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Proposal for change the legendary armor/weapon convenience


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I believe, after adding the build template, the legendaries could become more useful if they had the possibility of choosing each single attribute.

No longer use prefixes ( like the berserker magi etc.) but attribute the points one by one to achieve the perfect stat combination on your own.

The legendary would thus become the maximum possibility of choice present in the game.

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> @"august.8016" said:

> > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > re-adjust the stats each time.

> I have a complete set of armor and many legendary weapons and I don't know what you're talking about XD.

> My statistics work correctly in the two available equip tab. Is it a recent bug?


try removing armor from one of your templates then putting it back mate.

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> @"august.8016" said:

> I believe, after adding the build template, the legendaries could become more useful if they had the possibility of choosing each single attribute.

> No longer use prefixes ( like the berserker magi etc.) but attribute the points one by one to achieve the perfect stat combination on your own.

> The legendary would thus become the maximum possibility of choice present in the game.


So with legendary items someone could make a PvE condition damage build with major condition damage, minor expertise and minor precision, which is an improvement for all current PvE condition damage builds and people who are limited to exotic or ascended gear will have to make do with an inferior version? Since legendaries were never meant to give players an advantage in stats over others the chances for your proposal to be implemented are slim.

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Oh yeah, let's look at some 'balanced' stats you could get with that:



Power-Precision-Ferocity-Vitality (not like Marauder, Power and Vitality as major), all power classes now with 20k HP minimum and only 5% less damage hehe.


Condition Damage-Power-Vitality-Expertise (Condi Damage and Vitality as major, or maybe with Precision instead of Power), like the above, for condi classes, everyone running around with a fuck ton of HP and damage hehe.


Power-Precision-Ferocity-Healing Power (Power and Healing Power as major), dunno if this one would be broken at all, but here it is.


Condi Damage-Power-Healing Power-Expertise (Condi Damage and Healing Power as major), same as above.


Condi Damage-Vitality-Healing Power-Concentration (Condi Damage and Healing Power as major), potential new better version of Plaguedoctor's.




Those are the ones i got at the top of my head, there's probably some even more broken that i did not get.

That would totally not power creep/destroy the meta of the game even more, at all hehehe.

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