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> @"Vicariuz.1605" said:

> > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > @"Vicariuz.1605" said:

> > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > > > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> > > > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > > > > > @"Jekkt.6045" said:

> > > > > > > > @"foste.3098" said:

> > > > > > > > @"Killthehealersffs.8940" @"Psycoprophet.8107"

> > > > > > > > staff/staff daredevil is op in the sense that it warps the game around it since only particular builds can deal with it.

> > > > > > > > But i am 100% against nerfing staff to the point of un-play ability, which seams like it will be the case, just because 1 degenerate build poped up and is abusing the on swap trait and sigils to bunker points. Daredevil was never meant to be a bunker but a bruiser, there is a big difference there.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > i don't see the problem with a build being extremely defensive to keep a node. this is what conquest is about. as for thief, evades is just the only way you can do it, but people seem to hate everything they can't hit.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > as for the on swap stuff, you're wrong. caed (i think) once polarized a double s/d build back in the times of dhumfire necro and spirit ranger with the same ini on weapon swap trait. as usual, it got nerfed because people in the history of gw2 have always complained about evades.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > if thief evades and stealth keep getting nerfed, how about giving thief an actual build that doesn't rely on them?

> > > > > >

> > > > > > This^ its halarious to me that the community spouts op on any thief build that has a chance at 1v1'ing than turns around and complains about thieves always disengaging during fights and how it's unfair. So according to the community thief shouldn't be able to hold its ground because of the mobility it has but at the same time shouldn't be able to have the mobility to constantly disengage due to not being able to hold it's ground lol its beyond funny. The staff/staff build dps isnt near what most dps builds do like if DA or CS was opted for instead of acro. Most other high deeps builds on other classes do more to. So staff/staff is basically a stall build that uses timed evades to sustain due to EVADES being it's way of sustain and its OP? So a warrior or any classes using their multiple passive and active sustain options while having high bursts is ok but a thief that spams evades cuz it's how it lives is OP? Why is any thief build that can somewhat stand its ground op? And why is it OP if thief has mobility if it doesn't have the ability to hold its ground ie disengage? So is thief supposed to be weak 1v1 and have low sustain/hp with just ok disengage potential? Sounds like a viable class to me lol. I hope I'm wrong but I can see the thief class as a whole being basically erased by these new devs with the help of the vocal gw2 community that has little care to the long term health of the game and only want their preferred classes to be in great spots while being barely contested by others, been this way for a long time now.

> > > > >

> > > > > So you want to be necormancer with high mobility in a nutshell?

> > > > > The issue is not that it can 1v1

> > > > >

> > > > > The issue is that while its 1v1'ing its not very subjective to any kind of retaliation other than on hit procs such as retaliation and auras both of which are extremely rare among the professions. Retaliations being limited to mostly guardian and auras like shocking aura being limited to only tempest and base ele for the most part.

> > > > > People dont mind you having lots of evades or a modest amount of stealth what people do mind is not having enough common tools spread throughout the game to combat it. Literally nothing except shocking aura stops that style of play for any decent amount of time and only should the thief choose to strike the aura buffed target.

> > > > > If a build does not allow for others to retaliate reasonably during a moment of down time then that build needs to be adjusted its simple.

> > > > >

> > > > > No one cares if you get the power to 1v1 people care if they don't ever have a proper turn to fight you back though.

> > > >

> > > > My issue is that when a thief build is buffed into a spot where its somewhat a viable 1v1 build without relying on one shot cheap mechanics its deemed OP because it constantly evades. How else would it sustain long enough in the fight if evades are its main defensive mechanic, of course it would have to evade enough to sustain itself in a fight to win it.

> > > > So if a thieves evades are to op because they can allow the thief to stay in the fight long enough(doesn't have passive sustain/hp or invulnerability) than how will a thief sustain itself in the fight long enough to win? They can't have a burst buff to shorten ttk so they wouldnt need sustain cuz the community will cry, they already cry about them disengaging all the time due to low sustain so.... and now being g able to evade long enough to sustain the fight is OP lmao it's seriously halarious. Like I said can't wait to see where thief's at in a yr. Not being able to combat it is BS as I'm not a amazing player myself yet I've had zero issues taking down staff thieves in every rank game I've played. There was a few that took a while to down so I left them but they weren't a big threat to me yet I can face half the other classes that take a while to down as well but can burst u in secs with far more deeps like warrior,holo,slb etc and on top the DD has one burst rotation so it's easy to know what its gonna do,other classes have many but because it's a thief build when community gets all in arms.

> > > > Good stuff!

> > >

> > > Let's not pretend that staff staff is "somewhat viable." Like let's just stop right there. Chaining evade frames by abusing a bug should be fixed plain and simple. When a build hard counters entire classes (not just other builds), while 1v2 and 1v3, there is an OBVIOUS problem.

> > >

> > > Stop downplaying how abusive the spec is.

> > >

> > > This isn't about ranked games, which are completely meaningless and riddled with low skill players. This is about ACTUAL games at what's left of the top tier of this game. Watch a monthly AT for once and understand what's going on.

> >

> > Chaining evade frame that cost 5 of 15 ini each time yeah it has a cost and cant chain for long. If it were me I'd keep the bug and remove the passive evade from the rollback and have it just be a low dps distance giving skill. May not require much skill to get the evade that way but at least it requires more than a press of button. To many aspects of the game skill wise is getting dumbed down. The game needs more skillful game play added not removed. Honestly I think I ran into 5 staff thieves in last two months of ranked. Reading these forums they make it seem their everywhere but I barely saw them lol

> > The day staff thief is the big bad oh man lol


> You seem to either willfully ignore the points made to your or they simply escape you. "Skillful" play isn't bug abuse to prevent yourself from being pressured. I'd argue that making use of a non bug abused staff 3 would be MORE skillful, since it can't be chained with zero frames of vulnerability.


> Again, no one cares at all about ranked, the fact that you continue to divert to it proves that you have no idea and no real context as to the efficacy of the build.


> AGAIN, feel free to watch MONTHLY TOURNAMENT vods.


> This was the problem with the build https://clips.twitch.tv/ArtisticFairJamBlargNaut this person is spamming everything they have and its nearly 40 seconds of evade frames. That's not even using the most survivable form of the build BTW. If this person were playing the build seriously (aka not spamming until they have no cds left) you would be seeing minutes on end where a point is either neutral or capped in the thief's favor with no viable recourse from the vast majority of classes and builds.


