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Official Feedback Thread about Build and Equipment Templates

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i wish account bound gear went into an account bound gear storage so that the pieces can be shared between all characters on that account according to weight


that way my necro can wear either a vipers or zerkers loadout, and my chrono can use the same equipment but with its own stats.


i also wish for a wardrobe template so that no matter what equipment i load, my appearance stays the same.

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6 years late they launch a feature that should've been in the game since day 1.

But it doesn't work (cos, ya know, anet servers).

Arc templates were fantastic, easy to use, reliable, unlimited and elegant.

Now, we get this.




three build template?

three build templates!!!?

THREE build templates!!!!!?


There are, what, call it 4 non-pvp game modes (open world, fractals, raids, wvw) +1 core and 2 e-specs per class... so, 12 build slots should have been a MINIMUM.

But noooooo, unlocking even HALF the minimum slots is gonna cost me 900 gems.

I mean, who signed off on this BS?


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Ok. I will try to give you feedback but note that this feedback were given to you 2 weeks ago and you choose to ignore it.




1. The system is way overpriced.

2. It mostly hurts the dedicated players who play all 9 classes in different roles (power/condi/support) in both modes (pve/pvp/wvw). You are asking them to pay around 400$ to unlock the templates across their characters.

3. You are charging for character build templates which is just a string of text. You can bypass all this by saving the build code string in a txt file in the client. You charge money for not alt-tabing.

4. The system "auto-saves" the changes you make thus changing something (for example a trait) for the current encounter, the system forces you to go back and revert the changes you made.

5. Transferring equipment between characters breaks every single equipment template and you have to do it all over again.

6. The system has extreme limitations by giving only 6 equipment templates across 3 game modes.

7. There is currently no keybind to load instantly both build+equipment template since most of the time you need to change both.

8. And last but not least, you completely devalued the effort of acquiring a legendary armor (or multiple sets). I'll expalin why:

A) You ask the players to pay for full price equipment templates without actually freeing bag slots from the inventory.

B ) You don't give any option to fashion swap skins.

C) With the limitations (6 equipment templates) you force to manually mix/max traits/sigils/runes/stats etc for every encounter which beats the point of having a template system.


Overall I am very very disappointed. I didn't want to believe that you will monetize this feature so aggressively. I don't hope for a change but I love this game enough to actually make this post.

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Not happy with the prices. Also, the limitations mentioned in previous threads are still there (including the devaluation of legendary gear), so no positive feedback from me, sorry. (Okay, the _one_ positive thing: everything works as intended by ANet. No bugs so far, so that's good at least.)


Edit: When I switch back from equipment loadout 2 to tab 1, for some reason it automatically equips my secondary weapon set. Why?


Edit 2: Just like with the chat window, tabs cannot be dragged and drop to sort them in a different order. :-1:


> @"Trise.2865" said:

> > @"Saniyah.1984" said:

> >there is still no save button for **equipment** templates.


> Yes, there is. Top-left.


No, there is not.

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Your "build templates" system is a perfect example of how micro-transactions ruin games. The system is designed to maximize profits, not to serve the actual needs of the player. A save and load button was all I wanted, but it was more profitable to just create character-bound tabs that must be purchased individually and cap at 6. Making the system store equipment means you get to charge more, so the legendary gear and bag slots I already paid for are now redundant.


I wanted a system that would allow me to FREELY save dozens of builds (including equipment) and variants, but instead I'm expected to pay thousands of gems just to be able to store ONLY 6 builds for ONE character. I waited 7 years for build templates to be officially supported and this over-monetized garbage is all I get. I'm disgusted. Shame on you.

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Absolutely useless, because


1. You limit it to 6 storage templates per character. Not enough.

2. To max out 6 storage templates per class I'd have to spend (4x8+3)x500 = 17500 gems = 218,75 €.


Look at this ridiculous number. LOOK AT IT. This still


3. Does not include build templates.


We'd be at around 400 €. I payed for this game and both expansions, guys. In addition to that


4. It ruins the effort I have put into legendary armor and weapons.


As demonstrated before, you do not get this abomination for the looks. Now you devalue its functionality, too.



