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Do you think alliances will ever come out?


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> @"gebrechen.5643" said:

> The majority of the population in wvw already left and there is only people left that want to karma train or bag farm. Alliances are completely the opposite of that.

Yeah, as you clearly point out here alliances is only for people that want to fight fairly and everybody knows that this isnt what WvWers want, especially the guilds.

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Yes .. but saving the alliance dying www mod? NO


I will still be an alliance or server where on Friday after reset start wining every fight or losing.

So it will look the same people all weekly slapping on spawns because their server can't even cap T3 keep on EB in prime time because they are losing.


Maybe if anet did not make alliances and changed game rules of reset it would be 100time better. Reset as it would not be 1 per week but 1 per day. And every day a new server would be fought according to the rules set up now.


It is not a big change and it would happen in a try. People would not be disgusted about 7 days in a row losing. Because every day they would get a new chance against a new super. However, they are always the best wvw on the day of reset.

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So, now we have 500 ppl in one community guild, that consists of a dozen smaller guilds with 30ish ppl each, and random players.


With alliances we will have exactly the same.


ex-act-ly. the. same.


Is anyone at Anet able to explain to me the differences of this ingenious idea that is called „alliances“??? :)


The one difference I see is that our worlds will be totally mixed up every 8 weeks. So, your only permanent teammates will be your alliance instead of a whole server. Thats a horrible idea for an open-world big scale mode, where the only remarkable feature is that you can play together with a huge bunch of players.


You expect better pop balance? PPl will still log off when they dislike the current link or match-up. Or log on when easy bags are at hand. -> pop imbalance leads to even more pop imbalance


So, Anet pls introduce a mechanism that makes it still some fun to play, when unavoidable pop imbalances are present.


The thing is not (only) pop imbalance, its of course nice to have 150 ppl on at prime. But if these ppl dont want to play with each other, its just a meaningless number. And mixing up complete worldsv will even decrease the "playing together" incentive. 500 ppl in your alliance -> 50 ppl online at prime -> 20 playing WvW -> some roam, some do private guild raids . . . that doesnt seem to me that alliances will increase the number of ppl playing together that have the same skill level / attitude / language etc.


So pls leave at least the current servers, and add alliances as an _additional_ feature.


Nonetheless, I appreciate the upcoming tranfer restrictions. But let us be real here, Anet took 2 years to introduce transfer restrictions, and they are still not done yet . . . I'm incredibly exitedzzzzzzzzzzzz

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Most ppl I speak with laugh out loud when you mention alliances. "The alliances patch" has become a meme at this point. It's GW2's very own Halo3 confirmed joke. Most dedicated players have found a home in a guild anyway so it wouldn't even change all that much, maybe it would make WvW more accesable to newer player or players who haven't done it before but they're far from being the one thing that will solve all issues WvW has. ANet knows that, and I doubt they're actually working on it at the moment. Much like anything, except livi...sorry saga content, WvW or alliances isn't mentioned anywhere because "if we don't speak about it ppl might forget".

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> @"lokh.2695" said:

> maybe it would make WvW more accesable to newer player

Imo its exactly the opposite. Atm you can join a community guild as a random player. With alliances you already have to be in a guild to be a member of an alliance. So you have to do the second step before the first one.


Additionally, atm most of your player environment stays the same (exept the server links and transfers). So, even as a part-time player you can get familiar with your teammates over time. With alliances your whole player environment will change every 2 months. So you have to join an alliance first to be able to constantly play together with at least some ppl (your alliance).


And there will be no server-wide voice chat. Every alliance will have their own one. So, you are locked out from voice chat, until you join a guild that is part of an alliance.


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> @"enkidu.5937" said:

> > @"lokh.2695" said:

> > maybe it would make WvW more accesable to newer player

> Imo its exactly the opposite. Atm you can join a community guild as a random player. With alliances you already have to be in a guild to be a member of an alliance. So you have to do the second step before the first one.


