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I dont believe spellbreaker needs to be gutted.


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> @SWI.4127 said:

> > @Ragnarox.9601 said:

> > spellbreakers need to be gutted by 50%, scourge also by 50%, and wvw will be a happy place.


> And FB shall remain untouched eh? I see your game here ;)


Exactly, what a dirt bag. I hope to see the nerf hammer slam down on a heavy armored, self-healing support class that can deal out a bunch of burns like it's free before it gets to Scourge and eventually Spellbreaker.

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> @MithranArkanere.8957 said:

> I'd just add a longer cooldown for Full counter when nothing is countered, or in other words, increase the cooldown, but shorten it when something is countered.


> This way enemies can reduce the number of counters they can do by carefully avoiding them.


Ye but in fights where its not a 1v1 that will be kinda bs.

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> @kiranslee.4829 said:

> SB is "made" to fight noobs, and FC is gem for it. Like QQers here , so in pvp/wvw when noobs will jump on your FC constantly and trigger it to kill teammates. Its pure perfection.

Just check Vaanss latest vid. Its not that he is that good (cuts of good fights and so on) but there is perfect example how FC is superb when you fight outnumbered vs bunch of plebs, they constantly kill each other, and they deserve it.

> On other hand, full counter to Full Counter is ........ holster weapon.

> Amazing !



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> @kiranslee.4829 said:

> > @kiranslee.4829 said:

> > SB is "made" to fight noobs, and FC is gem for it. Like QQers here , so in pvp/wvw when noobs will jump on your FC constantly and trigger it to kill teammates. Its pure perfection.

> Just check Vaanss latest vid. Its not that he is that good (cuts of good fights and so on) but there is perfect example how FC is superb when you fight outnumbered vs bunch of plebs, they constantly kill each other, and they deserve it.

> > On other hand, full counter to Full Counter is ........ holster weapon.

> > Amazing !




Even better, check out Wilson's video called something like, "It's so stupid!" or something like that. I saw it last night and it's hysterical.


Also, in fairness to Vaans, he looks like a pretty top tier wvw warrior to me. Sure, videos often make people look impossibly invincible (or better than they are), but the skill usage and engagement strategies evident in his videos show him to be at least better than 90% of warriors running around.


There are also top tier warriors who don't make videos.

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Way too much of the SB elite specialization is loaded onto FC. Seriously, look at FC, traited with relevant traits in the SB line. It's the single most loaded skill in all of guild wars 2 history. It's bad design on the developers part when they design a skill that everyone knows is overpowered but that if nerfed, will completely kill the specialization.


Best recourse imo is to nerf or remove some of the things that FC can do, and distribute them to other skills and traits. With the right trait setup, a SB could still be an unstoppable force in pvp but at least in a 5v5/mid fight, an opposing team wouldn't be completely tacked down by 4-5k crits + condi xfer every 6.75s from a single skill.

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> @Arcaedus.7290 said:

> Way too much of the SB elite specialization is loaded onto FC. Seriously, look at FC, traited with relevant traits in the SB line. It's the single most loaded skill in all of guild wars 2 history. It's bad design on the developers part when they design a skill that everyone knows is overpowered but that if nerfed, will completely kill the specialization.


> Best recourse imo is to nerf or remove some of the things that FC can do, and distribute them to other skills and traits. With the right trait setup, a SB could still be an unstoppable force in pvp but at least in a 5v5/mid fight, an opposing team wouldn't be completely tacked down by 4-5k crits + condi xfer every 6.75s from a single skill.


Umm...SB only has 8 traits that do anything with FC vs thief has 12 that do something with steal(thief main mechanic).




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> @SWI.4127 said:

> > @Ragnarox.9601 said:

> > spellbreakers need to be gutted by 50%, scourge also by 50%, and wvw will be a happy place.


> And FB shall remain untouched eh? I see your game here ;)


FB what? What to nerf...burn? lel burn guard deal more burn dmg than firebrand xD (FB dont have active blocks, heals are patethic if you dont go full healer build but then you dont have dmg, f3 is lame,)

spellbreaker is godly now it needs to be gutted to human level (better heal than FB minstrel, better dmg than bers guard and better blocks than DH).

anything else?

