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Remove Rune of Speed From PVP


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of all runes this one is the most broken, this rune just broke the balance of the game, some classes turn into unstoppable killing machines since they have high power and low mobility, with this and sigil of agility they can hit and run faster than anyone else while doing ridiculous amount of damage and you can't even kite them.


when i play power reaper with this i can stomp anyone since they can't run from me.


also this make the life of speed hackers easier since they can just say that they are on rune of speed while they aren't.

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On the contrary, I personally feel that Rune Of Speed is one of the better balancing implementations we've seen in a long time. The game needed it. This is because classes that don't have many mobility skills if any at all, stand to gain quite a bit of mobility from the rune. But classes that largely dominant mobile roles from the usage of many mobility skills, don't gain much from the rune at all, which is why they don't use it. That Rune Of Speed is keeping your Reaper viable in a game full of ever growing teleportation play. Consider this.


Also, when players use Speed Hack, they desynch all over the place and glitch around like Vanellope von Schweetz from Wreck It Ralph. It is very easy to tell the difference between Rune Of Speed and Speed Hack.



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Wouldn't it just be simpler to ask ANet to remove both sigils and runesets from sPvP?


I mean, what kind of person just go on the forum to complain that they can kill some players in sPvP with the help of a runeset? You've built for it and you got return on your investment, you should just be happy that others have yet to find a counter build. I can garantee you that 99,99% of the players that find a way to have fights turn onto their favor don't come ask for a nerf on the sPvP subforum.

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> @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> On the contrary, I personally feel that Rune Of Speed is one of the better balancing implementations we've seen in a long time. The game needed it. This is because classes that don't have many mobility skills if any at all, stand to gain quite a bit of mobility from the rune. But classes that largely dominant mobile roles from the usage of many mobility skills, don't gain much from the rune at all, which is why they don't use it. That Rune Of Speed is keeping your Reaper viable in a game full of ever growing teleportation play. Consider this.


> Also, when players use Speed Hack, they desynch all over the place and glitch around like Vanellope von Schweetz from Wreck It Ralph. It is very easy to tell the difference between Rune Of Speed and Speed Hack.




I have to agree, I dont personally play reaper but they arent overperforming. Whenever you focus one just think how crewed he would be if he couldnt use rune of speed. people would legit farm reapers like bots. ( they kinda already do but still )

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> @"SeikeNz.3526" said:

> of all runes this one is the most broken, this rune just broke the balance of the game, some classes turn into unstoppable killing machines since they have high power and low mobility, with this and sigil of agility they can hit and run faster than anyone else while doing ridiculous amount of damage and you can't even kite them.


> when i play power reaper with this i can stomp anyone since they can't run from me.


> also this make the life of speed hackers easier since they can just say that they are on rune of speed while they aren't.


i thought they want to remove the sigil of agility

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If u take away ros reaper will only have the role of team dps and will not be able to peal and be involved as much in the map makeing it super subpar to rev/grd/war/rng/ holo... why would anyone take reaper unless u are a 1v1 king or a high class player. And only necro really take it sooo idk what the problem is? And we have to take wh to use it or if u staff loose unblocking on staff abiltys sooo we give up allot to be more mobile and still can not out run a rev thf holo rng grd soooo unless u condi mes and if u are I would say why are u chasing people, or ele idk man idk what to say to you.

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Are Runes of Speed fun? Yes, absolutely. Are they good for the game? No, not at all.


Consider the previous form of Runes of Vampirism. Players would turn to invulnerable mist at a certain health threshold. This allowed them to counterplay burst and 1 shots. The runes became mandatory. Also, consider passive invuln traits designed to do the same thing. They were also considered largely mandatory. Both skewed the game unfavourably and the vocal outcry from the playerbase was loud against both.


If it looks, tastes, smells, and feels like a similar situation then it probably is. If high mobility play is unfavourably dominating the gamemode, then high mobility mechanics need to be adjusted rather than fall into a situation that forces large portions of the playerbase into a singular rune option. This is where I see things going. Or ... give those professions with low mobility more equal footing.


Mobility is incredibly important for sPvP, we all know that. So much so that it cannot be understated. All the more reason for it to be clearly defined and balanced within the capabilities of each profession. If Reaper and Necro are not viable without the runes, then Reaper and Necro need to be appropriately addressed directly.

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> @"Allarius.5670" said:

> Are Runes of Speed fun? Yes, absolutely. Are they good for the game? No, not at all.


> Consider the previous form of Runes of Vampirism. Players would turn to invulnerable mist at a certain health threshold. This allowed them to counterplay burst and 1 shots. The runes became mandatory. Also, consider passive invuln traits designed to do the same thing. They were also considered largely mandatory. Both skewed the game unfavourably and the vocal outcry from the playerbase was loud against both.