> That is unacceptable and you need to get over it, you seem to have a real big ego that "I don't have any problems with staff thief I beat them all the time even though I never see them because all I do is play ranked."


So u think pushing a button and the skill giving u a evade passively as u roll back is more skillful than if the evade was removed and only available if u timed not only hitting the skill but having to time a jump just before? Hmmm ok makes sense lol. Nearly 40 secs eh? U post a vid of u evading with the build for 40 seconds real time. Let's see it. First of all in that vid I counted 18 secs and second there were multiple times in between that player could have been caught. I have never had a player dancing around like that that was untouchable between dodges. If shorts thinks he couldn't have hit that player during that whole time he's full of it.

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> @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

> > @"Poledra Val.1490" said:

> > The sooner the abomination that condie thief and dodge thief is nerfed the healthier pvp will be, bottom line.


> I mean, didnt they just get 2 hotfix nerfs?


> Anet is not going to remove thief from the meta.


> Thief will ALWAYS be meta, forever and ever.


> Amen.


Nope there have been no hotfixes yet, to those specific builds.

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> @"Poledra Val.1490" said:

> > @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

> > > @"Poledra Val.1490" said:

> > > The sooner the abomination that condie thief and dodge thief is nerfed the healthier pvp will be, bottom line.

> >

> > I mean, didnt they just get 2 hotfix nerfs?

> >

> > Anet is not going to remove thief from the meta.

> >

> > Thief will ALWAYS be meta, forever and ever.

> >

> > Amen.


> Nope there have been no hotfixes yet, to those specific builds.


No, go look at release notes.


Deadly ambition was hit, half the stacks and double the cd.


Staff 3 was bug fixed and initiative increased from 4 to 6.



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> @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

> > @"Poledra Val.1490" said:

> > > @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

> > > > @"Poledra Val.1490" said:

> > > > The sooner the abomination that condie thief and dodge thief is nerfed the healthier pvp will be, bottom line.

> > >

> > > I mean, didnt they just get 2 hotfix nerfs?

> > >

> > > Anet is not going to remove thief from the meta.

> > >

> > > Thief will ALWAYS be meta, forever and ever.

> > >

> > > Amen.

> >

> > Nope there have been no hotfixes yet, to those specific builds.


> No, go look at release notes.


> Deadly ambition was hit, half the stacks and double the cd.


> Staff 3 was bug fixed and initiative increased from 4 to 6.




I stand corrected that is good news. Condie thief still needs to be adjusted though by a bit more imo i dont think its enough even the developer in his comment about Deadly ambition mentioned he doesent think it will be enough either.

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So whens the guard nerfs, u know the 2 trap pull and spin to intsta kill anyone while burning them. Just watched 2 players chasing a guard and beating on a guard and eventually gave up cuz guard was just blocking,using invulnerability and out healing them lmao but that's ok right? or the warrior rifle or melee builds that double tap a maurader thief while having double the sustain, or the mirages that insta burst while ccing u and constantly swapping places with there clones, or holo's that take massive beating than combo with their turret for full hp or go Invulnerable or may as well add stealth away as well if they wish or the soulbeast who can strip most classes to zero in one burst from 1800 away. List goes on. Now that we've battered thief can we focus on the other outliers cuz a hell of alot more specs than thief needed nerfs :)

Who's next? Let's keep the nerf train rolling.

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> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> So whens the guard nerfs, u know the 2 trap pull and spin to intsta kill anyone while burning them. Just watched 2 players chasing a guard and beating on a guard and eventually gave up cuz guard was just blocking,using invulnerability and out healing them lmao but that's ok right? or the warrior rifle or melee builds that double tap a maurader thief while having double the sustain, or the mirages that insta burst while ccing u and constantly swapping places with there clones, or holo's that take massive beating than combo with their turret for full hp or go Invulnerable or may as well add stealth away as well if they wish or the soulbeast who can strip most classes to zero in one burst from 1800 away. List goes on. Now that we've battered thief can we focus on the other outliers cuz a hell of alot more specs than thief needed nerfs :)

> Who's next? Let's keep the nerf train rolling.


There is a new dp revival.


Soon, it will be asking for nerfs.

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The way ppl complain after a hotfix went life makes me convinced that no amount of changes will ever satisfy the vocal ones; staff is unplayable now and ppl continued to qq about it on here lol.

Shame that any and all staff daredevil builds got obliterated instead of just the staff/staff bunker build that is not even that effective outside of a 5 man team that knows how to abuse it.


Fingers crossed that the devs actually follow through with what they said here, and this is just an emergency patch to remove the build from the game until the next full balance update where things get addressed properly, however anet's prior balancing antics make me very skeptical.

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> @"foste.3098" said:

> The way ppl complain after a hotfix went life makes me convinced that no amount of changes will ever satisfy the vocal ones; staff is unplayable now and ppl continued to qq about it on here lol.

> Shame that any and all staff daredevil builds got obliterated instead of just the staff/staff bunker build that is not even that effective outside of a 5 man team that knows how to abuse it.


> Fingers crossed that the devs actually follow through with what they said here, and this is just an emergency patch to remove the build from the game until the next full balance update where things get addressed properly, however anet's prior balancing antics make me very skeptical.


Ye ats are a thing

It made ats unfun and other staff builds werent viable in ranked anyway, so whats the problem in trashing this unskilled monkey build?

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> @"Koen.1327" said:

> Ye ats are a thing

> It made ats unfun and other staff builds werent viable in ranked anyway, so whats the problem in trashing this unskilled monkey build?


The problem is variety, staff/shot bow was a fine build for ranked and i can attest to that as i got to high platinum for the last 3 seasons; and then usually decayed to silver as i haven't the time to play consistently.

Just because you personally do not like a build doesn't mean it has to be trashed, if we go by that logic fire weaver is a unskilled sloth build that chains evades and heals while pulsing out burns, it is unfun to face so plz nerf it by increasing the cd of primordial stance to 120 seconds.


I agree staff/staff needed a change, but not one that it got which deletes staff as a weapon from pvp, the double staff quick pockets build specifically needed a change.

