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Official Feedback Thread about Build and Equipment Templates

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What a super non-answer from Rubi. They basically cherrypicked the least common complaints to address. And this got unstickied. So Guild Wars 2 is just a freemium mobile game now? Where character progression is just spending oodles more money than an expansion's box price in an in-game store? Cool, sign me out. I used to like Guild Wars because it was worth my time for the amount of money I spent. But with every release cycle they make it more and more ridiculously expensive for gem-store items that I'm starting to ask myself why don't I just go play WoW with some of my other friends? The subscription fee buys me an expansion every 6 months, and it's still cheaper than build ~~templates~~* _loadouts_.


*Templates TBD

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how is it hard to make upgrades account-wide atleast? it even makes things easier for coders imo. I can buy a 3D printer with 2 additional PLA blocks or I can buy account upgrades or atleast 3 AAA games or instead of playing the game I could buy all off the books, a chair, a desktop light and read the books. Or just invest it on gold and put it in bank like Ron Swanson did.

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> @"amnessa.6154" said:

> how is it hard to make upgrades account-wide atleast? it even makes things easier for coders imo. I can buy a 3D printer with 2 additional PLA blocks or I can buy account upgrades or atleast 3 AAA games or instead of playing the game I could buy all off the books, a chair, a desktop light and read the books. Or just invest it on gold and put it in bank like Ron Swanson did.


You have answered your question already: yes, it is easy. Equally easy would be to offer us the feature with all slots already unlocked. Unfortunately, having this feature affordable for an average player was apparently not a goal. They'd rather have you massively overpay for it. And even if having it cost less, but be more appealing to buy might seem more sensible in the long run, i am not so sure they still think about longterm future of this game anymore.

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At this point, I'm even afraid to switch weapon sets out of the gear ~~templates~~ loadouts since I don't want to have to reset stats, sigils and infusions. It's inconvenient and basically locks me out of certain weapons because of the huge annoyment factor legendary weapons have become with this system. And I refuse to go back to ascended, I made the legendary weapons with convenience in mind - which is gone now.

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> @"Vash.2386" said:

> Please make the builds auto switch between game modes like it used to. With this new system it is easier to use a different character for wvw/pvp/pve than it is to use the templates.


Maybe read the dev post in the thread?

Your complaint is litteraly the first bullet point brought up by a dev to be fixed sometime next year.


@Rubi Bayer.8493 said:

Hi, everyone,


Thank you for all the constructive feedback you’ve provided about templates. We’ve spent a lot of time reading and discussing your thoughts, and we’ve identified a few updates we feel confident we can start working on.


Here are the pieces of feedback we’re currently working on addressing:

• Automatically switching build and equipment templates when a character enters or exits PvP and WvW. We’ll need to make updates to this functionality to further integrate templates with PvP.

• Ease of swapping legendary equipment between characters.

• Greater flexibility when making experimental changes to templates.

Because we have limited time to program, test, and implement these changes before the winter holidays, we’ll be able to give you a progress update early in the new year.


We’ll keep reading your feedback, so please continue to share your thoughts as you play with templates.

Thank you!

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> @"Rubi Bayer.8493" said:

> We’ll keep reading your feedback, so please continue to share your thoughts as you play with templates.

Plenty of the feedback has included criticism of removing this thread from Announcements and/or requests to sticky it again. Its removal smacks of the hope that it will eventually fizzle out and get buried under the new episode hype. This is yet another example of the terrible communication between Anet and the community. Since we get so very little from you, the signals that you do send often come off in a very negative light. Help us to see the other side of it. Open up communication. Give us transparency. Make us part of the solution and start actually listening instead of just paying lip service to cherry-picked points that you hope will placate just enough people to quiet the outrage.


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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > @"Kas.3509" said:

> > > @"Whitworth.7259" said:

> > > I understand people have already spent money on templates, but I think at this point you're obliged to refund them, remove the system, fix it and release it when it's done. Bare minimum.

> >

> > This.

