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Reaper AFK farming is allowed I think


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Oh, it is this topic again.


**About reporting/baning:**

Ever heared of Schroedinger's Cat? Every character that is not moving when you look at it, is basically a copy of that box where the cat is contained. Until someone opens the box, we do no know if the cat is alive or not. Until someone goes to the players house and enters the room with the computer, we do not know if someone is sitting behind the computer or not. There are methods to check ingame, both as a regular player and as a GM, but no method can bring up the complete truth about the situation. We do not know the circumstances why the character is currently not moving, there can be a lot of reasons for it (lagg, toilet-break, eating-break, phone-call, ... etc.).


**Unattended Farming:**

You are sitting in front of your computer, GW2 client is open and your character is somewhere in Tyria. Autoattack is activated on a certain skill. You have more than one window open, because your engine is not made out of a potato. You are watching a movie, show, listening to music, working or doing something else. Once in a while, you pop up the GW2 window again and check if everything is alright. That is legal. If opening another window on your computer while playing GW2 was prohibited, every player would be banned.


You are also free to watch TV or play a console on the nearby TV, talk to your neighbor, doing a phone-call, calming and/or feeding your child, petting your dog/cat or whatever you have got in mind. As long as you are within range of your computer, there is no problem.


**Do they harm us?**

It is not very motivational to watch a player performing unattended farming, while you are busy actively participating in events on the map. People start to ponder, whether they should do the same, or why they even bother farming the normal way at all.


While they perform unattended farming, they gain EXP, loot and maybe karma due to Karmic Retribution.

- EXP: Does it grant a benefit? It is by far the slowest of all methods to acquire EXP in the game. Our NPCs give more EXP, the longer they are alive in the game. Spawn killing is counterproductive. If you play the game actively and participate in events and activities, you can make a lot of EXP quickly. Those farmers may take hours to acquire the same.

- LOOT: Let me introduce you to Diminishing Returns aka DR. I suggest you read the entire page carefully, it is not very long. About loot it says:


> Loot from enemies, in which foes tend to drop less loot of progressively lower quality, for a character remaining in the same area for long periods of time.


- KARMA: Most of the maps which have seen increased populations of unattended farmers have faced minor balances. Some maps have ridiculously low drop-rates even on the highest tier, you are in most cases faster when you actively play the game.

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Hm...if my calculation wasn't totally off somewhere, afk farming seems to at least generate more theoretical profit than bitcoin mining, going by kw/h and money to gems to gold prices*.

Just need to get around 2.1 gold per hour and you break even, investing the same money into power consumption that you would pay when getting gold via gems*, at least with a price of 0.30€/kW/h*² and a computer that runs at 350W/h*³, which can obviously be "optimized" using equipment with lower power consumption.


I'd not recommend it as a way for "printing money" though, for obvious reasons.


* going by gw2efficiency.com (1€ = 19g 86s 40s at the time)

*² price is probably lower

*³ my computer's average power consumption, including two screens


Just thought it funny that farming in a game is more profitable than wasting our planet's limited resources on "mining" bitcoins for some speculative theoretical "wealth"..

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> @"Hashberry.4510" said:

> This community even loves its bots.


It's a victimless crime, so there is no reason to hate the perpetrator. Everybody can do whatever they want. If it pleases them to afk farm somewhere they are allowed to. If they do it for long periods of time apparently they are active enough to pass a GMs teleport and chat check, so what gives.

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> @"Kisakee.3587" said:

> > @"BadHealer.3608" said:

> > > @"Kisakee.3587" said:

> > > Because they attack once every 10 or 15 seconds in most cases.

> > Yes, you can set one skill at autoattack (CTRL+Mouse2). I'm doing this for 7 years. What is wrong with that? Should I banded for live for abusing?

> >


> This is not how it works, think again.