> If it looks, tastes, smells, and feels like a similar situation then it probably is. If high mobility play is unfavourably dominating the gamemode, then high mobility mechanics need to be adjusted rather than fall into a situation that forces large portions of the playerbase into a singular rune option. This is where I see things going. Or ... give those professions with low mobility more equal footing.


> Mobility is incredibly important for sPvP, we all know that. So much so that it cannot be understated. All the more reason for it to be clearly defined and balanced within the capabilities of each profession. If Reaper and Necro are not viable without the runes, then Reaper and Necro need to be appropriately addressed directly.


But they aren't forced into those runes though. Condi necro and scourge don't use them. Reaper only uses it if you want to decap and be fast, but that doesn't protect Reaper in any sense of the word.


If someone is going to farm you and they counter reaper. They are still going to farm you. They don't outspeed anything. The only reason. Why they aren't taking any other rune option is because the rest of the options are literally trash. They do nothing for the class. A lot of the runes are like that for a lot of classes.


So no, they aren't 'broken' and shouldn't be removed since it doesn't break the necro class and certainly is not used by the others.

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> @"SeikeNz.3526" said:

> of all runes this one is the most broken, this rune just broke the balance of the game, some classes turn into unstoppable killing machines since they have high power and low mobility, with this and sigil of agility they can hit and run faster than anyone else while doing ridiculous amount of damage and you can't even kite them.


First of all you are not immidately faster than anyone else and anyone who also runs the rune along with you counteracts the bonus and advantage the rune provides meaning you if everyone else started using it would still be extremely low mobile compared to everyone else


Considering the rune is practically utility based and can be countered by removing swiftness from the user which completely negates all of its utility it has a wide range for counter-play across multiple classes and base things like annulment sigil



> when i play power reaper with this i can stomp anyone since they can't run from me.


Depending on the class there are ways to get away from it. In some classes some classes dont even need to get away from you they can just wait for you to make a mistake.



> also this make the life of speed hackers easier since they can just say that they are on rune of speed while they aren't.

You can always just test to see if someone is hacking or not by removing the swiftness which completely disables the runes utility all together

Ideally there is nothing wrong with this rune everyone has the option to use it and it has various ways to counter it.



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> @"Lilyanna.9361" said:

> > @"Allarius.5670" said:

> > Are Runes of Speed fun? Yes, absolutely. Are they good for the game? No, not at all.

> >

> > Consider the previous form of Runes of Vampirism. Players would turn to invulnerable mist at a certain health threshold. This allowed them to counterplay burst and 1 shots. The runes became mandatory. Also, consider passive invuln traits designed to do the same thing. They were also considered largely mandatory. Both skewed the game unfavourably and the vocal outcry from the playerbase was loud against both.

> >

> > If it looks, tastes, smells, and feels like a similar situation then it probably is. If high mobility play is unfavourably dominating the gamemode, then high mobility mechanics need to be adjusted rather than fall into a situation that forces large portions of the playerbase into a singular rune option. This is where I see things going. Or ... give those professions with low mobility more equal footing.

> >

> > Mobility is incredibly important for sPvP, we all know that. So much so that it cannot be understated. All the more reason for it to be clearly defined and balanced within the capabilities of each profession. If Reaper and Necro are not viable without the runes, then Reaper and Necro need to be appropriately addressed directly.


> But they aren't forced into those runes though. Condi necro and scourge don't use them. Reaper only uses it if you want to decap and be fast, but that doesn't protect Reaper in any sense of the word.


> If someone is going to farm you and they counter reaper. They are still going to farm you. They don't outspeed anything. The only reason. Why they aren't taking any other rune option is because the rest of the options are literally trash. They do nothing for the class. A lot of the runes are like that for a lot of classes.


> So no, they aren't 'broken' and shouldn't be removed since it doesn't break the necro class and certainly is not used by the others.


I appreciate your perspective and largely agree with what you have to say about Necro and its elite specs, but I still maintain a different take on the runes. Each time I login to play I seem to notice more and more players across most all classes using these runes. They push high mobility specs into situations where they can more freely use their mobility skills with little risk of punishment because they have high base speed with swiftness to fall back on. It helps to simplify kiting, fleeing, and pursuit. I dunno, maybe it is just me, but I feel like mobility is too critical an element of gameplay to be so casually modified by a rune set. If all other rune sets are garbage, then maybe that says more about runes of speed than the other runes.

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> @"Allarius.5670" said:

> > @"Lilyanna.9361" said:

> > > @"Allarius.5670" said:

> > > Are Runes of Speed fun? Yes, absolutely. Are they good for the game? No, not at all.

