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So I was roaming on a borderland and I as I approached the sentry above South camp a noticed a few off my team mates taking on this warrior. I'm not sure if this was a hack but I've playing since beta and have never seen this before.

The guy warrior had a break bar and he was just soaking up way to much damage. Has anyone else seen this... Its it a possible hack or maybe even a dev?


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> @"Dajas.4715" said:

> So I was roaming on a borderland and I as I approached the sentry above South camp a noticed a few off my team mates taking on this warrior. I'm not sure if this was a hack but I've playing since beta and have never seen this before.

> The guy warrior had a break bar and he was just soaking up way to much damage. Has anyone else seen this... Its it a possible hack or maybe even a dev?



Warroir soaking up waay too much dmg is unfortunately the way this class works atm... at least there are some other classes performing even so nobody can say its overpowered but right.. breakbar comes from a “banner“ tactic which can be put into (own) claimed towers/keeps/camps if your guild allows u to do so and has got these tactics ready build... the higher the tier of the object (t1, 2 or 3) the more tactics can be put into it... just ask your guild or in map-/teamchat for further details :)

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Yeah cuz guards, soulbeast, holo, weavers and chrono's dont soak up insane damage when built for it among others especially in today's game. Least warrior is basic and strait forward making them easy to predict.

What does the community want? A warrior that is good at melee but takes less damage than half the builds that exists in the game on other classes? It's a fricken warrior class. U want to lower warrior sustain there better be a huge sustain nerf swept across most classes when the warrior gets his sustain lowered.

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> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> Yeah cuz guards, soulbeast, holo, weavers and chrono's dont soak up insane damage when built for it among others especially in today's game. Least warrior is basic and strait forward making them easy to predict.

> What does the community want? A warrior that is good at melee but takes less damage than half the builds that exists in the game on other classes? It's a fricken warrior class. U want to lower warrior sustain there better be a huge sustain nerf swept across most classes when the warrior gets his sustain lowered.


Nobody suggested to nerf them in this thread...

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> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> Yeah cuz guards, soulbeast, holo, weavers and chrono's dont soak up insane damage when built for it among others especially in today's game. Least warrior is basic and strait forward making them easy to predict.

> What does the community want? A warrior that is good at melee but takes less damage than half the builds that exists in the game on other classes? It's a fricken warrior class. U want to lower warrior sustain there better be a huge sustain nerf swept across most classes when the warrior gets his sustain lowered.


I think most people would simply be happy with not allowing warriors to run and out of zergs completely unscathed. Lower their mobility, and lower their invulnerables, or at the very least do not allow them to attack with any type of invulnerable active.

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> @"DeadlySynz.3471" said:

> > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > Yeah cuz guards, soulbeast, holo, weavers and chrono's dont soak up insane damage when built for it among others especially in today's game. Least warrior is basic and strait forward making them easy to predict.

> > What does the community want? A warrior that is good at melee but takes less damage than half the builds that exists in the game on other classes? It's a fricken warrior class. U want to lower warrior sustain there better be a huge sustain nerf swept across most classes when the warrior gets his sustain lowered.


> I think most people would simply be happy with not allowing warriors to run and out of zergs completely unscathed. Lower their mobility, and lower their invulnerables, or at the very least do not allow them to attack with any type of invulnerable active.


Guards can 100% do the same

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> @"DeadlySynz.3471" said:

> > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > Yeah cuz guards, soulbeast, holo, weavers and chrono's dont soak up insane damage when built for it among others especially in today's game. Least warrior is basic and strait forward making them easy to predict.

> > What does the community want? A warrior that is good at melee but takes less damage than half the builds that exists in the game on other classes? It's a fricken warrior class. U want to lower warrior sustain there better be a huge sustain nerf swept across most classes when the warrior gets his sustain lowered.


> I think most people would simply be happy with not allowing warriors to run and out of zergs completely unscathed. **Lower their mobility**, and lower their invulnerables, or at the very least do not allow them to attack with any type of invulnerable active.