> > @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > > @"Kisakee.3587" said:

> > > Just call it by name: Necros, Ingenieurs and sometimes other classes are sitting afk, having scripts running that auto attack every somewhat seconds to not get kicked while minions, turrets and other pets permanently kill mobs. This is auto or afk farming of magic, karma, XP etc.

> > >

> > > Can i be upset about that? Yes, absolutely. That's just unfair, isn't it? People care about such things and that's totally fine.

> >

> > I like Minions and use them often so that's mostly why it bothers me.

> > I fear one day they will be changed because of AFK players abusing them and will end up completely killing their use and appeal.

> >

> > One bad change can ruin a skill type for me, the last big change to Ranger spirits is one such example.

> > Used them for many years until the last change.. now i've removed them from every single one of my builds because they're garbage now.

> > Don't want to see Minions suffer something similar.


> If ANet would punish such afk farming behaviour with time bans or perma bans nobody would do it anymore and no changes are needed. Doing nothing for a long time just accumulates the frustration of the people to the point where they need to do something about it to prevent riots and (again like in many other cases) tempt to overreact with nerfs etc.


> And again to everyone else who just sad "ignore it": Why should we? Not doing anything against it is in my understanding the same like allowing it and for freaks sake i'm not going to allow anyone to abuse something to get an unfair advantage of. Earn it like everyone else!


You keep stating these people are getting an unfair advantage...just exactly what unfair advantage do they get sitting there for 14 hours killing the same mob over and over again...and you have to participate to get rewards from events, you can't get them by doing nothing, even if it's killing only one creature, you've still participated.

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> @"Zaklex.6308" said:

> > @"Kisakee.3587" said:

> > > @"BadHealer.3608" said:

> > > > @"Kisakee.3587" said:

> > > > Because they attack once every 10 or 15 seconds in most cases.

> > > Yes, you can set one skill at autoattack (CTRL+Mouse2). I'm doing this for 7 years. What is wrong with that? Should I banded for live for abusing?

> > >

> >

> > This is not how it works, think again.

> >

> > > @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > > > @"Kisakee.3587" said:

> > > > Just call it by name: Necros, Ingenieurs and sometimes other classes are sitting afk, having scripts running that auto attack every somewhat seconds to not get kicked while minions, turrets and other pets permanently kill mobs. This is auto or afk farming of magic, karma, XP etc.

> > > >

> > > > Can i be upset about that? Yes, absolutely. That's just unfair, isn't it? People care about such things and that's totally fine.

> > >

> > > I like Minions and use them often so that's mostly why it bothers me.

> > > I fear one day they will be changed because of AFK players abusing them and will end up completely killing their use and appeal.

> > >

> > > One bad change can ruin a skill type for me, the last big change to Ranger spirits is one such example.

> > > Used them for many years until the last change.. now i've removed them from every single one of my builds because they're garbage now.

> > > Don't want to see Minions suffer something similar.

> >

> > If ANet would punish such afk farming behaviour with time bans or perma bans nobody would do it anymore and no changes are needed. Doing nothing for a long time just accumulates the frustration of the people to the point where they need to do something about it to prevent riots and (again like in many other cases) tempt to overreact with nerfs etc.

> >

> > And again to everyone else who just sad "ignore it": Why should we? Not doing anything against it is in my understanding the same like allowing it and for freaks sake i'm not going to allow anyone to abuse something to get an unfair advantage of. Earn it like everyone else!


> You keep stating these people are getting an unfair advantage...just exactly what unfair advantage do they get sitting there for 14 hours killing the same mob over and over again...and you have to participate to get rewards from events, you can't get them by doing nothing, even if it's killing only one creature, you've still participated.


Regular loot, magic, karma, XP / spirit shards, all of that for literally doing nothing. And of course they placed themself on a spot where they can get as many mobs as possible.

Interestingly enough that people just don't care because they don't get harmed, i wonder what would happen if this behaviour would put you in an actual disadvantage.

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> @"Kisakee.3587" said:


> Regular loot, magic, karma, XP / spirit shards, all of that for literally doing nothing. And of course they placed themself on a spot where they can get as many mobs as possible.