You make it incredibly clear in what direction you want to go with the game, and let me just tell you: If I wanted to be a paypig I'd play a mobile game. So I won't be part of this journey. Goodbye.

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* Needs ability to tie equipment and build together to load them with a single keybind. (Thus symmetrical 3 equipment templates plus 3 build templates would've been nicer by default.)

* "Activating Template" notice should definitely include the name of the build: "Activating 'Farm Thief' Template".

* Needs "persistent" tickboxes in templates so that you can choose to have them revert to original state after you've tinkered with them during a run, and then switched out of them or relogged or reloaded.

* Needs a "auto-load this when entering that game mode" option.

* _Edit:_ Needs punctuation allowed in template name (for proper stat names like "Diviner's").

* How about extra Legendary-gear-only free gear template slots? That would bring the relatively devalued value of Legendary gear.

* Wardrobe templates would be very welcome at this point. Especially for legendary gear, to have different looks for different stats as visual feedback.

* Discounted bundles of gear/build slots, similar to shared inventory slots, may partially alleviate the price concerns.

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By the way, now that we are talking money. Some people in ingame chat said very concerning things. They said that due to a bug in the first moments after the updates they spammed the free build template expansion in the gemstore and ended up with multiple free ones.

Is that true ? What are you doing about that ?

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This is a sickening example of the nickle and diming of modern gaming. There first guild wars had build templates in the game since release and allowed you to make hundreds of builds from the get go. Who in their right mind would pay money to unlock pieces of a system that should have been in the game 7 years ago on release?

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500 gems for gear slot?!?!?!?!??! Are you crazy? Do you know how many builds I have made and play weekly with Legendary gear?!?!? I have bought 4k Gems hoping I would be able to keep most of my builds on my main characters, but this doesn't do even for my mesmer.................................. This is way worse than what I expected... This whole wannabe new feature is way more expensive for veteran players than a dang new expansion. It's way better to just buy bunch of character slots and make new characters for different builds than your silly template slots.


I've been with you guys since beginning, I don't understand why I feel like I am being punished for that.


I am so incredibly disappointed and sad. I really love the game, but the things you are doing to it...... It's just hard to watch.

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Well I'll start off with the obvious I very much welcome the implementation of build templates, functionally it seems like you have done an amazing job. However, I do need to point out the following things I'd suggest changing the following.


Consider adding a load from file option, I intend to save my builds the GW1 way it would be nice to be able to just load them the same way too, admitting this will probably not help in terms of sales when it comes to build template slots, which I partially understand. (While also thinking it’s silly to begin with)


Consider increasing the number of slots per character by 1 on both Build and Equipment Templates, the short reason being that 2 equipment and 3 build isn’t really enough for anyone. If they actually plan on using the system beyond 1 for PvE and 1 for WVW. If I’m a dedicated player with at least 1 of each profession, where would I put my experiment build, or say I’m pure in a game type, typically there are also 3 builds there, Power, Condition, Support for example. Which may require 3 equipment setups, in short setups come in 3’s.

As it stands a Character slot is 800 Gems and comes with 2 Gear Template Slots come to 1000 Gems so in one scenario, I’m better making a dedicated WvW Character and a Dedicated PvE character. This is also arguably true if I make characters dedicated to game modes and you increase the build and equipment slots by one each, on a per character basis, I say this because I'm more likely to consider paying for a 4th Gear slot over a 3rd one if only because it means that character has its 3 Mode/Role slots but can also dabble in other things without the extra requirements that come from actually setting up a 2nd character. At minimum I think this is food for thought


Beyond these 2 criticisms I have I am actually very pleased with what I've seen of them so far.

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We didn't really get "build templates" we got two systems, partially: Loadouts and Templates.


* This system calls "equipment templates" to what is actually "Gear and Upgrade Loadouts".

