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[Expansion #3 and beyond] What's the next expansion seller for you?


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I chose "Other". Here's some of the things that came to mind:

- New explorable lands

- A storyline not written by a high school student gunning for his first D&D session as DM. If you need inspiration check out The Witcher series. Or the "Forgotten City" mod (Skyrim), written by an amateur and has won a national Writers' Guild award. Or check Baldur's Gate.

- Boss fight mechanics that have evolved beyond the Nintendo stage (Mega Man or Super Mario, pick one).

- Real character progression, not a rail dialog where I have no choice but to choo choo along despite my disappointment of certain choices.


And, as it's been said before time and time again, Cantha will not happen as long as NC Soft is the head of things. I really wish people would get that.

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Surprise me. Surprise me with a storyline and location and innovations that don't seem to be just more typical game stuff. Make me go, "Wow, that's cool!" Make villains that are impressive and new armor that's beautiful, and do it without just sticking more flames and skulls and spikes and glowy bits on stuff. (Though, if I have to choose one, glowy bits FTW.)


Rather than new player housing, I would like to see the home instance become more useful and interactive. Maybe a training NPC to practice battle against. Maybe a 'closet' where we can save builds. A bookshelf where we can keep those books we find. An archery range or other mini-game(s). NPCs whose conversations change so they are worth talking to, or who offer useful information. A daily quest of some sort. ~~A dog to chase those cats.~~


I don't see much point in a house to decorate since the pool of possible decorations will always be too small to reflect much individual taste, they generally become warehouses for trophies, and as pretty as you make your place, it's unlikely anyone else would care about visiting it. On the other hand, it could make for new crafting disiplines--carpentry and weaving, maybe, to make furniture, tapestries, rugs, etc.


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I want dungeons, elite dungeons a la FoW/UW from gw1. If their next expansion is just like the first 2 aka open world theme park with no goal but to run around and spam auto attacks, i will stay far and ignore it completely.


I don't really care about new elite specs because unless they over nerf the drood and mirage, i will probably main these two until i leave the game for good.

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Dye channels for weapons and backpacks and cosmetic Aura wardrobe would be awesome ( maybe the prices would even drop, so more ppl are able to get the ones they like) . Build templates would also be very important (Not just equip but graphics aswell like colouring of the mounts that go with the second and/ or third Set of armor ). For new content i'd prefer things like tequatl that are open to everyone and give top loot, because I think nothing really should be gated by instanced content (we already have enough as it is). And yes I do raid occasionally, but if it were up to me raidbosses would live in the open world like tequatl- and if some want the challenge of doing them lowman or in greens they can open a guildinstance like with tequatl inbetween the spawns. Otherwise even total noobs can zerg them... i really don't see the problem with everyone able to get the achievements and rewards easily.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I voted new race because I'd like to see Tengu as a playable race and also get new personal story (at least the beginning of it) and starting maps. There's however other great things on the list here that would also sell it for me (although I would probably buy it just for the story but anyway).

I think the most important thing GW2 needs is some sort of build management tool, so you could make builds and switch them very quickly. It would also be a bonus if this system could store your gear so the gear your not using is not taking space in the inventory. I think as a long time player a lack of this type of tool is getting more and more annoying.

Player housing I would like in the form of making home instances better. You could make the small ones like the Grove one bigger and also let players decorate them. I would also enjoy new collections and other type of quests to collect decorations and other items into the home instance. I really enjoyed the garden plots, so expanding on that idea.

Hardcore world bosses are also very fun and I'd like to see more of them. Maybe not quite as difficult as Tripple Trouble but more difficult than Tequatl. I'd also enjoy some reworking on the old ones, like they already did with Shatterer.

I would also like: new crafting disciplines, upgrades to underwater gameplay and updated crafting

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Well, boring an answer as it may be one of the main things I like about guild wars 2 is it's maps and new maps are a given for an expansion.


But I would like improvements to WvW and new maps, dungeons and another set of specializations.


As I've said before, as awesome as playable tengu would be I'm not sure it is worth it. If we get it I will be happy for it but I understand if we never get another playable race. If we do get a new race I really hope it's not the bloody Largos though.

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I also would love a new race, but i've been shot down a few times for even suggesting it so decided to go with new weapons ! specialisations aren't going to last long if they don't add new weapons to keep up. What are we going to do in 2 expansions time when warriors can use everything lol maybe an elite that allows you to pick up ambient creatures and throw them as weapons?

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I want my monk and Paragon back in gw2.


The current healing system is trash and I don't get why does everyone must have a heal in their toolbar.

This doesn't make sense at all.


