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Question about Revenant

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Hi there.

I want to make twink, but don't have many slots.

I think I like Revenant skills (watched youtube guides). This char will be for solo/group PvE events/leveling/exploring.

But I can't decide what is better Revenant or Necromancer or Guardian for that xD


Also I wanted your help to understand Revenant mechanic. I tested it in PvP lobby ([https://youtube.com/watch?v=0awutps-Qjw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0awutps-Qjw "https://youtube.com/watch?v=0awutps-Qjw"))


Please help me to understand some things. When I used n Kalla Soulcleave's Summit ult it seems it's eating energy very fast and other skill are inactive. how to used it right (when and how to deal with energy)

Do I need to spam by cd utilities? When do I need to swap stances? I need some tips and tricks :D


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Personally I really like the Revenant and the Necromancer for pve. They are both strong, durable classes who can hold their own in most situations. I'll play one till I get bored with it then switch to the other. The MetaBattle Wiki (https://metabattle.com/wiki/MetaBattle_Wiki) gives some excellent builds for all professions and game modes, including tips on how to play the various builds. Right now I'm experimenting with their Power Bombardment Renegade build for my revenant and am liking it a lot. You might browse their suggested builds and game play ideas to see what strikes your fancy.

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Revenants I personally find to be far more fragile than necromancers. Sure revenants can be survivable, but you need to be a lot more up on your game compared to a Reaper in sheer ease of play. Its like day and night between the two. Plus reapers have massive cleaving which only jalis vengeful hammers comes close to for a limited time.

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> @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> Revenants I personally find to be far more fragile than necromancers. Sure revenants can be survivable, but you need to be a lot more up on your game compared to a Reaper in sheer ease of play. Its like day and night between the two. Plus reapers have massive cleaving which only jalis vengeful hammers comes close to for a limited time.


After last changes, I think revenants aren't that fragile as you said. Life Siphon has been greatly increased (if traited, of course), so it makes revenant very good in large fights — especially with active Vengeful Hammers.


Soulcleave Summit is an **elite healing skill**, it does not cost energy like other skills, but just decreases your energy regeneration (from +5 to -1, so it's slowly going down). You can find the same mechanic in Herald's elite spec.

Don't spam your skills on CD. Use them if you need to deal more damage, break out of stun, daze enemies.


When to swap legends?

1. At low energy, because swapping refills energy to 50%, or to 75% if traited and you're below 10%.

2. When you need skills from other legends.

3. To break out of stun.


Check this build:



Focused on:

* Self healing from siphon life (Assassin's Annihilation)

* Granting might to yourself and allies from Heroic Command (traited by Lasting Legacy) + increasing power from might (Notoriety)

* Reaching crit cap (up to 100%), because fury grants you 40% instead of 20% (Roiling Mists)

* Utility (Jalis Legend)

* Melee (2x sword) and mid-ranged (Shortbow is good for power).



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- First of all please keep in mind that necro will remains at the top spot in term of exploring, soloing due to durable, high health, high cleaves and minions will be there to watch you.

- Enough of necro then lets talk about Rev, to play this class right requires you to focus on both energy and cooldown which can be annoying and challenging (i love it at the least).

- Energy system : you have 5 arrows, each arrow indicates how many percentage units are gained or lost per second, when it reach 0% swap legend will instantly gives you back up to 50% energy, while in combat energy can goes up to 100% if not using skills. Now there is a mechanic to this called Upkeep, certain skills have this while they are being activated for example : Vengenful Hammers and Soulcleave's Summit they will drain your energy bar depend on how much Upkeep the skill has, if all arrow are on the right side which mean there is no Upkeep skill being used but once you pop let say in your case Soulcleave's Summit is a very high Upkeep skill (8 upkeep) causing all arrow move to the left and will dry up energy bar in just few seconds. For better understanding, 1 Upkeep = 1% Energy Regeneration Rate which mean by basis you have 5% energy regen rate while in combat with no upkeep (all arrow on the right side), losing 1 arrow will get you down to 4% regen rate and so on until you hit 0 arrow, this mean regen rate is at 0% and your energy bar will stop regenerates but will still lose percentage if using skills. If all arrow on the left side this mean you are now having -5% Energy Regeneration Rate causing you to lose 5% energy per sec, this happens while upkeep skills are in use.