It was already told to you that there is DR (diminishing return) for loot. Just place yourself there and try it out. I did it today. It's not worth it and in terms of karma, XP/spirit shards the output is so underwhelming because you gain so much more by doing everything else in this game except idling in Lions Arch or elsewhere.


> Interestingly enough that people just don't care because they don't get harmed, i wonder what would happen if this behaviour would put you in an actual disadvantage.


Because then it would be a real issue and we would see actions from Arenanet.

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About getting rewards and loots by just being there and did little or nothing... i believe this is what is happenning during TM hunt in HoT maps.


When i called out in map chat, a few players usually appear but half of them just did one or two hit on the mushroom boss and then moved to a nearby spot and watched while the rest of us do the killing.


Since i can solo and kill TM by myself, I stopped calling out. It just took a little more time to kill it and so be it *shrug*

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> @"Kisakee.3587" said:

> > @"Zaklex.6308" said:

> > > @"Kisakee.3587" said:

> > > > @"BadHealer.3608" said:

> > > > > @"Kisakee.3587" said:

> > > > > Because they attack once every 10 or 15 seconds in most cases.

> > > > Yes, you can set one skill at autoattack (CTRL+Mouse2). I'm doing this for 7 years. What is wrong with that? Should I banded for live for abusing?

> > > >

> > >

> > > This is not how it works, think again.

> > >

> > > > @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > > > > @"Kisakee.3587" said:

> > > > > Just call it by name: Necros, Ingenieurs and sometimes other classes are sitting afk, having scripts running that auto attack every somewhat seconds to not get kicked while minions, turrets and other pets permanently kill mobs. This is auto or afk farming of magic, karma, XP etc.

> > > > >

> > > > > Can i be upset about that? Yes, absolutely. That's just unfair, isn't it? People care about such things and that's totally fine.

> > > >

> > > > I like Minions and use them often so that's mostly why it bothers me.

> > > > I fear one day they will be changed because of AFK players abusing them and will end up completely killing their use and appeal.

> > > >

> > > > One bad change can ruin a skill type for me, the last big change to Ranger spirits is one such example.

> > > > Used them for many years until the last change.. now i've removed them from every single one of my builds because they're garbage now.

> > > > Don't want to see Minions suffer something similar.

> > >

> > > If ANet would punish such afk farming behaviour with time bans or perma bans nobody would do it anymore and no changes are needed. Doing nothing for a long time just accumulates the frustration of the people to the point where they need to do something about it to prevent riots and (again like in many other cases) tempt to overreact with nerfs etc.

> > >

> > > And again to everyone else who just sad "ignore it": Why should we? Not doing anything against it is in my understanding the same like allowing it and for freaks sake i'm not going to allow anyone to abuse something to get an unfair advantage of. Earn it like everyone else!

> >

> > You keep stating these people are getting an unfair advantage...just exactly what unfair advantage do they get sitting there for 14 hours killing the same mob over and over again...and you have to participate to get rewards from events, you can't get them by doing nothing, even if it's killing only one creature, you've still participated.


> Regular loot, magic, karma, XP / spirit shards, all of that for literally doing nothing. And of course they placed themself on a spot where they can get as many mobs as possible.

> Interestingly enough that people just don't care because they don't get harmed, i wonder what would happen if this behaviour would put you in an actual disadvantage.


Right, if it harmed anyone that would be totally different. But it doesn’t harm other players at all. So, it is a non issue. Nothing burger.

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It doesn't matter how much or how little you get from it, it's the process itself. And it's a pure case of double standards if you only take action if it actually harms you but just ignore it otherwise. I'm not the one who's giving moral away just because it doesn't affects me. You can do this if you like but in therms of justice and egality that's not my road.

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The process of hitting one mob during an event, stay afk for the rest and get rewards for it has to be changed then. And that would be way more important because almost all events are rewarding, at least more than afk-farming. So, if you see an issue there we need to set the priority there first and it would be totally fine for me to stop those farmers with appropriate measure afterwards as well.

