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Official Feedback Thread about Build and Equipment Templates

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> @"Wakani.1829" said:

> > @"Stephane Lo Presti.7258" said:

> > We want to acknowledge that we are reading the feedback expressed in this thread and the other forums threads about the Build and Equipment Templates. We are discussing this feedback internally to determine how we can address it.


> I can honestly say, as a GuildWars(1) Veteran who spent 7 years never faulting in my support for that game, even today as it's - well, practically dead.


> Aslong as:


> Build templates and Build Storage isn't *FREE* .

> Anyone who BOUGHT Build templates and build Storage Isn't *Reimbursed* .

> Equipment Templates arrent updated to *WORK* properly with legendary gear.

> Equipment Templates arrent *Accountwide* Purchases.


> Equipment Templates arrent set to 30 max, with:

> 3 slots for a FreeToPlay account

> 5 slots for a base game account

> 7 slots for a base + HoT account

> 9 slots for a base + HoT + PoF account


> Equipment Templates are priced at a *Reasonable* level.


> This *Feature* that was free in The Original GuildWars, That should've shipped with Guildwars2 on *Day One*, will be a *Total kitten Joke* and so will you.


> At this point, with the way it is, you and everyone at *EArenanet* who doesn't strike to end this nonsense, is no better than the worst in the gaming industry:


> Electronic Arts - Monetizing a RED DOT sight, and adding P2W weapons to lootboxes in games they promised wouldent even HAVE lootboxes.

> Bethesda - GROSSLY mismanaging and screwing up Fallout 76, over 50 scandals tied to that one game alone.

> Activision-Blizzard - Destroying their most beloved franchises using ANTI-consumer tactics and monetization for *Short-term-gains* .

> Arenanet - Monetizing just about anything you actually make for a game. so far, more than 90% of all the ingame content made in the past 5 years, has been locked away in a cashshop - **No, gold > gems isnt a valid excuse to do this**


> i wonder if you're actually proud to be on ^ that list, you are now. and you'll continue to be untill you get your act together.


Thank you.

You just pull me out of the position of taking one more warning in my inbox.

I hope they will listen to this...

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> @"patrickmaciel.1876" said:

> Other situation: **BALANCE PATCH**. When balance happens, set's change, build change, everthing change. In the first moment I cant destroy all my stuffs, I need to keep the same set and build and test the "new build with the balance patch".


This is a really great point - following skill/balance updates there is really a ton of theorycrafting and trying out of new builds. One of the best part of GW1 templates was that you really could work on crafting whole team compositions, checking the synergy, tweaking some builds and retesting ad nauseum and then start from that point easily on the next balance update. While GW2 isn't as reliant on the team comp, the current setup for these build/skill templates feels very limiting, even just to experiment with builds to derp around with.


I don't mind spending some amount for large chunks of template slots (which should really include both build+skills) - say 25-30 a purchase of 300-500 gems or so? - since this is primarily a QoL upgrade. That's about what I would expect to need for1 character/class across game modes.


I haven't had much time to play with the template system as it currently is, but overall it feels rather clunky and unintuitive. I keep overwriting things that I don't mean to, and most builds are very equipment-dependent as well. I don't personally see the value in having 2 separate types (build/skills and equipment).


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Poorly thought out system goals & design, bad implementation of those, plus loads of bugs. Pricing of these unimpressive features feels like the sort of insult to playerbase that actually results in decrease to overall revenue when you factor in the harm to player satisfaction. No-one enjoys being taken for a mug and charging to make gameplay worse is pretty insulting.


1. The previous pve & seperate wvw builds should have remained untouched.

2. The new equipment+traits template vault feature should add, not remove.

3. The new template vault, should have been implemented as an entirely new panel.

4. Effectively an account-wide equipment only shared storage, with gear slots and traits alongside and saved together as a fully complete template.

5. For this new template vault, all your account's characters can draw gear from the vault if they activate one of the new vault templates.

6. All gear being used by template vault returns to template vault on a swap or logout. (so every character on account can still access)

7. Good sorting tools for the high capacity equipment vault (by type, by stats, by character use etc)

8. It could have been monetised with capacity increases, for gear volume and extra template slots above a high number of free ones.


You need to go back to drawing board & design a feature set that adds QoL, and does not penalise players. Especially not while gouging them for ridiculous amounts of cash.

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1.Being able to put different skins/dyes on legendary armor set on multiple equipment templates.

2.Being able to use legendary on more than one character.

3. Being able to use one keybind to swap both equipment and build template that work as one at once.


For the first point. It's fashion wars and it's legendary. At this point I don't feel my legendary armor legendary anymore. The system is forcing me to put ascended set to the other equipment tabs if I want to swap the look like the normal people using ascended only, but if I do so then legendary == ascended.


For the second point. By putting legendary armor/weapon/trinket in the equipment template of a character, I bind it to this character. If I remove it from that character and transfer it to another, like I used to do, I'll break my build using that armor/weapon/trinket. If the system is sucking my legendary items in the "cloud", why not being able to get them used by another character?


