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Numbers behind B-temps


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I kind of took my time to "calculate" the amount of slots I'd need to buy and the expanses that come with it, if I'd would fully utilize the recently implemented build templates. Have to say I'm kinda annoyed with it. Keep in mind these are builds I personally utilize. They are not necessarily meta or very effective. Just stuff I like to play around with now- and then / frequently / most of the time.


![](https://i.imgur.com/gd0epd7.jpg "")


Additionally, I noticed my wvw build is no longer saved when I jump into it. It just selects my last used build regardless of the game mode. Not sure if that is the same with pvp as i haven't tried it yet. Might be a bug or ANet may have done it explicitly to push people in using the system. Let that sink in for a moment...

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It uses the last build you used inside WvW on that character (just the traits/utilities, it does not factor in any gear), at least for me this has been the case.


The max number of equipment templates you can have on a single character is 6, so actually you'd _only_ need to buy 11 (5500 gems). =)


I don't know why they are limiting the number of templates you can have or why the unlocks aren't account wide... greed I guess.

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Yes they use the last pve and wvw built only pvp goes extra this is properly why they gave you 2 equip slots .

For most of my chars 2 X 2 are okay only my main need a lot more well I bought 1 gear template so I have 3 x 3 . This is Staff Weaver , WvW Staff Tempest and Heal Tempest. What I still need is the slots for S/H Tempest I even have they equip for Swordweaver which I don't play.


My laby farm build I moved recently to my condi Ele so it will have this and a real condi dps built

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> @"Lottie.5370" said:

> The max number of equipment templates you can have on a single character is 6, so actually you'd _only_ need to buy 11 (5500 gems). =)

You're absolutely right. dang i overlooked that! cant even slot all my guardian's gears. #feelsbadman


> @"Zahld.4956" said:

> Get gud. Buy more character slots.

potentially cheaper yes


> @"Lord of the Fire.6870" said:

The way i see it, is that an average (veteran) player would have about 4 builds on their (main) class. Say a form of a dps and support build in pve as well as roaming and zerg build for wvw. Excluding pvp since that has its own system. So with that approach i would have appreciated if the base amount was 4 gear and trait/skill slot per character. And then buy more slots per character if you desire.

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

20g an hour? That's super hardcore. Tell me your secrets! No but seriously, i probably make like 15g a day. 2 from dailies, ~10g from fracs. And some from other random stuff. With a full raid clear per week in addition.


In regarding to profit from legendaries, thats totally depending on how much you're willing to spend for it. There was a time were i actively did that. My average was between 750g and 1000g profit. But the more consistent you do it, the less profit you'll make from it. Also i cba to do map completion anymore. So im no longer investing in legendaries.


is it a large cost? Is it worth it? Maybe.. That's a question people will have to answer for themselves

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> 3149g is just 8.62g a day over a 1 year period, when people claim they can earn 20g+ **an hour** in GW2.


> Or about the cost of 2 legendaries, when people build so many of them that common skins are rarer than legendary.


> So is it a large cost?


Are you suggesting someone to play for a year just to unlock all the gear/equipment slots they need for their current gear? lol...

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> @"Lottie.5370" said:

> > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > 3149g is just 8.62g a day over a 1 year period, when people claim they can earn 20g+ **an hour** in GW2.

> >

> > Or about the cost of 2 legendaries, when people build so many of them that common skins are rarer than legendary.

> >

> > So is it a large cost?


> Are you suggesting someone to play for a year just to unlock all the gear/equipment slots they need for their current gear? lol...


That does not sound like what they are implying at all. More like, it would take a person one year if they only earned 8.62 gold per day. But, because people claim to earn 20g per hour then it should take nowhere near a year to accumulate enough gold.

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