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> @"foste.3098" said:

> > @"Koen.1327" said:

> > Ye ats are a thing

> > It made ats unfun and other staff builds werent viable in ranked anyway, so whats the problem in trashing this unskilled monkey build?


> The problem is variety, staff/shot bow was a fine build for ranked and i can attest to that as i got to high platinum for the last 3 seasons; and then usually decayed to silver as i haven't the time to play consistently.

> Just because you personally do not like a build doesn't mean it has to be trashed, if we go by that logic fire weaver is a unskilled sloth build that chains evades and heals while pulsing out burns, it is unfun to face so plz nerf it by increasing the cd of primordial stance to 120 seconds.


> I agree staff/staff needed a change, but not one that it got which deletes staff as a weapon from pvp, the double staff quick pockets build specifically needed a change.


I ment unfun as in other sidenode specs arent even viable with staff/staff around, so it has to go.

Non meta builds are always hit as well but i do agree they should alter around double staff this is true.

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> @"Koen.1327" said:

> > @"foste.3098" said:

> > The way ppl complain after a hotfix went life makes me convinced that no amount of changes will ever satisfy the vocal ones; staff is unplayable now and ppl continued to qq about it on here lol.

> > Shame that any and all staff daredevil builds got obliterated instead of just the staff/staff bunker build that is not even that effective outside of a 5 man team that knows how to abuse it.

> >

> > Fingers crossed that the devs actually follow through with what they said here, and this is just an emergency patch to remove the build from the game until the next full balance update where things get addressed properly, however anet's prior balancing antics make me very skeptical.


> Ye ats are a thing

> It made ats unfun and other staff builds werent viable in ranked anyway, so whats the problem in trashing this unskilled monkey build?


What's the problem with nerfing the monkey build when other staff builds arnt viable? This is seriously an example of what's wrong with a large sum of gw2 players mentality and I hope the new devs see this. For one this poster is basically saying what's wrong if staff has no viable builds any way so delete the one that is. 2nd the staff was designed to be a "monkey build" which u can clearly see by the skill designs and the DD traitline so expecting people to play it differently is stupid. As I said before the players in thos game are so special their literally go a be the cause that pvp fails.

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> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > @"Koen.1327" said:

> > > @"foste.3098" said:

> > > The way ppl complain after a hotfix went life makes me convinced that no amount of changes will ever satisfy the vocal ones; staff is unplayable now and ppl continued to qq about it on here lol.

> > > Shame that any and all staff daredevil builds got obliterated instead of just the staff/staff bunker build that is not even that effective outside of a 5 man team that knows how to abuse it.

> > >

> > > Fingers crossed that the devs actually follow through with what they said here, and this is just an emergency patch to remove the build from the game until the next full balance update where things get addressed properly, however anet's prior balancing antics make me very skeptical.

> >

> > Ye ats are a thing

> > It made ats unfun and other staff builds werent viable in ranked anyway, so whats the problem in trashing this unskilled monkey build?


> What's the problem with nerfing the monkey build when other staff builds arnt viable? This is seriously an example of what's wrong with a large sum of gw2 players mentality and I hope the new devs see this. For one this poster is basically saying what's wrong if staff has no viable builds any way so delete the one that is. 2nd the staff was designed to be a "monkey build" which u can clearly see by the skill designs and the DD traitline so expecting people to play it differently is stupid. As I said before the players in thos game are so special their literally go a be the cause that pvp fails.


Yes instead of 1 single (unskilled) build being viable, id rather have multiple builds viable - exactly why double staff needed to go

Im glad it goes this way instead of going to a more monotone gameplay


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> @"Koen.1327" said:

> > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > @"Koen.1327" said:

> > > > @"foste.3098" said:

> > > > The way ppl complain after a hotfix went life makes me convinced that no amount of changes will ever satisfy the vocal ones; staff is unplayable now and ppl continued to qq about it on here lol.

> > > > Shame that any and all staff daredevil builds got obliterated instead of just the staff/staff bunker build that is not even that effective outside of a 5 man team that knows how to abuse it.

> > > >

> > > > Fingers crossed that the devs actually follow through with what they said here, and this is just an emergency patch to remove the build from the game until the next full balance update where things get addressed properly, however anet's prior balancing antics make me very skeptical.

> > >

> > > Ye ats are a thing

> > > It made ats unfun and other staff builds werent viable in ranked anyway, so whats the problem in trashing this unskilled monkey build?

> >

> > What's the problem with nerfing the monkey build when other staff builds arnt viable? This is seriously an example of what's wrong with a large sum of gw2 players mentality and I hope the new devs see this. For one this poster is basically saying what's wrong if staff has no viable builds any way so delete the one that is. 2nd the staff was designed to be a "monkey build" which u can clearly see by the skill designs and the DD traitline so expecting people to play it differently is stupid. As I said before the players in thos game are so special their literally go a be the cause that pvp fails.


> Yes instead of 1 single (unskilled) build being viable, id rather have multiple builds viable - exactly why double staff needed to go

> Im glad it goes this way instead of going to a more monotone gameplay



Yeah prob is this is gw2 so no no staff build will be viable for yrs lol the bounding staff build was designed to bound around and use evades for defence and wasn't a huge issue to players that learnt to fight it but instead people dont learn they just cry and get it removed. It's funny as a maurader thief player to get double tapped to 0 hp from full by a rifle warrior at range or by a ranger or get knock down and killed in one gs flurry from warrior. Last night a guard pulled me into his trap and one gs spin downed me. My point is every spec has builds as cheese as the third staff build but a class like thief gets so much nerf attention do to the non thieves players disliking the class playstyle and keep whining for nerfs thinking nerfs are gonna change the thief playstyle and how they feel being killed by one. The class literally gets nerfed for having a playstyle a rogue is sopose to have due to the community mentality, then its mesmer and so on. Holo is by far more versitile and stronger than any thief build but thief gets hot fixes lmao right, this games gonna def change for the better lol

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> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > @"Koen.1327" said:

> > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > > @"Koen.1327" said:

> > > > > @"foste.3098" said:

> > > > > The way ppl complain after a hotfix went life makes me convinced that no amount of changes will ever satisfy the vocal ones; staff is unplayable now and ppl continued to qq about it on here lol.

> > > > > Shame that any and all staff daredevil builds got obliterated instead of just the staff/staff bunker build that is not even that effective outside of a 5 man team that knows how to abuse it.

