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[Expansion #3 and beyond] What's the next expansion seller for you?


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Simple question: **What's the next expansion seller for you?**


Note that recurrent content is not considered for this thread. I'm assuming new elite specializations, new raids, new fractals, new PvP maps, etc, will keep being included with every expansion. The topic of the discussion is new stuff that we don't expect, and that will be featured as the new big shiny, the expansion seller. Previous expansion sellers for reference:


* **Heart of Thorns:** Revenant, Gliding, Elite Specializations, Scribe, Raids, Stronghold, Guild Halls.

* **Path of Fire:** Elite Specializations, Mounts, Elona.


Poll options elaborated:


* [**New Playable Race:**](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/21242/new-playable-races-study-choose-your-favorite) Including a new Personal Story, a new capital city, and new starting zones.

* **New Profession:** Including its own new elite specializations.

* [**New terrestrial Weapon types:**](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/1074/new-weapon-types-study) Unlocked by default for some core professions, or through elite specializations.

* **Intricate Minigame:** Complex enough to be a game inside a game.

* **Player Housing:** Replacement for home instances, includes activities like growing your own farm, feeding livestock, and more.

* **Return of Dungeons:** The classic 5-man instanced PvE content, with new weapon and armor rewards.

* **Return of Hardcore World Bosses:** With tools to organize them properly, and instancing options.

* **New Player versus Environment instanced mode:** Either 5-man or 10-man, including meta-events and special mechanics, like permanent death.

* [**New Player versus Player instanced mode:**](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/1601/pve-got-raids-time-for-pvp-to-get-battlegrounds) Guild vs Guild could include new Guild Halls, specially adapted for siege battles.

* **Other:** See below for some ideas.


Discarded poll options:


* New Crafting Disciplines (Fisherman, Shepherd, Toymaker, etc)

* Return of iconic GW1 locations (Cantha, Depths of Tyria, etc)

* Upgrades to core Professions (Reworked mechanics, new core weapons, new core healing and elite slot skills, etc)

* Upgrades to core open world (Reworked new player experience, integration of gliding and mounts, new core masteries, etc)

* Upgrades to underwater gameplay (Reworked underwater combat, terrestrial skills adaptation, etc)

* Upgrades to Crafting Disciplines (Level 500 for Chef, Jeweler, and Scribe, miniature crafting, etc)

* Upgrades to Guilds (Deeper Guild Banner customization, new Guild Mission types, Guild Mission integration with adventures and hero points, etc)

* Upgrades to gliding and mounts (New gliding abilities, glider races, new mounts, [reworked mount races](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/10052/mounts-could-be-much-much-more), etc)

* Improved build management (Build Templates, [Equipment Tabs](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/1034/we-dont-need-build-templates-we-need-equipment-tabs), etc)

* Improved aesthetic options (Dye channels for Weapons and Back Items, Aura and Tonic wardrobe, saving skin combinations as custom Outfits, etc)

* Player versus Player situations in Player versus Environment open world (Dueling, Monster Roleplaying, Gladiator Arena, etc)

* Vehicles (Ships, Airships, Tanks, Submarines, etc, with multi-passenger options)


Cast your votes! =)

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Ultimately it's housing for me but dungeons and races are close too. I mean the only difference (besides the specific features, which also vary between fractals) between fractals and dungeons is fractals aren't in the world and can be anything. That and an armor set (which is no problem if it's released with an expansion), so why not go farther in depth with the side story?

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I voted other because i would most like the following things:


* Maps with WvW style capture points in PvE locations like with Silverwastes

* Cantha

* The ability to bring a few of my other characters with me in instanced content like in the first GW - I would like to build a solo team for either story or repeatable dungeons

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I would probably vote Housing, as well, but only if acquiring items was something like how we acquire items/content for our Home Instances. Some fairly easy, some more difficult, some purchased with in-game/map currencies, some through the Gem Store, etc.


I might not mind fishing, as well...depends on how it was implemented. I'd also enjoy new lands/lands from Guild Wars, but I'm pretty sure those will come with any expansion, anyway.