> > >

> > > Consider the previous form of Runes of Vampirism. Players would turn to invulnerable mist at a certain health threshold. This allowed them to counterplay burst and 1 shots. The runes became mandatory. Also, consider passive invuln traits designed to do the same thing. They were also considered largely mandatory. Both skewed the game unfavourably and the vocal outcry from the playerbase was loud against both.

> > >

> > > If it looks, tastes, smells, and feels like a similar situation then it probably is. If high mobility play is unfavourably dominating the gamemode, then high mobility mechanics need to be adjusted rather than fall into a situation that forces large portions of the playerbase into a singular rune option. This is where I see things going. Or ... give those professions with low mobility more equal footing.

> > >

> > > Mobility is incredibly important for sPvP, we all know that. So much so that it cannot be understated. All the more reason for it to be clearly defined and balanced within the capabilities of each profession. If Reaper and Necro are not viable without the runes, then Reaper and Necro need to be appropriately addressed directly.

> >

> > But they aren't forced into those runes though. Condi necro and scourge don't use them. Reaper only uses it if you want to decap and be fast, but that doesn't protect Reaper in any sense of the word.

> >

> > If someone is going to farm you and they counter reaper. They are still going to farm you. They don't outspeed anything. The only reason. Why they aren't taking any other rune option is because the rest of the options are literally trash. They do nothing for the class. A lot of the runes are like that for a lot of classes.

> >

> > So no, they aren't 'broken' and shouldn't be removed since it doesn't break the necro class and certainly is not used by the others.


> I appreciate your perspective and largely agree with what you have to say about Necro and its elite specs, but I still maintain a different take on the runes. Each time I login to play I seem to notice more and more players across most all classes using these runes. They push high mobility specs into situations where they can more freely use their mobility skills with little risk of punishment because they have high base speed with swiftness to fall back on. It helps to simplify kiting, fleeing, and pursuit. I dunno, maybe it is just me, but I feel like mobility is too critical an element of gameplay to be so casually modified by a rune set. If all other rune sets are garbage, then maybe that says more about runes of speed than the other runes.


Well mobility does play a factor, simply because (as much as I hate it), we have to keep track of three points. Optimally one or two of our teammates is gonna be fast enough to sprint between points in order to decap or capture the point fully.


If I was a teammate I would want my reaper to be with me in a teamfight. He's really good at it and his boon strip is priceless. Just watching a reaper try to cap a point by himself with a war/mirage/thief/Holo chasing after him makes me cringe.


And if they really want to keep that swiftness, they are locked into warhorn, which, with all of the boons nowadays, I'd prefer them to have focus. Still, that is just my perfect set up. I duo with my plat bud all the time and he mains reaper, let me tell you, those runes do not stop the other incredibly high mobile class from stomping him if they wanted his blood. I, as his support, usually have to speed after him to babysit because he cannot 1v1 classes like mirage or Holo.


Anyways, getting away from my rambling, the rune select in PvP is small. Very small. The runes themselves really don't do anything significant. The potent ones that we had in the past were very clear as day and could be seen on all builds. Those yes, I can justify their removal. However, with speed I just feel they are just another rune that is niche, but could make a class work with their boosts of swiftness. Yet with necro, unless they wanna lock in one specific weapon set that may or may not be good for the match-up, it just another rune.


With all of good runes and sigils gone, a lot of these things just don't have any impact. Which at that point, you might as well take it all out and just leave us with our weapons and amulet.

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> @"Allarius.5670" said:

> Are Runes of Speed fun? Yes, absolutely. Are they good for the game? No, not at all.

> Consider the previous form of Runes of Vampirism. Players would turn to invulnerable mist at a certain health threshold. This allowed them to counterplay burst and 1 shots. The runes became mandatory. Also, consider passive invuln traits designed to do the same thing. They were also considered largely mandatory. Both skewed the game unfavourably and the vocal outcry from the playerbase was loud against both.


Not the same situation.



> If it looks, tastes, smells, and feels like a similar situation then it probably is. If high mobility play is unfavourably dominating the gamemode, then high mobility mechanics need to be adjusted rather than fall into a situation that forces large portions of the playerbase into a singular rune option. This is where I see things going. Or ... give those professions with low mobility more equal footing.


Glad you pointed this out because thats not whats happening so there is no need for concern.

Ideally speed rune does give you an mobility increase but very few classes need that necro is likely one of the few classes that can make the most out of it due to how ungodly low its mobility is in general. Anyone else who runes the rune which many wont because their mobility is higher than what the rune provides by a decent margion would negate the effect of someone else running it. It wont stop you from taking damage or regenerate your hp or negate a burst so i dont think its a cause for concern. Considering conditions like cripple and chill use to be more effective in the past if we cant have a rune to speed mobility up when needed then what about at least have runes that properly slow others down. (which will feel super suppressive to most players leading them to call it any runes like it unbalanced.) Make your choice really idk.