> > > > >

> > > > > Fingers crossed that the devs actually follow through with what they said here, and this is just an emergency patch to remove the build from the game until the next full balance update where things get addressed properly, however anet's prior balancing antics make me very skeptical.

> > > >

> > > > Ye ats are a thing

> > > > It made ats unfun and other staff builds werent viable in ranked anyway, so whats the problem in trashing this unskilled monkey build?

> > >

> > > What's the problem with nerfing the monkey build when other staff builds arnt viable? This is seriously an example of what's wrong with a large sum of gw2 players mentality and I hope the new devs see this. For one this poster is basically saying what's wrong if staff has no viable builds any way so delete the one that is. 2nd the staff was designed to be a "monkey build" which u can clearly see by the skill designs and the DD traitline so expecting people to play it differently is stupid. As I said before the players in thos game are so special their literally go a be the cause that pvp fails.

> >

> > Yes instead of 1 single (unskilled) build being viable, id rather have multiple builds viable - exactly why double staff needed to go

> > Im glad it goes this way instead of going to a more monotone gameplay

> >


> Yeah prob is this is gw2 so no no staff build will be viable for yrs lol the bounding staff build was designed to bound around and use evades for defence and wasn't a huge issue to players that learnt to fight it but instead people dont learn they just cry and get it removed. It's funny as a maurader thief player to get double tapped to 0 hp from full by a rifle warrior at range or by a ranger or get knock down and killed in one gs flurry from warrior. Last night a guard pulled me into his trap and one gs spin downed me. My point is every spec has builds as cheese as the third staff build but a class like thief gets so much nerf attention do to the non thieves players disliking the class playstyle and keep whining for nerfs thinking nerfs are gonna change the thief playstyle and how they feel being killed by one. The class literally gets nerfed for having a playstyle a rogue is sopose to have due to the community mentality, then its mesmer and so on. Holo is by far more versitile and stronger than any thief build but thief gets hot fixes lmao right, this games gonna def change for the better lol


if you'd read other people's comment and watch the monthly vids, you'd see that there is no thing or nobody who had "learnt to fight it" because all good players switched to this exact brainless thief build. The only thing to learn was to switch to double staff thief and not improve from there because anyone could play this build regardless of experience or skill in this game.

double staff thief > holo, weaver, mirage, spellbreaker and so on - on the side node - thats why it had to go

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> @"Koen.1327" said:

> > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > @"Koen.1327" said:

> > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > > > @"Koen.1327" said:

> > > > > > @"foste.3098" said:

> > > > > > The way ppl complain after a hotfix went life makes me convinced that no amount of changes will ever satisfy the vocal ones; staff is unplayable now and ppl continued to qq about it on here lol.

> > > > > > Shame that any and all staff daredevil builds got obliterated instead of just the staff/staff bunker build that is not even that effective outside of a 5 man team that knows how to abuse it.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Fingers crossed that the devs actually follow through with what they said here, and this is just an emergency patch to remove the build from the game until the next full balance update where things get addressed properly, however anet's prior balancing antics make me very skeptical.

> > > > >

> > > > > Ye ats are a thing

> > > > > It made ats unfun and other staff builds werent viable in ranked anyway, so whats the problem in trashing this unskilled monkey build?

> > > >

> > > > What's the problem with nerfing the monkey build when other staff builds arnt viable? This is seriously an example of what's wrong with a large sum of gw2 players mentality and I hope the new devs see this. For one this poster is basically saying what's wrong if staff has no viable builds any way so delete the one that is. 2nd the staff was designed to be a "monkey build" which u can clearly see by the skill designs and the DD traitline so expecting people to play it differently is stupid. As I said before the players in thos game are so special their literally go a be the cause that pvp fails.

> > >

> > > Yes instead of 1 single (unskilled) build being viable, id rather have multiple builds viable - exactly why double staff needed to go

> > > Im glad it goes this way instead of going to a more monotone gameplay

> > >

> >

> > Yeah prob is this is gw2 so no no staff build will be viable for yrs lol the bounding staff build was designed to bound around and use evades for defence and wasn't a huge issue to players that learnt to fight it but instead people dont learn they just cry and get it removed. It's funny as a maurader thief player to get double tapped to 0 hp from full by a rifle warrior at range or by a ranger or get knock down and killed in one gs flurry from warrior. Last night a guard pulled me into his trap and one gs spin downed me. My point is every spec has builds as cheese as the third staff build but a class like thief gets so much nerf attention do to the non thieves players disliking the class playstyle and keep whining for nerfs thinking nerfs are gonna change the thief playstyle and how they feel being killed by one. The class literally gets nerfed for having a playstyle a rogue is sopose to have due to the community mentality, then its mesmer and so on. Holo is by far more versitile and stronger than any thief build but thief gets hot fixes lmao right, this games gonna def change for the better lol


> if you'd read other people's comment and watch the monthly vids, you'd see that there is no thing or nobody who had "learnt to fight it" because all good players switched to this exact brainless thief build. The only thing to learn was to switch to double staff thief and not improve from there because anyone could play this build regardless of experience or skill in this game.

> double staff thief > holo, weaver, mirage, spellbreaker and so on - on the side node - thats why it had to go


Gues I've gotten lucky over past years always meeting bad staff players cuz only a few were ever much a issue to handle lol

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> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > @"Killthehealersffs.8940" said:

> > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > > @"Killthehealersffs.8940" said:

> > > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > > > Guaranteed had build been left as is within what's left of the year people would learn to counter it and it be considered not viable competitively. People aren't used to seeing it so haven't gotten used to fighting it and dont want to cuz again, it's a thief spec.

> > > >

> > > > That spec existed far longer .

> > > > And we have ppl like you that whined about Warriors , which is from the same period as Thiefs

> > > > And you left for archage , but you are ok with theif spec driving away other players ....

> > > >

> > > > (and i the bad , racking up infractions...)

> > >

> > > I actually like warriors in this game, I use them as comparisons and I know how long staff/staff thief and bounding Dodger builds have been out for yet until just last couple months it's a problem. The gw2 community has always had a mob mentality. As soon as a few post are up about a build being OP anytime a player gets beat by it they post one and so on. Again are u new cuz I'm not, been this way forever and is part of the reason the games balance is all over the place. I remember playing staff couple yrs back almost exclusively in wvw and pvp and almost seemed like I was the only one as most people thought it was garbage but now it's the ultimate weapon with a few tweaks lmao never gets old.

