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[Suggestion]Put The 3 Strike Mission Bosses Together and Make it a Raid


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As someone who plays this game only for raids&fractals, I am literally up for anything at this point...

Just scale up their health, add some more mechanics, put a random cm mechanic. (aka W7 CM's).

So that, strike missions will actually be a bridge to raids as it will be the same bosses but a harder version of it.

OR just tell us what you want to do with raids&fractals so we are not left in the dark.

Thank you.

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> @"Hannelore.8153" said:

> Missions are for people who don't do raids, that's the whole point. Let me do one thing in this game without a toxic atmosphere, because all I want these days is to play an actual video game instead of some weird job where elitists are my bosses.


So, you're in your home instance during your whole gaming sessions?



Keep on dreaming. I guess raids and fractals are almost dead by now in terms of focused development. It's a shame but the result of repeated mismanagement

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> @"Vinceman.4572" said:

> > @"Hannelore.8153" said:

> > Missions are for people who don't do raids, that's the whole point. Let me do one thing in this game without a toxic atmosphere, because all I want these days is to play an actual video game instead of some weird job where elitists are my bosses.


> So, you're in your home instance during your whole gaming sessions?



You know, normally I try to ignore this kind of comment, but really. I've played open-world PvP games for the last 15 years, and it is far more hardcore than anything raiding could offer people. The difficulty is entirely player-driven, mostly by attitudes like this.


When a PvE game mode has become more toxic than PvP, you should take a step back and think.

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> @"Hannelore.8153" said:

> You know, normally I try to ignore this kind of comment, but really. I've played open-world PvP games for the last 15 years, and it is far more hardcore than anything raiding could offer people. The difficulty is entirely player-driven, mostly by attitudes like this.


> When a PvE game mode has become more toxic than PvP, you should take a step back and think.


Raiding in GW2 is less toxic than dungeon running was before HoT. I've raided 2.5 years in this game and rarely encountered toxicity. Fun fact the most insulting comments I read have taken place in open world map chats due to failed metas (Teq, Chak, Tarir and others) and inside of open world squads because something went downhill.

I mean seriously, when joining a pug group for raiding the communication is all about the boss/the whole wing and when problems occur you communicate and make changes. There were very few people acting toxic and started a flame war or anything similar and if they weren't commander they got kicked immediately in most of the cases. If you had a flaming commander guess what happens - a lot of people just leave. Overall here and on reddit there were few images about such flame things people encountered in raid squads. That speaks for itself.

But there's one thing I think you and a lot of others as well mix up constantly: Asking for requirements is **not** toxicity. It's just an unemotional demand of players that want to ensure a certain level. If people don't met these standards but nevertheless join such a group the kick is justified and not toxic. As a comparison: in ranked PvP you get players into your and the enemy team that should be around the same skill level. You don't want to deal with bronze players while you're sitting in platinum. That's the same attitude raiders have when they are grouping up but since PvP players have an automated system for player selection raiders have to make their own to guarantee some kind of niveau. Again: This is not toxic. This is what people are doing in rl all the time especially with their hobbies/sports.


I also don't think the PvE mode "raids" has become more toxic than PvP. The opposite is the truth as can be seen by weekly reddit posts of PvP players that got insulted & most often accused of cheating.

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@"Yellow Rainbow.6142" I didnt say anything that will interfere with the strike mission or replacing it, it will stay how it is. I just requested ANOTHER INSTANCE that will combine the bosses as a SEPERATE RAID. Why is this so hard to understand? No one will force you to do that raid if it ever comes.

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@"Rankomonaut.4708" did I say make the strike mission a raid instead? No. I am trying to say copy and paste the bosses, make them harder etc. and put it into a seperate raid instance, so there will be a strike and raid version. I never said dont release a strike and just make it a raid. Why is this so hard to understand?