* Templates are not supposed to include actual specific items, they are supposed to be a blueprint, and when loaded the game is supposed to attempt to load what it can based on what's available to the character. If the template has "Berserker sword of Force" a template system would try to load the highest quality berserker sword in the inventory, starting with those with a sigil of Force. Not a certain specific berserker sword.

* Gear loadouts are great and a bonus along a template system, but we are still missing actual "Equipment templates".

We'll probably get that for PvP eventually, but it should be available for PvE too.

* Legendary gear can have different stats in different loadout slots, but not different appearances. People who use different appearances to remind themselves what's their current build get screwed if they use legendary gear.

* This system calls "build templates" to what is actually a partial "Skills and Trait templates".

* A GW2 build includes 5 things:

* The equipment

* The stats. They go with the equipment in PvE/WvW and in an amulet in PvP.

* The upgrades in that equipment.

* Skills.

* Specializations and traits.

* Because of how crucial and integral stats and upgrades are for GW2's builds, they cannot be considered separately. Any fully serviceable built template system will have all of them. The current system is half "Build loadout" (Gear&Upgrade loadout) and half "Build template"(Skills&Traits template), not build loadouts or build templates.

* There is no way to tie gear&upgrade loadouts and skill&traits templates to be loaded at the same time to load a full build.

* The "build storage" saves a limited number of builds server-side, and it only includes skills and traits.

* This is not nearly enough for a game in which there can be so many builds and so many characters in an account. As it is, this is only serviceable for players with a "main", who do not use other characters and do not communicate with other players.

* To store 'skill & traits' past the very limited build storage, players have to copypaste the chat codes in some text file outside of the game.

* The system is catastrophically alt-hostile. The more characters one owns, the more they will feel like they are punished for playing with a wider variety of builds. There's no account-wide packs or alternative account-wide purchases.


To be actually serviceable, the following changes **need** to happen:


* Allow the same legendary gear to store separate transmuted appearances and dyes in separate gear loadouts.

* That, or introduce "Appearance loadouts" that store and override the appearance of gear regardless of builds , and a way to link them to builds so they are loaded with a build.

* Actual shareable Build Templates need to be implemented.

* **Full** build templates: Equipment, stats, upgrades, skills and traits. PvP will probably get those, but it must not be just just for PvP. PvE/WvW builds need to have actual full build templates too.

* There should be a way to store templates straight on disk as txt files in a folder structure, to allow players to store as many of the virtually unlimited builds that can be created in the game as they want, without having to manually copypaste them in a text file.

* The stored builds should include the full information of the build: Gear, stats, upgrades, skills and traits,

* Templates should not store any specifics like item level or quality. Just generics like "Gear:Sword", "Stat:Berserker", and "Sigil:Force". Loading them will attempt to use the highest possible level and quality of that item with those stats and upgrade in the inventory and other loadouts, and give up with a red warning if nothing close enough was found.

* Loading them should allow selecting parts of them instead loading the whole thing, like just skills&traits, or just gear&stats&upgrades.

* This way we would have true "Build templates".

* The build storage slots should store linked pairs of "Gear&Upgrade" loadouts along the "Skill&Traits" they already store, allowing switching an entire build in one go. They should have their own key bindings too. This way the gear loadouts and the server-stored templates would be combined to create full "Build loadouts" that would let player switch entire builds in one go.

* The "build storage" slots should be per profession, not for the entire account, a warrior has no use for guardian builds.

* To share builds from a profession other than the one they are currently playing, players would be able to use the new feature to load from disk, so there's no need to waste space with things the character can't use.

* Once we have full Build Templates with unlimited storage and full Build Loadouts, then we will finally have an actual serviceable system to load and share builds.

* Eventually, there has to be a way to unlock stats and upgrades for the account, not just in PvP, without having to get full legendary gear for all characters. Then a way to load them on existing gear, replacing the stats and gear in equipment. Since legendary gear already does that for free, this would have to be for a cost, otherwise legendary gear would be pointless except for the skins. The cost could be 3 new currencies obtained by crafting 'charges' with Dark Energy and Dark matter.