> >

> > You were jumping from WvWvW to PvP threads , saying that ''i havent played Condition or Stuff , but i beat with with my S/D''

> > Also it wont work in competive enviroment and the rest of the casuals should sulk it up .

> > Whined to the company for creating Warrior and giving them more burst than theifs , and you urged ppl to move to archage .

> > But for some reason you ok with other ppl leaving , as long as your spec doesnt get nerfed

> >

> > Have you thought for a sec , that players like YOU created these powercreep ?

> > Theifs before you sad +done the same thing .... and the newer Theifs will do the same

> >

> > (find a ratio defense vs attack , and each objective captured offers 5% increase damage/healing (no toughness) + 2% to the opponent to speeed things ingame like moba)


> Wow ur reaching for a pathetic attempts here bud to prove what? I have taken down many DD staff builds as I've played mostly s/d power and condi s/d but I've played thief t yrs lol I've played alot of staff to, almost for a yr strait so not sure what ur spouting off here? And no I dont find them problematic. yeah I've stated warriors have the same burst as the rogue in this game which is definitely outa whack, doesnt mean I dont like warrior as if u go to warrior threads ull see I posted asking questions like 5 months ago and was gonna swap from maining thief to warrior so..... I donno what to tell u.


Ok tell me the reason , that you went to Archage and you prompted other ppl to do the same ....

a) Is it because you whined about other classes have the same burst as theif , and they are more problematic ... they existed the same time as the thief . (at least Contition Mesmers have 10 buttons to play as piano) Why didnt you find a counter , like you are telling the Devs in this thred to let the Stuff/Stuff exist for 1 year , so the casuals will find a counter ?

b) Change of scenery ? why you are posting about balance here then and not implanting Archage Naval Combat ?

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> @"Killthehealersffs.8940" said:

> > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > @"Killthehealersffs.8940" said:

> > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > > > @"Killthehealersffs.8940" said:

> > > > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > > > > Guaranteed had build been left as is within what's left of the year people would learn to counter it and it be considered not viable competitively. People aren't used to seeing it so haven't gotten used to fighting it and dont want to cuz again, it's a thief spec.

> > > > >

> > > > > That spec existed far longer .

> > > > > And we have ppl like you that whined about Warriors , which is from the same period as Thiefs

> > > > > And you left for archage , but you are ok with theif spec driving away other players ....

> > > > >

> > > > > (and i the bad , racking up infractions...)

> > > >

> > > > I actually like warriors in this game, I use them as comparisons and I know how long staff/staff thief and bounding Dodger builds have been out for yet until just last couple months it's a problem. The gw2 community has always had a mob mentality. As soon as a few post are up about a build being OP anytime a player gets beat by it they post one and so on. Again are u new cuz I'm not, been this way forever and is part of the reason the games balance is all over the place. I remember playing staff couple yrs back almost exclusively in wvw and pvp and almost seemed like I was the only one as most people thought it was garbage but now it's the ultimate weapon with a few tweaks lmao never gets old.

> > >

> > > You were jumping from WvWvW to PvP threads , saying that ''i havent played Condition or Stuff , but i beat with with my S/D''

> > > Also it wont work in competive enviroment and the rest of the casuals should sulk it up .

> > > Whined to the company for creating Warrior and giving them more burst than theifs , and you urged ppl to move to archage .

> > > But for some reason you ok with other ppl leaving , as long as your spec doesnt get nerfed

> > >

> > > Have you thought for a sec , that players like YOU created these powercreep ?

> > > Theifs before you sad +done the same thing .... and the newer Theifs will do the same

> > >

> > > (find a ratio defense vs attack , and each objective captured offers 5% increase damage/healing (no toughness) + 2% to the opponent to speeed things ingame like moba)

> >

> > Wow ur reaching for a pathetic attempts here bud to prove what? I have taken down many DD staff builds as I've played mostly s/d power and condi s/d but I've played thief t yrs lol I've played alot of staff to, almost for a yr strait so not sure what ur spouting off here? And no I dont find them problematic. yeah I've stated warriors have the same burst as the rogue in this game which is definitely outa whack, doesnt mean I dont like warrior as if u go to warrior threads ull see I posted asking questions like 5 months ago and was gonna swap from maining thief to warrior so..... I donno what to tell u.


> Ok tell me the reason , that you went to Archage and you prompted other ppl to do the same ....

> a) Is it because you whined about other classes have the same burst as theif , and they are more problematic ... they existed the same time as the thief . Why didnt you find a counter , like you are telling the Devs in this thred to let the Stuff/Stuff exist for 1 year so the casuals find a tactic

> b) Change of scenery ? why you are posting about balance here then ?


Man ur really stuck on me leaving to AAU eh?

Reason 1 is I played gw2 for over 5 yrs and the pve is boring in this game IMO.

2nd the population in pvp and wvw is very low compared to what it was.

3rd reason is I feel the balance in this game will always be garbage the classes that are more vocally hated due to a dislike of its playstyle will always be held back do to the devs not having a clear vision and nerfing spec solely on the vocal community and often makes changes that are confusing to the players or make changes based off players that dont even play the class and ignore the actual players of said class.

Certain classes that are more popular or have a larger player base will always be in a better spot due to less nerf heavy vocal cry's.

The balance as far as most of the gw2 community is nerf any class that is difficult for me or that I just dont like the playstyle of, join nerd posts like a mob to nerf a class just cuz if it's not mine than why not and lastly dont touch my op class that is completely balanced.

Cuz if this the game will continue to bleed players as it has been for the last year.


AAU is a sandbox not theme park which I personally prefer.

The rogue like class even when complained about remains the highest melee burst hit and run (darkrunner) build like a rogue class should be not some glassy class that got its burst stripped cuz whiners to the point others do it better.

Lastly I find the game fun and like the pvp/pve mixed together as it adds danger and excitement to pve.