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I want underwater expansion, not only because of that the underwater combat s*cks, but also it'd be the high time to introduce Deep Sea Dragon. :)


I think there will not be any new race. I think Anet lost this chance in PoF so if they will introduce the new race it will be in like 2024 or so.


2017- PoF

2018/19- LS4- heading to Vabbi

2020- underwater expansion- attack on LA by Deep Sea Dragon, Tengu's wall will be destroyed

2021/22- LS5- slow introduction of Tengu's story throughout episodes

2023/24- maybe finally Tengu as the playable Race- Cantha and Dominion of the Wind will be introduced.



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I'm very surprised Player Housing is that popular. I didn't really expect that, and to think that I almost discarded that option!


> @"Celtic Lady.3729" said:

> I voted for new Professions because I really like that sort of thing most. I also would enjoy new races, particularly if they come with new professions to go with them, and I would love player housing.


I wouldn't mind at least one additional profession, though I'm not sure it's really going to happen. There's room for a monk/ritualist/dervish hybrid, for those themes aren't covered properly by anyone else. Revenant should have filled them in the first place to be fair, but legends overtaking slot skills kinda ruined any personal theme the profession could have had.


> @Ashantara.8731 said:

> Multiple choice (like 3 choices per person) would have been great. :)


> My no.1 choice was "New professions (Monk, Ritualist, etc.)", but I'd also like the return of dungeons, the introduction of build templates, the reintroduction of Personality, new playable races (centaurs, tengu), mini games like Polymock.


Forum limitations, I'm sorry. Might remake the poll using an outside system in the future, if I see there's interest.

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Yeah, for me it would be Cantha and/or underwater expansion. I don't mind so much another new features or another race as much as those two. I feel like a new race will just lead to more of the same with a different face on it, something that already doesn't work for me in GW2 since they went "everything is account wide-yay".


I very much would like to see them improve on what they have already than rebuilding something entirely new and try to fit it onto the world. (Kinda like they did with mounts, even if they are awesome)


Something unexpected and less standard than the usual options.

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The best would be: new race that's got a special attachement to a new class as well. And on top of it at least 2 new weapons (or better 3, one two hand, one main hand and one off hand).


I'd "kill" for Ritualist profession but I fear it's not going to happen... could be difficult to introduce a new class with all the specializations because it would feel weird to have a new class with only 1 instead of 3 specs then. That's why I doubt we'll see new classes. I'd be happy with a Ritualist spec for Revenant or any other fitting class as well. If we're going to Cantha in the next expansion I think it's quite likely to have something like that (Ritualist spec, Ninja / Assassin spec etc.).

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Aaaaaaaahhhhh! :# I want to click on so many options here!!

But here is what I want most:

- Underwater expansion, Cantha, introd. the Deep Sea Dragon.

- New playable race, Largos or Tengu.

- New Profession, Paragon, Ritualist, Monk, Dervish.

- New core weapons, Battleaxe, Spear, Javalin, etc.


So I agree with most comments above here, I really hope ANet will look at this what the playerbase request according to polls, suggestions instead of run over us. :fearful:

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If I had to pick a top choice for me. It's story. As long as you have that I will be here. You can have the best combat, mounts, maps but if I don't like it I'm gone. If they follow that part I don't think major things will make me leave unless there's many bugs or requires a crazy mount of internet to function. But features that will immediately want me to love the game more than others would be to update the game features compared to other MMOs. I love the game. But why no housing when many others do? Why it take few years to add mounts? Why no trading? Or 1v1 duel. If gw2 keeps adding those features I think many will stay. But if you have games cheaper than gw2 and gw2 doesn't offer they have to step up. Or arenanet will always get people coming and leaving.

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I chose "Other" because none of the other voting options matter one wit to me. As to the suggested alternatives, I would hope that: Improved build management and Improved aesthetic options would not be gated behind expansion purchase. That leaves me with only Return of Iconic Locations as a preference. While Cantha would be good, and Depths of Tyria would be OK, the return of the Fissure of Woe and the Underworld would make an XPac for me. I'm still hoping that PoF includes an option to play in the Tomb of the Primeval Kings.

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