For example, the stat-swap recipe in the mystic forge could be replaced with a system that uses a currency to pay for the changes, like with transmutation charges:

* Salvage a piece of Dark Energy or Dark matter, getting a new kind of material. Dark Energy would give more of this material, with a lower minimum result and a higher maximum. Blood Capacitors and Mist Capacitors would also become salvageable to get this material.

* Use that new material in crafting stations along Ectoplasm, Anthologies of Heroes and then Gossamer Patch, Orichalcum Plated Dowel or Orichalcum Filigrees to get a consumable.

* Consume the resulting items to get Armor, Weapon or Trinket stat swap charges that can then be used to swap stats in non-legendary gear. Transmutation charges will be usable as a "wildcard" when not having enough of the crafted charges.

* To swap between unlocked upgrades, a currency crafted with lucent crystals will be used instead.

* To unlock a stat, the account just needs to salvage a piece of gear that has that stat, the highest level will become available, gear of rarity over Basic will be considered over their level, so ascended level 80 gear would be considered level 85. To unlock an upgrade, the account has to salvage that upgrade 12 times or so.

* Since legendary gear will have all stats and upgrades available for no additional cost, it would still be better than ascended gear even with that system, but the costs to craft the swap currency still has to be in the sweetspot between being high enough for legendary gear to remain more desirable, yet low enough for players to be able to try several builds after skill updates before settling for a new build.

* With no way to craft additional 'replicas' of legendary gear already crafted so each character can use it separately, removing legendary gear from one character and putting it in another is way more hassle. Legendary gear is already available for all character of the account, so there should be a way for separate characters to use it individually without constantly moving it between characters.

* For example, by upgrading a piece of ascended gear into a Replica of a previously unlocked legendary, allowing each character to use the legendary gear without having to constantly move it between characters. It could be something like this:

* Piece of Ascended gear of the same type as the legendary.

* An item called something like "Soul of [name of legendary]" purchased from Hobbs with gold and laurels. The items will appear in a new vendor tab for Hobb after unlocking the corresponding legendary for the account.

* An Eldritch Scroll

* 100 Obsidian Shards.

* This would craft an item of "Replica" quality that has Cyan name color and "Replica" as its quality in the item description (to tell it apart from Pink-Ascended and Purple-Legendary gear).

* Replicas would act as if they were "Unique equipped" and would not be equipable along their original or other replicas unless the account has bound the original to the account more than once. This way replicas would let alt characters use unlocked legendary gear without constantly moving it between characters, but it would not allow 1 character to have the same legendary twice in the same character without earning it without making them soulbound. And since they would not be soulbound, they would still be tradable between characters.

* Replicas will also not count for any achievements, and will start with the precursor skin instead the legendary skin, requiring a transmutation to actually look like the legendary.

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> @"eaman.7562" said:

> The system is terrible:

> - Templates are not saved: if you equip a new weapon / trait the original template get changed, you can't test things without messing templates

> - Price is too much: I have 6 gear set on my main, I have to pay 2k gems just for it, then I have alts for each class

> - Gear is not even shared between alts


> I've paid already for inventory slots and now I have to pay for equipment slots

> Just let us use ARC templates as before.


OK if this is true it is even worse than I thought :( So you cant even play around with your build unless you save it on the account wide slot if you want to play around.


I did not make any comments when it was suggested in the announcements because I found some of it confusing and wanted to see what the actual templates ended up being like. My massive disappointment with the way it was implemented is that we have not gained anything if you have a character which plays all three game modes.



If I go to the PVP arena, or into WvW or back into PVE my build would automatically change based on the setting I had when I was in those game modes



My build no longer automatically changes for my game mode and I need to use one of my templates to store my build for that game mode. I went into PVP today and my firebrand was now my Dragonhunter build from PVE instead of the bunker I had before.