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I'm not a raider so prob less qualified to comment, but I'd rather see the two kept separate. I can see the argument for it - the strike mission is meant to be a stepping stone into raids, so having the strike mission lead into the harder version of it has logic. However it feels too lazy an approach. I get raids and instances are niche (although less niche than many think), but the commitment should exist to them. They take time sure and players are completing them too fast now, but really with Strike missions coming in, this is their chance to really step up the raid challenge for those raiders who enjoy them. Converting Strike Missions is an option, but brand new designs should be a focus for the raids and that will help encourage players to experience more varied things


So my answer is for Anet to come out of their tortoise shell and start being as much a part of the community as we are and talk to everyone

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> @"Alyster.9470" said:

> @"Rankomonaut.4708" did I say make the strike mission a raid instead? No. I am trying to say copy and paste the bosses, make them harder etc. and put it into a seperate raid instance, so there will be a strike and raid version. I never said dont release a strike and just make it a raid. Why is this so hard to understand?


What's so hard to understand in taking raid bosses, make them slightly easier and put them into Strike missions?

If Strike missions get upgraded raid versions, it's only fair to make Strike Mission versions of raid bosses.

It's a give and take.

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> @"Fueki.4753" said:

> If Strike missions get upgraded raid versions, it's only fair to make Strike Mission versions of raid bosses.



There's no indication that Strikes will get harder versions. Even the datamined CM doesn't tell us anything about the future.

Reality is at the moment that Strikes are easier than T1 fractals. A CM is then T2, 3 or T4 niveau? Or fractal CM level? We don't know.



According to the popularity of Strikes: They have already failed. There's barely more than one group in the lfg if there ever is one. And going in the "public" way results in meeting 1-2 players and yawning emptiness.



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Anet is all over the place with instanced content and imo doing it wrong. They keep adding and changing formats so now we have 3 active and one discontinued format which takes a huge amount of development from all aspects. And consequently updates for all of them are slow and quality is lower.


Anet, it is not the format that is the issue. It doesn't matter if it is 5 or 7 or 10 or 20 man, it is not the length of the dungeon, it is accessibility.


What you should do is have one or 2 format with several difficulties and making them accessible to everyone via Wow like LFR system on lowest difficulty. This way you have quality content which everyone can enjoy regardless if they just want stress free environment or hardcore guild runs.


Learn from Wow and their LFD, LFR systems. Casual players dislike making groups manually and sooner or later it always comes to gear/achiv/dps checks even if content is completely trivial. I remember people arguing dps in dungeons I could solo. You need LFR where you queue, play whatever you are playing and suddenly a raid pops up. No dps/geart/achiev checks, just hop in and play. And it is easy difficulty so checks should not be required and 10-20% of group size can carry.

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> @"Vinceman.4572" said:

> There's no indication that Strikes will get harder versions.

There is no indications that raids will get easier version either, so we are in the same sinking boat.


> According to the popularity of Strikes: They have already failed. There's barely more than one group in the lfg if there ever is one. And going in the "public" way results in meeting 1-2 players and yawning emptiness.

We have one Strike Mission for now. One that either too easy for people, or too hard for others.

It's a boss they claimed will evolve over the course of the season.

If it really evolves over time, it makes sense for it to be "easy" in its first incarnation.

Therefore, It wasn't Strike Missions that failed, but this one incarnation of the boss.

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> @"Alyster.9470" said:

> As someone who plays this game only for raids&fractals, I am literally up for anything at this point...

> Just scale up their health, add some more mechanics, put a random cm mechanic. (aka W7 CM's).

> So that, strike missions will actually be a bridge to raids as it will be the same bosses but a harder version of it.

> OR just tell us what you want to do with raids&fractals so we are not left in the dark.

> Thank you.


You wouldn't want that anyway. The first strike mission has lower difficulty than both the easiest dungeon and the easiest T1 fractal available, it's even easier than most season episode bosses or the expansion final bosses. It's only a tiny bit harder than the average open world encounter and there ARE loads of open world encounters that are much more challenging than the first Strike, of course only if you actually do them and not press 1 and get carried by other players, it's the open world after all. So to be perfectly honest your suggestion would never work, judging by the general reception of W7 by raiders, I think most raiders wouldn't like strikes being treated as Raids. Of course maybe they'll surprise us and the next Strikes will be actual group content with mechanics but I will hold judgement until I try them.

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