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Reaper AFK farming is allowed I think


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> @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

> > @"Tanner Blackfeather.6509" said:

> > > @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

> > > Sorry but If you are in the game (and you see the screen) and your character do something automaticaly because the game is programedthat way you are not braking any rule

> >

> > And conversely, if you're *away* from the game but still gaining (loot, xp, whatever), you *are* breaking rules - even if you're using the game's auto-cast system or minions.

> >

> > This isn't a argument against what you are saying, it is a complement to it.

> > The operative part here is *unattended* play.


> Yes. And is unattended play having gw2 on one monitor and playing diferent game/watching a movie/working on other screen unattended play?


As long as you respond to whispers etc, ANet doesn't consider it unattended, based on posts from GMs.

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> @"Tanner Blackfeather.6509" said:

> > @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

> > > @"Tanner Blackfeather.6509" said:

> > > > @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

> > > > Sorry but If you are in the game (and you see the screen) and your character do something automaticaly because the game is programedthat way you are not braking any rule

> > >

> > > And conversely, if you're *away* from the game but still gaining (loot, xp, whatever), you *are* breaking rules - even if you're using the game's auto-cast system or minions.

> > >

> > > This isn't a argument against what you are saying, it is a complement to it.

> > > The operative part here is *unattended* play.

> >

> > Yes. And is unattended play having gw2 on one monitor and playing diferent game/watching a movie/working on other screen unattended play?


> As long as you respond to whispers etc, ANet doesn't consider it unattended, based on posts from GMs.


Then it is setteled and this thread is over. No disscusion needed when there are defined rules

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> @"Vinceman.4572" said:

> > @"altermaven.7385" said:

> > Parking yourself and auto-skilling in a location that is of great benefit (whether it be farming specific mats) falls under being actionable. Just because it looks like nothing is being done about it doesn't mean it's OK. And yes, I know about diminishing returns in a zone -- still, doing this is an actionable offense.

> >

> > See it, report it. And if the minions are being a bother trying to tag the offender, turn off NPC nameplates.

> >

> > AFK farming, even if you aren't macroing, is considered botting.


> Wrong!


> From https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/65548/policy-unattended-gameplay

> As a general policy, any form of unattended gameplay is prohibited in Guild Wars 2 . This includes:

>* **The use of auto-casting abilities to farm while not at your computer or not actively playing the game.**

>* The use of a macro to automate character skills while not at your computer or not actively playing the game.

>* The use of a macro to farm repeatable events or activities for rewards while not at your computer or not actively playing the game.

>* The use of a third-party program to automate or create a "bot" that performs autonomous actions in the game.


Sorry, elaboration is required when it's listed in the policy. Please tell me why this policy is wrong.

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There are bots and hacks in WvW, bots and hacks in sPvP, bots teleporting all around maps from gathering node to node above and below the map. I'd could really care less about idle/afk farming. Anet has not been able to balance skills and more recently borked templates. If Anet employees waste time on afk/idle farmers they might as well stop releasing new content. I can't believe with all the recent issues with the game this topic makes it back to the top of the discussion, again.

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The bottom line is if you think its suspicious report it and let ANET decide.

ANET have allowed this grey area gameploit to coexist for years now and to me they simply do not care to do anything about it.. so just keep refilling the inbox with botting reports and hope one day something does get looked at and an effort to discourage the practice is put in place.. until then, don't hold your breath more than is healthy for ya.

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> @"altermaven.7385" said:

> > @"Vinceman.4572" said:

> > > @"altermaven.7385" said:

> > > Parking yourself and auto-skilling in a location that is of great benefit (whether it be farming specific mats) falls under being actionable. Just because it looks like nothing is being done about it doesn't mean it's OK. And yes, I know about diminishing returns in a zone -- still, doing this is an actionable offense.

> > >

> > > See it, report it. And if the minions are being a bother trying to tag the offender, turn off NPC nameplates.

> > >

> > > AFK farming, even if you aren't macroing, is considered botting.

> >

> > Wrong!

> Wrong?

> > From https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/65548/policy-unattended-gameplay

> > As a general policy, any form of unattended gameplay is prohibited in Guild Wars 2 . This includes:

> >* **The use of auto-casting abilities to farm while not at your computer or not actively playing the game.**

> >* The use of a macro to automate character skills while not at your computer or not actively playing the game.

> >* The use of a macro to farm repeatable events or activities for rewards while not at your computer or not actively playing the game.