So apart from the equipment templates we have not really gained anything UNLESS WE PAY a lot of money for the extra slots we would need to further diversify our build in a given game mode.


It feel very much like a blatant need to pay a lot of money before you can get advantage out of this design.


I would have preferred that we still had distinct build for the different game modes, maybe even 3 free templates per game mode, per character.


As others have said, the limit to two equipment slots also feels strange give the three trait slots, and I need to change Runes a lot on my guardian depending on the build, so it will be even more confusing what runes are now saves and when I need to swap


EDIT: yup, changed my gear for PVP bunker build and it saved it over my DPS Dragonhunter build. The fact that it automatically makes changes to the saved template when you temporarily need to swap to another weapon removes some of the convenience big time

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I think my main concern is the fact that any and all upsides to the idea of templates have been turned upside-down in this implementation.


# Features expected of templates:


**Build templates should promote freedom in building your character.**

This is currently the main issue everyone has, you have a limit to build templates and it's so **arbitrarily low** that it's ridiculous.

_There shouldn't be a limit on how many templates a person can have. The price should also be lowered to match the unlimited templates._

If Arenanet/NCSoft is looking for monetization, this is a full on win win for both parties, the data for a template/build is relatively nothing compared to a full new character and data storage is unbelievably cheap. This just seems like the most inane and archaic way to go about this system.


Edit: I'm coming back to this one because each time I open the game I find something even worse about this system.


You literally gave us 3 build templates and 2 equipment templates.

This is also **actually predatory, as you're making people buy more equipment slots to make up for the 1 less.**

I'm absolutely baffled at this point as to how any of you sat down in a room and thought any of these ideas were even remotely coherent or alright.


**Templates will SAVE a build, not BE your build.**

Traits are saved to the template, rather than your build, this isn't how it should be designed whatsoever.

It defeats the purpose entirely and makes swapping less convenient for small trait swaps.


**Game modes should be split.**

You guys dropped the ball on this one the most.

Just the other day you dropped two new teams for PvP and WvW, that way you could coordinate and design properly, but in build templates you actively go against that design philosophy.

By making it so that templates are not split across game-modes, you make people have to buy an entirely new character or manually swap literally everything.



Player X likes playing PvE, he has 2 builds on one character. This is entirely fine for normal gameplay.

Player Y likes playing Raids and WvW, she has 3 builds for raid and 3 builds for WvW on one character. This is also fine for normal gameplay.


Lets Assume Player Y has a Guardian.

PvE has Healbrand, Condi Quickbrand and Tankbrand as viable options, but Player Y doesn't use Power Quickbrand or DH in Raids, due to her own reasons, doesn't matter.

Player Y in WvW uses Healbrand, TankHealbrand, and uses the last slot for a DH roaming/dueling meme/fun build.


Overall this is 6 builds, none of them are excessive and the traits/gear are massively different between each iteration.


What if Player Y wants to play PvP? Thats an entirely new build/gear template that is entirely different than the 6 builds mentioned beforehand.

Why is Player Y being punished suddenly for actively enjoying and purchasing slots?


**Legendary Armor should have upsides compared to Normal Gear.**

Templates currently turn this idea around, you're punished for using legendaries on multiple characters and [in some cases on the same character.](

"in some cases on the same character.")


**Monetization should make sense and be productive for both the consumer and provider.**

As it stands right now, buying build storage is absolutely useless, notepad will literally store your build for you.

This makes absolutely no sense from any standpoint, _you're actively preying on people who will just press buy because it's an option and they don't know better._


**Gear Storage is not a polished feature**

You guys treat every release like it has to be the pinnacle of polished content, but this one is the absolute worst.

I absolutely adore being able to have inventory space, but the amount of problems caused by this feature alone speaks to how you designed it.

Swapping gear is garbage for anyone with Legendary gear.

It devalues anyone who has made Legendary Gear, you're better off with Ascended sets to prevent swapping manually even more.