> Mobility is incredibly important for sPvP, we all know that. So much so that it cannot be understated. All the more reason for it to be clearly defined and balanced within the capabilities of each profession. If Reaper and Necro are not viable without the runes, then Reaper and Necro need to be appropriately addressed directly.


To bad anet has a way of thinking that necro must alway remain slow and i you really feel that this the case make sure necro/reaper is addressed before the removal of the rune not the other-way around.

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> @"Gamble.4580" said:

> If u take away ros reaper will only have the role of team dps and will not be able to peal and be involved as much in the map makeing it super subpar to rev/grd/war/rng/ holo... why would anyone take reaper unless u are a 1v1 king or a high class player. And only necro really take it sooo idk what the problem is? And we have to take wh to use it or if u staff loose unblocking on staff abiltys sooo we give up allot to be more mobile and still can not out run a rev thf holo rng grd soooo unless u condi mes and if u are I would say why are u chasing people, or ele idk man idk what to say to you.



This rune is needed in order for some classes to remain viable.

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guys the removal of rune of speed will not make necro slow, they will still have swiftness, this will just make everyone else run at same speed.

i just give a example of reaper, but holos, warriors and boonbeasts always use it and you can't kite or chase them if you need to, you need to use all your evades/inv frames/invisible to get away or you going to die, it's just game breaking mechanic.



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Alright, I need to chime in here and point out a few things, because this is getting ridiculous in the pvp sub-forum as of recently:


1. There are too many people lately, who are complaining about anything & everything, due to sheer lack of experience.

2. The people that are doing this have a serious misunderstanding between the difference of when something is actually OP or imbalanced, and when something is just annoying them and they feel it shouldn't be in the game.

3. There is this trend lately of "IF I DON'T LIKE IT, I WANT TO SEE IT REMOVED!" Look, toss all the balance suggestions that you want, but please stop requesting for everything to be removed from the game. We need more options & variety & dynamic, not less.

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> @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> Alright, I need to chime in here and point out a few things, because this is getting ridiculous in the pvp sub-forum as of recently:


> 1. There are too many people lately, who are complaining about anything & everything, due to sheer lack of experience.

> 2. The people that are doing this have a serious misunderstanding between the difference of when something is actually OP or imbalanced, and when something is just annoying them and they feel it shouldn't be in the game.

> 3. There is this trend lately of "IF I DON'T LIKE IT, I WANT TO SEE IT REMOVED!" Look, toss all the balance suggestions that you want, but please stop requesting for everything to be removed from the game. We need more options & variety & dynamic, not less.


just because you use it does not mean that is not imbalanced

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> @"SeikeNz.3526" said:

> > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> > Alright, I need to chime in here and point out a few things, because this is getting ridiculous in the pvp sub-forum as of recently:

> >

> > 1. There are too many people lately, who are complaining about anything & everything, due to sheer lack of experience.

> > 2. The people that are doing this have a serious misunderstanding between the difference of when something is actually OP or imbalanced, and when something is just annoying them and they feel it shouldn't be in the game.

> > 3. There is this trend lately of "IF I DON'T LIKE IT, I WANT TO SEE IT REMOVED!" Look, toss all the balance suggestions that you want, but please stop requesting for everything to be removed from the game. We need more options & variety & dynamic, not less.


> just because you use it does not mean that is not imbalanced


OK, let me first make sure that everyone understands how Rune Of Speed works.


The Rune Of Speed _only works while you are in combat._ When you are out of combat, it grants no more speed bonus than a normal Swiftness buff on any other player. When you are in combat however, it essentially removes the movement penalty that you would normally get for entering combat, and allows your character "if and only if he has Swiftness" to be able to run just as fast in combat, as he would be running out of combat.


Now let's take a real look at what classes/builds stand to gain or lose from the use of Rune Of Speed:


* Warrior - The only way to tote a reliable Swift buff on Warrior, is with a Warhorn. Their traits & utilities just don't provide many direct Swift buffs, and the ones that do are very short buffs or on too long of cool downs to be reliable or just simply traits & utilities that people wouldn't use. Luckily the Warhorn is meta on Core Tact War. But what does a Rune Of Speed offer here? Well I can tell you this for starters, the Rune Of Strength is more important here. Strength is + a lot of power damage, +5% while Might is active, and +40% Might duration. If the Warrior loses that damage output provided, his potential damage drops through the floor. The Core Tact War doesn't deal a lot of damage outside of his magic strikes tied to the use of Warrior's Cunning. So if Speed were used over Strength, the Warrior would lose a lot of gradual damage output, as well as high impact threat on his Eviscerates. Instead of being a potential 1HKO machine, he becomes a 2HKO machine at best with his magic strikes, and therefore becomes no longer dangerous to engage. Sure, he may be have a bit more top health and be able to disengage a fight a bit faster with Speed, but what's the point of that if becomes a situation where it will lose 1v1s against all meta builds? I'd also like to point out that Speed is not granting a Warrior much more chase or disengage value than it already has through the use of GS #3, GS #5, Bull's Charge, and Rampage gap closers. It's just not optimal here to take Speed over Strength.

