sounds like FFA PvP by a different name. ummm,, that been done many times in the history of MMO, normally never works long term. What would you differently here compared to Darkfall/UO/EvE etc here?

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> @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

> > @"Acheron.4731" said:

> > Unique looking wvw legendary armor

> > legendary accessories, rings, amulets

> > more stuff to buy with badges

> > more titles/achievements

> > battle royal area

> > a reason to win, maybe a halo or devil horns each week you win

> > I even kinda like some of your ideas about new siege engines

> > anything really


> Battle Royal in a MMO. How does that work without being a shooter?

> Sounds like FFA PvP by a different name. ummm,, that been done many times in the history of MMO, normally never works long term. What would you differently here compared to Darkfall/UO/EvE etc here?


We use to do a last man standing gvg inside of town arenas in another mmo called Archlord. It was really fun. You didn't have to gather anything from the enemy but you couldn't use heal skills at all (that was the only limitation). it is really no different than the open arena that we use to have in pvp...a round outer exterior to enter and a lower portion to fight or cut across and use slight terrain for advantage.

We could perhaps replace the ruins with something like this with one central portion to cap rather than 5 separate. I think it would attract more group fights and clean up the middle a little. You could also incentivize fighting here by increasing the ppk inside?

Not sure how it compares to others :(



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> @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

> Besides new Maps, what new WvW content do you all want?


> For sake of conversation I would like to hear what new content you all would want in WvW besides new Maps.


1. new siege. and siege you can put on wall and not be murdered for trying to use.


2. PvE scenarios that threaten towers and camps on maps where not many players are (they'd be strong enough to take the tower or camp, and make it neutral.


3. make your WvW's performance affect your world again. like giving your world a bonus to magic find, etc.


4. ...overall just more variety. to maps, keep layout, etc



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> @"arenta.2953" said:


> 3. make your WvW's performance affect your world again. like giving your world a bonus to magic find, etc.


Thats how daoc works they have strength and power relics, u get world wide message when relic gate is breached and most of pvers put down whatever they are doing to go defend their relics.




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> @"Limodriver.4106" said:

> > @"arenta.2953" said:


> > 3. make your WvW's performance affect your world again. like giving your world a bonus to magic find, etc.


> Thats how daoc works they have strength and power relics, u get world wide message when relic gate is breached and most of pvers put down whatever they are doing to go defend their relics.





sweet. =D



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> @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

> Besides new Maps

Firstly, I don't want new maps. They are not content, they are torture. Red BL is a great example. Desert is mostly deserted.

Players in WvW provide content through fights. Good fights is all I care about at the end of the day. Environment should encourge fighting, not promoting a stacked server's back-capping initiatives.


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**Lower siege limit.**

* Reduce amount of siege that can be placed within a certain proximity. Rams and Catapults unaffected.


**Add more fixed siege.**

* Arrow Carts and Shield Generators inside objectives that respawn every 15 minutes after being destroyed but like Cannons, cannot be moved. All fixed siege is placed in the middle of walls.


**Reduce number of NPCs in and around objectives.**

* For example, camps now consist of only 2 NPC's + the Siege Master.


**Increase strength of individual NPCs.**

* Each NPC now has slightly higher stats than a standard Veteran but do not gain any increases with objective upgrades. Only additional NPC's are added ( and again, less than currently ).


**[Outnumbered] adds roaming NPC's between unowned objectives on recipients side of the map.**

* In the same fashion that NPC's currently patrol fully upgraded objectives, NPC's will instead patrol unowned objectives on the Outnumbered side of the map. Strength increase still applies. On Eternal Battlegrounds, capturing Mercenary camps will replace any currently patrolling NPC's with the Mercenaries. Camps will still be attacked or supported with a separate mob of Mercenaries.


**Update NPC skins.**

* No reason for this other than to visualize their new strength. They all look boring anyway!


**Guilds claiming objectives can choose between two unique commands for the NPC objective owner ( eg. camp Veteran, tower Champion, etc ).**

* Stomp downed players / Revive downed players. Only applies to the singular NPC objective owner ( the NPC that needs to be killed to capture the objective ) and not other NPC's. This option is not mandatory for Guilds to choose when claiming the objective.


