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I"m so sick and tired of this cast

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> @"psyt.9415" said:

> Id rather the Commander gets disbarred some how and everyone becomes your enemy and you have to make new friends with outlaws our something. Do a total 180 it would be interesting to be the anti-hero for a spell.


I'd honestly love that.

I am always in favor of some really big twists and I liked how SWTOR handled that with the Eternal Empire. Really amazing story there.

You lose everything and things turn out being SUPER hard suddenly.

I do hope that with Cantha we get to experience some hardships like that, it definitely gives story depth and sense.

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I don't want for them to die or anything, but I wish we weren't the commander anymore. I just want to be someone who does their best to help those in need and kill some baddies, but not to be expected to solve everything because I'm the highest rank official like in the whole of tyria.

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The problem is not the characters (which some may be more cliche or annoying) the problem is the poor writing that the writers of Anet have.


Let's remove braham and taimi and we would have other characters doing something similar but even worse (since they would be new and there would be less background)



> @"Bassdeff.1895" said:

> Why so much hate for Tiami?


I think is because writers use her as a deux ex machina

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> @"psyt.9415" said:

> Id rather the Commander gets disbarred some how and everyone becomes your enemy and you have to make new friends with outlaws our something. Do a total 180 it would be interesting to be the anti-hero for a spell.


That would be awesome i'm all for this

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I like this cast, but they seem a bit, plain. With some exceptions.

We need more development. I want to see them in trouble, to overcome their issues, that creates empathy for them. I wanna se them happy, scared, sad, angry. Let us know them more.

Sole of them have had some of it, and I like it, but could be done more.

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> @"Chaarliee.2307" said:

> The one I hate the most is the commander, yes I hate my character. Like the background story is "ok" (at best), and idk, doesn't have attitude


We are perfect. We do no wrong. No matter what we do, no matter how many intelligent creatures we murder, everything comes out smelling roses and tomorrow is always a better day because of it.


We are Mary Sue's. And it sucks. And it's not just GW2 that's like that.


I loved it when Joko ripped into me for being stupid and bringing the world closer to it's destruction. I respected Braham for telling me to go to hell even though he sounded like a whiney brat doing it.


this game needs more of that.

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> @"bobsort.4097" said:

> I would go "Game of Thrones" mode all the way and kill them by a random non-famous character in game then make those, famous and then kill them too. What is the use if at least 10 of the cast doesn't die at the end of each episode


I would probably lose interest in GW2 like I did with Game of Thrones if they did that... :o By the end of season 3 of Game of Thrones I stopped watching cos there was no point. I could see that it was just a plot mess where the "bad guys" were conveniently kept around long enough to get the "good guys". Note I say "long enough". It was pretty much evident that the plot was just a "everyone's gonna dieeeeeee!" So...yeah.... Once you figure it out, you just need the final episode to see the lone soul who won at the end... I heard the last episode isn't worth watching though...


On topic though, I always liked Trahearne. Calm and inclined to introversion and introspecting. No drama. People used to complain about him always dying and needing to be ressed on personal stories? I don't recall ever having him die (well....except that one time....where it's actually part of the story...)... Although, I was always running ahead to get to the combat before the npcs. I love my toon... <3

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> @"EmmetOtter.8542" said:

> I loved it when Joko ripped into me for being stupid and bringing the world closer to it's destruction. I respected Braham for telling me to go to hell even though he sounded like a whiney brat doing it.


I 100% agree. While they have occasionally shown us the inner doubts of the Commander has it always passes quickly and never causes a problem. And it's a shame that Bangar is being increasingly portrayed as another big old racist ...To use the rpg term. He's more correctly a speciesist... and not someone who is genuinely scared shitless of the Commander & Company like any sane person would be. It could add a lot more depth to the story than, "Baddie shows up and the Commander has to put them down."


But "People killing each other over conflicting worldviews," is a bit too human...



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unbelievable that nobody yet mentioned the truly best character in this story .... JOKO


i do like taimi and canach, rox has never been fleshed out enough to be called a character, just a returning name really. braham, taimi, canach and rytlock are the big names


what i don't like is if their gameplay differs hard from their story. that thackery guy we lost to jennah was the perfect example, we were told he is some truly strong hero but in every fight his job was warming the ground with his dead body. rytlock took at least a little beating and dished out some dmg but the most useful fighter was someone storywise uncalled for - canach.


trahearne could've made a good character if only his talking speed was doubled. you can go make dinner, eat it, enjoy some ice, come back to the pc and hear him still talking the same sentence. not to mention his speech bubbles were cut off 90% of the time, glad that guy is gone.


also caithe lost a lot of my liking when she came and apologied for her big misplay with that dragon's egg that exactly did no harm at all. why should she come crawling, i still don't get it.

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