Too bad they designed this game as a regular mmo/casual gameplay.


Also waiting for my BDS


Not to mention this game is called GUILD WARS 2 but there is no guild wars pvp system nor CAPE .

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I will put some some ideas here just because. This is the first.


**Lore and Gameplay meaningful expansion of old maps**

Thanks to the magics learned in Maguuma and Elona, now Tyrians are able to access new places magically hidden high the sky and deep underground on already known zones. The boundaries between old and new areas will be linked in fist place to the use of gliding and mounts, but there should be (much harder) ways to access the new places without expansions, to atract P4F players too.


* People, for example, can access Isgarren castle in Kessex Hills, and from there, a whole net of floating structures interconnected with leylines over Kessex, inhabited by dangerous critters and the descendants of old explorers that were trapped there.

* The same net connects with Caledon Forest, where the leylines and floating branches reveal a new area which extends Morgan's Leap into Morgan's Dream, crossing into the Dream itself.

* The ground below Rata Sum reveals to be full of outdated and discarded wild experiments and hazardous secret labs, and the players can discover the reason the Asura chose that place for their city to begin with. Even below, we find the maniacal workings of the Inquest to subdue and use gigantic destroyers to take control of Rata Sum resources and people.

* The lower levels under the Crown Pavillion reveals a route into the old catacombs under Divinity's Reach, which extend further down into an abyss full of animated skelletons and monsters, and in the end into Abbadon's Realm remains.


The expansion will this way combine new and old assets to add replaying value to core maps, pushing extra lore and exploration, and giving early access to end game areas even to new characters, if they dare.

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Underwater zone with fixes to underwater combat and skills and a water dragon as the big story enemy. Oh and underwater combat being moved back up in the skill progression and the restoration of Loch Jezt and surrounding environs. Heck restore all of the mangled 1-15 stuff to its original form.

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I decided to revisit this topic - but after some careful thinking, especially over the past month as I've gone on my biannual vacation, I've decided my biggest seller at this point would actually be another race. I have 7 characters. 5 of them are dragonhunters. I also made a scourge and a firebrand because they were cool. Spellbreaker concept was cool but didn't hook me well enough to _play_. So unless they just knock the next elite specs out of the park, I'd really like a new race at this point. I think we've explored movement well enough and I feel like the development of a new race wouldn't be that hard to work in. Could even work a lot like WoW's DK where you need to reach a certain level to even make one (in this case, level 80 - and probably completion of personal story).

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First for me would be housing. I've always loved player housing in the games I've played previously that have had it, and there are definitely ways to implement it that would make it interesting and useful and community-based. I know people keeps saying that that is what guild halls are for, but, you know, I'm part of two decent sized guilds and I have no input into our guild hall. I visit my home instance daily to use nodes, but I'd be there plenty more if there were things I could actually do to customise it to my taste.


Second would be more world bosses and zone meta. My play schedule and time is often a bit all over the place, so I often feel uncomfortable with trying to get too involved in anything where other people are relying on me to be there and play for x amount of time, so I avoid a lot of group instanced content because of that, and have only infrequently participated in dungeons and fractals, and wouldn't dream of touching raids. Massive world bosses on a schedule, however, I can drop into and participate and it's not really going to affect anyone else if I suddenly have to drop out, so they work great for me.


Third would be a great story - I'm replaying the whole story currently with my newly beloved norn firebrand, and having a blast, so more of that please. And I love all of Dragon's Watch, which I guess makes me unusual, so more of them too please.


And then another interesting new system like gliding or mounts will always make me happy. And fun collections and achievements, because I love those.


I mean, I'm easy to please. I'll buy it anyhow so long as I'm still actively involved in the game when it's released, but the above are all the things I really enjoy.


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Houses would be nice, but it's kinda late to add them, they should have been in the game ages ago... And after the fiasco with the guild hall costs... no thank you!


My real xpac3 selling point would be for ANet to actually deliver on the content we already payed in xpac1 without masking it in small updates so that it seems their living world updates are bigger and more relevant than they actually are...

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> @"saralin.6472" said:

> For me it would be:

> -Cantha

> -New Profession

> -New Race

> -New Dungeons


> More mounts would be nice, housing not so much I find that super boring.


I don't think we'll ever have housing in Guild Wars 2. We have the guild halls, it's just that decorating it can be very unfun and expensive.

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I would like to see naval battles on ships we build (or at least customise heavily) ourselves, or larger ships built by guilds, with racial characteristics. The ships could later also be a way to explore strange new lands, to seek out new races and new civilizations, to boldly go where no one has gone before.

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