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_" I don't think that raising full counter's cd, lowering the dmg and making it able to be blocked will kill the entire spec._" Really? Did you played a Spellbraker in pve?Any type of pve. People who ask for this kind of nerfs should be reminded that the changes will affect all aspects of the game not just pvp. Power warrior in terms of damage in pve is really bad. Dagger damage is already a joke in pve and people ask for more damage reduction.



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All that resistance comes from core warrior not SB. The only resistance SB gives is from full counter and a clear from revenge counter, but honestly speaking it feels like revenge counter is there to make up for anet nerfing berserker's condi cleanse after they reduced berserker bar from 3 adrenaline to 1. Full counter can be interrupted, you just need to strip stab off first, or better yet corrupt it into fear. I know not every class has a boon corrupt/strip but you can still poke it and dodge away or use range to proc it. Having last stand as a trait is very unpredictable since it means you can't control when you use it, it's dictated by the enemy when it procs. For a class to spec into full resistance to deal with condi, means that there is counter play to it and that condi is so out of hand right now, especially if a class has to use all it's resistance skills to deal with it. Sure in WvW FC is very powerful, but that's wvw, if you're gonna complain about how strong FC is then you have to look at other classes and how much aoe dmg/condi/cc spam they have compared to SB. Even with healing signet, berserker stance, featherfoot grace I can still feel the condi pressure unless I have someone condi cleansing me in my subsquad. In spvp just don't proc FC, that simple. Like I stated before you can boon corrupt stab into fear and interrupt it, you can poke it and dodge away since the dmg isn't instant. The only op thing about SB is that it takes advantage of bad pugs, and the lack of communication that happens in spvp. I agree that the CD on it is a bit short but other than that it's a balanced skill.

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> @Ragnarox.9601 said:

> > @SWI.4127 said:

> > > @Ragnarox.9601 said:

> > > spellbreakers need to be gutted by 50%, scourge also by 50%, and wvw will be a happy place.

> >

> > And FB shall remain untouched eh? I see your game here ;)


> FB what? What to nerf...burn? lel burn guard deal more burn dmg than firebrand xD (FB dont have active blocks, heals are patethic if you dont go full healer build but then you dont have dmg, f3 is lame,)

> spellbreaker is godly now it needs to be gutted to human level (better heal than FB minstrel, better dmg than bers guard and better blocks than DH).

> anything else?


"Gutted" implies you want the entire substance of the spec nerfed leaving it a shell of itself. It doesn't mean the same as bringing it to a "human level". If you said balanced I wouldn't have made a comment.

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> @SWI.4127 said:

> > @Ragnarox.9601 said:

> > > @SWI.4127 said:

> > > > @Ragnarox.9601 said:

> > > > spellbreakers need to be gutted by 50%, scourge also by 50%, and wvw will be a happy place.

> > >

> > > And FB shall remain untouched eh? I see your game here ;)

> >

> > FB what? What to nerf...burn? lel burn guard deal more burn dmg than firebrand xD (FB dont have active blocks, heals are patethic if you dont go full healer build but then you dont have dmg, f3 is lame,)

> > spellbreaker is godly now it needs to be gutted to human level (better heal than FB minstrel, better dmg than bers guard and better blocks than DH).

> > anything else?


> "Gutted" implies you want the entire substance of the spec nerfed leaving it a shell of itself. It doesn't mean the same as bringing it to a "human level". If you said balanced I wouldn't have made a comment.


Honestly the person you are replying to is borderline trolling at this point. Zero constructive discussion from them unfortunately. I guess we're going to have to wait another 2 weeks to see how the developers feel we're doing, though. :)

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> @Lighter.5631 said:

> spellbreaker needs to be gutted because it's too easy to get a hands on..

> but not like anet will never increase warrior's skillfloor


Rofl what? Thats not even a reason thats just wanting to nerf a class because YOU think its so easy.