> >* The use of a third-party program to automate or create a "bot" that performs autonomous actions in the game.


> Sorry, elaboration is required when it's listed in the policy. Please tell me why this policy is wrong.


You left this part out of your earlier post

while not at your computer or not actively playing the game.


and that make it wrong



You dont know the person might be having a guild meeting for 5 hours in chat while killing afew critters.

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > @"UnDeadFun.5824" said:

> > I can't believe with all the recent issues with the game this topic makes it back to the top of the discussion, again.

> I think that this is because there are those players who feel unattended farming grants a certain advantage to those who do it.



I would understand if the OP had not already taken action and received a response from a GM. Simply report as botting and move on. Yet he still decides that action is not enough to create a forum thread only to point out he didn't actually read what the GM advised him to do. Not to mention the dozens of previous threads on both official forums and Reddit on the very same topic. All which end in the same manner, If you encounter behavior in-game which violates the tos, report and move on. Then, of course, you have the dozens of people arguing in the same threads about what is afk vs idle farming vs botting. In any of the examples previously mentioned, just report for botting AND MOVE ON!

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> @"altermaven.7385" said:

> > @"Vinceman.4572" said:

> > > @"altermaven.7385" said:

> > > Parking yourself and auto-skilling in a location that is of great benefit (whether it be farming specific mats) falls under being actionable. Just because it looks like nothing is being done about it doesn't mean it's OK. And yes, I know about diminishing returns in a zone -- still, doing this is an actionable offense.

> > >

> > > See it, report it. And if the minions are being a bother trying to tag the offender, turn off NPC nameplates.

> > >

> > > AFK farming, even if you aren't macroing, is considered botting.

> >

> > Wrong!

> Wrong?


Yes, wrong because if players are responding to GMs they are not botting or AFK. And it's not on us players to decide that. You can report it but it doesn't change the fact: You don't have to decide what's allowed or not and what has to be sanctioned. The players are not the police, not per se and not per wish by Arenanet or anyone else.

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> @"Selient.6018" said:

> There are many player still do AFK farm at Domain of Istan / Sandswept Isles.

> What I see is not just afk, but includes

> 1. using greatsword to auto cast "Nightfall", which is allowed by game design

> 2. auto casting other skills like "Gravedigger" almost on cooldown

> 3. afk there repeat 1 & 2 for like hours


> This community provide 3 ways for players to report it.

> 1. mail to Exploits@arena.net

> 2. submit support tickets

> 3. reporting in game


> Mailing to exploits@arena.net won't give you any feedback.

> I do report in game every time I saw it, afk reapers basically afk everyday.

> I submit support and they ask me to report in game,

> even I provide evidence of hours recording how these reapers can really sit there over 10 hours,

> auto cast skills on cooldown, doing same things over and over again 24-7,

> and GM said:

> ![](https://i.imgur.com/uDsTSP1.png "")


> Since afk against the rules, there is no way for us to report for it,

> report in game only provide

> ![](https://i.imgur.com/qXKfsW2.png "")

> And submit tickets are ignored as there are at least 10 players afk everyday.

> I really don't understand why is against the rule and afkers can still do it?



You have to understand that some players need assistance to play the game and some method of accessibility might be perceived as "botting". The dev knows who these players are and they are allowed to proceed as is. Thus sometimes, no matter how many times you report them, there are no actions taken -- this is one of many reasons.

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> @"Linken.6345" said:

> Kinda strange that they have to clarify that players are useing the tools the game give them so not useing bots then still saying its against the rules.


> So what is the problem if its against the rules it dont matter if they are useing the ingame auto cast.


Auto-attack stops working once you kill your opponent. If it auto-attacks again without a human hitting a key or mouse button, then it's botting and against the rules.

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> @"Daddicus.6128" said:

> > @"Linken.6345" said:

> > Kinda strange that they have to clarify that players are useing the tools the game give them so not useing bots then still saying its against the rules.

> >

> > So what is the problem if its against the rules it dont matter if they are useing the ingame auto cast.


> Auto-attack stops working once you kill your opponent. If it auto-attacks again without a human hitting a key or mouse button, then it's botting and against the rules.


Depends on the skill mate try having your auto attack on a trap as a ranger.

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In some ways it's allowed, but you can't use any third-party programs and you have to be on your computer (sitting there and being able to respond in time).