**Day/night cycle events.**

* **Night phase:** All objectives upgrade twice as fast. Mounted players take double damage. **Day phase:** Fixed siege no longer respawns. [sniff] also shows affected targets to nearby allies. No other changes to the [sniff] skill.


**Dismount trap.**

* Placeable trap that dismounts players who trigger it with the same knockdown that happens upon being dismounted by damage. 15 supply to deploy.


**Loot Bag vendor that accepts these items with Badges Of Honor.**

* Any Loot Bag dropped by a player + Badges Of Honor can be spent at this vendor to purchase tier specific materials ( eg. 5 Heavy Loot Bags + 50 Badges Of Honor can get you x2 Vicious Claw. 10 Medium Loot Bag + 75 Badges Of Honor can get the same thing ).


**In game leaderboard for guilds with the most kills and objective captures.**

* Either an option in the score menu or elsewhere that lets you view which guilds have captured the most objectives and which have killed the most players.


**Guild event arena**

* Portals are added away from objectives in a few locations on each map. Entering these portals allows you to host an event that can accommodate up to 200 players in an open arena. You can still see Team Chat from this location. You do not take up Queue space. The event creator can choose to accept or decline specific players. No Pips are awarded here. Guildless players can also create this event.


**New mechanic that allows you to "steal" Sentrys.**

* Upon capturing a Sentry you can choose to steal the flag. The flag(s) you have captured will be displayed beneath your name to other players similar to buffs. Stealing a flag prevents that Sentry from respawning. Dying, being killed, leaving the map or signing out will instantly respawn all of the stolen Sentrys. 5 minutes of inactivity will also respawn the Sentry's. Stealing _all_ Sentry's on the map will notify the enemy server in the same fashion as when an objective is captured ( eg. Darkhaven Silver Squire [NOOB] has stolen all your Sentrys! )


**Attack Dolyaks!**

* When capturing supply camps Dolyaks will now continue their usual route regardless of whether the objective they are travelling to is owned. If the objective is hostile, the Dolyak will instead remove supplies. These Dolyaks will be marked with white swords as they travel on the mini map.


Still thinking on these. May add more later.

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A New Player "Welcome Package" Achievement.

Gear is very hard to come by to new players, and the game mode demands different equipment stats and weapons than PvE. This will help them on their feet at the start of their grueling WvW career!


You talk to the NPC beside the spawn point to start the Achievement, and it tells you to do the following:

* Capture Two Camps

* Capture a Tower

* Capture a Keep

* Capture Stonemist Castle

* Kill a Veteran Scout

* Kill a Veteran Guard

* Kill a Camp Supervisor

* Kill a Dolyak

* Kill a Tower Lord

* Kill a Keep Lord

* Kill a Castle Lord

These would fill in a collection achievement panel, like what we have now, so it will be a one-time, account-bound collection quest everyone could do.



* One Armor Set Voucher

* Four Weapons Voucher

These voucher can be turned it to the Skirmish Supervisor.

Armor Voucher gives you a choice of one exotic set any of the 3 weights that are stat-selectable.

Weapon Voucher gives you a choice of one exotic weapon of choice, stat-selectable. Two-handed variants require two vouchers.


Now it gets better. At Rank 50, you can start a collection quest for a set of **Mist Trinkets** This one will require more things to do, as it gives a whole set of ascended stat-selectable trinkets.

* Defeat X number of opponents

* Revive X number of allies

* Finish X number of opponents

* Some trivial thing that drops from players, guards and lords

* Achieve Rank 100


It will be something for new players to gear their characters for WvW. They will stick around for a while, and maybe some will stay for a long time. Nothing to lose as all rewards will be account-bound and one-time only.

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> @"borgs.6103" said:

> A New Player "Welcome Package" Achievement.

> Gear is very hard to come by to new players, and the game mode demands different equipment stats and weapons than PvE. This will help them on their feet at the start of their grueling WvW career!


> You talk to the NPC beside the spawn point to start the Achievement, and it tells you to do the following:

> * Capture Two Camps

> * Capture a Tower

> * Capture a Keep

> * Capture Stonemist Castle

> * Kill a Veteran Scout

> * Kill a Veteran Guard

> * Kill a Camp Supervisor

> * Kill a Dolyak

> * Kill a Tower Lord

> * Kill a Keep Lord

> * Kill a Castle Lord

> These would fill in a collection achievement panel, like what we have now, so it will be a one-time, account-bound collection quest everyone could do.