* Berserker - It's not viable regardless of any Rune used. Not taking the time to discuss this.

* Spellbreaker - You would want to take Strength over Speed for every reason already listed in Warrior. OK, let's say you insist on using Speed anyway. OK, you can run from a combat and get to a different node a little bit faster than the Strength using Spellbreaker that is chasing you. What happens when you get to that node and don't even have time to decap it before the Strength Spellbreaker catches up to you? Do you think you'll be able to fight a Strength using Spellbreaker on even ground to kill him and try to take that node? No, you won't. He's dealing a lot more damage than you are. I mean, I guess it's "a viable choice" if you REALLY want to make sure you survive and never die in the match, but choosing Speed will certainly limit your prowess to actually take & defend side nodes. A higher tier Spellbreaker wearing Speed may feel strong when he's facing lower tiered opponents and chasing them down. But in higher tier games like final round ATs, I guarantee you that Strength Spellbreakers will win against Speed Spellbreakers, and that Speed Rune is not going to prevent Heralds and such from staying on you to ensure a kill. Classes that lack stealth play, cannot escape classes designed to chase with teleports, regardless of movement speed.


* Guardian - In no way does Guardian stand to benefit anything from Rune Of Speed. It needs to maintain the highest burst damage that it possibly can, to ensure its gimmick through Judge's Intervention. End of story.

* Dragonhunter - Now DH might actually be able to make some use out of Rune Of Speed. This is mainly due to its ability to kite with a ranged weapon and lead people into traps. Rune Of Speed might actually enhance DH viability.

* Firebrand - Eeeeeeeh I dunno. Lately we've been seeing a lot of FB hybrid play. Rune Of Speed could guarantee some slippery FB play for sure, but it would significantly reduce the FB's personal sustain, team support, damage, ect ect. And remember that the FB's place is in the team fight, not running around solo trying to survive. You know that vitality bonus on Rune Of Speed is more of a lure than the mobility imo, when it comes to FB.


* Revenant/Herald/Renegade - The chase potential is real here. None of these specs need Rune Of Speed for chasing, that's for sure. Now for running? I dunno if it's worth it. You'd need to ask some Rev/Herald/Renegade players. I'd imagine that it wasn't, because it would be quite the chop to damage output, which is mandatory to maintain for a Power Shiro Herald at least. If he doesn't have that high impact damage output, people can sustain him and then he's no longer dangerous and loses his very niche role within teamplay.


* Engineer - Yeah, I'd say that Rune Of Speed would definitely be a strong option to use here. Core Engi struggles right now. Being able to mix his already existent disengage options with Rune Of Speed, would most certainly ensure better survivability. This is only a good option because Core Engi won't be out weighing any other specs with his attributes anyway regardless of Rune selection, so really it would just be better if he could kite & survive while using ranged.

* Scrapper - This class is a Superspeed propagating machine. In no way does it stand to benefit anything from Rune Of Speed.

* Holosmith - Rune Of Speed would certainly be some kind of alternative approach here, but I don't believe it would in any way be better than Runes that provide sheer DPS and/or +Boon Durations. The Holosmith already has plenty of chase & disengage potential. Also, a Holosmith doesn't need to leave a fight. It has plenty of close to mid range disengage tricks for resets, so that it doesn't have to leave fights. <- That right there is the biggest reason why I'd say Rune Of Speed is kind of waste on a Holosmith. Now sure, if you were a plat 2+ player who wanted to quickly run down gold tier opponents because you can outplay them, then it would be trolley to run. But in say an AT 5v5 where it's teams of plat 2+ players against plat 2+ players, trying to run Rune Of Speed would do nothing but limit your boon durations and potential damage output. Again, what's the point in moving around a bit more quickly if you can't meet opponents on even ground when you get to the node to fight over it? Holo isn't a +1 decap build because he'll never move as fast as a Thief or Mesmer or Ranger, regardless of if he uses Rune Of Speed or not. He excels as a bruiser team fight and side node duelist.


* Ranger - Rune Of Speed seems like a decent option here but it isn't, because Ranger can never move as fast as certain other builds. He doesn't have the movement skills to follow up with that Rune Of Speed, to make him on par with Thief mobility as example. In other words, if you try to use Rune Of Speed on Ranger, he just gets caught anyway if he tries to run from something like a Herald or Thief. What matters more is if the Ranger can actually kill the Herald or Thief or w/e when it chases him. In this case, the Ranger has every reason to run tanky or damage heavy runes.