Last time when I was on my trip to gather Difluorite Crystals, I had an idea on how to make afk farming more difficult, or even impossible. Just create events in popular places which would spawn a champion as a final boss. You can find an event (in Sandswept Isles) which will spawn pretty powerful champ at the end (it's really strong).

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > @"UnDeadFun.5824" said:

> > I can't believe with all the recent issues with the game this topic makes it back to the top of the discussion, again.

> I think that this is because there are those players who feel unattended farming grants a certain advantage to those who do it.


Everyone can do it, so there is not really any advantage.


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> @"Blanche Neige.7241" said:

> > @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > > @"UnDeadFun.5824" said:

> > > I can't believe with all the recent issues with the game this topic makes it back to the top of the discussion, again.

> > I think that this is because there are those players who feel unattended farming grants a certain advantage to those who do it.

> >

> Everyone can do it, so there is not really any advantage.



I agree in that I don't see how any advantage could be gained at all because there is no "win" condition where another player might "win" at GW2 over another player due to their farming. The premise of the complaint is invalid in my opinion.

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> @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:


> You have to understand that some players need assistance to play the game and some method of accessibility might be perceived as "botting". The dev knows who these players are and they are allowed to proceed as is. Thus sometimes, no matter how many times you report them, there are no actions taken -- this is one of many reasons.


What the fxxx?

May I provide video recordings of how these player CAST SKILLS REPEAT FOR 8 HOURS ?



There are 20+ players on my watch list, they go to Domain of Istan / Sandswept Isles

and sit at there everyday.

Now you say it's allowed? wtf?

How can you say that???


![](https://i.imgur.com/uAhzNfd.png "")

![](https://i.imgur.com/xZxAZ3l.png "")





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> @"Daddicus.6128" said:

> How can you set the game to restart your auto-attack once your target is dead? I know of no way to do it.


> If I'm right, ANY second auto-attack is either a keystroke, mouse click, or automation. The first two are legal, since you can't do them unless your finger is active. The last is illegal.


If you don't need assistance, automation sure is not allowed. However, there are players that needs assistance due to physical limitations and some form of automation is allowed. As a player, it's hard to determine if the player is allowed to use botting or not, only ArenaNet can tell, thus you have to report it.

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> @"Selient.6018" said:

> There are 20+ players on my watch list, they go to Domain of Istan / Sandswept Isles

> and sit at there everyday.

> Now you say it's allowed? kitten?

> How can you say that???


The question is more of: **Why on earth are you doing that to yourself?**

I mean you don't have any competences or possibilities to ensure that those are bots/AFKers or anything related nor are you able to sanction these. Is this a hobby for you? Just asking because GW2 is a game that should bring joy and good vibes to you personally and not feel like a detective or denunciation simulation. Assuming you are having fun that would be weird to me.

I would reccommend to "let go" and focus on playing or something different because you won't change them. Anet's policy is clear and they are acting against unauthorized things as has been proven in the past supported by players that were banned for a short time and reported that here and on reddit.



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> @"Daddicus.6128" said:

> How can you set the game to restart your auto-attack once your target is dead? I know of no way to do it.


> If I'm right, ANY second auto-attack is either a keystroke, mouse click, or automation. The first two are legal, since you can't do them unless your finger is active. The last is illegal.


Set a skill that don't require a target as your auto, like a selfcentred AoE. Then the character will perform it as soon as it's off cooldown.

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> @"Vince.1695" said:

> > @"Selient.6018" said:

> > There are 20+ players on my watch list, they go to Domain of Istan / Sandswept Isles

> > and sit at there everyday.

> > Now you say it's allowed? kitten?

> > How can you say that???


> The question is more of: **Why on earth are you doing that to yourself?**

> I mean you don't have any competences or possibilities to ensure that those are bots/AFKers or anything related nor are you able to sanction these. Is this a hobby for you? Just asking because GW2 is a game that should bring joy and good vibes to you personally and not feel like a detective or denunciation simulation. Assuming you are having fun that would be weird to me.

> I would reccommend to "let go" and focus on playing or something different because you won't change them. Anet's policy is clear and they are acting against unauthorized things as has been proven in the past supported by players that were banned for a short time and reported that here and on reddit.




These players afk 24-7 as free farm and I have to do raids, fotm for gold.

You can get (almost) everything in GW2 by gold and gold to gem to everything .

These GM does not give a shit and just reply like NPC.

Even though they are not botting, there is no official way to report it as "afk farm" which is not allowed by ANET.

I post this cuz I tried many ways to let GM know, and none gives a shit.



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