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3 things you would like implemented or changed


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Balance, QoL, Micro-transactions, post anything. Try to keep it short and sweet, maybe the devs will read these and get ideas on how to further improve the game. Bold one of the three choices as the one you care about the most.


**My Top 3:**

> -Rework or buff weapons that are outdated, rarely used, or just overall do not have great skills. (Guardian Staff, Ele Main HandDagger, etc)

> -**Visible Health bars so that support roles can have a better time supporting team mates**

> -Look into releasing NPC armors from PoF and Tyria areas.


My choice for visible health bars is most important to me because I enjoy being a support where a support is needed. Even times where it isn't necessary, it makes things a lot easier and smoother. I do find healing to be annoying sometimes because I can't find my team mates fast enough when they really need to be supported. It blends in with the background and with so much going on sometimes, the minimalist style for health bars we have now is not great for us to keep track of everyone. What's even worse is in five man groups, health bars are disabled unless you have the person targeted. Here is a good idea for how health bars should be implemented using the Sous Chef mastery challenge as an example:


![](https://i.imgur.com/y8QRbTZ.jpg "")

Related post: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/5421/visible-health-bars-for-support-roles-suggestion

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*Edited for easier overview.


In my case, my top 3 is made of peanuts: Tiny things, however bothering me every time I am playing:


1. That leaves of trees and bushes turn transparent to prevent obstructing the view (like in original GW).

2. That the time during which we remain "in combat" is tuned properly.

3. That pets can be properly turned off. As is now, they are back upon every single map travel and jump causing damages upon landing (Exception: When we enter into combat, it is normal that the pet spawns back).


Otherwise, there would be a long list, with much bigger things than those, but those 3 are continuously there...

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1. If a mob has a unique name or model, give it a unique drop. I'm tired of killing special looking stuff and finding out I wasn't unlucky, it's just literally pointless to kill because it drops the same drops I can get doing the same "train" fights over and over.


3. Change all the blues and greens in the game in to unidentified. You've spoiled me with easy bag management and not dealing with sigils, and now it feels unnecessarily inconvenient to have to wade through a sea of blues and greens doing other content. Just change the blues and green to use the unidentified system please. Its a pretty much perfect mix between "Salvage tier" drops and good bag management since you removed the identification fee after preview weekend. Rares are fine. Usually don't loot them so frequently the clog up bags.

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1) Avoid skirts/butt capes for female light armor until there are as many pants alone options as there are currently skirts, etc. until pants catch up; likewise waist-length coats versus long coats on medium.


Darn restriction to three things; adding two more as honorable mentions.


2) Fix for DC's during NPC dialogue in story instances

3) **Please, please, please, an FX slider for effects; I watched a friend helping someone with claiming a guild hall last night and had to turn away or get a headache. The effects around the Legendary with only eight players were a massive strobing eyesore. I feel bad for anyone who has migraines or seizures. If I can't stand the effects as is, what's happening for them?**


4) Build templates

5) On the crafting menu, if I choose an end-product, update the UI to show links to recipes for the components.

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I'd like one of those bars appearing overhead of a targeted character, for showing the activation of a skill, or channeling of a skill.

Then I could get an idea of if I'm actually interrupting something underneath all those particle effects going on.


edit: Oh wait, that's only one thing! I cannot think of another two right now. I'm sick today. :frown:

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Housing actual housing not instance.

Dueling in any area.

And trading to any player.


There's more but I would love to have those added first. Others I would love to have are better water mechanics.


What I mean is have each class have their own new traits once they hit water. And added skill for each class, since each class some type of skill that can't be used.


Another would be mount skins. Mount skins that look like armor and able to color each part of the mount rather then make it one whole color.

With mounts another feature would be to have is, while riding for our character to attack. Each time were on a mount we have exclusive skills for attacking while riding. Also it would be nice if on the mount, the mount give certain increase in stats for different character while riding.


Also it's ether a good idea or bad is. Each class will have exclusive mounts for the class to give higher stats or boons while riding. And then hopefully if arenanet implements that, that they add to each part of the game for it. More pve bosses to use them. Use them in wvw. Use in raids. Maybe fractals too. But that would be awesome.

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1. Pants for light armor, seriously can you just release a gem store skin that is PANTS? I'd be so happy

2. More medium armor tops that aren't coats and stop at the waist. There are so many cool looking pants for medium armor that you never get to see because of butt capes and trench coats. Was really upset with the armor skins in PoF, they're all just more of the same.

3. A key ring, every new living story/map/expansion just makes more and more clutter in my inventory

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1. Less wings and other ridiclous over-the-top and quite frankly immersion-breaking cosmetics. As a returning player from launch, it is facepalm-worthy to see all this crazy stuff.

2. Allowing us to hide the Chestpiece of our armour.

3. More cultural armour. Maybe even legendary racial armour sets. Cultural armour will always look better than the rest because the devs can afford to specifically tailor them to the intended race. Especially evident with Charr and Asura, but also somewhat with Norns.

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* **Rework Mesmer Illusions, making phantasms into short duration high damage illusions that can't be shattered, and clones into long duration low damage illusions with moderate health that fully mimic the memser's actions and can still be shattered.**

* Convert Engineer Kits into a part of Engineer's class mechanic using the weapon swap key as the kit slot key.

* Completely overhaul Elementalist specs, make them more in line with the structure of other class specs.


The engineer class as a whole is limited by the strength of their kits. They need to be reworked as a part of the class mechanic, the overall power of individual kits brought down to match the weapon strength of most classes, as a result the strength of all other skills and weapons for the engineer can be brought up. They should be turned into a class mechanic and limited to only slotting 1 kit. The reason for this is due to the fact that Engineers are not permitted weapon swap BECAUSE of their kits. For the Elementalist, their Attunements are the reason for their no weapon swap, a class mechanic. But Engineer's are not permitted weapon swap because of a utility skill type that they have to choose to slot.