For the third point it's simple... 6 equpment templates + 6 build templates == 12 keybinds. Having an option to put equipment and build templates work together can lower the keybinds from 6 to 12, and the clicking of keys from 2-4 to 1-2.


Extra Point 4. Put two extra equipment and build templates for WvW and PvP so we can have what has been stolen from us.

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Not sure if this is intended or not. When switching builds between my Weaver and Tempest and then back again, the Weaver build doesn't remember which attunements were previously selected. Seems to take whatever the Tempest was last using. I don't see this type of issue with swapping between my Ranger/Druid with regard to the selected pets.


So, it would be nice when swapping back to my Weaver that the attunements remained what they were prior to swapping to another build.

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> @"StrYdeR.2459" said:

> My biggest problem is that ANet had an "ACTUAL TEMPLATE" of what the community was expecting as a"bare minimum" of build templates if they were to look at the DeltaConnected developed solution (ARC Templates).


I think an Actual Template would be, at the bare minimum, something deliberately saved _as a template_, as a "saved configuration." Kind of like a backup. And on load, if all the stuff was in inventory, that would be what was loaded. It would not care what your current build looked like or what changes had been made. What you saved is what you saved.


> **Create an Armory**

> Each paid account would receive for free a 20 slot Armory - expandable to something like 200 slots via gems at a rate equivalent to bag slot expansion (3-400 gems / 20 slots). This Armory would be the basis for equipment storage, and the means to monetize a portion of the templates. Armory expansion would be the ONLY portion of templates monetized, as it effectually shared storage. The Armory would be account wide storage, and allow for easy sharing of equipment, infusions, runes, etc. between characters

> Each piece of equipment, rune, sigil, infusion, etc. when equipped would have an option (via a check-box that you could default to on or off) to be returned to the armory when unequipped. Each equipped item would be able to be edited in the hero panel to change your preference on where the item goes - for example if you change your mind and want your equipped sword to stay in your inventory rather than returning to the armory as you initially selected - you would drill into the item and un-tick the "return to armory" box. Equipment, et al. that is unequipped without being flagged as "return to armory" would be moved to that characters inventory when unequipped.


I think this is a great idea. 20 slots should be enough to hold an entire set of gear.

I would modify it slightly: Just as we use the bank to hold additional stuff we don't carry with us all the time, the bank could hold extra Armories we don't currently carry (perhaps it's a set for that one configuration you almost never play). I think the slot limit could be modified for holding Armories (as some people mentioned, some characters have 12 separate builds). Perhaps they could be named by the player (WvW Condi, Raids Condi, Open World Power, etc).

Perhaps an "unequip all to empty armory" would be a good addition, too.


> **Release an Actual Build Template System**

> _Builds in GW2 are complex, in that a build involve traits, equipment c/w runes, sigils & infusions, and skills. Each of these forms an interlocking part of an actual build - so why separate them?_


> If a build was loaded that required equipment, the first equipment pass would look in the characters inventory. The second pass would look in the armory. If the equipment was not found in either - the user would be notified that part of their builds "equipment (XX) could not be located." Honestly - this is a problem for the user to solve - as it isn't up to ANet to manage where the player puts their stuff.


Absolutely agreed.

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> @"KablamoBoom.5938" said:

> All in all, glad to have more versatility, and inventory space. I understand all the angry folks, but it strikes me as quite similar to the levels of hype whenever new stuff drops, so...grain of salt. My thoughts:

> * Templates should be manually saved and loaded, not autosave at the literal drop of a hat. Like the name implies.

Correct. That's one reason I'm perturbed. What was promised (templates) is not what was delivered (current loadout = "template").

Not so much salt as a grain, though. Many people have very valid complaints. The system as delivered bollixed up a lot of stuff.


> Hopefully we can talk more, as community and devs. I think most angry players just want to be heard.

Heard and heeded. Not just heard.

A-net got to where it's gotten by heeding the voices of its customers, the players. We (I think most of us voicing our opinions on this matter) would like them to continue that tradition.

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> @"Sumpfkraut.7195" said:



A painful testimony when it's being mentioned that legendary gear and upgrades provided the perfect set for the then upcoming template system.


I sincerely hope and prey that we will be heard and they _will_ remove the auto-eject feature of upgrades and infusions from legendary items. :/

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Dear anet,


Your templates are a terrible failure

- extremely overpriced, should be quartered

- disfunctional, deletes items, inconvenient for unequipping items, and can't handle rev stances.

- extremely limited

- split into two separate areas, bad to use


You can save your community by

- removing them and starting over

- returning arc dps templates whose are vastly superior to your company's failure of templates :)


Not wasting a single gem on this garbage. I'd rather Uninstall

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What can be said that hasn't been said already?


The obvious issues are the **character-binding** and the unecessary **splitting**.


The overarching issue here is what kind of signals you send your community. You have gone from an industry leader, to an industry follower, to a trend chaser that forgot about its live product, to layoffs, to questionable productivity, to lowered ambition and more short-sighted aggressive and punitive monetization which not only tarnishes your reputation (as a company that had a good take on egal use of the B2P model with side sales) but you also come late to the party for the milk fad with all recent attention to unsavoury business practices, online gambling etc.