Duplication and Item Deletion were not properly tested in the slightest.

The value of Gear Storage is absolutely backwards, as nobody with Legendary gear will have the same value as White or Blue.


**Overall I'm glad that build templates are finally in-game, i'm not glad that it came in such a messed up and backwards way.**

This is genuinely a letdown for any hardcore / semi hardcore player, which, by the way, _are the communities who will use this the most._

Count me out for promoting or liking this system, it has so many flaws I'm just turned off by it entirely at this point.


Leading me to my last point, you guys have consistently in the past year been shooting yourselves in the foot.

If you want to genuinely understand what the community wants, actually ask them and be transparent, this is ridiculous.

Stop pretending you understand your players and stop sitting in a bubble, because it only goes downhill from here, **you're not immune to backlash because you've survived it so many times before.**


This is entirely reflected by any comment saying: _Give us arc templates back._

**It's player-made for players because players know what players want.

All you have to do to get that system going is ask and actually listen**

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> @"Omnicron.2467" said:

> As others have said, the limit to two equipment slots also feels strange give the three trait slots, and I need to change Runes a lot on my guardian depending on the build, so it will be even more confusing what runes are now saves and when I need to swap


There is no confusion. They just didn't add template, they unhid the previous pve/pvp/wvw template.

Before you had 3 hidden templates, one for pve, one of pvp, one for wvw.


When they switched, they revealed all 3, but pvp doesn't have an equipment template, because we have the pvp interface instead. This is why there are 3 build templates and 2 equipment templates. The "third" one is the PVP amulet/rune/sigil panel.


Guys, the only thing we got from this was the 6 account-bound build storage slots. Everything else was already ingame.

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The good first, the overall design looks good.



1) Has to be a single key press to switch both Build Template and Equipment Template. This currently makes it unusable, getting trapped in combat while your gear does not match your template is a horrible experience.

2) Like everyone else the monetization of this is out of hand, the Build Storage Expansions it the primary issue here it should have been free or expanded to 50 for 500 gems at most.

3) It is lagging when switching equipment template when template weapon can't be used by your current build.

4) Spelling error in the "Template weapon can't by used by your current build. Weapon skills are temporarily unavailable.", too many 'by'.

5) Weapon disabled error message is inconsistent it only shows up when switching equipment but not when switching template. Remove the message or show it in both situations.

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One word. CLUNKY



Also thanks for that nightmarish feature called "INSPECT" I can already see discrimination with it segregating even more player-base.


Activating build notification should show the name.


Took separately, both templates works well and are nice.


Why only two free equipment templates? Should've been three like build. Don't we have 1 core + 2 specs?


AH and the expensive price.


To sum up:



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> @"Fir.7932" said:

> 500 gems for gear slot?!?!?!?!??! Are you crazy? Do you know how many builds I have made and play weekly with Legendary gear?!?!?

Just use only template slot 1 and change your gear like you always did. No money invest needed, no messing around with options you don't need.


The overexaggerating in this thread is ridiculous.


If you don't want to use the templates, then nothing changes except one thing: builds are not saved for each game mode anymore. And this is something easy to fix.

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> @"sajah varel.9261" said:

> > @"Omnicron.2467" said:

> > As others have said, the limit to two equipment slots also feels strange give the three trait slots, and I need to change Runes a lot on my guardian depending on the build, so it will be even more confusing what runes are now saves and when I need to swap


> There is no confusion. They just didn't add template, they unhid the previous pve/pvp/wvw template.

> Before you had 3 hidden templates, one for pve, one of pvp, one for wvw.


> When they switched, they revealed all 3, but pvp doesn't have an equipment template, because we have the pvp interface instead. This is why there are 3 build templates and 2 equipment templates. The "third" one is the PVP amulet/rune/sigil panel.


> Guys, the only thing we got from this was the 6 account-bound build storage slots. Everything else was already ingame.