> Additionally, atm most of your player environment stays the same (exept the server links and transfers). So, even as a part-time player you can get familiar with your teammates over time. With alliances your whole player environment will change every 2 months. So you have to join an alliance first to be able to constantly play together with at least some ppl (your alliance).


> And there will be no server-wide voice chat. Every alliance will have their own one. So, you are locked out from voice chat, until you join a guild that is part of an alliance.


TL;DR players have to actively choose guilds and alliances, organize themselves with far more flexibility than currently and fight together with new guilds against other guilds every 2 months?


The horror!


**The audacity!!**


Guild vs guild warfare has no place in this game. The community has thus spoken.


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> @"enkidu.5937" said:

> Imo its exactly the opposite. Atm you can join a community guild as a random player. With alliances you already have to be in a guild to be a member of an alliance. So you have to do the second step before the first one.



Where did it say that you MUST be apart of a guild to be apart of alliances? From my understanding is that Guilds are selected first and then those that choose to not be apart of a specific guild are then chosen after (to round out the slots, because some guilds are bigger than others).


Additionally, this feature is never coming anyways. 40%+ of the staff are gone, WvW and PvP are hollow shells of their prime, PvE updates are becoming slower. It's marking off every checkbox of an MMORPG ramping down. Alliances are just that carrot that Anet placed in front of the donkey (the players) to keep them logging in.



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> @"Bristingr.5034" said:

> > @"enkidu.5937" said:

> > Imo its exactly the opposite. Atm you can join a community guild as a random player. With alliances you already have to be in a guild to be a member of an alliance. So you have to do the second step before the first one.

> >


> Where did it say that you MUST be apart of a guild to be apart of alliances? From my understanding is that Guilds are selected first and then those that choose to not be apart of a specific guild are then chosen after (to round out the slots, because some guilds are bigger than others).

**Setting things straight:**

I have no idea why the concept is so hard for people to understand. The alliance system will have these layers:

* Worlds (essentially temporary servers / 8 weeks) - 2500 players

* Alliances (made up of guilds 1-300 players) - 500 players

* Guilds - 1-300 players

* Solo players

When Worlds are pieced together every 8 weeks the system will take all three available pieces: Alliances, Guilds without alliances and Players without guilds and shuffle them over the worlds. So essentially everyone will get a new "server" every 8 weeks. The guilds and alliances are checks that allow you to transfer with friends. Think of it as musical chairs but with some players holding onto each other in groups of their chosing.


**Settling the score:**

While Enkidu has a point that the Alliance system will not allow solo players to transfer at they please as easily and will not allow them to take part on a server as they please on a come and go basis: That is generally a good thing for the mode. You only have to look at the recent KISS vs. PS drama in EU to understand the problem of the mode being suffocated by anonymous solo players who expect to be carried by whatever guilds remain. We've reached a point where singular guilds carry servers and that entire servers are more or less carried by singular players (the leader/commander of certain guilds). When the guilds have enough they leave the game or they leave the server, causing the server to drop down to what is now a content-hell as the lower tiers have no guild-born effort and instead it creates a transfer chain off of which ArenaNet milks gems and/or resets its gold economy. A new server then gets stacked until another guild is fed up with the expectations (the being taken for granted, the demands and the badmouthing; or the lack of opposition) and leaves.


That is what things are devolving to and even if that truth is oblivious to the everyday anonymous "play alone together" type of player who feeds off the effort put in by others it has been glaringly obvious to leaders and players of guilds for a very long time as they have seen friends and competition leave only to be replaced by content-consuming anonymous players who never form their own guilds, birth their own commanders or produce their own content to help share the burden. That is the suffocation. There are still players funnelled into the mode, there are just fewer players who create content, it is the end result of whatever little attention Anet has given to WvW. The few changes that have been made, have been changes made for players who consume, not for players who produce. Players who produce wants stuff for their guilds (alliances: so they can recruit and keep their guilds together; GvG so they can compete with their guilds vs. other guilds; scoring and ladders that reflects the effort they put into the mode so they can see the results of their effort etc.).


Players who anonymously consume only wants stuff for themselves. Do we need to spell out the choice words for that?