We can't tell for sure how it affects your sales in the short term, if your marketing people believe that this is a good idea so be it. However, you need to ask yourselves what kind of a company you are. Are you a long-term investment, are you a company for fans and employees or are you a merely a pawn for your parent-company's stock holders? Quite alot of recent implementations suggests the latter and that also loses money in the short term with people being reluctant to buy things when it feels like you are milking the IP/studio to death. We can feel your lack of long-term investment in this with those decisions and as such many of us are reluctant to put faith or coin into you.


What it does to you in the long term we don't even have to go into here.

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> @"neoteo.3975" said:

> Took me a while to understand there are tabs for skills and tabs for equipment, but after i set up the short cut keys, I'm in love with this new free feature, thank you very much.

I agree. I'm kinda glad ArenaNet did ban third-party template and has native one. It works pretty well for me, except Revenant since switching template removes previous utility skill location. I've never thought Gw2 even needed templates while this 7 years though.

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I will preface this to say I've never used build templates or ArcDPS. I'm one of those characters that currently just plays one build, though I'm sure that will change in the future. I came back to GW2 after being incredibly disappointed with Fallout 76. Watching Bethesda destroy that game one update at a time has been honestly sad. But let's look at what ANet has done. You allowed players to use a free system to switch templates which worked well, and despite massive amounts of negative feedback implemented your own heavily monetized system with less functionality. I mean, why do you need any more feedback to ignore? What did you seriously think would happen? I am so sick of gaming companies giving into greed, then when there is a huge outcry they crap out some generic apology but still don't change anything. You did this because you wanted to make money, and I seriously hope no one buys into this. I've met and talked with many dedicated players who have no issues with spending money on this game.. much more than I ever will. They deserve better treatment than this. Another thing that always left a bad taste in my mouth is the Living World content moneygate. I preordered GW2 and installed it on the first day it released. But somehow, I now have to pay for content that was released during a time period I did not play just because I didn't log in once every few months. How do you defend that? I mean I could justify that if you were only charging newer players for that content, players who didn't pay $60 for the retail release. And is it some coincidence that these locked out maps have some of the best farming in the game? We aren't stupid. Quit treating us that way.

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My feedback is more about the concequences of Build Templates.

I doubt it's just me, but since the introduction of Build Templates, my loading screens have become much slower. It takes forever to load in maps.

It could offcourse have different reasons, but I suspect the extra storage being transfered to the map you're going to, is the cause.

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I do enjoy the new template system to a point. I wish the gear and specializations were linked though. Also, I will NOT pay for extra slots. I agree that the cost of these is simply TOO MUCH. This really means something coming from a person who buys too many things in this game just because I like “shinies”. This shiny simply isn’t worth the gems.

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My 2c:


1. Please allow equipment and build templates to be linked together. These two are often intrinsically connected; for example, I have a 'template' for thief daredevil which uses staff and has the daredevil trait-line. I have another 'template' which is deadeye. Each of these 'templates' comprised of an equipment and build template, and the way you've done this I have to switch both templates to effectively get my meta-template. Yes, there are hotkeys and yes it's not a deal-breaker but it's also an arbitrary split that just creates confusion and extra clicks. A single template combining both equipment and traits would have achieved everything you've got now and with less confusion. I don't expect a drastic change, just an extra option to link the two.


2. Please allow an outfit to be assigned to an equipment template. For example, I have a daredevil template and the mage knight outfit would go great with it. It'd be so nice if switching to this template automatically turned on the outfit. This would be a great boon to role-playing.

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Anet, I do understand that you guys need to earn money.


To do that, please just sell some sexy outfits/skins to the users. No matter how PC complains about that I am sure that you can get a lot of money out of that.


This game is your business. I would suggest you guys to sell what other games do. GW2 has been great game for a long time, however you guys need to learn how to earn money out of it.


But selling the template which is not even up-to-date on these days UI/UX? No. Hell no. This should have provided to the players years ago.


If you guys thinking what I am thinking then think again.



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Gah!!! I knew this would be a bad idea. Please fix the autosaving of skill bars into templates. Anytime I tweak a skill I lose my build template. Anytime I swap a weapon out, I lose my equipment template. That means the first "template" slot is not a template at all, just a reflection of your bar. It makes no sense. You don't need to add a save buttons or change your ui or anything, just disconnect the autosave from skill bar and template.



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Anet, you forgot to put outfits in loadouts, so that each loadout would have different outfit if possible. I really want outfits included in loadouts (aka equipment templates), and I am willing to pay whatever it takes for each unlocked outfit in each equipment template. I know you want this too, Anet. Please add this into game.

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I missed templates since the very release of GW2. I valued them in GW1 very much and I used them often. I was very happy to see them implemented in GW2 - finally a strong argument to come back to GW2 after a long pause.

Due to the utterly overpriced template system, I feel I am overcharged, might even call it ripped off, for a thing I consider absolutely basic. This alienated me and made me abstain from even considering to come back. At release, I might even bought it, since I had years to use it. But buying now? For only a few months to use until I pause again? No. It has a price that is not justified, not even a little.

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