Yes, exactly what I am saying, and the new system of doing it is more clunky at times since it saves any changes you make as part of the template


e.g I needed to equip a staff for pvp and now staff is part of my Dragonhunter pve template for raids. Why does it save it? I thought the whole point of having templates is so you can swap to that build when you need it, but now it is saved with a frikken staff because I needed to use a equipment build slot for one pvp weapon so I need to equip a GS again when I swap to this template anyway, which misses the points of having a template. If it did not auto save every item you equipped it would help a LOT!


One thing we did get in this patch is the option to buy more than we already had before the patch, which is why this feels like a blatant money grab

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Here's the same feedback everyone else is giving.


Templates not actually saving is an absolute joke. I make one change to my equipment or build and it's saved automatically and I have no way to go back to the base build. You can no longer play around with your build and have fun messing around with meme traits/equipment. I thought this would be quite possibly the most insulting feature of it all. But no, it gets worse for people who have legendary gear.


While on the same "equipment template" I attempted to hotswap from a shield to a sword in the offhand, as sometimes the game might call for in WvW. The game not only put my sword on the wrong stats, but it followed up by making me manually put my legendary sigil back and choose which sigil I wanted. It also made me manually select an infusion- god knows what infusions were even in my inventory.


In the past I'd just click on the sword and click Equip in offhand, and it'd be done. Now if I want that hotswap capability, I have to buy another template slot and put it in there. But oh wait, I can't JUST do that, because there's a maximum of 6 equipment templates, and that gets in the way of running anything else.


Overall, you made legendary equipment (especially sigils) WORSE to the point that they literally impede swapping builds unless I literally use two equipment templates, one for the shield and one for the sword.


You monetized this feature in an extravagant and ridiculous way, and gave us a product that actually REMOVES SOME CONVENIENCE that we used to have. You trivialized players with legendary gear and in fact made it even tougher to use with sigils and swapping weapons.


ANet, you wanted our feedback, so here it is. **This feature is flat out unpolished garbage** that has not changed since the community gave you similar feedback earlier.


Oh, an extra edit. I can't even swap my legendary trinkets between characters anymore because of course I can't with this trash system. And if I do that, I have to remove it from ALL templates on that character and then manually put the infusions back in. Again, trivializing and making legendary equipment worthless. ok_hand emoji

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I really like to give the benefit of the doubt, but I'm mostly disappointed in this system. It might have been acceptable in the 90's. It sends the message that you don't value Quality of Life issues in this game.



1. UI is fairly intuitive and quick.



1. Can only use letters and spaces in names. (I want to call my build something like "Heal/Condi Scourge 2")

2. Limit of 31 characters in the name. I'd like at least 250 chars, and also a separate description field with at least 1000 chars.

3. Really disappointed in the cost and limits. Would love to have twice the capacity of everything and half the cost, so the cost to max everything stays the same but we can store enough builds to cover the common scenarios.

4. Equipment templates should show the name like Build templates do, without the need to hover.

5. Second weapon set is always equipped after an equipment template change. This is the worst possible choice. My first choice would be to always equip the first set, and second choice would be to always keep the current set.

6. Impossible to experiment with builds and make on-the-fly changes without it being auto-saved. So we need to concoct a ridiculous sequence of copy/paste actions to make a "scratch" build to use every time, to keep the benchmark builds intact.

7. Can't tie builds to equipment templates. In 95% of cases I match my builds and equipment sets 1-to-1, so in effect I'm having to do twice as much work in swapping.

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In this thread, everything has been said way bettet, than I could possibly express.


The Bad:

- no more difference between separate Pve/Pvp/Wvw Builds

- Hard-Coded (?) Pvp-Build on Slot 2

- 2 Equipment-Slots are not enough, even for casual players like me (Berserker Daredevil-Staff + Berserker Deadeye-Rifle + Marauder-Armor-Variant // Apart from WvW-Equipment)

- Changing the build / equipment in game should not change the template (that‘s what templates are for!)


Edit: Oh yeah, I forgot:

- too expansive

- Character bound

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