* Soulbeast - Now here, Rune Of Speed is a very viable meta selection. The Soulbeast actually has all of the movement skills he needs to follow up with that Rune Of Speed, making him on par with even Thief in mobility. The only things that can catch a Soulbeast who is wearing Rune Of Speed, are Heralds & Thieves who dedicate hard to chasing. Of course the Soulbeast loses some damage from doing this, but due to the above explained level of mobility that Soulbeast can actually gain from this, it is completely worth using. And of course high mobility is always great on anything ranged so that it can kite hard.

* Druid - It doesn't need Rune of Speed at all. What it needs the most are runes like Altruism that grant a ton of + heal stat & boon duration. If you tried to use Rune Of Speed on a Druid it would render a useless build that in no way qualified for any job role other than running around off node worrying about personal survival.


* All Thieves - In no way does any Thief build stand to benefit anything from the use of Rune Of Speed. I don't feel I need to go into explanation here.


* All Mesmers - In no way does any Mesmer stand to benefit from the use of Rune Of Speed. Do I have to explain this?


* Eles - I'm not really sure. I don't play much Ele. But I would imagine that they would prioritize heavy stats for node holding & team fights over attempting to chase or disengage. First of all, an Ele is limited in disengage to begin with. So no matter how hard it tries to run, he's gonna get caught by those Heralds & Thieves and such anyway. And just like Core Ranger, it's going to amount down to his combat attributes when that happens. I'd imagine that Ele stands to benefit the most from sustain or damage runes.


* All Necromancers - Yeah, Rune of Speed is excellent on any Necromancer build. They are literally "The Slowest Class" and the extra vitality off of the rune is even good synergy with their shroud mechanics. **It's almost as if Rune Of Speed was designed for Necromancers.**


So what we're looking at here is this:


1. Rune of Speed is only a for sure potential meta selection on 3 things that aren't Necromancers: Dragonhunter, Engineer, Soulbeast, Notice these are underdog classes, with the exception of Soulbeast, which is still roughly A- tier when set next to things Like Holosmith which are S+ tier.

2. Rune of Speed is then clearly a good selection for Necromancer, Reaper, and even Scourge. This is because of how damn slow they are. Dropping some damage for Rune Of Speed is just advantageous in this case. Even if you were a person who preferred the damage output, you'd have to admit that Rune Of Speed was just good on Necromancers.

3. Other classes are just "eeeeeeh maybe it could work" or a blatant "Nah, not a good option" for the Rune of Speed.


That about sums it up. Always good to list the pros & cons before furthering a discussion like this.

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> @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> * Eles


Primarily useful to improve sticking power on sword builds. Your gap closers are few and have long cooldowns, and you have no range (can't swap to a ranged weapon set!) so you can be easy to kite. There's a case for being the most kiteable spec in the game, even.


You give up a LOT of damage by not taking balthazar, though.


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> @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> > @"SeikeNz.3526" said:

> > > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> > > Alright, I need to chime in here and point out a few things, because this is getting ridiculous in the pvp sub-forum as of recently:

> > >

> > > 1. There are too many people lately, who are complaining about anything & everything, due to sheer lack of experience.

> > > 2. The people that are doing this have a serious misunderstanding between the difference of when something is actually OP or imbalanced, and when something is just annoying them and they feel it shouldn't be in the game.

> > > 3. There is this trend lately of "IF I DON'T LIKE IT, I WANT TO SEE IT REMOVED!" Look, toss all the balance suggestions that you want, but please stop requesting for everything to be removed from the game. We need more options & variety & dynamic, not less.

> >

> > just because you use it does not mean that is not imbalanced


> OK, let me first make sure that everyone understands how Rune Of Speed works.


fun fact if rune of speed is ok you would not going start advocating for it but lets argue


> The Rune Of Speed _only works while you are in combat._ When you are out of combat, it grants no more speed bonus than a normal Swiftness buff on any other player. When you are in combat however, it essentially removes the movement penalty that you would normally get for entering combat, and allows your character "if and only if he has Swiftness" to be able to run just as fast in combat, as he would be running out of combat.


it also work out of combat you just need swiftness, go test it.