> Rewards:

> * One Armor Set Voucher

> * Four Weapons Voucher

> These voucher can be turned it to the Skirmish Supervisor.

> Armor Voucher gives you a choice of one exotic set any of the 3 weights that are stat-selectable.

> Weapon Voucher gives you a choice of one exotic weapon of choice, stat-selectable. Two-handed variants require two vouchers.


> Now it gets better. At Rank 50, you can start a collection quest for a set of **Mist Trinkets** This one will require more things to do, as it gives a whole set of ascended stat-selectable trinkets.

> * Defeat X number of opponents

> * Revive X number of allies

> * Finish X number of opponents

> * Some trivial thing that drops from players, guards and lords

> * Achieve Rank 100


> It will be something for new players to gear their characters for WvW. They will stick around for a while, and maybe some will stay for a long time. Nothing to lose as all rewards will be account-bound and one-time only.


I like this idea a lot, would help to give new players something better to work towards and more of a reason to stick around for a while.


Although I'm sure you already thought of it and maybe forgot to mention, but it would be best if the armor and weapons could not be salvaged or sold, only destroyed. Like the items given when you level up. This would prevent any possible exploiting.

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> @"SpellOfIniquity.1780" said:

> I like this idea a lot, would help to give new players something better to work towards and more of a reason to stick around for a while.


> Although I'm sure you already thought of it and maybe forgot to mention, but it would be best if the armor and weapons could not be salvaged or sold, only destroyed. Like the items given when you level up. This would prevent any possible exploiting.

Yes to could not be sold, but no to could not be salvaged. It would be like the exotic gear you can buy in WvW, where you salvage it and get nothing but you can extract the upgrade. Players will/may want to keep the runes and sigils they put in them when the gears have outgrown their purpose.


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I support the quest ideas listed above but personally for me the maps themselves dont do very much. If looking at large scale combat i would like to see the maps do more to change up how large scale combat is taken by players who own a zone and players who dont.


**Environmental effects** from time to time, Similar to how one map has the sand storm every so often. Weather effects now trigger and provide new effects.


* **Day and Night Cycles** - During the day structures slowly regenerate supplies over time in addition to what is gained from delivery from Dolyaks. During the night as some one else said structures upgrade faster. Also taking a structure during the night causes 50% of its progress to transfer to the new zone owner. A t3 tower becomes a t1 tower with 50% progress to t2 for example.


* **Blizzards/ Cold Rain** - Much like the new strike mission map in pve when inside this zone enemy players are given the hypothermia debuff which prevents mounting the warclaw. If a player is mounted when they enter this zone while the blizzard / storm is active their war claw will slowly lose health until they are dismounted. In areas your world controls players can move to the nearest structure/camp they own to gain the koda's flame buff allowing them to continue to mount how ever using this has a lengthy cooldown and only last as a 1 time use till you dismount. Higher chance to trigger at night, only triggers in snow/mountain zones.

* **Fresh Rain** - All players experience greatly reduced incoming condition duration and condition damage, In zones your world controls incoming healing and endurance regeneration is increased by 5%. Can trigger in any zone but more frequent in neutral vegetation zones. (zones with lots of grass, trees, plants etc.)

* **Heat Waves** - All Mounted players take increased damage, as the mount loses hp it moves considerably slower, Mounts cannot regenerate endurance. Unmounted Players have decreased endurance regeneration and boon duration. Higher chance to trigger mid day cycle, cannot trigger in snow/mountain zones. Players can temporarily remove the heatwave debuff by visiting a structure/camp they own to get Hydrated.


These effects will not be active all the time but happen every so often throughout the day / night for short periods. For example Blizzards or cold rain that prevent enemies from mounting might last for 5 or 10 or 15 minutes in the respective zones which prevents mounting for short time frames but not forever.


**Fog of war hiding spots**

* tall grass

* thick corn

* Small bushes

* etc

Would be a nice thing to have access to so long as you are not in combat. A way for people to preform new tricks near smaller objectives or on routes to larger objectives. Once inside you are given camouflage for as long as you remain out of combat. Thus people can check by also walking into blind spot or simply attacking to force someone into combat revealing them.

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