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**Two pipes of the plumbing:**

This is a bit besides the point but the state of recycling of guilds through the GvG scene is also symptomatic of the changes made. The GvG scene has managed to replenish itself but it has mostly done so off the back of raid guilds maturing to that point (with low rebirth of new raid guilds to pickk up that layer of content) or with guilds leaving the standard maps out of frustration chosing to join a GvG scene which then becomes more disjointed from WvW.


The GvG scene is using EotM now. The guilds in it spend less time on the standard maps and are less affected by the stacking since they can use the color system to stack the colors instead of servers (yet, if they spread out to dead servers they get no standard WvW content so they choose to take less part in that or they choose to find content-stacked servers while maintaing spread over the colors).


If there was a lobby with an arena the GvG scene would be far more visible and intergrated than it is today. The duct-tape of the EotM arena is as such a nice temporary stop to the plumbing falling apart, but it also has leakage in the same way that server linking was a duct tape to the plumbing that should never have been left for so many years and much like how server linking is inferior to healthy servers, the EotM arena color stacking is inferior to the spread that was enabled with the GH arena (but no longer used due to PvE physics, skillsplits and lingering bugs) as it pulls more content off the standard WvW maps.


That's how current stacks differ from the last cycle of stacks. The last cycle was more about creating something similar to the color stacks whereas the current stacks is all about access to the shrinking standard content (roaming, raiding, pickups) that remains. The biggest stacks are just the guild-born playerbase having given up on waiting for alliances.

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Just another fake promise flapping about in the wind left over from the hype train shenanigans and otherworldly "ideas" scattered on the tracks, forever abandoned. It pains me to say this but I genuinely hope another company comes along looks at wvw and makes their own version only better tenfold rvr or wvw w/e you wanna call it...

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> @"subversiontwo.7501" said:

> the everyday anonymous "play alone together" type of player who feeds off the effort put in by others


> @"subversiontwo.7501" said:

> competition leave only to be replaced by content-consuming anonymous players who never form their own guilds, birth their own commanders or produce their own content to help share the burden.


> @"subversiontwo.7501" said:

> Players who anonymously consume only wants stuff for themselves. Do we need to spell out the choice words for that?


„create content“, „put in effort“, „players who consume, players who produce“, „burden“ etc. You speak a completely different language than 95% of the video game player base out there.


These part-time casual players kept the mode alive for years, because you obviously need player numbers and their money.


Do you really expect everyone to play on a kind-of semi-competitive „E-sports“ level? How many tiers would that make? One in US, 1-2 in EU? Anet would have shut down WvW then already, maybe EotM would still be running.


I'm not sure why you think that the ppl that „produce content“ and „put in effort“ will profit from the new alliance system? They will have less control over their world. They can no longer overstack a world, to keep „selfish consumers“ away.


Thats why, I would really like see the old servers remaining, where no human player decides over my head if I'm still allowed to be part of a specific community, or kicked out because of „a lack of productivity“. And the new alliances as an additional tool for „those who put effort into the game mode“ to create their private E-sports whatever scene. Worlds should be puzzled every 1-8 weeks only with alliances, guilds, random players on the same tier. So, kind-of E-sportlers would climb up the ranks over time, and the „non-producers“ would play together in the bottom tiers and have tons of fun (not work), with casual tags.


But I guess its much too late anyways, so nevermind my post ;)


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> @"subversiontwo.7501" said:

> **Setting things straight:**

> I have no idea why the concept is so hard for people to understand. The alliance system will have these layers:

> * Worlds (essentially temporary servers / 8 weeks) - 2500 players

> * Alliances (made up of guilds 1-300 players) - 500 players

> * Guilds - 1-300 players

Just wondering where you are getting guilds 1-300 from, the guild cap is 500.

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No. I told you so back when it was first mooted, but some posts were removed by the forum mods..

I think I then generously predicted end of 2019 at the earliest- that has proved wildly optimistic!

I'd compare promises here with a certain old politician in the UK who also promises the world but that might get me in trouble...

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