> Now let's take a real look at what classes/builds stand to gain or lose from the use of Rune Of Speed:


> * Warrior - The only way to tote a reliable Swift buff on Warrior, is with a Warhorn. Their traits & utilities just don't provide many direct Swift buffs, and the ones that do are very short buffs or on too long of cool downs to be reliable or just simply traits & utilities that people wouldn't use. Luckily the Warhorn is meta on Core Tact War. But what does a Rune Of Speed offer here? Well I can tell you this for starters, the Rune Of Strength is more important here. Strength is + a lot of power damage, +5% while Might is active, and +40% Might duration. If the Warrior loses that damage output provided, his potential damage drops through the floor. The Core Tact War doesn't deal a lot of damage outside of his magic strikes tied to the use of Warrior's Cunning. So if Speed were used over Strength, the Warrior would lose a lot of gradual damage output, as well as high impact threat on his Eviscerates. Instead of being a potential 1HKO machine, he becomes a 2HKO machine at best with his magic strikes, and therefore becomes no longer dangerous to engage. Sure, he may be have a bit more top health and be able to disengage a fight a bit faster with Speed, but what's the point of that if becomes a situation where it will lose 1v1s against all meta builds? I'd also like to point out that Speed is not granting a Warrior much more chase or disengage value than it already has through the use of GS #3, GS #5, Bull's Charge, and Rampage gap closers. It's just not optimal here to take Speed over Strength.


1hk to 2hko don't change the powercreep and it's still dangerous also you can chase and kite better without the need of the gap closers.


> * Berserker - It's not viable regardless of any Rune used. Not taking the time to discuss this.


well ok no one plays it but its very viable and dangerous if the person know how to play it, no one pick it because they prefer the god modes of spellbreaker that already have 1hk potential, so it's a waste pick even more damage.


> * Spellbreaker - You would want to take Strength over Speed for every reason already listed in Warrior. OK, let's say you insist on using Speed anyway. OK, you can run from a combat and get to a different node a little bit faster than the Strength using Spellbreaker that is chasing you. What happens when you get to that node and don't even have time to decap it before the Strength Spellbreaker catches up to you? Do you think you'll be able to fight a Strength using Spellbreaker on even ground to kill him and try to take that node? No, you won't. He's dealing a lot more damage than you are. I mean, I guess it's "a viable choice" if you REALLY want to make sure you survive and never die in the match, but choosing Speed will certainly limit your prowess to actually take & defend side nodes. A higher tier Spellbreaker wearing Speed may feel strong when he's facing lower tiered opponents and chasing them down. But in higher tier games like final round ATs, I guarantee you that Strength Spellbreakers will win against Speed Spellbreakers, and that Speed Rune is not going to prevent Heralds and such from staying on you to ensure a kill. Classes that lack stealth play, cannot escape classes designed to chase with teleports, regardless of movement speed.


let's get real, it's not a 1v1 game of course if someone pick more power they will have more dmg, it's logic, does not mean they will win thought, of course no one can run from a thief, then you have more others classes in the match that will get kill because you can chase them.


> * Guardian - In no way does Guardian stand to benefit anything from Rune Of Speed. It needs to maintain the highest burst damage that it possibly can, to ensure its gimmick through Judge's Intervention. End of story.


well i saw alot of symbolguards using it unless they are speedhacking, they can outrun my mesmer by alot.


> * Dragonhunter - Now DH might actually be able to make some use out of Rune Of Speed. This is mainly due to its ability to kite with a ranged weapon and lead people into traps. Rune Of Speed might actually enhance DH viability.


maybe, i would not pick this for dh, i think they need to position better to be useful they don't really need speed.


> * Firebrand - Eeeeeeeh I dunno. Lately we've been seeing a lot of FB hybrid play. Rune Of Speed could guarantee some slippery FB play for sure, but it would significantly reduce the FB's personal sustain, team support, damage, ect ect. And remember that the FB's place is in the team fight, not running around solo trying to survive. You know that vitality bonus on Rune Of Speed is more of a lure than the mobility imo, when it comes to FB.


i think that's more about the build the fb is running and the playstyle, they are not really all and better at everything at same time, they are just versatile, would not pick it for fb too


> * Holosmith - Rune Of Speed would certainly be some kind of alternative approach here, but I don't believe it would in any way be better than Runes that provide sheer DPS and/or +Boon Durations. The Holosmith already has plenty of chase & disengage potential. Also, a Holosmith doesn't need to leave a fight. It has plenty of close to mid range disengage tricks for resets, so that it doesn't have to leave fights. <- That right there is the biggest reason why I'd say Rune Of Speed is kind of waste on a Holosmith. Now sure, if you were a plat 2+ player who wanted to quickly run down gold tier opponents because you can outplay them, then it would be trolley to run. But in say an AT 5v5 where it's teams of plat 2+ players against plat 2+ players, trying to run Rune Of Speed would do nothing but limit your boon durations and potential damage output. Again, what's the point in moving around a bit more quickly if you can't meet opponents on even ground when you get to the node to fight over it? Holo isn't a +1 decap build because he'll never move as fast as a Thief or Mesmer or Ranger, regardless of if he uses Rune Of Speed or not. He excels as a bruiser team fight and side node duelist.


this is your personal preference but like i said to warriors that's not a 1v1 game and there's others classes playing, holo will stomp more than reaper with rune of speed, they can stun from range and will get at you really fast if they pick it and you can't do nothing about it, just die, they don't use it for running they use it for chasing and killing , holo running from someone is a joke LOL, they don't need more damage because they are op enough so they can pick whatever they want.