I like gw2 combat mechanics the best and jump in 1 or 2 matches few times a week to get a little fix but that's all i can handle before frustration with balance sets in and that's as a thief player so I log out and play somthing not frustrating. U kno it's bad when ur ok getting constantly ganked by higher lv and geared players while trying to do quests but gw2 pvp frustrates u enough to log off after couple matches lol

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> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > @"Killthehealersffs.8940" said:

> > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > > @"Killthehealersffs.8940" said:

> > > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > > > > @"Killthehealersffs.8940" said:

> > > > > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > > > > > Guaranteed had build been left as is within what's left of the year people would learn to counter it and it be considered not viable competitively. People aren't used to seeing it so haven't gotten used to fighting it and dont want to cuz again, it's a thief spec.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > That spec existed far longer .

> > > > > > And we have ppl like you that whined about Warriors , which is from the same period as Thiefs

> > > > > > And you left for archage , but you are ok with theif spec driving away other players ....

> > > > > >

> > > > > > (and i the bad , racking up infractions...)

> > > > >

> > > > > I actually like warriors in this game, I use them as comparisons and I know how long staff/staff thief and bounding Dodger builds have been out for yet until just last couple months it's a problem. The gw2 community has always had a mob mentality. As soon as a few post are up about a build being OP anytime a player gets beat by it they post one and so on. Again are u new cuz I'm not, been this way forever and is part of the reason the games balance is all over the place. I remember playing staff couple yrs back almost exclusively in wvw and pvp and almost seemed like I was the only one as most people thought it was garbage but now it's the ultimate weapon with a few tweaks lmao never gets old.

> > > >

> > > > You were jumping from WvWvW to PvP threads , saying that ''i havent played Condition or Stuff , but i beat with with my S/D''

> > > > Also it wont work in competive enviroment and the rest of the casuals should sulk it up .

> > > > Whined to the company for creating Warrior and giving them more burst than theifs , and you urged ppl to move to archage .

> > > > But for some reason you ok with other ppl leaving , as long as your spec doesnt get nerfed

> > > >

> > > > Have you thought for a sec , that players like YOU created these powercreep ?

> > > > Theifs before you sad +done the same thing .... and the newer Theifs will do the same

> > > >

> > > > (find a ratio defense vs attack , and each objective captured offers 5% increase damage/healing (no toughness) + 2% to the opponent to speeed things ingame like moba)

> > >

> > > Wow ur reaching for a pathetic attempts here bud to prove what? I have taken down many DD staff builds as I've played mostly s/d power and condi s/d but I've played thief t yrs lol I've played alot of staff to, almost for a yr strait so not sure what ur spouting off here? And no I dont find them problematic. yeah I've stated warriors have the same burst as the rogue in this game which is definitely outa whack, doesnt mean I dont like warrior as if u go to warrior threads ull see I posted asking questions like 5 months ago and was gonna swap from maining thief to warrior so..... I donno what to tell u.

> >

> > Ok tell me the reason , that you went to Archage and you prompted other ppl to do the same ....

> > a) Is it because you whined about other classes have the same burst as theif , and they are more problematic ... they existed the same time as the thief . Why didnt you find a counter , like you are telling the Devs in this thred to let the Stuff/Stuff exist for 1 year so the casuals find a tactic

> > b) Change of scenery ? why you are posting about balance here then ?


> Man ur really stuck on me leaving to AAU eh?

> Reason 1 is I played gw2 for over 5 yrs and the pve is boring in this game IMO.

> 2nd the population in pvp and wvw is very low compared to what it was.

> 3rd reason is I feel the balance in this game will always be garbage the classes that are more vocally hated due to a dislike of its playstyle will always be held back do to the devs not having a clear vision and nerfing spec solely on the vocal community and often makes changes that are confusing to the players or make changes based off players that dont even play the class and ignore the actual players of said class.

> Certain classes that are more popular or have a larger player base will always be in a better spot due to less nerf heavy vocal cry's.

> The balance as far as most of the gw2 community is nerf any class that is difficult for me or that I just dont like the playstyle of, join nerd posts like a mob to nerf a class just cuz if it's not mine than why not and lastly dont touch my op class that is completely balanced.

> Cuz if this the game will continue to bleed players as it has been for the last year.



1) I dont see you posting about implanting PvE ideas from Archage .... you simply go in the balance threads ...why is that ?

2) Guess who fault is that ?What do you think you are doing by making replies over replies to others casuals ? You are trying to shut them down , makes them uncomfable and forcing them to leave ? What should i do to you then ?

3) 3 replies up from here , every1 can see the reply that you made on Koen , that the worst offenders is other classes , but not Thiefs .

PPl target specific unfun mechanics and you defend it ... Whos resposible for the Powercreep ?

Simple answer is you :)


(We see less whinning on Condition Mesmer , because they have to use 10 bottuns .... so the low lvl PvP is safe > they dont whine .

Thief and Warriors + Enginners is problematic in all lvl )

''Crit , makes me right''


(....5 years ....its you Cynz ?)

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> @"Killthehealersffs.8940" said:

> > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > @"Killthehealersffs.8940" said:

> > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > > > @"Killthehealersffs.8940" said:

> > > > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > > > > > @"Killthehealersffs.8940" said:

> > > > > > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > > > > > > Guaranteed had build been left as is within what's left of the year people would learn to counter it and it be considered not viable competitively. People aren't used to seeing it so haven't gotten used to fighting it and dont want to cuz again, it's a thief spec.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > That spec existed far longer .

> > > > > > > And we have ppl like you that whined about Warriors , which is from the same period as Thiefs

> > > > > > > And you left for archage , but you are ok with theif spec driving away other players ....

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > (and i the bad , racking up infractions...)

> > > > > >

> > > > > > I actually like warriors in this game, I use them as comparisons and I know how long staff/staff thief and bounding Dodger builds have been out for yet until just last couple months it's a problem. The gw2 community has always had a mob mentality. As soon as a few post are up about a build being OP anytime a player gets beat by it they post one and so on. Again are u new cuz I'm not, been this way forever and is part of the reason the games balance is all over the place. I remember playing staff couple yrs back almost exclusively in wvw and pvp and almost seemed like I was the only one as most people thought it was garbage but now it's the ultimate weapon with a few tweaks lmao never gets old.

> > > > >

> > > > > You were jumping from WvWvW to PvP threads , saying that ''i havent played Condition or Stuff , but i beat with with my S/D''

> > > > > Also it wont work in competive enviroment and the rest of the casuals should sulk it up .