- As a rev, don't use your elite skill unless there is no other way, Soulcleave's Summit is a very good emergency HP regen skill but only use it when you need healing and have plenty of energy to spare. That to say rev is a very few class can hit 100% crit chance with ease so you can mix in some defensive stat like toughness or vitality in place of precision, also Rev CC capability is very strong as well thanks to renegade Darkrazor this one itself is a stunbreak and an AoE CC for 6s with only 12s cooldown. I strongly suggest you watch this [

"https://youtube.com/watch?v=0awutps-Qjw&t=295s") its very powerful build for soloing, if you need more survivability just switch Assassin to Dwarf and Destruction 2 2 3 instead of 2 2 1 mainly because Vengenful Hammers heal you quite a lot while dealing decent damages. Shortbow itself is more into condition but with this power build it hits like a truck from ranged.

- Tip to play rev is don't just camp one stance, switching constantly to get energy back, stay away from elite skills unless you have to use them for some reason, it's ok to spam "weapon skill" but for stance skill you gonna need a plan on what to use. For example while i'm soloing mostly i'll just use Darkrazor, Icerazor then switch to Shiro and camp Impossible odds or Jalis Vengenful Hammers and spamming sword skills or just auto.

- I and others will add up if you have anymore questions, everyone hates reading wall of text :) .


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Necro, rev, and guard are all very good at soloing open world content. Rev has a somewhat more difficult playstyle as you need to swap legends to maintain energy efficiency as well as manage cooldowns. I wouldnt use the renegade elite skill too often because as you said it consumes energy very quickly. Instead you should focus more on using weapon and utility skills. Dont spam any skills or you will run out of energy, you should practice using the right skill for the situation, or practice specific dps/burst rotations for bosses. If you are maintaining energy properly, you should have around 0 energy just before you swap legends. Also if you are playing a power build, try herald as well.

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> @"Eros.6801" said:

> - I and others will add up if you have anymore questions, everyone hates reading wall of text :) .


That was very nice, thanks. Now I understand better. I'm a bit scary to try it but I will :)

That video is good, but he didn't show gear stats, I see in comments full zerk, what do you think about stats combination? I will play mostly solo/group events and exploring.

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> @"ruikarikun.9402" said:

> > @"Eros.6801" said:

> > - I and others will add up if you have anymore questions, everyone hates reading wall of text :) .

> >

> That was very nice, thanks. Now I understand better. I'm a bit scary to try it but I will :)

> That video is good, but he didn't show gear stats, I see in comments full zerk, what do you think about stats combination? I will play mostly solo/group events and exploring.


WoodenPotatoes had made a whole video dedicated to open world solo gear set up, you should watch it and yes he probably use full zerker with sigil of bloodlust + strength, rune of privateer. Me personally i favor marauder which are power/pre/vital/fero, ofc i deal less dps than zerker but extra health is what i like more but that just me tho.

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I run a Herald on one account and a Renegade on the other. Herald is running berserker armor and weapons with marauder trinkets. Renegade is running marauder armor, diviner's swords/berserker shortbow, and soldier's trinkets (still running the ones from the level 80 booster). Eventually I plan on swapping the trinkets for either diviner's, marauders, berserkers, or assassins trinkets - likely some mix there of.


Nike put out a good power/alacrity video for Renegade a while back. He focuses on meta-event type content for his builds, but, if you watch and learn, you can see where you can adjust it for solo content and get insight into making your own build that works for you. I applied some of the lessons I learned from him to my power Herald and improved it quite a bit, IMO. He also explains the rotation quite well.


Nike's alacrigade Renegade video: [https://youtu.be/CRNYRXrplwM](https://youtu.be/CRNYRXrplwM "https://youtu.be/CRNYRXrplwM")

Looks like he also put out a power Herald build: [https://youtu.be/yRobMMfPXlE](https://youtu.be/yRobMMfPXlE "https://youtu.be/yRobMMfPXlE")

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I should add - Necro - core, reaper, or scourge - are all outstanding open world. I have a power reaper and a condi scourge that just seem to melt through everything. Honestly, right now Chrono and Scrapper are my least favorite to play. I have another engi that is a holo and I'm having more fun with it than I ever have on scrapper. And the alacrity and shatter changes to chrono have left me seriously considering going back to core mesmer - I tried mirage and just can't get into it.

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