Also they WIll move faster than mesmers/thiefs and rangers if they don't pick rune of speed and the holo pick it.


> * Soulbeast - Now here, Rune Of Speed is a very viable meta selection. The Soulbeast actually has all of the movement skills he needs to follow up with that Rune Of Speed, making him on par with even Thief in mobility. The only things that can catch a Soulbeast who is wearing Rune Of Speed, are Heralds & Thieves who dedicate hard to chasing. Of course the Soulbeast loses some damage from doing this, but due to the above explained level of mobility that Soulbeast can actually gain from this, it is completely worth using. And of course high mobility is always great on anything ranged so that it can kite hard.


they just turn into imortal machines that can run from a whole raid, since they have alot of stack of stab with high uptime, you can't stop them, also the rune will make them hit very easy with their maul ability that can hit 15k at your head, another class that turn into op just because of rune of speed.


> * Druid - It doesn't need Rune of Speed at all. What it needs the most are runes like Altruism that grant a ton of + heal stat & boon duration. If you tried to use Rune Of Speed on a Druid it would render a useless build that in no way qualified for any job role other than running around off node worrying about personal survival.


druid is useless no matter rune you pick.


> * All Thieves - In no way does any Thief build stand to benefit anything from the use of Rune Of Speed. I don't feel I need to go into explanation here.


alot of thieves pick it so they kite you forever and be king of nodes without wasting ini points running.


> * Eles - I'm not really sure. I don't play much Ele. But I would imagine that they would prioritize heavy stats for node holding & team fights over attempting to chase or disengage. First of all, an Ele is limited in disengage to begin with. So no matter how hard it tries to run, he's gonna get caught by those Heralds & Thieves and such anyway. And just like Core Ranger, it's going to amount down to his combat attributes when that happens. I'd imagine that Ele stands to benefit the most from sustain or damage runes.


ele/temp is not even a viable class, weavers benefit alot from it because they can chase you.


> * All Necromancers - Yeah, Rune of Speed is excellent on any Necromancer build. They are literally "The Slowest Class" and the extra vitality off of the rune is even good synergy with their shroud mechanics. **It's almost as if Rune Of Speed was designed for Necromancers.**


> So what we're looking at here is this:


> 1. Rune of Speed is only a for sure potential meta selection on 3 things that aren't Necromancers: Dragonhunter, Engineer, Soulbeast, Notice these are underdog classes, with the exception of Soulbeast, which is still roughly A- tier when set next to things Like Holosmith which are S+ tier.

> 2. Rune of Speed is then clearly a good selection for Necromancer, Reaper, and even Scourge. This is because of how kitten slow they are. Dropping some damage for Rune Of Speed is just advantageous in this case. Even if you were a person who preferred the damage output, you'd have to admit that Rune Of Speed was just good on Necromancers.

> 3. Other classes are just "eeeeeeh maybe it could work" or a blatant "Nah, not a good option" for the Rune of Speed.


> That about sums it up. Always good to list the pros & cons before furthering a discussion like this.


the point of rune of speed is:

chasing people, you will be sure that you going to hit because that's a action game, speed matters alot here, if they can't run from you they will get hit, if the class has high damage potential they will get the kill.

that's not a 1v1 game, the enemy of the same class could pick more damage but they will miss their hits because you can kite them and you can chase other classes.

the damage lost from picking rune of speed is minimal, 10% at max, but you gain vitality and perma superspeed.

if someone picks it you are forced to pick it too if you don't want to die, that's what make rune of speed so broken.

turn ranged weapons that have already lower damage than melee counterparty in meaningless since you turn melee into the projectile itself.


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> @"SeikeNz.3526" said:

> rune of speed also work out of combat you just need swiftness, go test it.


Yeah... no. That's the kind of stuff I'm talking about right there ^ along with about 50% of everything else you've said in this subforum.


Look man, just try to understand the mechanics of what you are discussing and the cause & effect of your suggestions before harping on them.


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I can see the potential for Rune of Swiftness to be a problem in future metas because no one likes builds that can effectively stack literally minutes worth of Super Speed level swiftness but we aren't there right now and only a couple of builds have been using this at all so I don't recommend it being removed yet like I do with Sigil of Agility.

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