> > > > > Whined to the company for creating Warrior and giving them more burst than theifs , and you urged ppl to move to archage .

> > > > > But for some reason you ok with other ppl leaving , as long as your spec doesnt get nerfed

> > > > >

> > > > > Have you thought for a sec , that players like YOU created these powercreep ?

> > > > > Theifs before you sad +done the same thing .... and the newer Theifs will do the same

> > > > >

> > > > > (find a ratio defense vs attack , and each objective captured offers 5% increase damage/healing (no toughness) + 2% to the opponent to speeed things ingame like moba)

> > > >

> > > > Wow ur reaching for a pathetic attempts here bud to prove what? I have taken down many DD staff builds as I've played mostly s/d power and condi s/d but I've played thief t yrs lol I've played alot of staff to, almost for a yr strait so not sure what ur spouting off here? And no I dont find them problematic. yeah I've stated warriors have the same burst as the rogue in this game which is definitely outa whack, doesnt mean I dont like warrior as if u go to warrior threads ull see I posted asking questions like 5 months ago and was gonna swap from maining thief to warrior so..... I donno what to tell u.

> > >

> > > Ok tell me the reason , that you went to Archage and you prompted other ppl to do the same ....

> > > a) Is it because you whined about other classes have the same burst as theif , and they are more problematic ... they existed the same time as the thief . Why didnt you find a counter , like you are telling the Devs in this thred to let the Stuff/Stuff exist for 1 year so the casuals find a tactic

> > > b) Change of scenery ? why you are posting about balance here then ?

> >

> > Man ur really stuck on me leaving to AAU eh?

> > Reason 1 is I played gw2 for over 5 yrs and the pve is boring in this game IMO.

> > 2nd the population in pvp and wvw is very low compared to what it was.

> > 3rd reason is I feel the balance in this game will always be garbage the classes that are more vocally hated due to a dislike of its playstyle will always be held back do to the devs not having a clear vision and nerfing spec solely on the vocal community and often makes changes that are confusing to the players or make changes based off players that dont even play the class and ignore the actual players of said class.

> > Certain classes that are more popular or have a larger player base will always be in a better spot due to less nerf heavy vocal cry's.

> > The balance as far as most of the gw2 community is nerf any class that is difficult for me or that I just dont like the playstyle of, join nerd posts like a mob to nerf a class just cuz if it's not mine than why not and lastly dont touch my op class that is completely balanced.

> > Cuz if this the game will continue to bleed players as it has been for the last year.



> 1) I dont see you posting about implanting PvE ideas from Archage .... you simply go in the balance threads ...why is that ?

> 2) Guess who fault is that ?What do you think you are doing by making replies over replies to others casuals ? You are trying to shut them down , makes them uncomfable and forcing them to leave ? What should i do to you then ?

> 3) 3 replies up from here , every1 can see the reply that you made on Koen , that the worst offenders is other classes , but not Thiefs .

> PPl target specific unfun mechanics and you defend it ... Whos resposible for the Powercreep ?

> Simple answer is you :)


> (We see less whinning on Condition Mesmer , because they have to use 10 bottuns .... so the low lvl PvP is safe > they dont whine .

> Thief and Warriors + Enginners is problematic in all lvl )

> ''Crit , makes me right''


> (....5 years ....its you Cynz ?)


I dont play gw2 for pve so why would I post ideas influenced by AA n the pve section?

This is a theme park mmo not sandbox so the players here arnt interested in adding sandbox elements like building a house, farming, fishing or building trade routes for income or they'd be playing a sandbox game. Players here want a more linear story driven experience that a theme park provides which is completely fine, I just find the story and heart system mind numbing but others love it so no need to change formula. Also I don't think the problem with the population decline lies in pve but more from a large chunk of long time pvp players leaving or left due to the clown fiesta in wvw and major balance issues across all pvp centric modes.

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Yes .. i agree with the clown fiesta in wvw and major balance issues across all pvp centric modes.

That the Devs job to solve out .

Then theres the human element ... the community .... that i am trying to found out :P

You make numerous posts ... and i try to find the root


You cannot say that you left GW2 for because they snoozfest PvE , and later on you dont play it .

It might mean that you are trying to ''please me + befriend me''

Which pervious theifs have used in the past , and didnt work :P


Either you are willing to sucrifice thing , so other classes get nerfed too ....

or simply bicker with me and hop to other games after Archage and visiting GW2 forums in the same time , for the next 4 years .

(most thief , chose the second , so they help me to recharge my batteries:P)

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> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > @"Vicariuz.1605" said:

> > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > > @"Vicariuz.1605" said:

> > > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > > > > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> > > > > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > > > > > > @"Jekkt.6045" said:

> > > > > > > > > @"foste.3098" said:

> > > > > > > > > @"Killthehealersffs.8940" @"Psycoprophet.8107"

> > > > > > > > > staff/staff daredevil is op in the sense that it warps the game around it since only particular builds can deal with it.

> > > > > > > > > But i am 100% against nerfing staff to the point of un-play ability, which seams like it will be the case, just because 1 degenerate build poped up and is abusing the on swap trait and sigils to bunker points. Daredevil was never meant to be a bunker but a bruiser, there is a big difference there.

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > i don't see the problem with a build being extremely defensive to keep a node. this is what conquest is about. as for thief, evades is just the only way you can do it, but people seem to hate everything they can't hit.

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > as for the on swap stuff, you're wrong. caed (i think) once polarized a double s/d build back in the times of dhumfire necro and spirit ranger with the same ini on weapon swap trait. as usual, it got nerfed because people in the history of gw2 have always complained about evades.

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > if thief evades and stealth keep getting nerfed, how about giving thief an actual build that doesn't rely on them?