Almost every person asking for warrior nerfs cant stop hitting counter or button mashing like they dont see the warrior use an invuln or zerker stance.


Most of the rando pugs in wvw/pvp dont even react to stuff but are so quick to jump on forums and reddits asking for nerfs.


A person that actually plays pvp/wvw will counter a spellbreaker by saving their stuff when the warrior uses full counter or zerker stance/ep.



You got people arguing on this thread that pugs are hitting full counter. Thats not a valid argment to ask for a nerf. Thats just pugs being pugs and you being annoyed at pugs for doing what they have done since day one, five years ago.

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> @Garr.1823 said:

> At this moment Warrior is really OP profession, cause he can hit like a truck (25-100% hp damage with every hit) and be able to survive longer than any other class at the same time. I think it should be more like "if you want to be a tank - it will take much longer for you to kill someone, and vice versa".

> Full counter is just a pinnacle of that problem.

> And don't get me wrong - I don't want warrior to be overnerfed.


> P.S.: "too much damage" - is a problem of current GW to be honest, not only warriors.


Maybe stop hitting counter? Theres a huge animation for it that screams at you not not attack the warrior. If you do hit the counter then its working as intended. Thats not a valid reason to ask for a nerf because you cant react to a skill. Theres skills like this in many classes with their own variations.

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> @psizone.8437 said:

> I feel like the main thing that needs nerfed is the amount of Resistance Spellbreaker can apply, one of which is a pulsing application.


> Right now it more or less makes every condition class in the game useless against it, bar one. Scourge.


> Don't get me wrong though, Scourge, Reaper and Firebrand need to be toned down but other classes don't output nearly enough conditions nor do they strip enough boons to warrant that kind of Resistance uptime.


Wrong. Spec is made to be anti-condition and vulnerable to power damage, the only thing that needs to change is actually power tankiness, not condition immunity. (even with that, Scourge poops so many corruptions that SB dies easily, or you can use his stacked condis to epidemic once and see enemy team die 1 tick. Improvise, adapt, overcome.

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> @Arcaedus.7290 said:

> Way too much of the SB elite specialization is loaded onto FC. Seriously, look at FC, traited with relevant traits in the SB line. It's the single most loaded skill in all of guild wars 2 history. It's bad design on the developers part when they design a skill that everyone knows is overpowered but that if nerfed, will completely kill the specialization.


> Best recourse imo is to nerf or remove some of the things that FC can do, and distribute them to other skills and traits. With the right trait setup, a SB could still be an unstoppable force in pvp but at least in a 5v5/mid fight, an opposing team wouldn't be completely tacked down by 4-5k crits + condi xfer every 6.75s from a single skill.


For team fights, I think Scorges now represent a bigger much bigger threat ......

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Take out some of the FC power and put it into things like the Tactics and Arms lines. A Tactics Spellbreaker could be a controller or a supporter, while an Arms Spellbreaker could be more dueling oriented (weaker to group settings).



1) Remove No Escape (Spellbreaker) and merge into Leg Specialist (Tactics). Replace with something dagger or offensive burst related (since it is in the bottom row).

2) Loss Aversion nerfed to only do damage. Then in Arms, adjust Unsuspecting Foe to be "Striking foes with unblockable attacks grants adrenaline."

3) Revenge Counter no longer grants Resistance. Shrug it Off (Tactics) adds Resistance to Shake it Off (and the trait).

4) Sun and Moon style adjusted, ALL interrupts grant quickness with MH dagger. Dual Wielding (Arms) grants "Outgoing Critial Rate and Condition Duration increased by attack speed." in addition to the passive attack speed boost when using two weapons. Rewards double daggers (quickness improves damage output, and thus healing from OH). Rewards Frenzy (cause lol that stance).

5) Magebane Tether trait also applies it on Fear and Taunt (Fear Me/Imminent Threat), these skills are basically terrible and could use the synergy.


I'm sure there are other ways that people could think of.

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