> >

> > Also why isn't it the focus? After today's release of next ls it should be a priority to fix most of the problems so it is usable. Can't they understand than until it's fixed most of us are stuck playing 1 build or switching manually - and Im not gonna waste 30 mins every time I want to do so - so we're basically stuck with 1 build until you fix it? I'm bored playing the same all the kitten time. I liked to switch builds for fun daily for open world and had a few for raids, fractals and pvp...


> I highly doubt that "most of us" are stuck. ANet has the metrics. They would know for sure how the current iteration of templates are being used (or not used). I could just as easily say that most of us enjoy the templates as they are and don't want the system removed at any point during which they may "fix" or otherwise modify the existing system.


I would suggest that ANet are catering to the silent majority and not the vocal minority.

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> @"starhunter.6015" said:

> The build swap needs to have a bit more limitations in WvW, make it at spawn point only.


Arc Templates had quite a good limiting mechanism in competitive modes, more than enough delay to frustrate rapid changes on the fly between combats. If Anet haven't replicated that, then I don't know what they were thinking. I think they have though, which would mean your suggestion is quite literally to limit use to spawn only. And I simply can't agree with that idea, far too limiting. Mind you, it would actually have to be well designed and useful in the first place to even suffer from abuse. And it's not. So w/e.

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Is there a way to hotkey the templates?


Even if there is a 3 sec build template or 10 sec equipment time to signify swapping mindset and items in inventory. It would keep mid-combat swapping to extremely tactical situations.


I know you can do the same thing just as quick with the Hero tab, but for a person who has multiple builds it could cut down on accidental mistakes.

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I use it in every possible way and use it several times in hour. First, I missed a feature to swap armor + build templates with a single button. But my opinion changed when I started combining some templates in WvW. :)


I know that many are angry because they had almost infinite builds with Arc. However, it also had a timeout system. Switching builds wasn't possible everywhere and often it took 100 years to change. Don't get me wrong, it was a necessary feature to keep the fairness to the normal players without addon. But hell, it was just annoying. :/


In contrast, Anet's templates doesn't require a timeout system because no one is excluded from the templates. No matter where, and when, when I'm out of combat, armor + build changes in milliseconds. I enjoy that the most, as well as the new free spaces in the inventory. <3


However, I have to agree with the critics on one point and that would be one of the first things I would change. The limit of a maximum of 6 templates is simply not enough. In my opinion, the limit should be much higher. Even 12 templates would not be enough for all. They should consider adding another type of armor template that stores only the stats ​​themselves, including type of weapons, runes, and sigills. If you use one of these templates, it will be searched for all requirements in storage and inventory to equip what is available. The cool thing is that you could share these armor templates in chat and legendary equipment would be much more valuable. Please Anet, make it real. <3

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> @"StrYdeR.2459" said:

> This doesn't feel like you are addressing the biggest problems. The "Loadout System" (I cannot in good conscience call it a template system) introduced is inherently flawed and should be removed and completely reworked.

> It feels like it was designed by a person who once read a paragraph that described build templates, and thereafter only ever played Call of Duty - and based this system on that.


For me it feels, like if someone only looked from a technical view and tried to extend the existing PvP/PvE/WvW loadouts with the least amount of work without checking, if the user experience will be really better with this and without putting too much work in the design of a good UI for this. And then after a while working on this, another person decided that the feature already took too long to implement and decided to release it unfinished to make money with it as soon as possible.


> You have lost me on this one Anet - truly!


What I am asking myself: How could this system pass QA?





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I tried this 'template' again but i think it only work with SAME WEAPONS, I tried on my ranger with the same weapons and it worked but it didnt work for my thief with different weapons, can anyone explain me why? or this ONLY WORKS with same type of weapons on all templates? and IF IT WORKS with different type of weapons can anyone tell me how do i get this to work please? Thanks.

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> @"ancafr.9274" said:

> I tried this 'template' again but i think it only work with SAME WEAPONS, I tried on my ranger with the same weapons and it worked but it didnt work for my thief with different weapons, can anyone explain me why? or this ONLY WORKS with same type of weapons on all templates? and IF IT WORKS with different type of weapons can anyone tell me how do i get this to work please? Thanks.


Can you maybe explain better?

What do you mean by different weapons? are you trying to leave them in your inventory?


I have 3 gear templates on my necro and each use completely different weapons and stats.

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