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > This^ its halarious to me that the community spouts op on any thief build that has a chance at 1v1'ing than turns around and complains about thieves always disengaging during fights and how it's unfair. So according to the community thief shouldn't be able to hold its ground because of the mobility it has but at the same time shouldn't be able to have the mobility to constantly disengage due to not being able to hold it's ground lol its beyond funny. The staff/staff build dps isnt near what most dps builds do like if DA or CS was opted for instead of acro. Most other high deeps builds on other classes do more to. So staff/staff is basically a stall build that uses timed evades to sustain due to EVADES being it's way of sustain and its OP? So a warrior or any classes using their multiple passive and active sustain options while having high bursts is ok but a thief that spams evades cuz it's how it lives is OP? Why is any thief build that can somewhat stand its ground op? And why is it OP if thief has mobility if it doesn't have the ability to hold its ground ie disengage? So is thief supposed to be weak 1v1 and have low sustain/hp with just ok disengage potential? Sounds like a viable class to me lol. I hope I'm wrong but I can see the thief class as a whole being basically erased by these new devs with the help of the vocal gw2 community that has little care to the long term health of the game and only want their preferred classes to be in great spots while being barely contested by others, been this way for a long time now.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > So you want to be necormancer with high mobility in a nutshell?

> > > > > > The issue is not that it can 1v1

> > > > > >

> > > > > > The issue is that while its 1v1'ing its not very subjective to any kind of retaliation other than on hit procs such as retaliation and auras both of which are extremely rare among the professions. Retaliations being limited to mostly guardian and auras like shocking aura being limited to only tempest and base ele for the most part.

> > > > > > People dont mind you having lots of evades or a modest amount of stealth what people do mind is not having enough common tools spread throughout the game to combat it. Literally nothing except shocking aura stops that style of play for any decent amount of time and only should the thief choose to strike the aura buffed target.

> > > > > > If a build does not allow for others to retaliate reasonably during a moment of down time then that build needs to be adjusted its simple.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > No one cares if you get the power to 1v1 people care if they don't ever have a proper turn to fight you back though.

> > > > >

> > > > > My issue is that when a thief build is buffed into a spot where its somewhat a viable 1v1 build without relying on one shot cheap mechanics its deemed OP because it constantly evades. How else would it sustain long enough in the fight if evades are its main defensive mechanic, of course it would have to evade enough to sustain itself in a fight to win it.

> > > > > So if a thieves evades are to op because they can allow the thief to stay in the fight long enough(doesn't have passive sustain/hp or invulnerability) than how will a thief sustain itself in the fight long enough to win? They can't have a burst buff to shorten ttk so they wouldnt need sustain cuz the community will cry, they already cry about them disengaging all the time due to low sustain so.... and now being g able to evade long enough to sustain the fight is OP lmao it's seriously halarious. Like I said can't wait to see where thief's at in a yr. Not being able to combat it is BS as I'm not a amazing player myself yet I've had zero issues taking down staff thieves in every rank game I've played. There was a few that took a while to down so I left them but they weren't a big threat to me yet I can face half the other classes that take a while to down as well but can burst u in secs with far more deeps like warrior,holo,slb etc and on top the DD has one burst rotation so it's easy to know what its gonna do,other classes have many but because it's a thief build when community gets all in arms.

> > > > > Good stuff!

> > > >

> > > > Let's not pretend that staff staff is "somewhat viable." Like let's just stop right there. Chaining evade frames by abusing a bug should be fixed plain and simple. When a build hard counters entire classes (not just other builds), while 1v2 and 1v3, there is an OBVIOUS problem.

> > > >

> > > > Stop downplaying how abusive the spec is.

> > > >

> > > > This isn't about ranked games, which are completely meaningless and riddled with low skill players. This is about ACTUAL games at what's left of the top tier of this game. Watch a monthly AT for once and understand what's going on.

> > >

> > > Chaining evade frame that cost 5 of 15 ini each time yeah it has a cost and cant chain for long. If it were me I'd keep the bug and remove the passive evade from the rollback and have it just be a low dps distance giving skill. May not require much skill to get the evade that way but at least it requires more than a press of button. To many aspects of the game skill wise is getting dumbed down. The game needs more skillful game play added not removed. Honestly I think I ran into 5 staff thieves in last two months of ranked. Reading these forums they make it seem their everywhere but I barely saw them lol

> > > The day staff thief is the big bad oh man lol

> >

> > You seem to either willfully ignore the points made to your or they simply escape you. "Skillful" play isn't bug abuse to prevent yourself from being pressured. I'd argue that making use of a non bug abused staff 3 would be MORE skillful, since it can't be chained with zero frames of vulnerability.

> >

> > Again, no one cares at all about ranked, the fact that you continue to divert to it proves that you have no idea and no real context as to the efficacy of the build.

> >

> > AGAIN, feel free to watch MONTHLY TOURNAMENT vods.

> >

> > This was the problem with the build https://clips.twitch.tv/ArtisticFairJamBlargNaut this person is spamming everything they have and its nearly 40 seconds of evade frames. That's not even using the most survivable form of the build BTW. If this person were playing the build seriously (aka not spamming until they have no cds left) you would be seeing minutes on end where a point is either neutral or capped in the thief's favor with no viable recourse from the vast majority of classes and builds.

> >

> > That is unacceptable and you need to get over it, you seem to have a real big ego that "I don't have any problems with staff thief I beat them all the time even though I never see them because all I do is play ranked."


> So u think pushing a button and the skill giving u a evade passively as u roll back is more skillful than if the evade was removed and only available if u timed not only hitting the skill but having to time a jump just before? Hmmm ok makes sense lol. Nearly 40 secs eh? U post a vid of u evading with the build for 40 seconds real time. Let's see it. First of all in that vid I counted 18 secs and second there were multiple times in between that player could have been caught. I have never had a player dancing around like that that was untouchable between dodges. If shorts thinks he couldn't have hit that player during that whole time he's full of it.


There was a clip I linked of me tanking a 1v3 for like 2 minutes on node on the staff thief build (marauders amulet). I don't remember where it is but I'll link it if I find it.


**Edit:** Found it...


1. https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/1013678/#Comment_1013678

2. https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/1009962#Comment_1009962


**Edit 2:** Oops looks like the vod is no longer available :( but there are screenshots I posted of me winning 1vX on the berserker variant of this build. You can also see Evodius in the kill feed on the other team so you can tell it's a relatively high-rated ranked match. (even funnier, I won 1v2 on thief but 2 of my teammates are in downstate lmfao... Great game. /s)


But yeah this build can cycle it's evades for literally minutes just by spamming them. Spreading them out and evading intelligently can extend that time indefinitely.


**Edit 3:** Also... obligatory, "I told you so!" ... I and several others tried to warn you guys about this build months in advance but you people didn't believe us ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


**Edit 4:** It got nerfed! Good job Anet!

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