Similar to Engineer's issue with Kits, the Mesmer class is held back a lot by their Illusions. The class mechanic is very confused as well. They have 2 types of Illusions, each with contradictory behaviors, both of which are under the same 3 illusion restriction, and both of which can be shattered. It's counter productive to shatter Phantasms, as they are the primary source of damage for Mesmers, however, they can't just remove the ability to shatter them or make them not count towards the 3 illusion cap without some sort of tradeoff. Turning Phantasms into short duration summons creates such a tradeoff allowing them to be separated from the 3 illusion limit and remove the ability to shatter them. They should remain high damage, however they should be the low health illusion, easily destroyed. Clones on the other hand, don't contribute much to damage and are meant to provide defensive cover for the mesmer by fooling their target. By giving Clones the high health, and making their actions visually mimic the mesmer's they properly fill their role. By making it so that only Clones can be shattered you create an interesting dynamic to the class mechanic as well. Shattering clones trades defense for offensive potential, or in the case of Distortion a burst of even greater defense.


Elementalist specs are quite honestly a bit too single focused. While all other classes have a combination of Offensive, Defensive, Support, and Utilitary traits mixed throughout their specs, the Elementalist does not. Only the Arcane spec for Elementalists has the versatility that other classes get from all of their spec choices. The Water spec is exclusively support focused providing nothing but self healing and group healing traits. The Earth spec is the only source of defensive traits for an elementalist. Air and Fire specs are exclusively damage focused, with Air being primarily Power and Fire being primarily Condition. Every other class gets a mixture of traits in every spec, allowing them to pick the specs that best suit their skill choices and always have a full choice of traits to provide bonuses where they need them. The current design leaves most elementalist players feeling forced to take the Water spec because it is the only reliable source of survival for both PvE and PvP. Outside of harcore raiders who build glass cannon's the water spec is virtually a requirement for elementalists. Coincidentally, the only spec that actually does offer the variety of trait choices shared by all other classes, Arcane, is largely considered the worst spec choice for an elementalist. The individual traits just don't compare to similar traits found in other specs.

Additionally, the fact that elementalists have no weapon swap due to their attunements, and swapping between attunements is a big part of playing an elementalist. This fact further puts a lot of confusion on the design of elementalist specs. Each individual spec is heavily focused towards a singular attunement, but you can at most have 3 specs taken. If you're running an elite spec you're down to 2 of those overly focused spec choices. And if you choose Arcane, you've dropped yourself down to just 1. What does this add up to you might ask? Simple, it adds up to having an upwards of 3 near useless attunements. Without Fire spec, the damage from your Fire attunement is only half of what it could be, same goes for Air without Air Attunement. Water Attunement is almost useless without Water spec bolstering its healing power. And Earth Attunement offers much greater survivability when paired with Earth Attunement. On the flip side, you've also got specs that are providing you no real benefit when you are not using the associated attunement. Even other classes with heavily mechanic focused specs provide constant benefits from all spec choices. So are Elementalist spec's so restrictive and why do they lose benefit of large portions of their specs when in the "wrong attunement". Why is "wrong attunement" even a thing?


You might think I care about the elementalist one the most due to the size of my argument... but in truth I care more about the mesmer illusion change... I've been very vocal on this subject since closed beta. I've given my arguments on it so many times that I'm far more concise with my points on it now.

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Friendly health bars visible. I agree that this is one of the most sorely needed QoL improvements (assuming that each player can customize what shows bars, if any -- party/squad/guild/players/NPCs/everything, a toggle for each one).


Unlocked skin items convertible to transmutation charges. I'd get so much bank space back.


Ability to show armor helmet with outfit. My Fancy Winter Outfit needs Aviator Shades with it. Badly. (It strikes me that one impediment to this is the dye system; this could be why this improvement has not happened to date. I welcome suggestions to help ANet figure out how to override outfit dyes to let the helmet keep its appearance separately from the outfit colors, or else have the helmet take on the outfit channels while the outfit is toggled on).


(Also on my list: key ring, tonic wardrobe, consumables usable from main UI, town clothes tonics reworked into outfits or armor pieces. I'd add templates but I'm not a frequent build swapper).

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1)Being able to use a waypoint that is unavailable because some event is busy nearby; to protect newbies make it so that only level 80's can do this.

2) Henchmen/Heroes for Instanced content

3) Backplacing some of the cool new movement features in older zones: I would love to see a few Oakheart Essences in a Core Tyria map for instance, or a jumping shroom. Not lots, just a few here and there in places that would not break anything. Feels fun to use them, feels good to see and be able to use stuff that you got the Mastery for.


Buildswapping. Sorry, this one is too important to leave out.

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*A samurai type of armor. I don´t care if Samurai were also greedy guys like medieval knights or if they loved to shoot their guns once they aquired them or whatever. I want a samurai with a katana/wakizashi combo. The witch outfit from halloween is a good start for a ronin type of character, but it can only be called a good choice if the toon is female.

*My samurai should be a Tengu. If I understand their behaviour right, they would be suited for the code of Bushi. Human would do too, but birdpeople would be cool.

*Remove the raid map and fully turn it into instanced content. A part of the map that is useless for the casual gamer is not a good design.

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> @adderbrew.5491 said:

> 3)Give me a toggle for voiceover from Signet of Inspiration so I don't have to hear "I can outrun a Centaur!" another million times.


Tell me about it... so tired of hearing "Accelerating!" and "There's the power!" every few seconds... it wouldn't be nearly as annoying if they had multiple calls for every buff, since it'd remove the repetitiveness... but it'd still get annoying...

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