But I'm sure it's not about that at all, it's an unimportant, personal thing and therefore we don't have to change anything.

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> @"Selient.6018" said:

This is the 3rd thread you have started on the same topic(or maybe the 6th). Please just report as bots and move on. No one likes bots, we just have a realistic view of the situation. There are major updates being released with so many broken and bugged parts... clearly, Anet doesn't have time or resources to make everyone happy.



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> @"Selient.6018" said:

> > @"Kisakee.3587" said:

> > > @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > > How do u know they are running a script and not just pressing one button in the keyboard every half hour

> >

> > Because they attack once every 10 or 15 seconds in most cases. And i just did the test and took a look at one spot over one day, after 14 hours the exact same player still stood there. I don't have to tell you that it is very unlikely that someone is standing at the same spot for 14 hours and presses the auto attack key every 10 seconds, right?

> >

> > And before you start arguing: It's the same with everyone there. Go take a look by yourself if you don't believe us.

> > In fact i started luring strong enemies to them to watch them die and sometimes it works.


> You got the point!!


> It's not against the rule if they really not afk, but

> how do you play gw2 10+ hours at same spot?

> Really?


> There is no answer for it,

> Devs just ignore this problem since release,

> GMs jsut tell you to report in game and reply like NPC.






I do this all the time, especially if it is football season, I watch the games and just randomly throw down a well or something on my necro.

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Still no one here can answer how these player

auto cast skill like "Nothing Can Save You" [https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/%22Nothing_Can_Save_You!%22](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/%22Nothing_Can_Save_You!%22 "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/%22Nothing_Can_Save_You!%22")

for 10+ hours WITHOUT BANNED?

how do you sit there as human press keyboard everyday like that?

no one can explain, and stop say "report and move on",

cuz reporting is useless like my last post.


Some comments like "you can autocast using ctrl+mouse" or "some skills are autocastable",

you better stop doing this cuz you know nothing about these afkers,

go somewhere else like reddit, not here please





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Reporting is useless? These threads are useless.


Take a deep breath, relax, and explain what you are expecting from this spam of yours? You're clearly not listening to anyone. Your part in this ends once you have reported them. It is not your purpose in life to pursue something like this, I hope you take that in and find something better to do.


Or. Please take this spam to Reddit yourself, see what they think about your tirade. (Community there is strongly against even simple multi-boxing, but I doubt they'll humour your fixation for long.)


"Reporting is useless because it doesn't give the result **_I_** want!!" Please. Seriously learn to move on. If you think GMs are incompetent, take it up with support.

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> @"Selient.6018" said:

> Still no one here can answer how these player

> auto cast skill like "Nothing Can Save You" [https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/%22Nothing_Can_Save_You!%22](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/%22Nothing_Can_Save_You!%22 "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/%22Nothing_Can_Save_You!%22")

> for 10+ hours WITHOUT BANNED?

> how do you sit there as human press keyboard everyday like that?

> no one can explain, and stop say "report and move on",

> cuz reporting is useless like my last post.


> Some comments like "you can autocast using ctrl+mouse" or "some skills are autocastable",

> you better stop doing this cuz you know nothing about these afkers,

> go somewhere else like reddit, not here please






Easy to auto cast nothing can save you

1 ctrl right click to make it the auto attack

2 stand were mobs engage you in combat and it will fire off cooldown all the time.


Thought you had to only do step1 before but looks like mobs have to actually engage so you get into combat hence step 2.

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Accusing any player, guild, or game world of cheating, griefing, hacking, or exploiting is not allowed on the forums. If you witness any of these acts while playing, please report via an in-game report or submit a ticket to our Customer Support team so they can properly investigate the issue. The forum is not the place for such issues to be discussed. In the case of exploits, you also can send reports of exploits to Exploits@Arena.Net to ensure the development team is aware of them.

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