Warrior gameplay absolutely relies on being able to gap close. You don't have reliable range dmg (sure rifle/gunflame builds are a thing, but really? If you base it off a gimmick build your argument is invalid bc it can be made to all classes) so you must be able to close the gap on a kiter. Killing their invulnerables also make them susceptible to kiting, especially condies. Go run around as a warrior against a condo scourge or cele weaver or condo mirage. You'll know what R Kelly meant by "_I'm fightin' for my kitten life_"

Sure you can still win, and if the player is bad, quite easily... But again if we base the argument there too any joker build can beat bad players lol.

I'm not saying warrior is garbage, but I feel like they're not absolutely bad off. They're simple and straight forward.

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> @"DeadlySynz.3471" said:

> > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > Yeah cuz guards, soulbeast, holo, weavers and chrono's dont soak up insane damage when built for it among others especially in today's game. Least warrior is basic and strait forward making them easy to predict.

> > What does the community want? A warrior that is good at melee but takes less damage than half the builds that exists in the game on other classes? It's a fricken warrior class. U want to lower warrior sustain there better be a huge sustain nerf swept across most classes when the warrior gets his sustain lowered.


> I think most people would simply be happy with not allowing warriors to run and out of zergs completely unscathed. Lower their mobility, and lower their invulnerables, or at the very least do not allow them to attack with any type of invulnerable active.


if build to do this, all classes can di it. just time the shield and dodge and have a stun break and energy sigil.


maybe not necro. ah it can too with barrier and that green thing

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> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > @"DeadlySynz.3471" said:

> > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > Yeah cuz guards, soulbeast, holo, weavers and chrono's dont soak up insane damage when built for it among others especially in today's game. Least warrior is basic and strait forward making them easy to predict.

> > > What does the community want? A warrior that is good at melee but takes less damage than half the builds that exists in the game on other classes? It's a fricken warrior class. U want to lower warrior sustain there better be a huge sustain nerf swept across most classes when the warrior gets his sustain lowered.

> >

> > I think most people would simply be happy with not allowing warriors to run and out of zergs completely unscathed. Lower their mobility, and lower their invulnerables, or at the very least do not allow them to attack with any type of invulnerable active.


> Guards can 100% do the same



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OP, did he shoot out flames? Then it was a dragon banner (the most common usef)

Did he put down a spikey circle? Then it was a centaur banner.

The third one is the turtle banner, but im not sure what distinct animation it does, since its rarely used.



> @"DeadlySynz.3471" said:

> > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > Yeah cuz guards, soulbeast, holo, weavers and chrono's dont soak up insane damage when built for it among others especially in today's game. Least warrior is basic and strait forward making them easy to predict.

> > What does the community want? A warrior that is good at melee but takes less damage than half the builds that exists in the game on other classes? It's a fricken warrior class. U want to lower warrior sustain there better be a huge sustain nerf swept across most classes when the warrior gets his sustain lowered.


> I think most people would simply be happy with not allowing warriors to run and out of zergs completely unscathed. Lower their mobility, and lower their invulnerables, or at the very least do not allow them to attack with any type of invulnerable active.


Ppl like you have never played warrior against decent opponents...


Warrior is already kiteable by many other classes (thief, mirage, engy, ranger, even ele to some extend, revs, with ambiant creatures around)


Warriors only "invuln" skill would be defiance stance, which turns all dmg to healing, but is still susceptible to cc

Endure pain, only lowers physical dmg to 0, condis and cc still work, shield block (he cant deal dmg while doing it, he can be interrupted by unblockable cc) and fullcounter, which has a very low uptime and he cant cast anything while its active1


He only has competetive melee builds, no range at all, no good protection/regeneration/aegis/blind/weakness source.


Tell me, how is a warrior supposed to survive in a zergfight when he can only melee, has no mobility and 0 dmg mitigation, like you suggested.


When a warrior is inside your zerg and ppl are to brainkitten to press their buttons... Well shame on them, just corrupt his stab and cc him further, if he has endure pain active, wait it out or just put some condis on him

If he is casting WoD corrupt his stab and wod will instantly be interrupted, because it turns into fear.

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