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Suggestion: Dismount only key


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Right now we have a "Mount/Dismount" key. The problem is, some players customize their mounts bindings with Maj/Ctrl/Alt+[other key]. This makes it possible to bind a mount to Maj+Q, another to Maj+W,...

The problem is that we can't simply press Maj to dismount. We have to press Maj+Q again.


I suggest to separate the option "Mount/Dismount" into two distinct options. That way, people who like the system as it is right now can simply bind the same key on both options, and player using the same kind of shortcuts as me can feel less clunky in their key bindings.

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I've had a single key press to mount/dismount (X, with Raptor as default) and combos for the others, but yesterday realized that since pressing keys to summon a different mount also dismounts me, it's faster to press the combo for my desired new mount, wait a beat, and press it again rather than moving my fingers all over the keys.


E.g. I am on Raptor (X to summon/dismiss) and want to be on Jackal (Shift-D). Rather than pressing X, then moving over to Shift-D, I simply press Shift-D, get dismounted while holding Shift down, then tap D again after the cooldown to get on my Jackal. (These are my individual keybinds, insert your own binds as appropriate. I ran out of single keys to press so I was forced to combos, ergo Shift + S for Springer, Z for Zkimmer ... >.> ... D for Dog-Jackal, A for the All-mount Griffon. Mnemonics, I has them).


Still, I agree that an independent mount/dismount that uses your last selected mount would be a QoL improvement.

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I've realised recently that I've been trying to use my swap weapons key (alt) to try and dismount. I wouldn't mind if they enabled a way to make it bound to the same key that something else is.


My mount keys are bound to CTRL+1/2/3/4/5, and it can be a bit cumbersome to try and get off them in a hurry (especially when I'm flustered).

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> @"Miss Lana.5276" said:

> I've realised recently that I've been trying to use my swap weapons key (alt) to try and dismount. I wouldn't mind if they enabled a way to make it bound to the same key that something else is.

Same here, except with the weapon stow/equip key. Which is why my key bindings for mounts are just my weapon stow key with modifiers:

w - weapon stow

alt+w - raptor

ctrl+w - springer

shift+w - skimmer

shift+ctrl+w or alt+ctrl+w - jackal

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> @Trise.2865 said:

> You can already do this. Using a keybind for a specific mount while riding any mount will dismount you. Bind any mount, presumably the one you use the most (or least), to a single key and press that to dismount.


You missunderstood. I use Maj+[other key] for all of my mounts, and I'd like to be able to simply press Maj when I'd like to dismount, which is currently impossible.

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